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Deeper Devotions

Bible Study Methods for Effective Quiet Times

by Jenni Mullinix
Author/Editor at
@JenniMullinix | | #deeperdevotions
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2014 by Jenni Mullinix. All rights reserved.

No part of this document or the related links may be reproduced or
redistributed in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, or
otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author.
All Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, New International Version
unless otherwise noted.
Front cover photo from iStockphoto.
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Table of Contents
Why I Wrote this Book 5
How to Use this Book 7
Common Quiet Time Misconceptions 8
The Inductive Bible Study Method 10
The S.O.A.P Bible Study Method 13
The 5 P's of Bible Study Method 15
The Biographical Bible Study Method 17
The Book of the Bible Study Method 20
The Topical Bible Study Method 22
How to Decide What to Study 24
Printables 25
Recommended Resources 29
Special Thanks 30
About the Author 31
Disclaimer 32
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Why I Wrote this Book

Last year I wrote a blog post about the Bible being the most hated book
in the world. The sad truth is, most of us take the freedom we have to read
the Word for granted. We fail to see the blessing of owning a Bible and allow
it to sit on our nightstand collecting dust. Or only read it on Sundays.
We dont intend to neglect this precious Gift, but we often do. We allow
ourselves to make excuses. We are too busy. We are too tired. We dont know
how to have an effective quiet time. Some days it can just feel like a hassle.
Another thing on our to-do list.
I think we sometimes forget that the sixty-six books of the Old and New
Testament are the actual words of God. The only words of God.
All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16
The Greek word used in this verse is Theopneustos, which literally
means God-breathed. Those words on the pages of that Book you are
reading is God speaking to you. What a wonderfully, incomprehensible truth!
If your soul is feeling parched. Your mind, frazzled. Your body, weary.
You need to to be satisfied with the Living Water. You dont need to read
another devotional. You dont need a Christian self-help book. You need the
Word of God. You need to spend time with El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One.
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Several years ago, I read a quote by Kay Arthur (I wish I could find it!) in
which she made a very poignant statement. She said that whenever we
prefer reading other books over studying the Bible, we are saying that we
prefer mans words over Gods Words. As an avid reader, this really hit home
with me. Using devotionals or reading other Christian living books to aid our
spiritual growth is not wrong; however our first objective should be to seek
the instruction of the Lord through His Wordthe Bible.
We need to continually determine in our hearts to give Gods Word
priority over mans words. I want to be able to say with the Psalmist,
I have not turned aside from Your ordinances. For You Yourself
have taught me. Psalm 119:102
If you struggle with finding an effective way to organize your quiet time
or just need some fresh ideas to renew your passion for Gods Word, I wrote
this book for you. By reading Deeper Devotions you will learn several diverse
methods of studying the Bible and find tips for gaining a deeper
understanding of what you are reading and how to apply it to your life.
I hope this book will help you on your journey of learning how to
effectively spend quality time with God and apply what you learn to your life.
May you be blessed in your devotions!

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How to Use this Book

This book contains seven popular methods that encourage in-depth
study of the Bible. There is no need to read through it from beginning to end,
unless you want to, as I will cover a different method of study in each chapter.
I will introduce each one with my personal views on the particular
method and how I have used it in the past. Each overview of the study will
include an explanation of its purpose, suggested resources and tools needed,
and step-by-step instructions.
At the end of the book, you will find helpful reminder bookmarks that
you can print off and keep with your Bible, printables to create a Bible study
journal, as well as a list of recommended books, websites and other
resources that may aid you in your journey toward deeper devotions.
Let's get started!

