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22 Section A MARCH 2007 The Woodside News


Computer Bibles Logos and BibleWorks Bible Harmonies appear in any ver- modern 4-volume Bible encyclope-
have excellent tutorials for sion. Turn “Words of Christ in Red” dia. However, only the most expen-

C an a computer make you

a better Christian? Yes
and No. Computers tremen-
beginners through veterans.
Both provide training videos,
on or off. Notes, highlighting, mark-
ups are simple to add or remove.
sive SLG package contains one. This
is a serious deficiency for any theo-
extensive online help, and BibleWorks suggests buying print logical library.
dously enhance Bible study, so training workshops. editions first and only purchasing elec- Logos3 is easy to begin using.
if you apply what you learn, tronic editions for heavily-used books. Type a reference and Logos opens to
then Yes—otherwise, No. ELECTRONIC LIBRARIES Will today’s e-books still be usable in the Bible passage, linking all pertinent
I’ve used Bible software What are the advantages of e- 10 years? Print editions will be. resources: commentaries, Bible dic-
for 15 years. I take my com- WILLIAM T. PELLETIER books? Time, money, space, Yet printed books can be lost, tionaries, parallel passages, cross refer-
puter to church. It’s like integration, portability, format. stolen, or damaged. Logos guarantees ences, maps, music. Just a mouse-click
having a giant desk in the Electronic reference free replacements and unlimited away is much more information
sanctuary with all my Bibles and ref- books save getting up, going to book- upgrades for e-books and software. including version comparisons and in-
erence books spread out for use shelves, finding books, looking up sub- You pay once for new e-books or depth Hebrew/Greek analysis. Type a
while listening. jects. Instead of searching books one at tools—never twice. word or topic and get a full list of rele-
a time, digging through indexes, or This highlights an important vant resources. Children can use
WHAT IS BIBLE SOF T WARE? locating bookmarks, I can quickly philosophical difference. Logos empha- Logos. Yet the product is sophisticated
Bible software consists of computer search an electronic library of hun- sizes e-books. BibleWorks emphasizes enough to delight erudite scholars.
programs for studying the Bible. At dreds of books for all references to a Scripture analysis tools and does not Notes can be added to any verse;
the most basic level it is an electronic specific verse, word, or topic—jumping intend to be a theological e-library. they then appear in all Bible versions
concordance which quickly searches quickly from place to place. and commentaries. Notes added to
electronic Bibles to find passages. Rapid searching and accurate LOGOS words or topics likewise appear in all
Many programs do version compar- information retrieval is a huge advan- Logos3 (, ©2006) similar resources. It’s easy to add,
isons plus word and topic studies. Some tage of electronic libraries over tradi- locates, organizes, and presents modify, delete, or hide notes.
contain searchable reference works hyper- tional ones. In e-books, subjects are Biblical information from electronic Commentaries can be synchronized
linked to Bibles and other works. Some linked to relevant topics both inside resources. Students of Scripture from with Bibles, so that as you move

