Past Participle of Regular and Irregular Verbs

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-Past participle of regular

and irregular verbs

1.- Write the past participle of the verbs given in the following
1.- I have never _____________ (feel) this kind of
2.- My mother has ___________ (keep) the secret
for years
3.- Susan wasnt at home , she had _______ (go) to
the supermarket
4.- She hadnt _________(do) her homework
5.- My brother has never _______(drive) a
motorbike before

I havent _____(find) my keys



It had _______(become) cold , so

we didnt go out

8.- Have you ever _______(see) him


Past participle of regular and irregular verbs by Diana Laura Lpez Salas is licensed under
a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional

9.- She had ______(bake) a cake but we didnt eat it

10.- Lisette has _______(buy) a
lot of clothes recently
11 .- My roommate has _______(be)
sick all the week
12.- They have already
________(have) breakfast
13.- Have you ever _________(think)
about it?
14.- My aunt has __________(lose) her
cell phone

Sorry , I have to go , I havent

______(sleep) well.

Past participle of regular and irregular verbs by Diana Laura Lpez Salas is licensed under
a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional

2.-Fill in the following crossword according to the clues given.

Past participle of regular and irregular verbs by Diana Laura Lpez Salas is licensed under
a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional



3.- Appear

1.- Explain

4.- Hang

2.- Forget

5.- Answer

6.- Bring


7 .- Walk

10.- Ask

9.- Draw

11.- Finish

11.- Freeze

14.- Arrive

12.- Catch
13.- Hide

Past participle of regular and irregular verbs by Diana Laura Lpez Salas is licensed under
a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional

1.1.- I have never felt this kind of feeling
2.- My mother has kept the secret for years
3.- Susan wasnt at home , she had gone to the supermarket
4.- She hadnt done her homework
5.- My brother has never driven a motorbike before
6.- I havent found my keys yet
7.- It had become cold , so we didnt go out
8.- Have you ever seen him before?
9.- She had baked a cake but we didnt eat it
10.- Louis has bought a lot of clothes recently
11 .- My roommate has been sick all the week
12.- They have already had breakfast
13.- Have you ever thought about it?
14.- My aunt has lost her cell phone again
15.- Sorry , I have to go , I havent slept well.

Past participle of regular and irregular verbs by Diana Laura Lpez Salas is licensed under
a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional

Past participle of regular and irregular verbs by Diana Laura Lpez Salas is licensed under
a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional

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