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26 Section A JUNE 2008 The Woodside News


Age of the Earth 2— ing you, and on their hands Mahalalel? Most definitely! der of Abel, all instigated by Satan (1
they will bear you up, lest you Jesus called several disciples fools John 3:12). Jesus saw this as happening
Jesus’ View strike your foot against a for being slow to believe “all that the at the beginning of history.
stone.’” In Matthew 4:6, Jesus prophets have spoken” when they were These examples show that Jesus
H ow would Jesus answer
the question, “How old
is the earth?”
did not challenge Satan’s lit-
eral interpretation. Instead,
wondering at reports of the
Resurrection. Beginning with Moses and
placed the creation of man at the
beginning, not billions of years after
He corrected Satan’s misap- all the prophets, He explained to them the the beginning. For Jesus the creation of
I think Jesus would reply plication with a literal appli- things concerning Himself in all the the universe, earth and man all
wonderingly, “Have you not cation of another Scripture. Scriptures (Luke 24:27), obviously inter- occurred at the beginning with no
read…?” and beginning with WILLIAM T. PELLETIER Jesus literally interpreted preting the Old Testament Scriptures intervening periods of billions of years
the Genesis genealogies and PH.D.
and endorsed some of the about His suffering and resurrection lit- between the events.
continuing with Moses and “hardest to believe” accounts erally, because He was literally crucified
the prophets He would explain the in the Old Testament like Noah’s and literally raised from the dead. Jesus WHAT DID JESUS’ CONTEMPORARIES
things concerning chronology in the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, manna, clearly expected people to accept the THINK?
Scriptures. the bronze serpent, and Jonah and the plain literal meaning of the text and We know from the Jewish historian
Why do I think this? Look at big fish. He even based vital teaching called them fools if they did not. Josephus that the Jews of Jesus time
Jesus’ own references to creation. Look about His deity, His death and resur- believed they were only thousands of
at how He literally interpreted and rection, salvation, the final judgment, WHAT DID JESUS SAY? years removed from Adam.
applied Scripture. Look at how those and human marriage on literal inter- Explicit references to creation by Jesus The men Jesus trained and author-
He trained literally applied Scripture. pretations of Old Testament events. If show that He placed the creation of ized to speak and teach with His
Jesus interpreted the miracles of the man at the Beginning, not after long authority interpreted the Old
WHAT DID JESUS THINK? Old Testament literally, isn’t it reason- eras of evolution leading up to man. Testament literally. Every New
Jesus supported His teaching, defend- able to conclude that He also literally When teaching on marriage Jesus Testament author referred to people
ed His conduct, and ordered His life interpreted and accepted the genealog- asserted, “From the beginning of cre- and/or events of Genesis 1-11 as
all by Scripture. In some
form he used “Have you
not read…?” 11 times and
“It is written…” 30 times. How did the men Jesus trained interpret
He applied these
Scriptures literally and
expected His hearers to
Genesis? Every New Testament author refers
understand, believe and
accept the text’s plain lit- to people or events of Genesis 1-11 as
unquestioned historical fact.
eral meaning. For Jesus,
Scripture was the Word
of God and could not be
broken ( John 10:35). He
pronounced it valid and trustworthy ical and chronological data of the Old ation, God made them male and female” unquestioned historical fact. Matthew
down to the smallest jot and tittle Testament? (Mark 10:6-9). According to Jesus, God and Luke used the genealogical records
(Matthew 5:18). Which is harder to believe, that created mankind fully formed as man of the Old Testament literally to give
During a dispute with the Jews Jonah was swallowed at sea by a great and woman ready for marriage at the the record of Jesus’ ancestry. Peter
over His equality with God the Father, fish and regurgitated alive three days beginning, not after billions of years of taught about the last judgment based
Jesus concluded His case with, “For if later, or that Mahalalel begat evolution following the beginning. on the Flood that literally destroyed
you believed Moses, you would believe (fathered) Jared at age 65 and lived 830 While pronouncing woe on the the world (2 Peter 3).
Me; for he wrote of Me. But if you do not more years to age 895? Jesus based the Pharisees Jesus said, “…in order that the Paul taught that men are without
believe his writings, how will you believe validity of His resurrection on the lit- blood of all the prophets, shed since the excuse because since the creation of the
My words? ” ( John 5:46-47). Jesus eral validity of Jonah’s experience when foundation of the world…from the blood world man has clearly seen God’s eternal
equated believing His own words with He said, “Just as Jonah was three days of Abel to the blood of Zechariah.” (Luke power and divine character through what
believing Moses’ written record, a and three nights in the belly of the sea 11:50-51) Chronologically, Abel and has been made. (Romans 1:19,20) Paul’s
record which includes the Genesis monster, so shall the Son of Man be three Zechariah were the first and last mar- understanding of Genesis as literal his-
genealogies. Clearly Jesus expected His days and three nights in the heart of the tyrs of the Old Testament. We see torical fact was the basis for his place-
hearers to interpret His claims to deity earth. (Matthew 12:40) from this that Jesus believed that ment of man at the beginning of the
literally, and therefore He would If Jesus believed Jonah’s record, as Adam’s son Abel lived close to the world. Moreover, Paul explicitly said
expect literal interpretation of Moses’ He assuredly did since He based His foundation of the world and that Adam was the first man (1 Cor. 15:45).
record which He identified as equiva- resurrection teaching on it, would He Abel’s blood was literally shed.
lent to His words and foundational to not also have believed Moses’ record of Jesus taught about the last days, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?
believing Him. “For those days will be a time of Jesus would have interpreted the
Jesus asked Nicodemus, tribulation such as has not occurred genealogical and chronological texts
“If I told you earthly things and since the beginning of the creation literally and historically, just as He did
you do not believe, how shall you which God created, until now, and with other Scriptures and just as His
believe if I tell you heavenly never shall.” (Mark 13:19) contemporaries and His apostles did.
things? ” ( John 3:12) According to Jesus, the suffering Therefore Jesus would have
Similarly, if one cannot accept of the tribulation will be greater answered the question, “How old is the
Jesus’ witness to a literal inter- than at any other time since the earth?” with “Have you not read Moses
pretation of Moses (an earthly beginning of creation. He clearly and the Prophets? It’s about 4,000
matter), how can one accept believed human suffering started years old.” Jesus believed in an age of
what He taught about salva- at the beginning (when Adam only thousands of years for the earth –
tion (a heavenly matter)? sinned), not billions of years not millions or billions.
Earthly matters are often sub- after the beginning. For other- It is incumbent upon those who
ject to verification. If you wise there would be no point in follow Jesus as Lord to accept His view
don’t believe Jesus about comparing the tribulation suffer- as their view and to reject fanciful
earthly matters, how can you ing with a time when there was interpretations which violate the literal
believe Him about unverifi- no human suffering, unless suf- sense of Scripture.
able matters? fering really did begin near the
Satan used a literal inter- beginning with the first humans. © 2008 William T. Pelletier
pretation of Psalm 91:11-12 Christ called Satan a mur- Email Dr. Pelletier at
to tempt Jesus: “If You are the derer from the beginning ( John
Son of God, throw Yourself 8:44), referring to the fall and Read the Bible-Science Guy blog at
down; for it is written, ‘He will death of Adam and Cain’s mur-
give His angels charge concern-

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