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set aside (money or time) for a particular purpose

• (noun) a distinctive characteristic or attribute

synonyms : hallmark , stylemark , trademark

Her new movie has all the earmarks of a blockbuster. -added by nsrees

Her new movie has all the earmarks of a blockbuster. -added by nsrees
• (noun) identification mark on the ear of a domestic animal

• (verb) give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

"I will earmark this money for your research", "She sets aside time for meditation every day"

synonyms : allow , appropriate , reserve , set aside

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Mnemonics for earmark

 (Tag: english) earmark..let break it as ear + mark -'ear' is on the side of the face. Something is placed
or kept aside and we -'mark' it means something particular or extraordinary.So ..'something is kept
aside for a particular purpose'

added by tariq431 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) earm...very close to what ever you are earning you are keeping it aside because
soon you want to start your own buisness.

added by preetisoni2411 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) Earmark is to mark the ear of the pig, regonise the ownership

added by kirthikian Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: )

added by flaviasudha Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: Earmark~Birthmark-A distinctive characteristic or attribute of a person)

added by savakarv Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) BOOK MARK !!!!

added by arulmozhi Edit Mnemonic

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gain for the performance of service or labor; gain (something that one deserves); deserve

• (verb) earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages

"How much do you make a month in your new job?", "She earns a lot in her new job", "this merger
brought in lots of money", "He clears $5,000 each month"
synonyms : bring in , clear , gain , make , pull in , realise , realize , take in

• (verb) acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions

synonyms : garner

"Have a great vacation Harry.You have really earned it." -added by nsrees
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Searched 16 times in total

of this earth; terrestrial; worldly; not divine; possible; Ex. no earthly reason
• (adj.) of or belonging to or characteristic of this earth as distinguished from heaven

"earthly beings", "believed that our earthly life is all that matters", "earthly love", "our earthly home"
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for earthly

 (Tag: ) Earthy refers to somewhat down, relating to earth

added by tarunsahni Edit Mnemonic

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unrefined; coarse; of earth; Ex. earthy remarks; OP. ethereal

• (adj.) of or consisting of or resembling earth

"it had an earthy smell", "only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean"

• (adj.) conspicuously and tastelessly indecent

"coarse language", "a crude joke", "crude behavior", "an earthy sense of humor", "a revoltingly gross
expletive", "a vulgar gesture", "full of language so vulgar it should have been edited"
synonyms : crude , gross , vulgar

• (adj.) hearty and lusty

"an earthy enjoyment of life"

• (adj.) not far removed from or suggestive of nature

"the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow", "earthy smells of new-mown grass"

• (adj.) sensible and practical

"has a straightforward down-to-earth approach to a problem", "her earthy common sense"

synonyms : down-to-earth
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Mnemonics for earthy

 (Tag: ) Earthy also means down to earth, so that which is earthy is down to earth;hence "Not far
removed from or suggestive of nature " hence, close to nature

added by aanchal1007 Edit Mnemonic

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Searched 225 times in total

(of the tide) recede; lessen; diminish; N. OP. flow: rise of tide
• (noun) the outward flow of the tide

synonyms : reflux
• (noun) a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)

synonyms : ebbing , wane

With the death of its founder, the influential media company began to ebb. -added by nsrees

• (verb) fall away or decline

"The patient's strength ebbed away"

• (verb) hem in fish with stakes and nets so as to prevent them from going back into the sea with the

• (verb) flow back or recede

"the tides ebbed at noon"

synonyms : ebb away , ebb down , ebb off , ebb out

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for ebb

 (Tag: ) Relate it to egg ;; now-a-days because of bird flu the quantity of eggs coming to the market is

added by KM2009 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) ebb in urdu means bad habit. we should diminish our bad habits

added by cp.jethani Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) if ucan remembe the word hebbu(kannada), when the milk is boiled ,u get that on the
do relate it with it. ebb(ebbu) is used to lessen or make pimpils diminish..

added by sriharisharma Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ABB) everyone wants to LESSEN the fat around their abbs! (ebb)

added by rohitbahl1986 Edit Mnemonic

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• (verb) to express great joy

"Who cannot exult in Spring?"

