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46 Deborah Serogeins ‘At MIT's Public Service Cente she helped clean up pubic play grounds. As junio she received 3 $1,200 fllowaipto work fay hours 2 week setng up seience fits and “discovery cubs” for a poor ementay school. She even won the cee’ award for pbc serviee—ewice. (They couldnt swaed ine any more, because C0 ‘mes was the limit for one person,” she recalled) She w2s 50 good ‘wih compatc ha othe residents an even the at McCormick turned oer for help in navigating the emerging Word Wie Web, anu she wrote evel article showing fellow nadents how o dowra- loud fee programs fom the Inert In Cambridge ain Houston, though, mos of ir nonacademie actives revolved around the Muslim Stents Asociation, One MSA member from neighboring Wellesley College wrote Iter tit she became “the here Behind the MSA of Gester Botton,” (On behalf of MIT: MSA, Aas helped penuade the univenity to provide a seprate prayer room Far Maslin women next dooe to McCormick ae Ashdown House, She alo asked the esters to provide 3 wider ary ofl food. (Until then, Muslim students Ina been eating Bom the kosher mens) She organi 4 Madi study group to meetin the dorms peathouse conference oom, with its views ofthe Boston shine By the ie abe had fined, the [MSA was recommending McCormick Hall incoming Maslin 262 comfortable environment that ako “cates to your need 36 & Marlin woman.” ‘Aafia meta flow Deobaadi in the MSA who became a close end. A slender, dlicte-ooking Muslin of lidian descent who ‘was asd in Zimbabwe, Subeil Laker was an engnecingseadent so serous abou his religion thug he wants fo Become a Desbund sli, or schol. The MSA’ exceuive board invited Aafia and Labs to contribute a package of materia (which the atonal orgunia= ‘ion pblhed in 196, «yearafter se graded) on how to start a ow MSA chapter, Sei Laher described bow ew MISA huge co an Featy ayers, One good tops oe preaching a8 “MyBO our wer Wanted Women «7 ing and penocsted Masti brothers and ster in other pars ofthe ‘wor iad” Aafia’ article dealt with setting up dah preaching” table inviting people to learn more above Iam: “Fit make sure the i tenon fr hit fri only co pease All, to ak ourselves tis quetion over ad oer again. While we may have many shoreomings, sil, dhe power of ss [prayer is gre Inagine our humble, but sincere daw er turning ito a aor he wrote. “We need Aaw’sh movement i this country! Jus imagine itl And ws, resping the reward of everyone who aceps Iam trough this movencut ‘rough years to come... Think and plan big: All's powers are ott be underesimated” ‘She proposed making the table look atractive. The bet ie, she sid, would be fies nginh ranations of dhe Quran, Students could find place on the Internet hat would mil hem do erate and translations of he Quran to giveaway. A Musi sting behind the table should alas “ase bal (wisdom), be cheer ad Siena and never be ride oF get upuet at anyone.” She conceded thatthe ‘opis of had and wont in mn were che ardest eo explain to non-Muslims, Yer she arged MSA members aot 1 “water down" the divine teachings to sit Wester senbiten. “Our ob as des is omy 0 honestly coewey che mestage in the ese manner sing hiknay,but no changing the mesage ia doings. le up to All and not wo make people accept lan. “Whe sh is rived se MIT, Aafia wore ce ordinary Pais stalworkameer—a tun and aoe crower, offen with Fone scr ee shoukler Bat in cme she adept the lang cer and mun ike wei wore hy ee Musi Beotheood. ‘Moveliteral Pitan sdents ered clear ofker spt her ables The fare of the "hij sister” who goes sound inracting Mak slackers was as common then om campus she is no, bot dhe Pakistanis recogni the «ype. One man decribed Aafia a “well ought pn the mance of Patni gi,” but a "busy ‘Another real. Afin ad her Hem o¢people who woul sop (68 Deborah Seroggins in May 199, AL-KiSis dtecror, Maal Saldbi—after quareling swith Sheik Omar over how to distibure millions of dlls tha the roup had ben asig—ws fond sho, seabed and bludgeoned to ‘ath in his Coney find apartnnt. Within the Masi comna- nity, A-Kifih hada reputation for taking ovee mosques ae Mami school by fee “The group vshetenty oppored female independence. Gubud- din Hekatyar, the Afghan watlrd whom the group conned ts ain, or prince, had helped enc is own carer by throwing aid imo the faces of unveiled women at Kabul University, In Pasar war scholas clos to Hekmpys ad