Outcomes Dictionary 11

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(n) a taxi

camping site [kmp sat] a im cm tri; khu cm tri



(v) stop smt from happening hy b

cancellation [kns'len] (n) cancellation fee ph hy t phng

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[k.ses] (n) entry to computer system truy cp
the Internet access
['fred] (a) e ngi; s
Guest: Do I have to pay for breakfast? Receptionist: Im afraid so.
Im afraid of ghosts.
afterwards [ftwrz] (adv) later lt sau; sau (th...); v sau
I had a bath, and afterwards I prepared breakfast.
They got married and lived happily afterwards.
Cc em phn bit vi after (adv, pre) : sau; sau khi
I prepare breakfast after I have a bath. After 10, we all go to bed.

(n) feeling of being relaxed and happy thoi mi
Now you can watch films in the comfort of your own room.
comfortable ['km.f.t.bl] (a)
cooking facilities [fsl..tz] equipment provided for cooking - tin ch cho vic
nu n (nh bp, ni niu, thit b...)
convenient [kn'vinjnt] (a) easy to get or use smt tin; thun tin
The house is nice and in a convenient location. It is near a market, a hospital and
your office.
convenience [kn'vi.njns] (n)


(n) ging ci, ci ni

apologise or apologize ['p.l.daz] (v) say sorry for smt xin li

I apologise to you for the broken glasses.

deal (with), dealt, dealt (v) do what is necessary to

apology ['p.l.d] (n)

make an apology for the broken glasses.



deal with a problem/ the booking/ all the emails




(n) n departure khi hnh




(v) depart; leave

entertain [en.t'ten]


['ve.l.bl] (a) can be used, bought... sn c ... s dng hay mua

availability [ve.lb.l.ti] (n)

Do you have any triple rooms available in August?
Receptionist: Let me just check our availability (tnh trng phng)
* Ngi Vit hay ni cn phng trng khng?, cc em thng dch l
empty rooms. Nhng empty ngha l nothing or nobody in a room ch
khng hm cha c ngi ng k. Available din t phng tnh trng c
th vo c v cha c ngi ng k.


(n) the job of looking after young children while their

parents are out.
She does babysitting to earn some money.
babysitting service
dch v trng tr
(v) babysat, babysat (past) I babysit for them. (Ti gi con cho h)
babysitter (n) ngi gi tr
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sort it out x l; gii quyt

(n) specific information chi tit

(v) keep people interested and enjoying themselves

gii khuy; gii tr
Films entertain me in my free time.
entertainment [en.t(r)'ten.mnt] (n)
Movie is one of the forms of entertainment.
expiry date [k'spa..r] the date when smt cannot be used hn s dng
(a) added; more than is needed thm; d
extra money (tin tr thm)/ extra work / extra time.
[j.r] (n) unit of currency of the European Union ()
(n) phng tp th dc or gymnasium [dm'ne.z.m]
in case
if - phng trng hp
Take my contact number in case there are any problems.
organised activities
activities planned and arranged for you to do as part
[.gn.azd k't.v.tz]
of a group - hot ng tp th; hot ng t chc
on behalf of [b'hf]

instead of thay mt cho (ai)

On behalf of my family, thank you for your help.


['p.lnd] (n) Ba lan

Polish [p.l] (a)


[ptj.gl](n) B o Nha

Portuguese [ptj'giz]


[p /pr]

50 km per hour

(pre) for each


['prvs] (a) happening or existing before trc
He arrived on Tues. He said he had booked the hotel the previous day (Monday)
(n) an amount or level of payment mc gi
We agreed a rate with the painter before he started work.
[rdjus] (v) make smt smaller in size, amount lm gim
My weights reduced when I stopped eating sugar.

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arrange ['rend]
(v) prepare for - sp xp
She likes arranging flowers (C y thch cm hoa)
The names on the list are arranged in alphabetical order.
arrangement ['rend.mnt] (n)
absolutely [b.slut.li] (adv) completely; very hon ton; tuyt i
I absolutely agree with you.

