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Dear students, parents, and teachers,

The members of Sigma Alpha Iota, Kappa Tau Chapter, are proud to
announce their Fourth Annual Vocal Academy!
Who: Students in grades 5th8th
Where: Capital University, Conservatory of Music
When: Friday, February 6th from 6pm-9pm
Saturday, February 7th from 10am to 9pm*
**Vocal Academy Recital at 7:30pm
How much: $10 t-shirt fee
Sigma Alpha Iota is an International Womens Music Fraternity that is
dedicated to encouraging, nurturing, and supporting the art of music. The
Kappa Tau Chapter at Capital University is excited to share our love of music
by providing a free Vocal Academy to talented students in the Columbus
During this Academy, students will have the opportunity to:
Learn group songs and dances
Take a 30 minute private voice lesson
Practice Performance Techniques
Participate in breakout sessions (Breathing for singing, Stage
Meet new friends
Perform in the final Vocal Academy Recital

Enrollment is open to students in 5th through 8th grade. Enrollment is
limited; applicants will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. The
deadline for this program is January 1, 2015; however, it is advisable to
register as early as possible to reserve your place. Please fill out all of the
attached forms and mail them to our Vocal Academy Director:
Jessica Fritts
Sigma Alpha Iota- Kappa Tau
1 College and Main
Bexley, OH 43209
Upon receiving your application, you will receive a phone call or an email
indicating whether or not your application was accepted. If you have not
heard from us by January 6th, feel free to call either Vocal Academy Chairs
Jessica at (614)-745-7601 or Jordan at (740) 506-4205. You may also e-mail
us at or
Accepted applicants will receive an email including further information with
directions and a list of what to bring to the Academy. Thank you so much for
your interest. We hope to see you on February 6th!
Sigma Alpha Iota, Kappa Tau

Sigma Alpha Iota Vocal Academy

Information Sheet
Students Name:
Gender: (circle) male / female/ gender neutral
Grade: ________________________________
Name of School Attending:
Home Address:
Name of Parent (s) or Guardian:
E-mail (Why? We will be sending a Welcome Packet with important reminders and directions
through e-mail):
Phone Number:

Do you take private voice lessons? (circle) yes / no

If yes, how many years? ____________
Do you play another instrument? (circle) yes/no

If yes, which instrument? ___________

Do you take dance lessons? (circle) yes/ no
If yes, what kind of dance and how many years?
Why are you interested in attending the Vocal Academy?
T Shirt Size (circle) S M L XL XXL
** T-shirts will cost $10.00 and must be paid upon arrival to the Academy on February 6th. If this cost

keeps you from being able to attend this program, please indicate that here and we will try to
accommodate your needs. **

Are you interested in singing a solo in the Vocal Academy Recital? (Must come with
prepared CD and vocal music. Depending on interest, auditions may be held.)
(circle) yes / no
Name of song:
Length of selection:


The student's song must be appropriate for young audiences.

Student's song selection is FINAL

Unless your selection will be sung with a recording, you MUST bring in
SHEET MUSIC for your piece ON February 6th/7th!! This is an academy designed to
expose the participants to musicianship---being prepared is essential.

Permission Slip
I (printed name) _____________________________________________________
give my child _______________________________________________________
permission to participate in the Sigma Alpha Iota Vocal Academy on February 6th
7th, 2015 at Capital University.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________

Date: ______________________


Photography Release Form

I grant Sigma Alpha Iota the right to take photographs of my child,
______________________________________ for Vocal Academy. I authorize
Sigma Alpha Iota, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the
same in print and/or electronically.
I agree that Sigma Alpha Iota may use such photographs of my child with or
without my name and for any lawful purpose, including such purposes as publicity,
illustration, advertising, and Web content.

I have read and understand the above:

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________
Printed name: _______________________________________________________


Students Name
School Attending
INSTRUCTIONS TO FATHER, MOTHER, GUARDIAN: You are to complete either Part I or
Part II of this form. Purpose - To enable parents and guardians to authorize the provision or
emergency treatment for children who become ill or injured while attending the Vocal Academy,
when parents or guardians cannot be reached.
Residential parent or guardian:
1. Mothers Name _______________________________
Daytime Phone ______________________
2. Fathers Name ______________________________________________
Daytime Phone______________________
3. Guardians Name ____________________________________________
Daytime Phone______________________
Name of relative or childcare provider: _____________________________
Relationship ______________________
Address ______________________________________________________
Phone ______________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I - TO GRANT CONSENT

I hereby give consent for the following medical care providers and local hospital to be called:
1. Doctor _____________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________
2. Dentist _____________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________
3. Medical Specialist ____________________________________________________
Phone ____________________
4. Local Hospital _______________________________________________________
Phone ____________________
In the event reasonable attempts to contact me have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent
for (1) the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by above named doctor, or, in the
event the designated preferred practitioner is not available, by another licensed physician or
dentist; and (2) the transfer of the child to any hospital reasonably accessible. This authorization
does not cover major surgery unless the medical opinions of two other licensed physicians
concurring in the necessity for such surgery are obtained prior to the performance of such
Facts concerning the childs medical history including allergies, medications being taken, and
any physical impairments to which a physician should be alerted:
Date __________________
Signature of parent/guardian
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(DO NOT COMPLETE PART II IF YOU COMPLETED PART 1)

I do NOT give my consent for emergency medical treatment of my child. In the event of illness
or injury requiring emergency treatment, I wish for the following actions to be taken:
Date __________________
Signature of parent/guardian

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