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1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Factors Affecting the Relationship between Community Organization Council

and the Local Government Organization
Sittichai Thummakun*, Dr.Thammaporn Tantra **, Dr.Somkid kaewthip*** and Dr.Sathaporn Sangsupho****

This qualitative and quantitative study aimed to: 1) investigate and analyze the relationships between the
community organization council and the local administrative organization; 2) explore factors effecting the relations
between the community organization council and the local administrative organization The sample group in this study
consisted of representatives of the community organization council having been registered legally; representatives of the
local administrative organization; and concerned personnel e.g. academics on politics and laws and NGOs personnel.
Research instruments in this study included structured interview schedule, questionnaire, and focus group discussion.
Descriptive statistics was used with qualitative data whereas normal multiple regression was used with quantitative data.
Findings showed that there were 4 forms of relations between the community organization council and the local
administrative organization as follows: 1) support of each other; 2) coordination; 3) conflicts, and 4) self-dependence.
The difference in relations of the community organization council and the local administrative organization in each area
were affected by the following factors: individual, participation, local politics, benefits, beliefs, culture, way of
organization managerial administration, and structure.
Keywords: Community Organization Council, Local Administrative Organization

Local governing is now playing important roles in Thai politics. It clearly reflects Thai political change both in
urban and rural communities. However, local governing in Thailand still has low development together with problems.

Masters Student, Public and Private Organization Administration Program, School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University; Email:
School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University
School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University
School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University

1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
This is particularly caused by the political culture in the country which is in the form of representatives making conflicts
process. Besides, it does not promote people to truly participate in Thai politics. Instead, they are only voter based and
service users without accountability. This is because mot representatives come from profit seeking groups and those
under the patronage system. In fact, people do not have a chance to participate in the determination of the form of local
administrative organization. Although there is the occurrence of public hearing in the local area, but various processes
have conditions hindering local people participation. This causes problems in the personnel management system,
problems in authorized persons, roles in mechanical control, discriminatory, corruption at the grass root level, crimes
caused by conflicts in local administrative organizations, and local election. All of these continually increase in violence.
At present, the local administrative organization attempts to level it to be an agency of the bureaucratic system
dominating local people. That is, it is not truly in accordance with the principle of decentralization. Besides, some main
functions of the local administrative organization overlap with that of the central and the regional agencies (Panyadee,
2010: 5).
Since the problem condition of local governing in Thailand had developed from the elite group and democratic
representative which cannot be responsive to local needs, this leads to needs for an organization as a legal entity with
independence and coordination. Thus, it leads to have an idea to have a bill process of the community organization
council in 2006. This began by the conclusion of Community democracy: reconciliation politics performed by the
coordination of the community networks and Social Management College. Then, there was a brain-storming venue at a
regional level (eight regions) in order to develop proposition of local people for social and political reform. That was, the
adjustment of managerial mechanism by decentralization (up to bottom) leading to true self-reliance. In November, 2006
this idea was proposed to General Surayuth Chulanont, the Prime Minister of Thailand during that time. Later on, the idea
was drafted as well as the community organization council. Meanwhile, there was a continual public hearing venue
holding of leaders of 4 regions and teamwork of community organization networks for brain storming both in the central
and regions. Eventually, there was a conclusion of the community organization council act draft proposed to Ministry of
Social Development and Human Security to further propose it to the Council of Ministers. However, there were different
opinions among members of the Council of Ministers. Those who objected were mostly afraid that it would have
conflicts with the local administrative organization and overlapped budgets. On the other hand, those who did not object
perceived that grass root participations are participated democracy which can monitor and offset. Unfortunately,
however, Minister of Social Development and Human Security could not support the community organization council
because it was refused twice by the Council of Ministers since Ministry of Interior disagreed to it. The reason was that it
would overlap with the function of the local administrative organization, resulting in conflicts in the community.
Therefore, there was a solution to propose this incident to the Appeal committee for consideration. During this time, there
was opinion proposal for the amendment by the coordination of academic organization, subcommittee for human
security, and legislator until it could be proposed to the National Register. On 28th November, 2007 the community
organization council plan was successfully declared to be approved as an act.
In 2008, the committee organization council was recognized legally aiming to enhance the operational process
at a local level. This focused on the local community having diverse cultures to be strong and for sustainably self[40]

1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
management. In addition, the local community could play vital roles in country development, democracy building, and
good governance strengthening. After the enactment of the community organization council in 9 th February, 2008,
various network organizations began to be registered for the establishment of the community organization council.
Practically, many community organization councils do not only act as a neutral organization for steering and
promoting democracy of the public sector but also monitor work performance of the local administrative organization in
terms of the community privilege or benefits. Thus, it becomes to offset operational authority of the local administrative
organization. This causes conflicts in many areas having the establishment of the community organization council.
Meanwhile, there are not conflicts in areas where there is close coordination between the community organization council
and the local administrative organization.
According to the incidents as afore mentioned, the teams of researchers were interested to investigate how was
the status and relationships of the community organization council and the local administrative organization. Also, what
factor had an effect on the relationships making conflicts between the community organization council and the local
administrative organization in many areas. Meanwhile, what factors making the two organizations work together

1. To analyze relationships between the community organization council and the local administrative
2. To investigate factors effecting the relationships between the community organization council and the local
administrative organization.