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Common Quiet Time Misconceptions

Before we start looking at the Bible study methods, I want to cover
three misconceptions that many Christian women have about quiet times. It
is my belief that these preconceived notions often hinder us from spending
regular time with our Lord. (You can view the video I recorded on this subject
1. Quiet times must be in the morning.
While I personally prefer to have devotions in the morning, sometimes it just
isn't possible. As women, especially as mothers, there are seasons of life
where we are not able to get up before our family and that's okay! God is
happy to meet with you wherever and whenever you are able. Before or after
a meal can often a great time to read and meditate on a section of Scripture.
Or you can utilize nap time if you are a stay-at-home mom. Some women find
reading the Bible before they go to bed to be the best option. Find what
works for you and be consistent.
2. Quiet times must last a certain amount of time.
This is one I personally struggle with. My legalistic tendency leads me to
believe that I must spend at least 30 minutes reading the Bible and praying or
I can't check quiet time off as done in my daily routine. While it is
wonderful to be able to spend an extended amount of time studying the
Bible as often as we can, we must not allow a lack of time and quiet in our
home to be an excuse to avoid reading the Word. Even if you only have 5-10
minutes to read a few verses to think over throughout the day, use that time
to do so. And remember that personal devotions are primarily for nurturing
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your relationship with the Lord, not something to check off a to-do list every
3. Quiet times must follow a specific routine.
If you've read my homemaking book, you know that I am a big promoter of
routines. They are wonderful aids for productivity and forming good habits.
However, if you allow them to, they can become confining. Don't feel like you
must perform the same tasks in the same order every time you have a quiet
time. Often switching things up a bit can be advantageous, especially if you
feel like you are getting into a bit of a Bible study rut and are struggling with
your desire to have a quiet time.
As you can see, there is no right way to have a quiet time as far as
methods are concerned. The truly correct way to have a successful quiet time
is to have a humble heart ready to receive what God would have your learn
through His Word and the Holy Spirit and to cultivate the desire to know the
Lord better with each passing day. That is what makes your devotions deeper!

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The Inductive Bible Study Method

I will be honest; this study method is my personal favorite. I have found
it to be a great tool to help me gain a deeper understanding of what Im
reading in the Scriptures. (And I think the student part of me enjoys all the
marking and notes!) If it seems a bit overwhelming to you at first, remember
that you dont have to do a large chunk of Scripture all at once. Break up
chapters by sections and work on each section at a time. You may even want
to work on one step each day until you get through them all and then move
on. Remember, there is no hurry! Take your time and enjoy your time with
the Lord, allowing Him to speak to you through His Word.

The Purpose
According to Precept Ministries, the fundamental principle of the Inductive
Bible Study Method is to study the text of Scripture first and refer to the
work of others second. In this approach, individual time spent observing
Scripture to know what the Bible says and using sound principles of
interpretation to understand what it means should culminate in personal

The Tools

Bible (one with cross-reference notes is best)

Notebook / Pen
Colored Pencils
Concordance, optional
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The Method
1. Observation
What does the text say? (I like to think of big owl eyes while Im reading).
Begin with prayer. Ask yourself the 4 Ws and an H questions: Who? (Again,
the owl eyes!) What? When? Where? Why? How? Often using colored
pencils to mark or color-code these in the text as you read helps with
observation. Make a list of your observations in your notebook or journal.
Note expressions of time, geographical locations, etc. and identify any
themes you recognize..
2. Interpretation
What does the text mean? (Think of a big question mark!)
One of the most important things to remember when interpreting the Bible is
context. You cannot take a verse out of the context of the verses/chapter that
it was written and decide for yourself what it means. If you are reading a
small passage, be sure to read a good amount of verses before and after it to
fully understand the immediate context. Also, remember that Gods Word
never contradicts itself, so cross-referencing (looking up what the Bible says
about the subject in other parts of Scripture) is extremely important. This is
where cross-reference notes or a concordance comes in handy.
3. Application
How does God want me to live in light of the truth of His Word? (Envision a Uturn because application always requires us to change direction).
Now that you have a better understanding of what the text says and what it
means, you can now discern how to apply what God has revealed to you in
Scripture to your personal life. What area of thinking or doing needs a change
of direction? Ultimately, the result of studying Gods Word should be
transformation, a change in nature or character.
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The S.O.A.P. Bible Study Method

This Bible study method is fairly new to me as I just learned about it in
the last couple years. I have found that the S.O.A.P. Bible study Method is
quite popular among many groups of women, especially those that
participate in the Bible studies on the Good Morning Girls blog. While this
method may not be quite as in-depth as some of the other methods we will
look at, I have found it to be a great one to use for short morning devotions. I
personally would not want to use it exclusively since it doesnt crossreference texts, but I believe it is a practical tool for learning how to quickly
read and apply Scripture in practical ways.