BibleWorks and Logos are far more than

computerized concordances. Both are highly
sophisticated Bible research tools with a vast
range of amazing capabilities.
include extensive Hebrew and Greek around in either, the other moves to
tools for scholarly linguistic research. that place too. You can add custom
The market is fairly evenly divided toolbars.
among laymen, pastors, and scholars. Bible version comparisons are
Ease-of-use, scope (devotional to pas- easy! Color coding shows which words
toral to scholarly), resource content were added and which left out com-
and integration, features, and price are pared to a base version—no more
the five primary drivers for Bible soft- looking back and forth between multi-
ware purchases. ple Bibles.
Scores of products are available in
varied combinations of these drivers. BIBLEWORKS
Over the years I’ve used 16 different BibleWorks7 (,
Bible software products. Quality and © 2006) focuses on analyzing
function vary greatly, though any prod- Scripture in Hebrew and Greek. It also
uct is better than none. Here’s my turbocharges English Bible study.
head-to-head review of the best BibleWorks offers a single package
Windows programs for serious Bible for $350, featuring 112 Bible versions
study, BibleWorks7 and Logos3. in 30 languages (including 37 English
These are much more than com- BibleWorks search results for “David calls Him Lord Bibles and 26 modern foreign lan-
puterized concordances for looking up guage Bibles), 14 original language
verses. Both are highly sophisticated and outside the book, making it easy to beginners to experienced academic texts with 18 morphology databases,
Bible research tools with a vast range traverse entire libraries to locate infor- researchers use Logos. 12 Greek and 5 Hebrew lexicons and
of amazing capabilities—far more than mation. This function is not available Logos offers 7 packages ranging dictionaries, and 30 reference works
can be surveyed here. in print books. Moreover, e-books from $150 (Christian Home Library- (dictionaries, commentaries, gram-
Both programs have user-friendly generally cost less than print editions. CHL) to $1380 (Scholar’s Library: mars, maps, timelines). BibleWorks
interfaces with easily accessible Bible Entire bookshelves fit on your Gold-SLG). Packages differ only in sells 20 add-on reference works.
reference books. If authors cite verse hard drive. Your library goes wherever resources; all have the same software For in-depth original language
references, mousing over them auto- you go—church, plane, car, vacation, engine. CHL contains 68 Bibles and ref- study, BibleWorks is the most cost-
matically displays the Scripture in bedroom, backyard, mission field. It’s erence books worth nearly $1,200. SLG effective package. Logos packages with
popup windows. Mousing over Greek far easier and cheaper to ship an e- contains 700+ titles worth over $11,700. comparable functionality cost more.
or Hebrew words pops-up meanings library than a print library. A library All libraries contain multiple Bible ver- BibleWorks uses Search, Browse,
and parsings. requiring 100 feet of shelf space sions, commentaries, dictionaries, maps, and Analysis windows arranged left to
Both programs save workspace con- (height of a 10-story building) and Hebrew and Greek tools. The various right corresponding to natural work
figurations for later re-opening. When weighing 1,500 pounds fits easily on a libraries are designed for different uses— flow. The always-open Search window
you need to work on another project, single DVD. devotional study, teaching preparation, is a convenience not present in Logos.
just save one workspace and start anoth- In Logos3, e-book display can be or scholarly original-language research. The Browse window displays Bible
er. Imagine having a dozen large desks custom-tailored; printed books cannot. Available for additional purchase are texts and version comparisons. As you
in the sanctuary with a different collec- For example, Bibles are viewable in 7,000+ electronic reference books from mouse over words in the Browse win-
tion of books spread out on each with- verse-by-verse or paragraph styles, over 100 publishers. dow, the Analysis window shows notes,
out crowding anyone. with different fonts and type sizes. All 7 libraries ought to include a SCIENCE continued on page 23
The Woodside News MARCH 2007 Section A 23

Recommendations & Ratings

BY WILLIAM T. PELLETIER, PH.D. ern foreign language Bibles, get BibleWorks Here are my ratings of 7 key factors on a
WOODSIDE NEWS COLUMNIST which includes 26. Logos sells 16, most for
$15-$20 each. Both have good maps,
scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (outstanding).

Y ou cannot go wrong with either

BibleWorks7 or Logos3. Here are my
bottom-line evaluations of 5 key drivers.
although I prefer BW maps.
FEATURES: Both are packed with outstanding FACTOR LOGOS3 BIBLEWORKS7
features. Most of what can be done in one,
EASE-OF-USE: Neither is difficult, but Logos Ease-of-use 8 6
can be done in the other, except only Logos
seems more intuitive and simpler for beginners. has syntax tags. Only BibleWorks has user- Scope (lay to scholar) 9 8
SCOPE: Both cover the layman-to-pastor-to- generation of e-books in the base product.
scholar range well. For laymen, Logos is better. BibleWorks runs faster. In comparison Logos Resources & Integration 9 6
If you only need a concordance, use seemed sluggish, not snappy.
Features 9 9 or freeware Bible programs. PRICE: For scholarly Hebrew/Greek tools
RESOURCES: Each has important scholarly and for creating and distributing Bible trans- Price 6 6
references unique to it. Far more are available lations or commentaries, BibleWorks is Speed 5 8
in Logos, and they are better integrated. If cheaper. If these functions are not needed,
you want a strong integrated electronic theo- Logos has cheaper packages. Tutorials & Help 10 10
logical library, get the biggest Logos library
you can afford. If you prefer paper books, Dr. Pelletier may be contacted by email at
Total 56 53
choose BibleWorks. If you need many mod- Average Rating 8.0 7.6
©2007 William T. Pelletier