Research Methodology
This study employed mixed method (qualitative and quantitative). Steps in this study were prepared in order to
obtain completer data which were most reliable as follows:
1. Document Research Data were collected from various concerned academic documents, the community
organization council legislation, concerned laws, recognized official documents, minutes, textbooks, research reports, and
concerned academic articles.
2. Field Research Data were collected through interview and interview schedule (structured interview).
Informants in this study were representatives of the community organization council, representatives of the local
administrative organization, and other concerned personnel e.g. academics on political sciences and laws, NGOs,
personnel, personnel of the community organization council, and representatives of various public groups.
3. Focus Group Discussion Data were collected through discussion with the informants based on specific topics.
Each group consisted of 7-12 persons selected from the target population as determined.


1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
Part 1 Qualitative Research
Data collection
1. Structured interview; In - depth interview about historical background on operation and management of the
community organization council, relationships of the community organization council and the local administrative
organization, and an appropriate guideline for the coordination between the community organization council and the local
administrative organization.
2. Focus group discussion; To analyze factors effective relationships of the community organization and the
local administrative organization for sustainable community development and without conflicts.
Data analyses
For the qualitative research, descriptive analysis was employed to describe phenomena in the study. Obtained
data were sorted in accordance with conceptual framework of the study. Then, content analysis was conducted to describe
and explain the phenomena on the relationships of the community organization council and the local administrative
Part 2 Quantitative Research
Primary quantitative data and secondary quantitative data were collected by using a set of questionnaires
administered with the community organization council and the local administrative organization. It aimed to find data and
factors effecting relationship of the community organization council and the local administrative organization as well as
suggestion about appropriate management of the coordination between the community organization council and the local
administrative organization. This was in the form of Likert scale.
Data Analysis
Obtained data were analyzed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Science Program. Pearson product
moment correlation and multiple regression analysis were employed for analyzing the relationships between the
community organization council and the local administrative organization. And factors effecting the relationships.

Results of the Study

Regarding the relationships between the community organization council and the local administrative
organization, it was found that there were 4 forms of the relationship: 1) supporting relationship, 2) coordination
relationship, 3) conflict relationship, and 4) having each own life relationship. Obtained forms of the relationships in each
local area were different was influenced by various factors: personal factor, participation, local politics, benefit, beliefs
and culture, a guideline for organization management, and structure.
1. Supporting relationship It was found that there was the coordination between the community organization
council and the local administrative organization through activities for community development and local resources
allocation e.g. community forest, canal, garbage pit, brain storming. In this matter, the local administrative organization
would be responsible for it. Then the community organization would top up those activities by encouraging local people

1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
to take care or support the operation of the local administrative organization. In other word, the community organization
council would act as an agency for public relationship to the public or local people. The relationships of these two
organizations made the occurrence of community development which was consistent with needs of the community.
However, this relationship did not reach the coordination in all aspects. 3
2. Coordination relationship It was found that this relationship arised from the coordination between the
community organization council and the local administrative organization for mutual community development. In this
case, the local administrative organization would listen to problems of local people through the village society or the
meeting of the community organization council. Meanwhile, there were personnel of the local administrative organization
attending the meeting and then the meeting agenda or suggestions of the meeting would be proposed to the administrators
of the local administrative organization for consideration. This relationship occurred with the community leaders who did
not have conflicts with people in the community due to the benefits of community development. 3
3. Conflict relationship It was found that this relationship arised form many factors. This included the
following: personnel factor-conflicts among people in the community e.g. conflicts between heads of the community
organization council and heads of the local administrative organization or staff; local people were not given a chance to
participate in activities; local politics was a prime figure to cause conflicts in the community; benefits arised from various
project implementation which sometimes the local administrative organization did not want the community organization
to monitor it; a guideline for the organization management which was different e.g. adequate allocation of resources to
local people; organization structure e.g. fixed operational structure. This type of relationship had a negative effect on
community development. Mostly, the community had this kind of relationship did not have development. 3
4. Having each own life relationship It was found that the operation of the two organizations was in a parallel
form. For example, garbage disposal in the community-each organization did it alone, not work together. That was, the
local administrative organization had a project for free of charge of garbage disposal (collecting) but it had a campaign of
garbage sorting. On the other hand, the community organization committee promoted the people In the community to sort
garbages to change with eggs. Thus, it was an overlapped job for community development. Besides, people in the
community were confused with the roles and duties of the two organizations.1
Regarding results of a study on factors effecting relationships between the community organization committee
and the local administrative organization, it was found that the following were factors effecting the relationships in terms
of operation and staying together for local development and democracy enhancement: 1) personal factor, 2) participation,
3) local politics, 4) benefits, 5) beliefs and culture, 6) a guideline for organization management, and 7) organization
As a whole, there was a high level of factors effecting the relationships between the community organization
council and the local administrative organization ( x = 3.90). This implied that these factors had an effect on the
relationships of the two organizations. Results of the study showed that benefits had a highest level of an effect on the
relationships of the two organizations ( x = 4.56). This was followed by local politics ( x = 4.20), personal factor ( x =

the information was synthesized from the interview with key informants in Chiang Mai areas mentioned in the research methodol ogy