The Purpose
The S.O.A.P. Bible Study Method is useful for gleaning a basic understanding
of the text you are reading and finding immediate practical application.
Because of its simplicity, it is a great method to use for quiet times, especially
if you are a bit short on time.

The Tools


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The Method
Write the verses you read (or the verses that stick out to you if reading a
larger passage) word for word in your notebook. You can also write out an
additional paraphrase in your own words for greater contemplation.
As you read through the verses again, pen any information and truths that
you find in the text. You can do bullet points or a paragraph. Asking questions
(such as Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?) can help you gain deeper
insight and help you avoid skimming over verses.
Once you have identified the important lessons you have learned from the
passage you read, you can discern how to apply what God has revealed to
you in your personal life. Write out practical steps you can take to do this.
Write out a prayer based on what you just learned, reiterating what you
observed and asking the Lord to help you apply the truths to your life. Of
course, if you dont want to write your prayer out, you dont have to.
However, it can often be quite helpful in staying focused and avoid

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The 5 P's of Bible Study Method

This is another one of my favorite methods. I learned about the 5 P's
from Intentional By Grace when Nikki and Leigh Ann shared about it after
learning of it at a woman's conference. You can view the video series they did
here. I have found this method to be a simple, yet effective, way to do daily
quiet times.

The Purpose
The 5 Ps Bible Study Method is designed to help you gain insight into the
Scripture passage you are reading and find ways to practically apply it to your

The Tools


The Method
Position Yourself to Hear from God
Before you begin your quiet time, it is important to prepare your heart to
listen to what God will teach you through His Word. Find a quiet place with
little distractions and try to go there for devotions every day. Having a
physical point of reference can be helpful in mentally positioning yourself to
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meet with God.

Pour Over the Passage and Paraphrase
Read the Scripture and write down a paraphrase of the passage in your
notebook. Do not add to the Word with your own thoughts, ideas or
commentary. This is merely writing it out in your own words for a clearer
understanding of what you are reading.
Pull Out the Spiritual Truths
Jot down Biblical principles that you find in the passage. You can use the
cross-reference in your Bible for a more in-depth study. It can also be helpful
to read the passage before and after the part you are studying to avoid taking
verses and teachings out of context.
Pose the Question
Once you have identified the important lessons you have learned from the
Scriptures you read, you can discern how to apply what God has revealed to
you in your personal life. What area of thinking or doing needs a change of
Plan Obedience
Decide on how can begin to apply the truths you have learned through your
time with the Lord. This may be one simple action or a planning a long-term
goal toward something. The key is to make it practical, which will then result
in true transformation.

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The Biographical Bible Study Method

I enjoy history, especially learning about people. A study that helps me
learn more about Bible characters is right up my alley and a welcomed
change from verse-by-verse study every once in a while. I hope you will find it
to be inspiring as well. Depending on the character you choose, this type of
study can last several days or more. You may even wish to spend several days
on one step. As you go through the study, remember that the (sometimes)
tedious work will be rewarded with the knowledge you will gain at the end.

The Purpose
The Biographical Bible Study Method allows to you focus on one character of
the Bible in order to gain a greater understanding of the person and the
lessons you can learn from his or her life. When choosing a character, keep in
mind that with major people of the Bible you may need to focus on a
particular time in their life or a specific event.

The Tools

Study Bible with cross-references

Notebook & Pen
Exhaustive Concordance (i.e. Strong's)

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The Method
1. List References
Using your cross-references and concordance, find all Bible verses about the
character you are studying. Be sure that they are all about the same person
since there are multiple people with the same name. Also, some characters
have more than one name, so consider that as you search for verses.
2. Note Basic Information
After you have all your references, read through them and note basic
information about the person as well as your first impressions and any
questions that arise from your reading.
3. Make Chronological Outline
Read through the verses again and create a chronological outline of their life
(or the period that you are studying). It doesnt have to be super detailed
with sub-categories; a simple list of events in chronological order will suffice.
4. Gain Insight
This is where you really get to delve in deep! Here is a short list of things to
consider to help get you started as you study the Bible character in-depth:
Reputation - What did God and others say about this person? What was
his/her personality, strengths and weaknesses?