like-minded warlord, Abul asl Sayya. ised te in 1989 forbidding women a gi to be ecated except by close relatives. Another fitwa bed women fom "wearing perfec cosmetic, going out without thei us band’s permison, talking with nen other dan lose rates, walle ing with rie, or waking in dhe middle ofthe sdewalk.” The Arab Afghan win proved soch cars openly tacked Western rei ‘workers and journals in Peshawar, siting on dem anf aling fe “infidel dogs” They alo asssnated secular Afphan pli dans and inlet. Sach were the models and indeed some of the leaders, of ALKifih America, [Aino most Masi men have oaly one wif, the Arab AE hans practiced polygamy at a mater of principle. Indeed, shey sngued, Masti ms had ity arey more Muslin worsen and produce more Muslim hike, ‘Yet dese all iso perhaps because of is ruthles ghmonr— sevetl of Aafi’s fends and MSA acquaigances kal fllen under the spell of Al-Kifth, and soon she di, to9. Emideldin Mune for exarpl,a Libyan graduate of Worcester Pelytechaic Institute, faa been raking money fx the group since at ast 1991, Moana [Akea dactop cae at MIT and an MSA mente sho taught 2s cass on an, was alo ative. So was Afi fiend Sahel Lathes the MUT sadene and asing Deon scholar from Soxn Nos Wanted Women 69 “The pride, however, of AL-KifiN's Hoxton brn wat Basa Kaj, bly eweny-cight-year-old Lebanese gradte of Boston University ‘Back in 1985, Kanj ad received scholarship from Lebanon’ Hirsi Foundation co sty engineering in Boson, There he had begun attendinghad conferences. Soot be had me Sheikh Tai al-Adnaii, an obese and apparently good-humored.Psexinian escherotaveed the county fom his ase in Orlando, Frid, ‘coursing Mains to join the carvan” a the "Godihet of tina" the fimous Plesinian preacher and Arb-Afghan leader [Absdulah Azra, smmoned Musins to do in the tle of his bes known book. Kanj was mare tthe former Marine Fale, an American he had etn Boson. Marlene was a Muslin convert td se fervent ashe bua Then, i 1989, che couple moved with their baby dhughter to shay, that Kany could work for Azza. ‘Marlene like che wives of othe fcgn fighter, sty in Peshi- ‘war while her husband crossed over into Aight to ight. Once installed iedPeshawar, an Arab Afghan sypicilly topped sing hit corhor eal name and started going by aus, of Arabi nickasre They dil his both in item of the Propet and his companions ni aso asa way offing Peshawar spies. Kaj and Marlene had Immed dee baby daughter afer Aisha, the Prophet’ young wile wn the fin lady of Son sam, The aby’ peo became known Ab and Una Aika Father and Mother of Aisa In Peshawar, Kan) mised with ce is who couleced into sl-Queds, inelig, Osams bin Laden and his Fitune second in dhe Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri. Kanj tained atthe sme Klslden camp where some of che al-Balieh fil sho tained lung Rams Yous the Fut ear of che 1993 ‘bombing the Word Trade Cote. Musee, meanwis,explored otha ‘Ac Aldus Azanys wid, Union Mohammed, ter si “Ev eyo who ps ‘he even mote sche eae se ee io he a in Afghanistan bough i wite 104 Deborah Serogvins svete ntl, gated or massred. But pay to Allah that one day al he Jos in the world wil be destroyed.” Tabo's ser, Ato, ws at modern and open-minded Uubo wat said to be closed. Aro had become 2 gynecologist. Like het ‘mother, Maryan, she worked wth Somall women groups t ead ‘ete female genital mutton, and thee Ether wns aid co be very proud of er. isi Magan sill was speaking ¢9 Ayan. Bo she presen ‘with er studi, and in May 1995 se became Holland fin censed Somali-Dutch rishnoe 'As an incepeter Ayaan could make good money. Her goal ‘though, was to atlend the Sdest and mos fous insttion of higher learning in the Netherlands, four-handred-yea-ol Leiden ‘University. Leiden was known forts department of pls scence, [And at soon 8 she cared the cteis she needed, she used the to ‘rafter, Twenty-three ‘Ata ofen reminded audiences of Muslim wom duty to wage had. The "Godiher of tad” Aba Azzam, had a tha the modern Masi community wat in rich danger that a woman did ot need her husbands permission nor ashi fathers permission. [Now that she would son graduate, she longer join dhe ation, le she had been aman he wold have funda ob ike Suleman Ahmer’ atone ofthe Blmist charts or fone orgnizations. But the secret army agaime unbelief never pux women in postions of Jeleship over mea, And, she friend Suhel Lahe pointed out on is Web te, Abdalla Azzam