Bullhead City, Arizona - 287 (G) FOIA Documents

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Bullhead City Police Department


(928) 763-9200 Fax (928) 763-5558

April 18,2007

Assistant Secretary JuLie Myers

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
425 I Street N.W. Room 7'00
Washington, DC 20536

De~r Undersecretary Myers:

r respectfully request participation io tbe Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287g of

the Immigration and Naturalization Act . This partnership wilJ enable us to bener serve and meet
the needs of the residents of Bullhead City, Arizona.

1 bave been i n communicalion with your office in Phoenix, Arizona. AssislMt Special Agent in
Cbarge ' b 6 . (b 7 C bas been very helpful and encouraging. With his advice I am proposing the

Train up 10 five (5) Bullhead City Police Officers assigned to the Special Problems
Section and the Ctiminallnvestigation Bureau. Each officer will hnve a minimum of
three years expelience and wiJ [ have passed a security background check acceptable [0

Train up to three (3) Bulll1ead City Police Booking Officers assigned to our holding
facility. Each booking officer will have a minimwn of two years experience and wiU
have passed a security background check acceptable to ICE.

Training facilities are available at our police faciLity in Bullhead City where instructors
can milize computer training aids, videos and any other materials rhey may need \u
facilitate instnlction .

This program will allow tiS to emer into a Memorandum of Understanding I.hat will en<Jble us 10
participate with ICE in identifying criminal illegal aliens \..vho pose a risk to the citizens of
BulUlead City. Thank you fo.r your co.n:;ide·raliol) in this mauer of mllrual concern.


(bX6). (bX7XC)

Ch ief of Pol ice


(bX6), (bX7)(C)
, e oj DelentjO(l and RembWl/ Opuofi01lS
U.s. D-t~ r1l'11li1! of Homt~ ~II Fity
425 I SiTtti., NW
WsshiligtOO. DC 2OS36

U.S. Immigration
and Customs

May 3, 2007

Chief Rodney B. Head

Bullhead City Police Department
1255 Marina Boulevard
BuJlhead City, Arizona 86442

Dear Chief Head:

Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. This letter is to
notify you that the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) has received your request for 287(g) Delegation of Authority training for
the Bullhead City Po1i~ Department.

On May 1, 2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delega.1ion of Authority at ICE
Headquarters forwarded your r~uest for participation in the 287(8) program to the Special
Agent in Charge (SAC), and the Field Office Director (FOD) for the Phoenix, Arizona ar~ of
responsibility. The SAC and FOD. along with a member of your staff will need to conduct a
feasibility assessment study. After completion, the assessment will be reviewed at ICE
Headquarters and a determination wiU be made to either accept or deny your request to
participate in the program.

Should yOu require iruo011atioo concerning the status of your request 10 participate in the
287(£) program, yoW' local ICE point of contact for Phoenix, Arizona is Deputy Special Agent
in Charge (DSAC)Troy Henley. DSAC Henley can be reached at (602) 514-7392. Thank you
for your interest in the ICE 287(g) Delegation of Authority Program.


~~~ David Alejandro

287 (g) Unit Ch.ief
Office of Detention and Removal Operations
Page 1 of 1

Stoney, Meronica 0

Sent: 20085:31 PM
Subject: FW: Bullhead City Denial!
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red

Mr. Pendergraph also of the deniaL Thanks.

Agent/National Program
U.S. Immigration and Customs
425 I NW, Room 3040
Washington, DC 20536

202-353-8288 Fax

From: Pendergraph, Jim

Sent: 200B 11: 56 AM

Cc: ! • • • • ~EI'::::~:~l=~i~i~iJ~il. . . . . . . . . . . m ••••••••••• ~~~~~ ~

Just spoke with !iiiiiii[~iiiiIJ(illijll~••)jimii. Bullhead City Police Dept, Az. (~l.aJ~.ij~~"m said he totally understands budgets and
resources and my call.
He had no other



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