SSPC Pa2 02

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June 1, 1996
Editorial Revisions September, 2002

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings


Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gauges

1. Scope
1.1 GENERAL: This standard describes the procedures to measure the thickness of a dry film of a nonmagnetic coating applied on a magnetic substrate using commercially available magnetic gauges. These procedures are
intended to supplement manufacturers instructions for the
manual operation of the gauges and are not intended to
replace them.

spring increases the force on the magnet and pulls

it from the surface. The Type 1A gauges are commonly called banana gauges.
Type 1B - A magnet is mounted directly or indirectly to a coil spring. The spring acts perpendicularly to the surface to pull off the magnet. The Type
1B gauges are commonly called pencil gauges.

2.2.3 Type 2 Constant Pressure Probe Gauges: A

constant pressure probe gauge uses a probe which exerts a
constant pressure on the coated surface during the entire
measuring operation. Electronic circuitry is used to convert
a reference signal into coating thickness (see Section 8.1).

1.2 The procedures for calibration and measurement

are described for two types of gauges: pull-off gauges (Type
1) and constant pressure probe gauges (Type 2).

2.3 USE OF STANDARD: This document contains the


1.3 The standard defines a procedure to determine if

the film thickness over an extended area conforms to the
minimum and the maximum levels specified.

Verification of calibration and measurement procedures

(Section 4).
Required number of measurements for conformance to
a thickness specification (Section 5).
Notes on gauge principles and various factors affecting
thickness measurement (Section 8).
A numerical example of thickness measurement over
an extended area (Appendix 1).
A numerical example of verification of the calibration of
Type 2 gauges using plastic shims (Appendix 2).

2. Description and Use

2.1.1 Gauge Reading: A single reading at one point.
2.1.2 Spot Measurement: The average of at least three
gauge readings made within a 1.5 inch (4 cm) diameter

3. Reference Standards


3.1 The documents and standards referenced in this

standard are listed in Section 3.4 and form a part of this

2.2.1 Gauge Types: The gauge type is determined by

the specific magnetic properties employed in measuring the
thickness and is not determined by the mode of data readout, i.e. digital or analog. This standard does not cover
gauges that measure the effect of eddy currents produced
in the substrate.

3.2 The latest issue, revision or amendment of the

referenced documents in effect on the date of invitation to
bid shall govern unless otherwise specified.

2.2.2 Type 1 Pull-Off Gauges: In pull-off gauges, a

permanent magnet is brought into direct contact with the
coated surface and a calibrated scale measures the force
necessary to pull the magnet from the surface. Less force is
required to remove the magnet from a thick coating. The
scale is nonlinear.

Type 1A - A magnet is attached to one end of a

pivoting balance arm. This assembly is connected
to a calibrated helical spring. By rotating a dial, the

3.3 If there is a conflict between the requirements of any

of the cited documents and this standard, the requirements
of this standard shall prevail.

June 1, 1996
Editorial Revisions September, 2002

4. Verification of Calibration and Measurement


4.2.2 Using the Type 1 (pull-off) gauge, measure the

thickness of a series of calibration standards covering the
expected range of coating thickness. To guard against
measuring with an inaccurate gauge, recheck the gauge at
the beginning and the end of each work shift with one or
more of the standards. If the gauge is dropped or suspected
of giving erroneous readings during the work shift, its calibration should immediately be rechecked. If the gauge is
found to be out of calibration at the end of the work shift, all
measurements made since the last calibration are suspect.
If deemed appropriate by the contracting parties, initial
agreement can be reached on the details and frequency of
verification of calibration. Record the calibration data and
the method used to verify the calibration.