SCIENCE continued from page 22 For search queries, BibleWorks

cross-references, Greek/Hebrew word uses non-intuitive, non-standard
meanings, and parsings. It provides command line syntax which requires
access to pertinent reference books. time to learn. Logos uses menus to
BibleWorks button icons are not specify searches without having to
intuitively obvious, but mouse-over learn search commands.
tips help. However, BibleWorks searches are
BibleWorks includes a full-fea- about ten times faster than Logos. A
tured text editor that supports right- search for all Hebrew verbs in Proverbs
to-left Hebrew, Greek, and hypertext took 0.6 seconds in BW. Logos took 9
links. The Logos editor is more rudi- seconds. A search for all imperative,
mentary, but a fancy editor is not active voice, present tense verbs in
essential in Bible software. Paul’s epistles took 0.55 sec in BW.
Users can create and distribute e- Logos took 4 seconds. This becomes
books which fully integrate with significant when a complex search
BibleWorks search and analysis tools. takes 2 minutes for BibleWorks versus
Bible teachers can create commen- 20 minutes for Logos.
taries, devotionals, and reference works Both products have powerful
which function just as BW’s own refer- graphical search engines. Complex
ence books do. Translators and mis- searches can be formulated much
sionaries can distribute new transla- more easily graphically than by com-
tions. Anyone can convert public mand line queries.
domain texts into BW e-books. Logos3 and BibleWorks7 are
The analogous tool for Logos superb products which will delight
costs $250 and requires yearly $25 any user. I enthusiastically recom-
license renewal fees. This is a big neg- mend both.
ative for those who want to create and
distribute their own commentaries, Dr. Pelletier may be contacted by email
translations, or study notes. Logos pol- at
icy is short-sighted. It would be to ©2007 William T. Pelletier
their benefit to encourage users to Serious Bible students will be elat- Extending this work with syntax stud-
develop and distribute materials in the ed to learn that Logos3 also includes ies could even more clearly demon-
Logos format. Their hefty license fees syntactically tagged Bibles—the first strate the historical character of
discourage this. Bible software to do so. Syntax means Scripture.
the way words relate to each other. Logos provides reverse interlinear
MORPHOLOGY & SYNTAX Syntax searches are searches for Bibles featuring the Hebrew and
Bible study mines the meaning intend- word relationships—pivotal at Greek text in English word order. This
ed by the original authors. Scripture Woodside where “relationships are helps English-only readers access
was originally written primarily in everything.” For example, syntax search- Logos’ wealth of original language
Hebrew and Greek. Ideally everyone es discriminate between actions done to resources. BW does not include inter-
would know Hebrew and Greek. Till or by a subject. Using an interlinear linear Bibles.
that day comes we need help. Bible, Logos makes syntax searches easy
Translations express the meaning of even for English Bible studies. SEARCHES
the original Hebrew and Greek words. The study of syntax can clarify Both products have powerful search
Morphology and syntax bring deeper Hebrew and Greek grammatical prin- capabilities. Practically any imagina-
understanding. ciples and possibly reveal new ones. ble search can be done, even across
Word studies involve morphology. For example, using BibleWorks, recent multiple versions and languages. For
Morphology entails parts-of-speech morphological studies of verb tenses example, you could find all verses
(noun, verb, adjective, etc.) and word have shown that the Genesis Creation containing certain Hebrew words
form (mood, tense, voice, person, and Flood accounts are definitely nar- with specified Greek translations in
number, gender, case). Both Logos and rative and not poetic, debunking the Septuagint and particular English
BibleWorks include morphology. claims of liberal interpreters. translations in the NASB.

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