sls writen hat ie wasimpermise le fr 2 woman to avel without 2 mala, of close mle ily member, From Ahmer, Aafia had heard the sory of Kani, 4 Brith Muslim gid who was snd 1 have vetused alse to Bornin, AI. ‘Hough Abner admird Kamila bravery (she dared where men esate, be disapproved her going without a mal “tplaced fat on a aek ofa grounded Ishmic education growing up ia En- Wan” Ahmee wees hisbook, THe Entel loco. The happy ining foe Aber came when Katia sctfied her dangerous i occ positon by marrying a Sadanete 18 worker and going co woe fr group helping he Bostans The ebrious ding fr Aafia ta do wa o matey 4 magi. The Wives of dee knights of ln whispered dha they made tender hue un a son Families asthe were han on unbelievers. Sev ral of the "Care brn wore wing Tek iis hd ween 184 Deborah Scroggins ‘The film ad ati: “The Slaughter ofthe Spy-Journali Jew Daniel Peas” A few days before he war kidnaped, Poel had writen ‘ile abou the ita group chat Ait had wanted to jn, Jah ‘Muhammad, Fe soon emerged tha ash-e-Mohammud was involved in the murder A former bodyguard fr the hl Maulana Masood Azhu, had se up dhe meeting between Pet those who turned out tbe his kidappers. Later, Pests boy foun on some propery owned by dhe al-Rashid Tr Sooa the ghastly video of Paes murder appeared on new Wh se called wowwogish com. The apely named te featured mages of dead odie, mor taken fom footage of sto acide and crime scenes, juxtaposed with slick ads for pornography BI discovered that « Dutchman named Dan Klink a the site out of Amsterdam, though a US. company, Pro Hosters LL of ting, Viena, hosted the Web ite. The FBI sk Pro Hi and Ogrish to Temove the vide, and inital che companies co ‘ied, But when they realized hove mach money dey could a ‘with 70,000 people a day watching Peal’ exectin, they de ‘fightback. Pro Hosters comtcted the America Civil Ll ‘Union, won ie suport nd tn dys ate the beheading of Da Pear was back one. The Web ite ran noice ling hae People out there have the RIGHT to se the Daniel Pest vie they CHOOSE to. Banaing thie video would vil the It ae ment: fcedom of speech; do we want that? NOP" Thossana people signed a petition imploring Klik tn fake the vide ‘bute ened The FI backed down, t0, afr the ACLU sid sovernment had 80 grounds fe prosecution wider US. obs Jaws because obscenity invalved only x ‘afin seal followed all tho sews about Je Muha bu Amd sys he docs recall them ever aking aboot the Pe srder. Other sews storie seemed 10 hit over to home, Wh ‘Aafia had Bea in Pakixan the previo aut, ae FM in Mi sachusets ha tterviewed er fend Shel Laer an exter Wanted Women 165 sneer at Care International. The "Care brothers” and Laker cmplyer, tech Ine, would become the fous of 3 wir nwewiga- tion of several Boron companies that were late accused of having ies wo teoisn.(Pech’s chief executive ocr and chief financial cer were charged in 2009 with concealing the ic that one of thie inves was on the U.S, errr watch it) ‘Amjad and Aafia did know tbat they to fad ben the obj of oficial cris, Auditors at Flee Bank ile » suspicious activity Ispore after Amjad, on December 21, 2001, rinsed $8,000 10 ‘hse joiraccoune tthe Habib Bank i Paka, a want he mye he ed sete dhe Fy lls nd pay fr thee ike back to he ned See “The Americans nally captured an important sl-Queds Sigur, ‘Abo Zabaydsh, in March 2002, Under quetoning by n FEL inter otor, Abu Zubaydah revealed what the Bush administration had ot known until then: shar Ramai Youse's wnle, Kha Sheikh Mohammed, bad plnned the 9/11 sacks ‘Nb Zbl so told them that KSM bad othe plas. One wa oer Jose Pails, the America conver and former gang member, he United Stats thet set off radioactive bomb o to spark ttl as explosions in highne partment bung, Ab Zbay= hh named Adnan Shakejumah asthe person s-Queds was cst Wily to weas an operative ins fare attack onthe United States Within for weeks ofhisarest, FBI agent began quietly que Voning Ata’ former profesor nd ober asian Brande ad ur jul pus is Fnl bose exams in Api Me had the highest Jeo i bit cohor: He had ako turned ou eo beso goad each= i hat Tus waned ica teacher ofthe ye and prometed him 10 on profesor een tang Aafia ad he cikiren on weekend camping Whips Cape Con and ehe New Hanghite mounts. Arad ye Iie thetrpsasa way to ttadie the chika toi fay pa on for hang Ania oe de chance vo practice the techies of

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