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Dear Author:
Thanks for submitting your manuscript to BOLETN DE CIENCAS DE LA TIERRA. In our preliminary review, we found
several aspects that would be improved before continue with the peer-review process with the aim of facilitating the
evaluation and the editorial decision. Please send a new version of the manuscript taking into account the items listed
below (review the last published number for concrete examples).
Please review:
[ ] Letter paper size.
[ ] Margins of 2.2 cm in the upper and lower sides, of 1.69
cm in inner and outer sides and 0.7 cm Binding.
[ ] Text in two columns with spacing of 0.4 cm between
[ ] Article length does not exceed 15 pages.
[ ] Title, abstract and keywords in English and Spanish.
[ ] Title of the manuscript in Times New Roman, size 18,
centered, Sentence type.
[ ] Full name of authors with correct spelling and use of
[ ] Authors names in Times New Roman, normal, size 11,
centered, Type Title.
[ ] Department, institution and e-mail in Times New
Roman, size 8, italics, centered.
[ ] Authors curriculum vitae at the end of the manuscript.
[ ] Authors curriculum vitae indicates highest academic
degree, current filiation (company or institution), and
contact information.
[ ] Curriculum in Times New Roman, size 8, justified, in
normal text. Authors name in bold.
[ ] Curriculum vitae does not exceed 150 words.
[ ] Abstract length does not exceed 150 words, size 9,
[ ] No blank lines between text paragraphs.
[ ] First line of each paragraph is indented 0.5 cm.
[ ] Paragraphs in Times New Roman, size 10, justified.
[ ] References in Times New Roman, size 8.
[ ] Primary headings in Times New Roman, size 10, bold,
lowercase letters.
[ ] Secondary headings in Times New Roman, size 10,
bold, italic, lowercase letters.
[ ] Tertiary headings in Times New Roman, size 10,
lowercase letters.
[ ] References in text use numbers and square brackets.
[ ] Tables and figures occupy the entire width of the
[ ] All tables are typed in table format (not images).
[ ] All equations are typed using the equation editor (not
[ ] All equations are numerated.
[ ] All texts in tables and figures are readable.
[ ] All tables are numerated and cited in the text.
[ ] All figures are numerated and cited in the text.
[ ] All tables indicate the source.
[ ] All figures indicate the source.



All figures are in black and white or gray tones.

The title is below of the figure in all graphs.
The title is above of the table in all tables.
All headings are numerated using Arabic numbers.
All equations are numerated.
Titles of figures and tables are written in Times New
Roman, size 8, left justified, without blank lines
between the title and the figure or table.
[ ] The manuscript presents, introduction, materials and
methods, results, discussion, conclusions and
[ ] In text, references use [1,2] instead of [1][2]; [1-3]
instead of [1][2][3] or [1,2,3].
[ ] Citation standard for books.
[1] Masters, T. Neural Network Recipes in C++. New York:
Academic Press, 1993.

[ ] Citation standard for Chapter in a printed book:

[1] Moyor M.A. Evaluacin del lenguaje de ingeniera, en Verdugo
Alonso J. Evaluacin curricular: una gua para la intervencin del
ingeniero, 2a ed., Madrid, Salvat, 1994. pp. 324-344.

[ ] Citation standard for For Electronic book:

[1] Pumarino A. la propiedad intelectual en ambientes digitales
educativos [en lnea], Revisin sistemtica, Santiago, hile,
DoucUC, 2004 [consulta, 1/8 de octubre de 2005]. Available

[ ] Citation standard for conference articles.

[1] Jeng, J.-T., Chuang, C.-C. and Chuang, C.-T., Support vector
regression based LTS-CPBUM neural networks, Proceedings of
SICE Annual Conference (SICE), pp. 215-220, 2011.

[ ] Citation standard for theses and dissertations.

[1] Kawasaki, N. Parametric study of thermal and chemical
nonequilibrium nozzle flow, M.S. Thesis, Department of
Electronic Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 1993.
[2] Williams, J. O. Narrow-band analyzer, Ph.D. dissertation,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA, 1993.

[ ] Citation standard for Journals. Example:

[1] Ghiassi, M., Saidane, H. and Zimbra, D. K. A dynamic
artificial neural network for forecasting time series events.
International Journal of Forecasting, 21 (2), pp. 341-362, 2005.

[ ] Citation standard for Electronic Journals. Example:

[1] Snchez, A. and Delgado, L., Estado oclusal y rendimiento
masticatorio. Acta Odontolgica Venezolana [Online]. 44(2),
2006. [date of reference July 25th of 2007]. Available at:

[ ] Citation standard for Report. Example:

[1] Garca Guadarrama Juan. Informe de ingeniera ambiental,
Mxico, Divisin de Estudios de posgrados de la Facultad de
Ingeniera, UNAM, 2007, 89 P.

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