Responses - How did he/she respond to success, failure, Gods call,

adversity, etc?

Relationships - Who were his/her friends, family, influences, etc? What

was his/her relationship with God like?

5. Identify Character Qualities

Make a list of all character qualities that you find during your multiple
readings. Be sure to note the references that correspond with each of the
qualities that you discover.
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6. Summarize Lessons
Look for Biblical truths and lessons that you have gained from studying the
characters life and qualities. Write a short summary (just a paragraph or so)
of what you have learned.
7. Apply to Life
Once you have identified the important lessons you have learned from the
character, you can discern how to apply what God has revealed to you in
Scripture to your personal life. What areas do you need to work on in order
for there to be a change in nature or character that line up with Gods Word?

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The Book of the Bible Study Method

This is the method to use for studying an entire book of the Bible in
depth. I especially like to use this method with the smaller epistles in the New
Testament to discover all the historical background behind the letters. Even if
you arent much of a history buff, I believe you will benefit by using this
method once in a while. Obviously, you will not be able to do all of these
steps in one sitting. This is an in-depth study which will last several days or
more, depending on how long the book is. You may even spend several days
on one step if you are short on time most days. Thats okay! As with the other
study methods, remember that all your hard work will be rewarded with a
better understanding of the Word of God.

The Purpose
Studying an entire book of the Bible is helpful in that it allows you to get the
big picture of what the writer is saying. I believe this is especially important
in the many letters of Paul in the New Testament. Also, you will be reading
everything in context, which is necessary for interpreting the Word of God
correctly and often allows difficult passages to work themselves out.

The Tools

Notebook & Pen
Background / Historical notes on the book you are studying
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The Method
1. Read It
If possible, read the entire book in one sitting. I suggest trying to ignore
chapter and verse divisions in order to get the full picture and to view it as it
was written. Read it several times through, looking for repeated words,
themes, and verses that give the book a clear purpose.
2. Note It
Using your observations from your several readings, journal your findings.
Also, note things such as literary type of the book, writing style, tone, key
verses, major people, events, etc.
3. Study It
Do a background study with notes and commentaries of Bible scholars. Find
out who the author is and what is known about him, when and where the
book was written, to whom is was written, and historical background.
Basically, you want to discover the situational context of the book and get a
clear understanding of why it was written.
4. Outline It
While you can use the guidelines in your study Bible or notes, it is often
helpful to make your own outline for the book. Decide a title for the book
(based on the major theme) and then look for major and secondary divisions
and title them as well. Once your outline is as detailed as you would like,
write a one paragraph summary of the entire book.
5. Apply It
Once you have a clear understanding of what the book is about and why it
was written, you can discern how to apply what God has revealed to you in
Scripture to your personal life.

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The Topical Bible Study Method

Every time I begin to write an intro for one of the Bible study methods I
am always tempted to say This is my favorite one! The truth is they are all
wonderful for different reasons. I personally like to use this method for
discovering what God says about specific topics that I want to teach my
children or sometimes sins I'm struggling with. As always, remember that
while there may only be four steps to this study method, you may not be able
to do all of them in one sitting. Depending on the topic you choose, this type
of study can last several days or more. You may even wish to spend several
days on one step, especially the third one. Please dont be in a hurry! If you
start to feel bogged down, take a break and remember that the tedious work
will be soon be rewarded with godly wisdom at the end.

The Purpose
The Topical Bible Study Method is important because it helps bring balance to
your studying of the Word as you will see what the entire Bible teaches about
a specific topic. It is also nice in that you can study areas of interests and
necessary for delving into important issues, such as major doctrines.