4.1.1 ACCESS TO BARE SUBSTRATE: All gauges are
affected to some degree by substrate conditions such as
roughness, shape, thickness, and composition. To correct
for this effect, access to the uncoated substrate is recommended. Another option is to use separate uncoated reference panels with similar roughness, shape, thickness, and
composition (see Sections 8.3 to 8.9). These would be used
as the bare substrate in the procedures of Sections 4.2 and
4.3. Reference panels shall be of sufficient size to preclude
edge effects (see Section 8.7).
Measurements on the bare substrate can be taken
before the coating is applied or by masking off small representative areas during painting. If the coating has already
been applied to the entire surface, small areas of coating
may be removed and later patched. Do not allow the removal
process to alter the condition of the substrate. Paint strippers should be used in order to retain the profile.

4.2.3 When the gauge no longer agrees with the standard, check the probe for cleanliness. If dirty, clean as
described in Section 8.5.1. If the gauge still does not agree
with the standard, the gauge is in need of repair or replacement. Some gauges can be adjusted to read accurately in a
given range. Adjust the gauge to read correctly on a given
standard. Then check the gauge on standards of higher and
lower thicknesses to establish the range over which the
gauge is accurate. All Type 1 gauges have nonlinear scales
and any adjusting feature is linear in nature. Therefore, only
a given segment of the scale can be accurate after adjustment.

4.1.2 SPOT MEASUREMENT: Repeated gauge readings, even at points close together, may differ due to small
surface irregularities of the coating and the substrate. Therefore, a minimum of three (3) gauge readings shall be made
for each spot measurement of either the substrate or the
coating. For each new gauge reading, move the probe to a
new location within the 1.5 inch (4 cm) diameter circle
defining the spot. Discard any unusually high or low gauge
reading that cannot be repeated consistently. Take the
average of the acceptable gauge readings as the spot

4.2.4 Measure the bare substrate at a number of spots

to obtain a representative average value. This average
value is the base metal reading (BMR). Note the gauge is not
to be calibrated on the bare substrate.
4.2.5 Measure the dry coating at the number of spots
specified in Section 5.


4.2.6 Subtract the base metal reading from the gauge

reading to obtain the thickness of the coating.

4.2.1 For Type 1 gauges, use test blocks bearing

calibrated non-magnetic coatings that are traceable to a
suitable national standard (see Section 8.15). The standards must be large enough to exceed the critical mass of
steel needed to satisfy the magnetic field of the Type 1 (pulloff) magnets. Shims of plastic or of non-magnetic metals
which are acceptable for calibration of Type 2 (constant
pressure probe) gauges should not be used for calibration
of the Type 1 gauges (see Section 8.1.1). If the manufacturers
instructions are in conflict with this standard by allowing the
use of plastic or other non-magnetic shims for the calibration
of a Type 1 gauge, the contracting parties must both be
notified of this fact and agree on a method of calibration.
If proprietary thickness standards are to be used, agreement between contracting parties should be reached prior to
starting the job.


4.3.1 Different manufacturers of Type 2 (constant pressure probe) gauges follow different methods of calibration or
adjustment. Calibrate the gauge according to manufacturers
4.3.2 With a properly calibrated gauge, measure the dry
coating as specified (see Section 4.1.2).
4.3.3 Verify the calibration of the gauge at the beginning
and the end of each work shift with one or more of the
standards (see Appendix 2). If the gauge is dropped or

June 1, 1996
Editorial Revisions September, 2002
suspected of giving erroneous readings during the work
shift, its calibration should immediately be rechecked. If the
gauge is found to be out of calibration at the end of the work
shift, all measurements made since the last calibration are
suspect. If deemed appropriate by the contracting parties,
initial agreement can be reached on the details and frequency of verification or calibration. Record the calibration
data and the method used to verify the calibration.