synonyms : exuberate , jubilate , rejoice , triumph

• (verb) feel extreme happiness or elation

synonyms : be on cloud nine , jump for joy , walk on air

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exult

 (Tag: ) EXam+resULT - he was very happy when the exam result was out because he had topped in his
added by userdce Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) opposite of insult..

added by deepster89 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) when exam result out.. --> express great pleasure or happiness, especially at someone else's
defeat or failure(enemy).. exalt --> praise someone

added by arshnagpal Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) exult close to extract...extracting out the inner joy

added by mon_m Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin exsultare, frequentative of exsilire "jump up", from ex- + salire "jump, leap". added by jc

• Via French exulter from Latin exsultare, literally “to keep leaping up,” from exsalire, literally “to
leap out,” from salire “to leap” (source of English salient ).] added by bimal03

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external; not essential or inherent; extraneous; OP. intrinsic

• (adj.) not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside
"extrinsic evidence", "an extrinsic feature of the new building", "that style is something extrinsic to the
subject", "looking for extrinsic aid"
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Mnemonics for extrinsic

 (Tag: ) Something extrinsic is EXTRa or EXTRaneous, therefore it is not necessary.

added by nic42991 Edit Mnemonic

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• From late Latin extrinsecus “outer,” from Latin exter “external” + adverb-forming ending -im + secus
“alongside of.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 173 times in total

person interested mostly in external objects and actions

• (noun) (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and

synonyms : extravert
• (adj.) being concerned with the social and physical environment

synonyms : extravert , extraverted , extravertive , extroverted , extrovertive

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• Coined from extro- + Latin vertere “to turn.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 203 times in total

force or push out; thrust out; shape (plastic or metal) by forcing through a die
• (verb) form or shape by forcing through an opening

"extrude steel"
synonyms : squeeze out

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Mnemonics for extrude

 (Tag: ) INtrude is to enter whereas extrude is to force or push OUT (ex means out)

added by nic42991 Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin extrudere, literally “to thrust out,” from trudere “to thrust.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 313 times in total

overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. exuberant: high-spirited and lively;
growing abundantly and strongly
• (noun) overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval

synonyms : ebullience , enthusiasm

He has a real exuberance for learning, teaching, and life in general that is all too rare in this world.
-added by Administrator
• (noun) joyful enthusiasm

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exuberance

 (Tag: ) barrons overflows with that big wordlist

added by keyurpatel87 Edit Mnemonic

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• Via French from Latin exuberant-, the present participle stem of exuberare “to be very fruitful,” from
uberare “to be fruitful,” from uber “fertile.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 402 times in total

flow out slowly; discharge (gradually); give forth; N. exudation
• (verb) release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities

"exude sweat through the pores"

synonyms : exudate , ooze , ooze out , transude

The blood was oozing from the wound. -added by naila_inlas

• (verb) make apparent by one's mood or behavior

"She exudes great confidence"

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exude

 (Tag: ) exclude is to remove and exude is to remove but oozing out of liquid..

added by jc Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) exide battery exude pungent smell or they discharge slowly...

added by harneet_9 Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin exudare, exsudare, literally “to ooze out like sweat,” from sudare “to sweat.”] added by
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wring from; get money by threats, etc.; obtain by force or threats; CF. extortionate: exorbitant

• (verb) get or cause to become in a difficult or laborious manner

synonyms : wring from

• (verb) obtain by coercion or intimidation

"They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company
boss", "They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him"
synonyms : gouge , rack , squeeze , wring

• (verb) obtain through intimidation

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for extort

 (Tag: English) EX + TORT relate TORT to TORTURE. Threatening someone to get money out of him is
obviously a torture.

added by ready4gre Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin extort-, the past participle stem of extorquere, literally “to twist out,” from torquere “to
twist” added by bimal03

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surrender of prisoner by one state to another; Ex. extradition treaty; V. extradite

• (noun) the surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually
under the provisions of a statute or treaty)

A British hacker fighting extradition to the U.S. on computer hacking charges is preparing for his final
U.K. appeal on Monday in London. -added by Administrator

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for extradition

 (Tag: ) ex-tradition.. like tradition is handed down through generations.. so its something to do with
passing/giving.. here its a surrendering of a prisoner between two states! This might help you..

