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in collaboration with


Foresight International Education Centre, Taiwan


The Australian Cultural Exchange Programme (ACEP) is an amazing and highly
engaging programme that amalgamates academic and social development skills.
The AECP brings to you a wonderful and exciting 14-day educational and fun filled
This Information Pack includes details on:

What to Expect
Programme Itinerary
Out-of-Classroom Activities

There are basically three(3) phases of the programme.


English as a Second
Language (ESL) is taught in class by the public schools ESL teacher. The ESL classes are
run on several themes based on the Australian population, geographical and cultural
environment (for e.g. Australian Wildlife, Interesting Places to Visit).
Integration refers to the afternoon sessions when Participants get to join in the routine of
the high school students. All subjects at school are taught in English with the exception of
foreign language classes.
Local Field Trip* is integrated into the classroom studies to elevate the interest and
understanding of the lessons taught. Participants will find the activities most interesting
because they get to learn through sights, sounds and taste of the rich cultural diversity of
the Australian ways.
Organised Excursion** is an exciting out of town adventure for the Participants who will
be taken on a private coach to various Australian hotspots. Participants get to venture into
the Australian outback, visit the farms and catch the farm animals and even Australian
wildlife in action.
* Organiser may choose from Options 1, 2 or 3 from Out-of-Classroom Activities.

** Organiser may choose from Options 4, 5, 6 or 7 Out-of-Classroom Activities.


Option 1

Option 2

About & Around Sydney

From meeting point, catch the local bus to the
famous Manly
Walk along Manly Beach
Enjoy an ice cream cone in Manly
Catch Ferry from Manly to Circular Quay
Visit the Opera House
Visit the Botanical Gardens
Eat lunch in the park
City tour with Hop and Hop Off bus to all the
famous sights of Sydney including Bondi Beach
Stroll through the city via the historic Queen
Victoria Building
Visit the Sydney Tower (optional)

Other information

Darling Harbour & Chinatown

From meeting point, catch the local bus to

Sydney City Centre
Stroll along the city to the Darling Harbour
Visit the Ocean World or the Wild Life Park
Eat lunch in the park
Visit the Power House Museum
Walk through and visit Sydney China Town
Visit the famous Paddys Markets

Other information

Option 3

Guided tour
Host Family drops off at
meeting point
Includes entry fees to the
Ocean World or Wild Life
Packed lunch by Host Family
All cost of public transport

Zoo & the Rocks

Guided tour
Host family drops off at
meeting point
Ice cream included
Packed lunch by Host Family
All cost of bus and ferry
transportation included

From meeting point, catch a Ferry to the Zoo

and take the Sky Safari to the entrance that
offers great views of the Sydney Harbour.
Take a photo with a koala
Eat lunch in the park in the Zoo

Other information

Guided tour

Attend an educational workshop on learning

about Australian animals by a qualified guide.
Ferry or bus to the City from the Zoo
Stroll around the famous Rocks area
Walk across the harbour bridge (optional)
Take photos of the Opera House and Harbour
Catch a local train back to the city

Host Family drops off at

meeting point
Includes entry fees to the
Zoo and Sky Safari
Includes a photo with koala
Packed lunch by Host Family
All cost of public bus, train
and ferry included


Option 4

Option 5

Australian Outback Spectacular

Arrive at the Tobruk Sheep Station, an
authentic working farm above the
Hawkesbury River just over an hour from
See the Australian Stockman/ Jillaroo on
Enjoy the presentations of Billy Tea and
See the activities of sheep mustering and
sheep shearing
See the whip and boomerang
Enjoy an Aussie tucker lunch
Blue Mountains, Wildlife Park & Fruit
Arrive at the Featherdale Wildlife Park to
pat koala and other interesting wildlife
including the kangaroos and wombats.
Move on to the Scenic World to see the
world-heritage Blue Mountains and Three
Ride the steepest incline railway in the
world while you hop on and hop off the
skyway lifts
Be in awe over the spectacular Jamison
and Megalong Valley lookout

Other information

Guided tour
Host family drops off at
meeting point
Private coach
Lunch included

Option 6

Visit one of the great fruit farms where

you can pick fresh fruits and take some
home with you.
Travel along to see the Olympic Park

Port Stephens and Dolphin Watching

Arrive at the Australian Reptile Park to
watch an alligator or platypus being fed
Aboard a luxury boat with viewing decks
in Port Stephens
On the private boat, see the dolphins
playing in the water.
Moving back to shore for a camel ride or
sand boarding down the sand slopes
Travel past Williams Town Air Force Base

Option 7 is an inter-state activity for further consideration. The optional activities in Option
7 have not been included in the itinerary or the cost structure.

Option 7

Canberra Australias Capital

Visit the local town of Berrima

Stop at Mount Ainslie look out
Visit the National Museum of Australia
Drive past the Parliament House and War
Drive past Lake Burley Griffin
The following optional activities can be
further considered:

Other information

Guided tour
Host family drops off at
meeting point
Private Coach
Lunch included

CSIRO Discovery
Participants can investigate current CSIRO
research through hands-on experiments and
3D theatre. Topics may include health, gene
technology, climate change, energy,
environment and biodiversity.

Participants can explore the science behind
the world we live in through eight (8) themed
galleries. Participants can experience a free
fall down a 6.7 meter slide, see lightning
created before their eyes or look at the world
up close with a microscope, launch a
hydrogen rocket, find out what makes water
so special, learn about geology and

end -

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