1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
4.11), participation ( x = 3.95), organization structure ( x = 3.61), beliefs and culture ( x = 3.48), and a guideline for
organization management ( x = 3.40), respectively (Table 1).
Table 1 Factors effecting the relationships between the community organization council and the local administrative
Factors effecting the relationships
Personal factor
Local politics
Beliefs and culture
A guideline for organization management
Organization structure

The relationships of the community organization council and the local administrative organization were found
into 4 forms as follows: 1) Supporting relationship - the two organization helped each other in some aspects. 2)
Coordination relationship - the two organizations did their tasks for community management and development focusing
on the both organization participation as well as various sectors. 3) Conflict relationship - the two organizations had
conflicts due to various factors which made the community was not developed. 4) Having each own life relationship there was not talking between the two organizations which resulted in overlapped operation. This made people did not
understand or confused about roles and duties of the two organizations. Based on results of the study, each local area had
different forms of the relationships due to different factors effecting the relationships. These factors were benefits, local
politics, personal factor, participation, organization structure, beliefs and culture, and a guideline for organization
management, respectively. This conformed to a study of Buranrak (2005) which claimed that factors leading to political
movement of the public sector and effected on community development arise from external factors. That was, there were
needs for the problem-solving in organization structure due to the problem arised form the government policies leading to
environmental problems. This include internal factors i.e. community culture on resource assembly, and the structure of
political opportunities. It was found that movement was diverse which reflected outcomes of the movement in the forms
of data interaction, knowledge and values. In fact, problems of the political movement process of the public sector arised
form internal factors i.e. 1) the process still lacked of strong leaders and member as well as diversity; 2) an idea leading to
the process occurrence as well as clear goals for the operation; 3) managerial administration. For problems arised for
external factors it comprised the following: 1) political situations (power center) which focused on democracy
representatives and party system for democracy development leading to the hindrance of political process; 2) problems in

1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
power structure of the Thai society; 3) problems in doing tasks of representative democracy which had no power to
participate in the public politics; 4) anti-group had the movement process to act against; and 5) mass media were
responsiveness to data at a local level only.
Meanwhile, if there are needs for coordination between the two organizations for community development,
people in the community must be a neutral sector for steering and coordinating for community development. Besides, it
must have a guideline or an agreement for the determination of mutual community development and conflict reduction.
This conformed to a study of Puangngam (2005) which stated that the local administrative organization must conduct
brain storming based on knowledge and competency of people in the community for a sense of belonging in community
development focusing on dependence on one another. That was, they must be encouraged to participated in community
activities e.g. management, preparation of community development plans and monitoring.

1. It should begin with understanding of the two organizations by preparing an agreement for community
development on the basis of mutual development. This was because of the following: various forms of the relationship
depending on factors and environmental context of each local area. That is, there were good relationships in some local
areas but not good relationships in other areas.
2. The local administrative organization as an organization of the government sector should support the
community organization council to participate in community development more than ever. This was in terms of
knowledge, budgets, and management coordination without any condition. Besides, it must not interrupt the process of
potential development of the community organization council.
3. The local administrative organization should improve management policies to be consistent with the policy
on local resources management. This helps the community be able to carry out development activities and resources
management effectively.
Suggestion for Further Studies
1. This study is an investigation of factors effecting the relationships between the community organization
council and the local administrative organization conducted in Chiang Mai province. Thus, further studies should be
conducted in other province in order to be at a national level.
2. It should have an investigation and existing competency development of the community organization council
in order to enhance effective work performance of the community organization council and be responsive to needs of
people I the community.


1st ASEAN Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

28-30 May 2015, Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Buranrak, W. 2005. Political movement process of the public sector: a case study of the environmental conservation
group, Udonthani province. Unpublished thesis, Chiangmai University.
Certo, S. C. and Certo, S.T. 2006. Modern Management. 10th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Easton, D. 1953. The Political System. New York: Knopf.
Meechai, T. 2007. Local governing - village and the community: building democracy basis. Bangkok: Phra Pokklao
Panyadee, C. 2010. Identity and identity building of the local administrative organization as the local governing
organization. Chiangmai: A project of the School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University.
Puangagam, K. 2004. Thai local governing: principles and dimension in the future. Bangkok: Winyuchon.
Puangngam, K. and Chotchung. P. 1996. What, Why, How? - local administrative organization: democracy of people
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