The Tools

Bible (Naves Topical Bible is helpful)

Notebook & Pen
Bible Dictionary / Encyclopedia
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The Method
1. Choose
Begin by deciding on a topic. Once you have one, compile a list of related
words. Be sure to include both synonyms and antonyms. You can use a
thesaurus for this.
2. Collect
Using the concordance and any other resource you have available, gather as
many Bible verses you can on the topic. While youre at it, consider
researching the definition of the words in the original language. (Hebrew for
OT and Greek for NT verses)
3. Consider
Read and study each reference, making notes as you do. Be careful to read
each verse in context so that you get a full and correct understanding of what
it is saying. Ask the 5 Ws and H questions (Who? What? When? Where? Why?
How?) to aid you in critical thinking and contemplation of the text. As you
compare the texts, you can group them together and create an outline for a
clearer understanding of the text.
4. Conclude
Determine the Biblical truths you have gleaned from your study. Once you
have identified the important lessons you have learned from the topic, you
can discern how to apply what God has revealed to you in Scripture to your
personal life. What area of thinking or doing needs a change of direction?
Ultimately, the result of studying Gods Word should be transformation; a
change in nature or character.

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How to Decide What to Study

Even with the knowledge of these Bible study methods, it can
sometimes be difficult to determine what to study. Below are four tips that
can help you decide what to study during your times of devotions. You can
also view the video I recorded on this subject here.
1. Pray.
Its the obvious answer that we often fail to follow. Take time to seek the
Lords leading and He will direct you.
2. Determine what would help you with current spiritual struggles.
For example, if you tend to have a problem with yelling at your kids, you
could do a topical study on gentleness or pour over a passage like Proverbs
15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
3. Consider what you are studying other places.
What are you learning at church, in your small group Bible study, or reading in
a Christian book? Find a topic or passage that you would like to gain deeper
understanding of and begin there.
4. Make a decision and start studying!
Procrastination is not your friend in any area, but especially when it comes to
reading the Bible. Satan will do anything he can to keep you from deciding on
something to study. Choose something and spend time with the Lord,
allowing Him speak to you through His Word.

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Whatever you choose to study, you can be sure that it will be beneficial
and a blessingeven if it doesnt seems so at the time. Thats the amazing
thing about the Bible! Gods Word will not come back void, so any time spent
studying Scripture is not wasted.
As this book comes to a close, I want to encourage you again to
consistently remind yourself that studying the Bible should not be a chore or
something to check off your to-do list. We must be in the right mindset in
order to fully enjoy our time with the Lord and glean wisdom from His Word.
Entering into the presence of God through personal devotions is a privilege.
May we begin to see it as such each day as we gain a deeper understanding
of the Bible and cultivate our personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.

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Recommended Resources
Good Morning Girls
Hello Mornings
She Reads Truth

Blue Letter Bible
Christian Classics Ethereal Library

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Special Thanks
A big thank you to my husband who continually supports me in my writing
ministry through prayer, encouragement and practical help.
Thank you to my pastor for teaching many of these Bible study methods to
our congregation several years ago.
Finally, and most importantly, thanks be to God from whom all blessings flow.
This book would not have been written if it wasn't for His saving grace and
the Holy Bible. May our love for Him grow each day as we strive to bring Him
glory in all we do.

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About the Author

Jenni Mullinix is happily married to her husband and enjoys being a stay-athome mama. She is fascinated with all things domestic which inspired her to
write her first eBook, Clean Enough: Simple Solutions for the Overwhelmed
Homemaker. In her free time, she enjoys deep conversations, drinking lattes,
and diving into a good book.
As a writer, Jenni is passionate about inspiring women to live for the glory of
God in every season of life. She strives to encourage women to cultivate
cross-centered hearts and homes on her blog, Live Called, and would love to
connect with you. | | @JenniMullinix

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This eBook may include links to sponsors or affiliates, which will give me a
small percentage of their sale. You are not obligated to use these links
if/when you make a purchase, but when you do it helps support my ministry
and this eBook. You can be confident in knowing that I only recommend
products and services that I personally use and/or believe will be beneficial
for you. Thank you for your support!

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