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Practise 1
Marks :

/ 10 ]

Write out the correct word in the space provided. The correct word must not
change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in the

Electricity are the set of physical phenomena associated

with the presence and flow in electric charge. Electricity and
water does not mix. Water is good conductor of electricity. It
is unsafe to place electrical items near sources of waters likes
inside the bathroom or toilet. It is best to keeps hairdryers,
electrical shavers, hair curlers and hair straightener out of a

0. ___is______
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. __________
6. ___________
7. __________
8. __________
9. __________

If these electrical items get wet, it will gives the


( is/ was )
( on / of / by )
( do / do not )
( like / liking )
( keep / kept )
( a / an / the )
( give / giving )


( a / an / the )

a electrical shock when they are turned on. Some people

( like / liking )

likes using the hairdryers in a bathroom as the bathroom

( is / was )

mirror is large and convenient to use. Make sure the tap are

( water / watering )

not running and there is no waters near the hairdryers.

Practise 2
[ Marks :

/10 ]

Write out the correct word in the space provided. The correct word must not
change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in the
Lego Minifigures
A Lego minifigures are commonly referred to as a
or simply just fig, is a small plastic figurines . The new
range of Lego minifigures are design to provide users with a
varieties of people to include in their models, buildings or
other constructions. There is 16 different figures in the range.
Each figure come in a sealed packet. The packet hides the
figure inside. So buying a mini-figure involve a certain
amount of mystery and excitement. However, 5,000 of the

0. ___is_____
1. __________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. __________
6. ___________
7. __________
8. __________
9. __________

( is / was )
( figurine / figuring )
( designs / designed )
( varied / variety )
( is / was )
( comes / came )
( involves / involving)
( excitements / excitemented)

( shine / shone )
( feet / foot )

mini-figures are of a well-dressed man who shines in gold

( lately / latest )

from the tip of his top hat to the bottom of his brick feets.
This golden figure is the
late Lego classic.

Practise 3
/10 ]

[ Marks :

Write out the correct word in the space provided. The correct word must not
change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in the
P. Ramlee
P. Ramlee is born on the first day of the Eid
festival, which fall on 22 March1929, His father, Teuku Nyak




was a sailor from Aceh, which later married Che Mah
Hussain. He attends Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Melayu
Kampung Jawa (Kampung Jawa Malay School) so Sekolah
Francis Light primary schools. Next he goes to the famous
Penang Free School Secondary schools until the second World
War broke out. During the Japanese occupation years on
Malaysia, he continued his study at the Japanese Navy
Academy. When the war ended, he returned her studies in
Penang Free School and was very actively in sports.


( is / was )
( falls / fell )
( who / when / whose )
( attended / attend )
( but / and / then )
( went / go )
( schooling / school )
( of / by / in )
( studies / studied )
( she / his )
( active / active )

10. __________

Practise 4
/10 ]

[ Marks :

Write out the correct word in the space provided. The correct word must not
change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in the
Mokhtar Dahari
He was nicknamed SuperMokh because of her play

0. __his __

( she / his / he )

skills, his strength and his ability to scores many incredible

1. ____________

( score / scoring )

goals throughout his career. One of Mokhtars famous

2. _____________

(momented/ moments)

moment was when Mokhtar shook handed with Diego

3. _____________

( hands / handling )

Maradona before a friendly games with Boca Juniors.

4. _____________

( gaming / game )

5. _____________

( was / are )

Although he is not recognised internationally, Mokhtar

scored 175 goal for Selangor, 20 goals in 13 appearances

6. _____________

( goals / goaling )

for Kwong Yik Bank, and 125 goals with Malaysia, giving a

7. _____________

( for / to )

total of 320 goals in his career. Mokhtar is the all times top

8. _____________

( timing / time )

scorer for both Selangor and Malaysia. Mokhtar was still

9. _____________

( are / is )

known as a legends for Selangor and Malaysia.


(legendary / legend)


Practise 5
/10 ]

[ Marks :

Write out the correct word in the space provided. The correct word must not
change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in the
Independence Day
Hari Kemerdekaan are the Independence Day of Malaysia.

0. ___is__

( was / is )

It is a national holidays which is celebrated on the 31st

1. _____________

( holiday / holidaying )

August every year. It is commemorates the Independence

2. _____________


of the Federation in Malaysia from British colonial rule on

3. _____________

( of / on / by )

31st August 1957. In a wider context, it also celebrate the

4. _____________

( celebrates / celebrating )

formation of Malaysia. Although Sabah and Sarawak gain

5. _____________

( gained / gaining )


6. _____________

( was / is )

Kemerdekaan are a significant day throughout Malaysia. In

7. _____________

( By / On / At )

this day, Malaysians from all background, race and

8. _____________

religion celebrate together in a harmonious way. Hari

9. _____________

Kemerdekaan symbolize the unity of race in Malaysia.










( symbol / symbolizes )
( races / raced )


Practise 6
/10 ]

[ Marks :

Write out the correct word in the space provided. The correct word must not
change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in the
Different themes of Independent
Each year, there will be a different themes for

0. __theme_

( theme / themed )


1. ____________

( celebrate / celebration)

Merdeka celebrations. For 2011, the theme will be 1

2. ____________

( those / this )

Malaysia, Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera. That

3. ____________

( with / for )

theme is in conjunction by the concept of 1Malaysia,

4. ____________

( Ministering / Minister )

touted by the

5. ____________

( are / was )

Prime Ministers, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak.

6. ____________

( brings / brought )

All Malaysians is urged to embrace the concept of

7. ____________

( help / helped )

transformation which bring about a meaningful process of

8. ____________

( produces / producing )

innovation that can benefit the people. It will also helps

9. ____________

( voice / voiced )

continue the process of produced a vibrant young


generation. This generation will be the voices of Malaysia.

Young generation should gives positive vibes to our
country, Malaysia.



( give / gave )

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