(v) refuse to accept khc t; t chi
The shop rejected my credit card.
supplement [sp.l.mnt] [C] additional charge chi ph b sung dch v thm
We paid a supplement for the cot (so that we could have a cot in our room.)
[s'kj.r.t] (n) what we do to keep smt safe an ninh; bo v
Security around the hotel has been made strong for the presidents visit.
security number a special number given to a person s bo mt
security guard nhn vin bo v
shuttle bus
a bus that make a regular trip between two places xe bus

actually [k.tu..li] (adv) really; in fact tht s

a rc (ca khch sn, cty...)

The shuttle bus serves hotel guests from the airport to the hotel and back.

having a strong wish to be successful


I like the wonderful view from the hotel.

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ambitious [mb.s] (a)

Hes very ambitious for his children. He wants them to be successful.


making you angry bc bi

basically [be.s.kli] (adv) the most important thing - v c bn; nhn chung

(a) (a room) for three people (phng) cho 3 ngi

[vju] (n) what you can see from a place - cnh quan

sight [sait] (n) what you see in your view hnh

vt m ta nhn thy.

very surprising

annoying [n.]


Cc em phn bit view, sight v scenery

* view : cnh quan chung quanh t ni m ta
ra thy. V d khi ta t trong mt cn phng
khch sn nhn ra ngoi, ta thy cnh g trong
tm mt, l view, nh hnh bn l quang
ca mt h nc, hn o, rng cy...

amazing [me.z] (a)



V d hnh nh ci hoa nm trong tch.

I like the sight of the flowers in a cup.
Khi sights dng s nhiu cn c ngha l nhng
thng cnh (places of interests)
We spent a week in Rome looking at all the sights.
* scenery (n) general appearance of natural
environment - phong cnh / quang cnh thin nhin
They stopped at the hill to admire the scenery.
Our country has beautiful scenery.

nh s

The two CD players are basically the same, but the more expensive one comes
with a remote control.

[bnt] (n) a group of smt held or tied together mt b; mt chm
a bunch of rose flowers / a bunch of grapes / a bunch of bananas

[kspekt] (v)

boiling (hot) [b.l]

(v) very hot nng bng; nng si
He worked hours in the boiling hot weather.


building site [bl.d sat]

filthy [fli] (a) very dirty

My clothes were absolutely filthy. They needed washing.

cng trng

characteristic [k.rk.t'rs.tk] (n) typical quality of smt or smb c tnh;

im c trng
He has a big nose that is his family characteristic.
Each city has its characteristics. You cant say which one is more attractive.




a double room room with a bed for two people phng cho 2 ngi
twin beds
a pair of beds ging cp i
a twin room room with 2 twin beds phng c ging cp i

wait for smt you think will happen mong ch; mong mun

We are expecting you to come back.



(v) fasten smt in a position so it cant move gn c nh

The shower is fixed to the wall.

hardly [hd.li] (adv) almost not hu nh khng
We have hardly seen each other since he left.


(n) cn trng

Ants, bees, ladybugs and cockroaches are all insects.



(n) funny thing chuyn a



(n) young cat mo con

light bulb [lt blb] (n) bng n trn

demand (n) (v) a very strong request for something yu cu
Will people agree to their demands?
Workers are demanding higher wages and shorter working hours
demanding (a) wanting attention from other people i hi cao; kht khe
A demanding teacher / a demanding job
disgusting [dsgs.t] (a) unpleasant gm ghic
Passengers were kept for hours in a disgusting waiting room.
(v) become less; decrease st gim
The number of visitors has dropped this year.