added by avinav Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) ex+tradition...means handing down of belief statements , custems and things from generation
to generation.... handing down the prisoners of one country to another country........................
example ...portugal goverment handled down abu slem to

added by preetisoni2411 Edit Mnemonic

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• From French, formed from Latin ex- “out” + the stem tradition- “deliverance” (see tradition ).] .
added by bimal03

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Searched 487 times in total

not essential; irrelevant; superfluous; external; coming from the outside; Ex. extraneous details/noise/to the

• (adj.) coming from the outside

"extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph", "relying upon an extraneous
income", "disdaining outside pressure groups"
synonyms : external , outside

• (adj.) not essential

"the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play"

• (adj.) not pertinent to the matter under consideration

"an issue extraneous to the debate", "the price was immaterial", "mentioned several impertinent facts
before finally coming to the point"
synonyms : immaterial , impertinent , orthogonal

• (adj.) not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source
"water free of extraneous matter", "foreign particles in milk"

synonyms : foreign
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for extraneous

 (Tag: ) concentrate on extra + ne + ous.....something that is extra is NOT ESSENTIAL(NE)

added by imajeeth Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) EX(extra)+TRANEOUS(trainees)...We don't need any EXTRA TRAINEES...we have got enuf in our

added by ArDoR Edit Mnemonic

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• Formed from Latin extraneus “foreign, strange” (source of English strange ), from extra “outside” (see
extra- ).] added by bimal03

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Searched 544 times in total

projection; conjecture; V. extrapolate: infer (unknown information) from known information

• (noun) an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and

• (noun) (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for extrapolation

 (Tag: ) hw much EXTRA did PAUL ATE ? u will hav 2 guess that! :D i.e Infer, conjecture

added by avinav Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) During election time many news channels show extrapole of elections they just try to make
predict who will going to win election based on current known information extrapolation is similar

added by arpit108 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) pull means drawing from special cases to a more general cases.

added by preetisoni2411 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) split it like....extra+pol(sounds like pull.)+ate......AND YOU PULL SOMETHING EXTRA ....TO
EXPAND OR EXTEND IT SOME MORE SO EVERY ONE CAN know it.......simillarly extending your
knowledge in a unknown area.

added by preetisoni2411 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) rem extrapolation in maths

added by mon_m Edit Mnemonic

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Searched 538 times in total

free from an entanglement or difficulty; disentangle

• (verb) release from entanglement of difficulty

"I cannot extricate myself from this task"

synonyms : disencumber , disentangle , untangle

With adroitness bob eluded danger and extricated himself from a difficult situation. -added by
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for extricate

 (Tag: ) concentrate on PLAYED A TRIC(k) in order to FREE himself from the prison.

added by imajeeth Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) take it as the opposite of intricate which means to entangle

added by meetnish Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: English) (ex+tric+ate) when u remove all the tricks played on someone he/she becomes free

added by ready4gre Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: global) sounds similar to extract and that is what the meaning is.

added by pulkitdave007 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) It took EXTRA(extri)effort for KATE(cate) to free her cat from its entanglements

added by kayla2010 Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin extricat-, past participle stem of extricare, literally “to remove from perplexities,” from
tricae (plural) “perplexities.”] added by bimal03

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• (verb) add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way,
usually in writing

"She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation"

synonyms : dilate , elaborate , enlarge , expand , expatiate , exposit , flesh out , lucubrate

“his nostrils dilated”, “the enlarged photograph of her grandparents hung on the wall”, “the lungs
expand when air is inhaled”, “ she began to expatiate upon the recent political developments”, “he
expounded, at great length, his vi -added by nsrees
“he expounded, at great length, his views on the subject to this students”, “ she will need to flesh out
the image of the "caring boss" she presented to her staff in the meeting” -added by nsrees
• (verb) state

"set forth one's reasons"

synonyms : exposit , set forth

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expound

 (Tag: ) can u please EXPLAIN what is ur "ex" doin with ur "pound"(money)

added by manishrana50 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) expound sounds like expand which means explain

added by sandy131 Edit Mnemonic

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• Via Old French espondre, from Latin exponere “to explain,” literally “to set forth,” from ponere “to
place” added by bimal03

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Searched 245 times in total

take possession of (often for public use and without payment)

• (verb) deprive of possessions

"The Communist government expropriated the landowners"