5.2.2 MAXIMUM THICKNESS: The average of the spot

measurements for each 10 m2 (100 ft 2 ) area shall not be
more than the specified maximum thickness. No single spot
measurement in any 10 m2 (100 ft2 ) area shall be more than
120% of the specified maximum thickness. Any gauge
reading may over-run by a greater amount. If the average of
the spot measurements for a given 10 m2 (100 ft2 ) area
meets or falls below the specified maximum thickness , but
one or more spot measurements is more than 120% of the
specified maximum thickness, additional measurements
may be made to define the non-conforming area. Manufacturers literature may be consulted to determine if higher
maximum thickness readings are allowable under specific

5. Required Number of Measurements for Conformance to a Thickness Specification

separate spot measurements (average of the gauge readings, see Section 4.1.2) spaced randomly over each 10 m2
(100 ft2) area to be measured. If the contracting parties
agree, more than five (5) spot measurements may be taken
in a given area. (See Section 5.3.) The five spot measurements shall be made for each 10 m2 (100 ft 2) of area as

5.3 Other size areas or number of spot measurements

may be specified in the procurement documents as appropriate for the size and shape of the structure to be measured.

6. Accuracy

5.1.1 For structures not exceeding 30 m2 (300 ft2) in

area, each 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall be measured.

6.1 To qualify under this standard, a gauge must have

an accuracy at least within 10%. For thicknesses less than
25 m (1 mil), the gauge must have an accuracy at least
within 2.5 m (0.1 mil).

5.1.2 For structures not exceeding 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) in

area, three 10 m2 (100 ft2) areas shall be randomly selected
and measured.

7. Disclaimer

5.1.3 For structures exceeding 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) in

area, the first 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) shall be measured as stated
in Section 5.1.2 and for each additional 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) of
area or increment thereof, one 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall be
randomly selected and measured.

7.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all

information furnished in SSPC standards and specifications
is as accurate, complete and useful as possible, SSPC
cannot assume responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from the use of any materials, coatings or methods
specified therein, or of the specification or standard itself.

5.1.4 If the dry film thickness for any 10 m2 (100 ft2) area
(see Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3) is not in compliance with the
requirements of Sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, then additional
measurements must be made to isolate the non-conforming

8. Notes
Notes are not a requirement of this standard.

5.2 SPECIFYING THICKNESS: Both a maximum and a

minimum thickness should be specified for the coating. If a
maximum thickness value is not explicitly specified, the
specified thickness shall be the minimum.


of these gauges can sense and indicate only the distance
between the magnetic surface of the steel and the small
rounded tip of the magnet or probe that rests on the top
surface of the coating. This measured distance, from the top
surface of the coating, must be corrected for the thickness
of any extraneous films or other interfering conditions on the
surface of the steel. Such correction is made, as described
in Section 4.2 for Type 1 gauges and manufacturers instructions for Type 2 gauges.

5.2.1 MINIMUM THICKNESS: The average of the spot

measurements for each 10 m2 (100 ft2 ) area shall not be less
than the specified minimum thickness. No single spot measurement in any 10 m2 (100 ft2 ) area shall be less than 80%
of the specified minimum thickness. Any gauge reading may
under-run by a greater amount. If the average of the spot
measurements for a given 10 m2 (100 ft2 ) area meets or
exceeds the specified minimum thickness, but one or more
spot measurements is less than 80% of the specified minimum thickness, additional measurements may be made to
define the non-conforming area (see Appendix 1).

8.1.1 Type 1 (pull-off) gauges use a calibrated spring

mechanism to measure the force needed to pull a small
permanent magnet from the surface of the coated steel. The
magnetic force holding the magnet to the surface varies

June 1, 1996
Editorial Revisions September, 2002
points very close together, frequently differ considerably,
particularly for thin films over a rough surface with a high

inversely as a non-linear function of the distance between

magnet and steel, i.e., the thickness of the dry coating (plus
any other films present).
The Type 1A banana gauges use a helical spring to
pull a small permanent magnet from the surface. Internal
balancing mechanisms in most banana gauges compensate
for horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions so that there
is no need to recalibrate when changing orientation.
In a Type 1B pencil gauge, a calibrated coil spring
measures the force necessary to pull the permanent magnet
from the surface. Because of gravitational effects, these
gauges must be recalibrated when the orientation of the
surface changes; e.g., a gauge calibrated on a horizontal
surface will not be accurate when measuring a vertical
surface. Some gauges have three separate indicators which
compensate for horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions.
Type 1B gauges are generally not as precise as Type 1A
Normally, Type 1 gauges are not adjusted or reset for
each new series of measurements.
Shims of sheet plastic or of non-magnetic metals, which
are permissible for calibrating Type 2, (constant pressure
probe) gauges, should not be used for calibration of Type 1
gauges. Such shims are usually fairly rigid and curved and
do not lie perfectly flat, even on a smooth steel test surface.
Near the pull-off point of the calibration measurements with
any Type 1 gauge, the shim frequently springs back from the
steel surface, raising the magnet too soon and causing
erroneous calibration readings.