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(n) nt tai (trnh ting n hay nc vo tai)



(n) pht

Wait a minute. Ill just get my bag.

second [sek.nd] (n) giy
Come on, hurry up!
Ill only be a second Ive got to lock the back door.
* minute hoc second c s dung trong mot so cach noi co
ngha la a very short time (mt cht, mt lt)
(a) worried and anxious lo lng; hi hp
Do you feel nervous during exams?
overcharge [.vtd] (v) ask someone to pay more than the real price
The shop overcharged me by 5.
(n) u phng

pressure (n) the force that is made when one thing is pushing against another
p lc; p sut
water pressure / air pressure / blood pressure
presidential suite
the most expensive room in a luxury hotel phng
[pre.zden.l swit]

hng sang nht trong khch sn cao cp


[C or U] a piece of information or a description of an event

which is written on paper or stored on a computer thng tin
lu tr trong s hoc my tnh
The weather centre keeps a record of the weather.
They didnt have any record of my booking.



thinking about oneself - ch k

selfishness [sel.f.ns] (n)

In love everybody is selfish , so dont get angry about my selfishness when I say I
wouldnt like you and my boyfriend to go out without me.


(pl) things such as soap, shampoo, and toothpaste

v sinh c nhn

T toiletries luon so nhieu

gn gng messy [mes.i] (a) ba bn






(n,v) a gift of money for service

They tipped the waiter $5. They left a tip for the taxi driver.

campsite nhng tin ch a im cm tri nh bi xe, toilet, thng rc, cp

appearance ['prns]

You shouldn't judge people by their appearance.

atmosphere [t.m.sfr] (n) the air you breathe bu khng kh; kh quyn
A few plants in an office will improve the atmosphere.
bite [bat] (v) bit [bt], bitten [b.tn] (past)

If you are bitten by an insect, it hurts you

and makes a mark on your skin.
bite (n) vt cn, vt chch (ca ng vt)
I've got mosquito bites on my hand.
[mski.t] (n) con mui
mosquitoes [mski.tz] (pl)
[bal..di] (n) sinh hc
Biology degree [d'gri]

Bng cp v sinh hc

bring smb up

look after them until they become adults

brought, brought [brt] (past)

challenge ['tlnd] (n) difficulty th thch

Getting the economy right will be a big challenge for the government.


achievement ['tivmnt] (n) smt good that you succeed in doing thnh tch


(n) succeed in doing smt t c

Some of the students achieved excellent exam results.

[kmp] [C or U] a place where people stay in tents (lu) khu cm tri
(v) put up tents to stay cm tri
We camped by the lakeside.
We set up camp (put up tents) by the lakeside.
go camping
campsite facilities [fs.l.t] or [fs.l.t]
equipment, services provided for a
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nui nng ai ln

Isaac Newton was brought up by his grandmother when he was three.

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(n) the way you look ngoi hnh


(v) go up smt leo, tro ln

How many people have climbed Mount Everest?


[kla.mN] (n) the sport of going up mountains - mn th thao leo ni

Erik Weihenmayer is a blind man who enjoys climbing.

confidence [kn.f.dns] (n) * feeling of trust in smb s tin tng
* belief in yourself or your abilities s t tin
confident [kn.f.dnt] (a)
I have confidence in her. Shes perfect for that job.
Be confident even if you are nervous.
(n) an area of very dry land where very few plants grow
hoang mc; sa mc
the Sahara Desert / desert animals

* Cc em lu

khng nhm ln vi t dessert [dzt] (n) mn trng ming

explore [kspl]

look all around a place to see what it is like thm

him; d la; tham quan
exploration [ek.splre.n] (n)
A group of British scientists explored Hang Son Dong in Vietnam in 2009.
eventually [ven.tju.l.i] (adv) in the end cui cng
We eventually managed to open the door.
field trip a trip in which students study smt in its natural environment


i d ngoi / chuyn i hc thc t ngoi tri

The hotel is miles away from the beach.