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Mnemonics for expropriate

 (Tag: ) ex+propriate; depriving someone of his property

added by anshulnirvana Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) split the word ex+ propriate EX as in exwife takes property Henc take possesion of

added by k-electron Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: take possession of property without payment is impropper) hindi)

added by mrdeps Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) Same like appropriate.

added by vivekharin Edit Mnemonic

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• From medieval Latin expropriat-, the past participle stem of expropriare, literally “to take away and
make your own,” from Latin proprius “your own” (see proper ).] added by bimal03

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Searched 546 times in total

cancel; remove a word or name (from a book or list); erase

• (verb) remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line

"Please strike this remark from the record", "scratch that remark"

synonyms : excise , scratch , strike

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expunge

 (Tag: ) expunge rhymes with sponge..which is used to remove dirt..

added by anshulnirvana Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: English) sounds like ex-PURGE...which is REMOVING OR DELETING i.e. CANCEL OR REMOVE....

added by bungi Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: wow) when some PUNCHES u.. he takes u out. REMOVE

added by Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: Punjabi) POONJNA (erase)

added by userdce Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: hindi+english) 1+sponge eak sponge dena mujhe aapne jootey saaf karney hai

added by saurabh82del Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin expungere, literally “to prick out,” from pungere “to mark with a point” (see pungent );
Encarta® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed
for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishi added by bimal03

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clean; remove offensive parts of a book
• (verb) edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate

"bowdlerize a novel"
synonyms : bowdlerise , bowdlerize , castrate , shorten

The editor was asked to bowdlerize the novel. -added by naila_inlas

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Mnemonics for expurgate

 (Tag: ) Expurgate - divide this word into (expel+ur+gate), you always expel the waste from your gate
to make your home 'clean' and 'purified'.

added by swaroop_cn Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) purge is to cleanse or make pure

added by Marise Edit Mnemonic

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• From the Latin expurgat-, the past participle stem of expurgare, literally “to cleanse out,” from
purgare (see purge ).] added by bimal03

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delicate; very finely made; extremely beautiful; Ex. exquisite piece of jewelry

• (adj.) of extreme beauty

"her exquisite face"

• (adj.) delicately beautiful

"a dainty teacup", "an exquisite cameo"

synonyms : dainty
• (adj.) lavishly elegant and refined

synonyms : recherche
• (adj.) intense or sharp

"suffered exquisite pain", "felt exquisite pleasure"

synonyms : keen

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exquisite

 (Tag: ) plz don't "SQUEEZE IT"'s extremely delicate

added by ArDoR Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin exquisitus, the past participle of exquirere, literally “to seek out,” from quaerere (see
query ). added by bimal03

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totally clear; definite; outspoken
• (adj.) precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication

"explicit instructions", "she made her wishes explicit", "explicit sexual scenes"
synonyms : expressed

• (adj.) in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term

synonyms : denotative

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for explicit

 (Tag: ) "please sit" let's CLEAR out the things

added by manishrana50 Edit Mnemonic

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make use of, sometimes unjustly; N. exploitation

• (noun) a notable achievement

"he performed a great feat", "the book was her finest effort"

synonyms : effort , feat

• (verb) use or manipulate to one's advantage

"He exploit the new taxation system", "She knows how to work the system", "he works his parents for

synonyms : work
• (verb) draw from; make good use of

"we must exploit the resources we are given wisely"

synonyms : tap

• (verb) work excessively hard

"he is exploiting the students"

synonyms : overwork
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exploit

 (Tag: ENG) commander commands to "explode it" (enemy) a notable achievement

added by vinaynitrkl Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) ex+ploit(plate..form) this notable acheivement is because of your ex who provided you
this PLATE form..

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explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition: explaining; exhibition

• (adj.) serving to expound or set forth

"clean expository writing"

synonyms : expositive
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expository

 (Tag: English) EXPOSitory comes with EXPOS(e) means to allow something to be seen. Something that
is expository allows it to be seen or to be clear and thereby to be EXPLANATORY.

added by prosun Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: Global) When u reach to a postion then u can order ur members and explain them what u need
from them as uhave to achiev ur target being a manager.

added by sanchit Edit Mnemonic

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• Via French (influenced by poser “to place”) from Latin exponere, literally “to set out” added by
User Comments

• In expository writing, purpose of the author is to inform, explain, describe, or define his or her
subject to the reader. Examples of this type of writing are cooking instructions, driving directions and
instructions on performing a task. added by Administrator