8.3 ZERO SETTING: Type 1 magnetic gauges should

not be adjusted or set at the scale zero (0) with the gauge
applied to either a rough or a smooth uncoated steel surface.
Some Type 2 gauges can be adjusted to read zero (0)
on an uncoated blast cleaned surface. In all cases, follow
the manufacturers recommendations.
steel surface is smooth and even, its surface plane is the
effective magnetic surface. If the steel is roughened, as by
blast cleaning, the apparent or effective magnetic surface
that the gauge senses is an imaginary plane located between the peaks and valleys of the surface profile. With a
correctly calibrated and adjusted Type 2 gauge, the reading
obtained indicates the coating thickness above this imaginary plane (see Section 4.3.) If a Type 1 gauge is used, the
coating thickness is obtained by subtracting the base metal
reading (see Section 4.2.)
8.5 DIRTY, TACKY, OR SOFT FILMS: The surface of
the coating and the probe of the gauge must be free from
dust, grease, and other foreign matter in order to obtain
close contact of the probe with the coating and also to avoid
adhesion of the magnet. The accuracy of the measurement
will be affected if the coating is tacky or excessively soft.
Tacky coating films also cause unwanted adhesion of the
magnet. Unusually soft films may be dented by the pressure
of the probe. Soft or tacky films can sometimes be measured
satisfactorily by putting a shim on the film, measuring total
thickness of coating plus shim and subtracting the shim

8.1.2 Type 2 (constant pressure probe) gauges operate

on two different magnetic principles. Some Type 2 gauges
use a permanent magnet. When the magnet is brought near
steel, the magnetic flux density within the magnet is increased. By measuring this change in flux density, which
varies inversely to the distance between the magnet and the
steel substrate, the coating thickness can be determined.
Hall elements and magnet resistance elements are the most
common ways to measure magnetic flux density. However,
the response of these elements is temperature-dependent,
so temperature compensation is required.
Other Type 2 gauges operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction. A coil containing a soft iron rod is
energized with an AC current thereby producing a changing
magnetic field at the probe. As with a permanent magnet,
the magnetic flux density within the rod increases when the
probe is brought near the steel substrate. This change is
easy to detect by using a second coil. The output of the
second coil is related to coating thickness and this relationship can be determined experimentally.

8.5.1 Ordinary dirt and grease can be removed from a

probe by wiping with a soft cloth. Magnetic particles adhering to the probe can be removed using an adhesive backed
tape. Any adhesive residue left on the probe must then be
8.6 ALLOY STEEL SUBSTRATES: Differences among
most mild low-carbon steels will not significantly effect
magnetic gauge readings. For higher alloy steels, the gauge
response should be checked. In any event, the gauge
should be recalibrated on the same steel over which the
coating has been applied.
8.7 PROXIMITY TO EDGES: Magnetic gauges are
sensitive to geometrical discontinuities of the steel, such as
holes, corners, or edges. The sensitivity to edge effects and
discontinuities varies from gauge to gauge. Measurements
closer than 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the discontinuity may not be
valid unless the gauge is calibrated specifically for that

8.2 REPEATABILITY: Magnetic gauges are necessarily sensitive to very small irregularities of the coating surface
or of the steel surface directly below the probe center.
Repeated gauge readings on a rough surface, even at

June 1, 1996
Editorial Revisions September, 2002
older two-pole Type 2 gauges with permanent magnets are
sensitive to the presence of another mass of steel close to
the body of the gauge. This effect may extend as much as
7.6 cm (3 inches) from an inside angle.