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protest; remonstrance; reasoning with someone to correct or dissuade; V. expostulate

• (noun) an exclamation of protest or remonstrance or reproof

• (noun) the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest

synonyms : objection , remonstrance , remonstration

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expostulation

 (Tag: ) "expose too late"--> in a strip club... everyone was protesting.

added by manishrana50 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) ex+postulate= postulate means "something is taken for granted, axiom"...but you are going
against the or protesting a postulate so expostulate

added by anshulnirvana Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) postulate = put forth a theory; expostulate: protest the thory

added by jay_gandhi Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin expostulat-, the past participle stem of expostulare, literally “to demand from,” from
postulare (see postulate ).] added by bimal03

• From Latin expostulat-, the past participle stem of expostulare, literally “to demand from,” from
postulare (see postulate ).] added by bimal03

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risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something open; Ex.
exposure of governmental corruption
• (noun) the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience

"she denounced the exposure of children to pornography"

• (noun) abandoning without shelter or protection (as by leaving as infant out in the open)

• (noun) presentation to view in an open or public manner

"the exposure of his anger was shocking"

• (noun) the act of exposing film to light

• (noun) a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a
camera on light-sensitive material
synonyms : photo , photograph , pic , picture

• (noun) vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain
"exposure to the weather", "they died from exposure"

• (noun) aspect resulting from the direction a building or window faces

"the studio had a northern exposure"

• (noun) the disclosure of something secret

"they feared exposure of their campaign plans"

• (noun) the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate

"he used the wrong exposure"

• (noun) the state of being vulnerable or exposed

"his vulnerability to litigation", "his exposure to ridicule"

synonyms : vulnerability
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payment or expense; expending; something expended; output; Ex. receipt for the expenditure; Ex.
expenditure of all the energy
• (noun) the act of consuming something

synonyms : consumption , using up

• (noun) the act of spending money for goods or services
synonyms : expending
• (noun) money paid out; an amount spent

synonyms : outgo , outlay , spending

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.


• From Latin expendere “to weigh out (especially money in payment),” from pendere “to weigh, weigh
out” (source of English dispense, pendant, pendulum, and spend ).] added by bimal03

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specialized knowledge (in a particular field); expert skill

• (noun) skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledge

synonyms : expertness

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make amends for (a sin)

• (verb) make amends for

"expiate one's sins"

synonyms : aby , abye , atone

David hoped to atone for abandoning his family. -added by naila_inlas

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expiate

 (Tag: ) Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-pirate always tries to expiate his guilt.Ex pirate becomes pious.

added by Deepu12345 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: hindi) i was her 'pia' once.... and now i am her ex-pia.... if i dont make amends i wont get her
back :(

added by kmr.akhil Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) Her ex, P, ate all the cookies and made amends with flowers.

added by thebookie3 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) pray to god and you EXPECT THAT god will amend for all your crimes or sins..

added by preetisoni2411 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) EXPect and ask someone ( amend ) to get it.....means EXPiate

added by aniketr Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: rhyme) expat returning homeland TO AMEND home ties

added by wsquare Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) expiate : ex + pia(spouse) + date; if u wanna hv date with ur ex then u need to make some

added by wolverine_goin_homeland Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin expiat-, the past participle stem of expiare, literally “to atone completely,” from pius (see
pious ).] added by bimal03

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meaningless word; interjection; profane oath; swear-word

• (noun) profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger

"expletives were deleted"

synonyms : curse , curse word , cuss , oath , swearing , swearword

She was shouting out one oath after another as they led her away from the body. -added by
• (noun) a word or phrase conveying no independent meaning but added to fill out a sentence or
metrical line
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expletive

 (Tag: ) Your parents will surely utter 'Expletive' words if you are 'Expelled' from the exam.
added by rizvi Edit Mnemonic

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• From late Latin expletivus, from explet-, the past participle stem of explere, literally “to fill up,”
from plere “to fill” (see complete ).] added by bimal03

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explain in detail; interpret; clarify; CF. explicable
• (verb) elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses

"Could you develop the ideas in your thesis"

synonyms : develop , formulate

• (verb) make plain and comprehensible

"He explained the laws of physics to his students"

synonyms : explain
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for explicate

 (Tag: ) make explicit

added by kmr.akhil Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) Ex(it) from complications by making it clear/explicate

added by wsquare Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin explicat-, the past participle stem of explicare, literally “to unfold,” from plicare “to
fold” added by bimal03

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talk at length; speak or write in detail
• (verb) add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way,
usually in writing
"She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation"

synonyms : dilate , elaborate , enlarge , expand , exposit , expound , flesh out , lucubrate
“his nostrils dilated”, “the enlarged photograph of her grandparents hung on the wall”, “the lungs
expand when air is inhaled”, “ she began to expatiate upon the recent political developments”, “he
expounded, at great length, his vi -added by nsrees

“he expounded, at great length, his views on the subject to this students”, “ she will need to flesh out
the image of the "caring boss" she presented to her staff in the meeting” -added by nsrees

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expatiate

 (Tag: Hindi) expatiate - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your brain talking
some nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at length.

added by varunrocks Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) expatiate.....sounds like expect....and you expect every writer to clarify the meaning or the
intent of his written essays..or stories....

added by preetisoni2411 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) Think of an expatriate sitting in a cafe writing on and on ... "The expatriate expatiated about
his sexual exploits in Paris."

added by bugmenot Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: Global) get a word PATI.. means husband.. a lady talks in length about her husband when she is
newly married..

added by sanchit Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) To explain in great detail.

added by Marise Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: tamil) pati means grandma who usually tells loads of advice and speak continously without
stopping. if she starts talking it ll go for expatiate is talking for long time

added by arulmozhi Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin ex(s)patiat-, past participle stem of ex(s)patiari, literally “to walk out,” from spatiari “to
walk,” from spatium “space” (source of English space ). Originally “to roam freely.”] added by

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Searched 1210 times in total

exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land; V: exile; banish; leave one's country
• (noun) a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country

"American expatriates"
synonyms : exile , expat

• (verb) move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad
• (verb) expel from a country

"The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions"
synonyms : deport , exile

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Selected Mnemonic for expatriate

 (Tag: Global) ex ~ out and patriate ~ patriotic; someone who is not patriotic towards his
country should be EXPATRIATED (~ expelled)

added by meetnish

Mnemonics for expatriate

 (Tag: ) read EXPATRIATE as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person withdrew from his
native land and settled somewhere else.

added by AADHI Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: Mythology) Expa(TREE)ate-Lord RAMA went to EXILE where he found only TREES(forest)..called

added by nikhilsuhas Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin expatriat-, past participle stem of expatriare, literally “to leave your native land,” from
patria “native land,” from pater “father.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 630 times in total

suitable (for a particular purpose although not necessarily morally correct); practical; politic(prudent); N:
something expedient

• (noun) a means to an end; not necessarily a principled or ethical one

• (adj.) serving to promote your interest

"was merciful only when mercy was expedient"

• (adj.) appropriate to a purpose; practical

"in the circumstances it was expedient to express loyalty"

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expedient

 (Tag: ) pronounce it like "experienced" experienced person is always SUITABLE for making

added by manishrana50 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) Expedited plane trips are expedient (suitable or practical) since they take little time.

added by nic42991 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) u plan 2 go on an expedition so u make sure if it is expedient i.e. suitable n practical in time n
money's context.

added by avinav Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin expedit-, past participle stem of expedire “to set free,” literally “to free the feet,” from
ultimately, pes “foot” (source of English pedal ).] added by bimal03

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Searched 1556 times in total

hasten; make go faster
• (verb) process fast and efficiently

"I will try to expedite the matter"

• (verb) speed up the progress of; facilitate

"This should expedite the process"

synonyms : hasten

Rock star Bob utilised expeditious deployment of colloquialism and vernacular in order to cultivate a
populist aura around himself. -added by BagomboSnuffbox

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Selected Mnemonic for expedite

 (Tag: Global) EXPEDITE ~ Exped (sounds like speed) + It; so expedite means to speed up the
progress of something.

added by maheshv

Mnemonics for expedite

 (Tag: ) Ex (Mr. X) + Pedi (foot). so you can presume that when you walk you make "progress" and with
Mr. X you walk so you are assisting him.

added by chandankala Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin expedit-, past participle stem of expedire “to set free,” literally “to free the feet,” from
ultimately, pes “foot” (source of English pedal ).] added by bimal03