8.15 Polished metal calibration standards are manufactured by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST). The chrome plated panels are flat smooth steel 2.86
x 2.86 cm (1.125 x 1.125 inches) in size. Examples of some
NIST standards are:


gauge readings may be affected by surface curvature. If the
curvature is appreciable, valid measurements may still be
obtained by calibrating or adjusting the gauge on a similarly
curved surface.

Certified Coating Thickness Calibration Standards

Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel
SRM 1358

Set of 3: 80, 225, 1000 m

(3, 9, 40 mils)
Set of 4: 48, 140, 505, 800 m
(2, 5.5, 20, 31 mils)
Set of 4: 40, 80, 140, 205 m
(1.6, 3, 5.5, 8 mils)
SRM 1331a to 1339a Single standards from 3 m
(0.1 mil) to 62 m (2.4 mils)

8.10 TILT OF PROBE: All of the magnets or probes

must be held perpendicular to the coated surface to produce
valid measurements.
8.11 OTHER MAGNETIC FIELDS: Strong magnetic
fields, such as those from welding equipment or nearby
power lines, may interfere with operation of the gauges.
Also, residual magnetism in the steel substrate may affect
gauge readings. With fixed probe two-pole gauges in such
cases, it is recommended that the readings before and after
reversing the pole positions be averaged. Other gauges
may require demagnetization of the steel.


contracting parties should agree upon the method of correcting film thicknesses that are above the maximum or
below the minimum specification. This method may be
specified in the procurement documents, may follow
manufacturers instructions or may be a compromise reached
after the non-conforming area is discovered.


magnetic gauges operate satisfactorily at 4C and 49C
(40F and 120F). Some gauges function well at much
higher temperatures. However, if such temperature extremes are met in the field, the gauge might well be checked
with at least one reference standard after both the standard
and the gauge are brought to the same ambient temperature. Most electronic gauges compensate for temperature
differences among the gauge, the probe and the surface.

APPENDIX 1 Numerical Example of Average

Thickness Measurement
The following numerical example is presented as an
illustration of Section 5. (Reference JPCL, Vol. 4, No. 5, May
Suppose this structure is 30 m2 (300 ft2) in area. Mentally divide the surface into three equal parts, each being
about 10 m2 (100 ft2).
Part A - 10 m2 (100 ft2)
Part B - 10 m2 (100 ft2)
Part C - 10 m2 (100 ft2)
First, measure the coating thickness on Part A. This
involves at least 15 readings of the thickness gauge. (See
Figure A1.) Assume the specification calls for 64 m (2.5
mils) minimum thickness. The average thickness for area A
is then the average of the five spot measurements made on
area A, namely 66 m (2.6 mils).
Spot 1 64 m 2.5 mils
Spot 2 76
Spot 3 53
Spot 4 76
Spot 5 58
66 m 2.6 mils
The average, 66 m, exceeds the specified minimum of
64 m and thus satisfies the specification. However it must
be decided if the lowest spot measurement, 53 m, is within
80% of the specified minimum thickness. Eighty percent of

8.13 VIBRATION: The accuracy of the Type 1 (pull-off)

gauges is affected by traffic, machinery, concussions, etc.
When these gauges are set up for calibration or measurement of coating films, there should be no apparent vibration.
120% of MAXIMUM: In any measurement there is a certain
level of uncertainty. Two inspectors using the same gauge
will not necessarily record the exact same number for a
given spot measurement using the same 4 cm (1.5 inch)
diameter circle. To allow for this natural fluctuation, an
individual spot measurement is permitted to be below the
specified minimum thickness as long as other spots in the 10
m2 (100 ft2 ) area are high enough to make the average
thickness meet or exceed the specified minimum thickness.
Similar reasoning applies to maximum thickness. The 80%
of specified minimum and 120% of specified maximum allow
for the tolerance of the gauge and calibration standards and
for variations in the substrate.