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Searched 1046 times in total

done with speed; quick; N. expedition
• (adj.) marked by speed and efficiency

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Mnemonics for expeditious

 (Tag: ) EXPERT in PED work very fast and efficienntly..

added by cheeka449 Edit Mnemonic

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acquit; exculpate; free from blame or guilt

• (verb) pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

"The suspect was cleared of the murder charges"

synonyms : acquit , assoil , clear , discharge , exculpate

-tagged by editor1

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Selected Mnemonic for exonerate

 (Tag: Global) EXONERATE ~ break it as EX (gone) HONOUR (pride) ~ to bring back your gone or
fallen honour by getting the blame off you.

added by ready4gre
Mnemonics for exonerate

 (Tag: ) ex(purani)...ones (one) rate(value) vapas mill jana...means to get back ur lost pride by gettin
ridd of d charges...

added by lovedeepsingh Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) exonerate...consider aerate..when you get aerated you feel relieved so you feel relieved when
you are pronounced not guilty of criminal charges

added by coolmayuri222 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: Sing-songy) I want to exoner-ate because it's not your plate, and you are not to blame

added by Yank Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: global) reiterate honor which means acquitting of all charges and getting back your

added by sidme Edit Mnemonic

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• From Latin exonerat-, past participle stem of exonerare, literally “to take off a burden,” from onus
“burden” (source of English onerous and onus ).] added by bimal03

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(of costs or demands) excessive; exceeding reasonable bounds
• (adj.) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
"exorbitant rent", "extortionate prices", "spends an outrageous amount on entertainment", "usurious
interest rate", "unconscionable spending"
synonyms : extortionate , outrageous , steep , unconscionable , usurious

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exorbitant

 (Tag: jya da orbit chewing gum khane se teeth kharab hote he) ex(out) + orbit - that is out of orbit or
limitations that are binding it.

added by userdce Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) if we takin it from ORBITANT it means in hindi OR BI(bhi) TANT hai means "excessive".

added by himanshu88 Edit Mnemonic

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• Ultimately from Christian Latin exorbitare “to go out of the track,” from Latin orbita “track,” from
orbis “circle.” Originally “not within the intended scope of a law.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 715 times in total

drive out evil spirits
• (verb) expel through adjuration or prayers

"exorcise evil spirits"

synonyms : exorcize

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Mnemonics for exorcise

 (Tag: ) remember the movie which priest WHO DRIVE OUT EVIL SPIRITS suicides in the
added by imajeeth Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) exercise to drive out evil

added by udit787 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: general) exercise-to reduce physical lazyness whereas exorcise -to expel the evil spirits

added by rajeshou.t Edit Mnemonic

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• Directly or via French exorciser from ecclesiastical Latin exorcizare, from Greek exorkizein, literally
“to swear out (an evil spirit),” from orkos “oath.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 414 times in total

not native; from another part of the world; strange; intriguingly unusual; Ex. exotic flower/dress
• (adj.) strikingly strange or unusual

"an exotic hair style", "protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants", "the exotic
landscape of a dead planet"

• (adj.) being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world

"alien customs", "exotic plants in a greenhouse", "exotic cuisine"

synonyms : alien
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exotic

 (Tag: ) you can find many TV shows in which they portray different 'Exotic Destinations' or places.. this
might help remembering it.
added by avinav Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: A Chemistry term-exothermic. In Exothermic reactions, heat is released out. So, heat belongs to
someother world(test tube))

added by savakarv Edit Mnemonic

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• Via Latin exoticus from Greek exotikos, from exo “out, outside,” the underlying notion being “foreign,
out of the ordinary.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 458 times in total

(of a person) outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size
• (adj.) able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion

"Expansive materials", "the expansive force of fire"

• (adj.) friendly and open and willing to talk

"wine made the guest expansive"

synonyms : talkative

• (adj.) marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur

• (adj.) of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope

"an expansive lifestyle", "in the grand manner", "collecting on a grand scale", "heroic undertakings"
synonyms : grand , heroic

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for expansive

 (Tag: ) Sehwag got out trying yo play EXPANSIVE drive (out going ball)
added by jay_gandhi Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) He tried to expand his repertoire of friends so he that he became more sociable.

added by nic42991 Edit Mnemonic

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• Directly or via Anglo-Norman espaundre from Latin expandere “to spread out,” from pandere “to
spread.”] added by bimal03

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dig out of the ground; remove from a grave
• (verb) dig up for reburial or for medical investigation; of dead bodies
synonyms : disinter
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exhume

 (Tag: ) ex meaning out and hume sounds similar to exhume is to take out the human body
from the grave.

added by imajeeth Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: English) (ex)-out (hume)-humous,earth. thus to dig out from the earth

added by logic87 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: English) (ex)-out+(hume)-humous... thus dig out

added by logic87 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) exhume.....sounds like digging up the grave for the medical examination of the
dead body............... below is picture where a soldier's body is reburied by other soldiers.....

added by preetisoni2411 Edit Mnemonic

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• From medieval Latin exhumare, from humare “to bury,” from humus “ground, earth” (source of
English humus, humiliate, and humble ).] added by bimal03

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Searched 640 times in total

urgent situation; ADJ. exigent

• (noun) a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action
"he never knew what to do in an emergency"

synonyms : emergency , pinch

-tagged by editor1
• (noun) a pressing or urgent situation
"the health-care exigency"
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Selected Mnemonic for exigency

 (Tag: Global) exigency ~ exit + emergency; you remember the emergency exit, only when at
the time of an urgent situation.

added by tamaltanu

Mnemonics for exigency

 (Tag: ) think of urgency/emergency

added by vivekkarumudi Edit Mnemonic

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• From late Latin exigentia, from the Latin present participle stem exigent- of exigere “to demand,
require” added by bimal03

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Searched 719 times in total

small in amount; minute
• (adj.) extremely scanty

"an exiguous budget"

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Mnemonics for exiguous

 (Tag: ) "exit juice". juice is exitin from the glass through a SMALL hole :P

added by manishrana50 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) judges told us to exit(exi)the dance competition nd host also told us to go(guo we
exitd d sho leavin small no. of competitors .. i.e exiguous -> exit + go + us
added by lovedeepsingh Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) exiguous: due to deforestation...fauna got as EXtremely small no ZOO..


added by prince garg23 Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: hindi) exi - extra + guous (uga hua) - extra uga hua.. extra ugahua to kam hi hota hia na

added by anshul.arb Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) exi(EXIT)+guo(GO)+us………On our EXIT from competition judges told US to GO as they were not
satisfied from our SHORT performance lasting for only a SMALL AMOUNT OF time

added by lebshah Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: Hindi) ones whoes whole wealth, property etc is exi(exit)guous(gayi...he lost)

added by userdce Edit Mnemonic

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• Formed from Latin exiguus, from exigere “to weigh precisely, measure” added by bimal03

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Searched 1266 times in total

pertaining to existence; pertaining to the philosophy of existentialism
• (adj.) relating to or dealing with existence (especially with human existence)

• (adj.) of or as conceived by existentialism

"an existential moment of choice"

• (adj.) derived from experience or the experience of existence

"the rich experiential content of the teachings of the older philosophers", "formal logicians are not
concerned with existential matters"
synonyms : experiential

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.


• Directly or via French from late Latin existentia, from Latin ex(s)istere “to emerge, come into being,”
from sistere “to cause to stand firm.”] added by bimal03

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Searched 127 times in total

departure (of a large number of people)
• (noun) a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment

synonyms : hegira , hejira

• (noun) the second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in
Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai
during the Exodus

synonyms : book of exodus

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for exodus

 (Tag: Hindi) exodus- sounds like ek sau(100 in hindi) + dus(bus)= means 100 buses - a 100 buses
carrying hundreds of pilgrims are just leaving from the bus depot.

added by varunrocks Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: hindi) ek sau dus - 110 -> 11 - > nau do gyarah means departure
added by abhi_vaj Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) 110.....means ek (1)...ek(1) karke sab bhaag gaye...(departed)...aur koi nahi (0) reh gaye....

added by lovedeepsingh Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: ) mr.(EX) DEPARTED frm US OD(on duty)....i know its very eerie

added by imajeeth Edit Mnemonic

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 (Tag: hmmm) (ex)exit (o)out of (dus)door

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• Via ecclesiastical Latin “(biblical Book of) Exodus” from Greek, literally “way out,” from hodos “way,
road.”] added by bimal03

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