June 1, 1996
Editorial Revisions September, 2002
Figure A1
Part "A" of Structure (Area approximately 10 m3 (100 ft2)

measured thickness of part B must exceed the 64 m (2.5 mils)

specified minimum as must the thickness of part C.

64 m is 51 m (0.80 x 64 = 51). Although 53 m is below the

specified minimum, it is still within 80 percent of it, so the
specification is satisfied. [The average, 2.6 mils, exceeds
the specified minimum of 2.5 mils and thus satisfies the
specification. However it must be decided if the lowest spot
measurement, 2.1 mils, is within 80% of the specified minimum thickness. Eighty percent of 2.5 mils is 2.0 mils (0.80
x 2.5 = 2.0). Although 2.1 mils is below the specified
minimum, it is still within 80 percent of it, so the specification
is satisfied.]
There are individual gauge readings of 38 m at spot 5
and 46 m at spot 3, both of which are clearly less than 51
m. This is allowed because only the average of the three
readings (i.e. the spot measurement) must be greater than
or equal to 51 m. [There are individual gauge readings of
1.5 mils at spot 5 and 1.8 mils at spot 3, both of which are
clearly less than 2.0 mils. This is allowed because only the
average of the three readings (i.e. the spot measurement)
must be greater than or equal to 2.0 mils.]
Since the structure used in this example is about 30 m2
(300 ft2 ), the procedure used to measure the film thickness
of part A must be applied to both part B and part C. The

To monitor the thickness of this entire 30 m2 (300 ft2)

structure, at least 45 individual gauge readings must be
taken, from which 15 spot measurements are calculated.
The five spot measurements from each 10 m2 (100 ft2) part of the
structure are used to calculate the thickness of that part.
This example describes a method to determine whether
a Type 2 gauge is properly calibrated.
Suppose the coating thickness is specified at 100 m
(4.0 mils). The Type 2 constant pressure probe gauge being
used has been calibrated according to the manufacturers
recommendation. Now its calibration over blast cleaned
steel must be verified. A test coupon which had been blast
cleaned during the time the structure was blasted and has a
profile representative of that under the coating is available.

June 1, 1996
Editorial Revisions September, 2002
After selecting a 50 m (2.0 mil) and a 250 m (10.0 mil)
plastic shim, proceed to take thickness readings of the
shims lying on the bare blasted surface.
Because of the randomized nature of a blast cleaned
surface, repeated readings may exhibit significant variation.
Thus, make at least 10 measurements on each shim and
record their averages. There is no need to keep track of each
individual reading. Many gauges will compute the average
for you.
The thickness of a plastic shim is typically accurate to
within 5%. After calibration according to manufacturers
instructions, the gauge is probably accurate to within 5%
also. Therefore, for the gauge to be in agreement with the
shim, the average thickness measured by the gauge should
be within 10% of the shims thickness. If the average
thickness measured on the 51 m (2.0 mil) shim is 56 m
(2.2 mils), the gauge is in agreement with the shim because
56 is within 10% of 51 (2.2 is within 10% of 2.0).
Similarly, if the average thickness of the 254 m (10.0
mil) shim is measured to be 279 m (11.0 mils), the gauge
calibration is verified because 279 is within 10% of 254
(11.0 is within 10% of 10.0).
In summary, if the average measurement of the 51 m
(2 mil) shim is between 146 and 56 m (1.8 and 2.2 mils),
and if the average measurement of the 254 m (10.0 mil)
shim is between 229 and 279 m (9.0 and 11.0 mils), the
calibration is verified.
Check that another shim of intermediate thickness, for
example 127 m (5.0 mils), is also within 10%. If the
calibration is verified on both the high and the low shim, it is
almost always verified on the intermediate value shim.
NOTE: With some gauges it may be more practical to
adjust the gauge at the intermediate thickness (e.g. 127 m
shim) first and then verify that the gauge also reads the high
and the low shim correctly.

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