(Khch sn cch xa bi tm)
(n) a member of a group of people who moves from place to place
- dn du mc
nomadic [nm.dk] (a)
nomadic life / nomadic people
proper toilet ['prp 'tlt] toilet c y thit b thch hp
rock pool
[rk pu:l]

a small area of sea water contained by the rocks around it




[g] (n) large group of people mt bn, mt m

There was a gang of us who just ran around all day.

give up
stop doing or having smt t b
Hes smoked a lot. Hes trying to give up smoking.
heavily (adv) a lot (ma) ln; (ung ru) nhiu; (thit hi) nng n
It rained heavily last night. / She drinks heavily . / The city was heavily damaged
hide (v) ; hid; hidden (past) put smt in a place where it cannot be seen - du
[had] [hd hdn]
prevent . being seen trn
You cannot find her diary. Shes hidden it.
The children are playing hide-and-seek.
miles [malz] (n) a very long way
(i) xa, (cch) xa
We walked for miles. (Chng ti i xa lm mi ti)
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[rlif] (n) happy feeling when smt bad has stopped or not happened
cm gic nh nhm (khi kh khn qua chng hn)
I felt a relief after the exams.
scared [ske.d]
(a) frightened s hi; khip s

['sker /'sker] (a) frightening ng s; khip m

I am scared of ghost stories. Ghost stories are scary.

* Khi iu g gy s hi, cc em ni n scary. Ngi ta b s hi bi ci iu ,

cc em dng t scared.
variety [vra..ti] (n) many different types of things s a dng; phong ph
There is a wide variety of programs on cable TV.
Jordan [:dn] a country in the Middle East
Bedouin [be.du:n] a nomadic Arab of the desert regions of Arabia and
North Africa dn du mc sa mc rp v Bc Phi
Croatia [kre.] country in southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula
chief city on southern Croatia.


There are 3 main types of conditional sentences. Just type 1 and type 2 are
mentioned below.

If clause :
simple present
Result clause : present modal + verb

3. If I were you
ham y mot li khuyen

If he smokes, he will be unhealthy.

he must be unhealthy.
If he quits smoking, he will be unhappy.
he may be unhappy

Unless you take my advice, youll regret.

I would forgive you if she didnt get hurt.

I would forgive you unless she got hurt.
Shes my mother. Ill obey her.
Unless she were my mother, I wouldnt obey her.

My father is ill, I wont go with you.

If he werent ill, Id go with you.

used to + verb

If I found $100,000, I would return it.

If I found $100,000, I might keep it.

If I met a superman, I could take a photo of him.

If I had supermans power, I might not be scared of

If I were you, I wouldnt do that.

I would find another job if I were you.

We used to go to the campsite every year. Now we dont.

Women used to have more children than today.

Now they have a few.

There used to be a bookshop on that corner. Now there is a


He never used to smoke. Now he does.

often used to
+ verb

Women often used to stay at home. Now they go out to


There often used to be a lot of rain in this area. Now there is

a little.

didnt use to

I didnt use to have lunch at school.

never used to
+ verb

din t hanh ong hay tnh trang xay ra theo thoi quen trong qua
kh va a thay oi (habitual past)

If clause :
simple past
Result clause : past modal + verb

ieu kien tng tng

hien tai hay tng

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2. menh e if/ unless

co the dung were cho
ngoi th 3 so t thay cho

If you dont take my advice, youll regret.

Unless he were ill, Id go with you.

hay ieu kien trai vi

thc te hien tai hay
tng lai.


ieu kien co the thc

hien c hay co the
xay hien tai hoac
tng lai.


Unless ham y phu

nh (if not) do o
khong s dung verb
the phu nh vi unless

+ verb

I used to have lunch at home.

The factory didnt use to be there.

Cac em phan biet 2 trng hp khac

hanh ong hay tnh trang
theo thoi quen hien tai

I usually have lunch at home. I dont usually

have lunch at school.

Habit in the present

He often stays in a hotel on his business trips.

Cac em s dung th
Simple present

Women are usually afraid of being fat.

Most men are never fond of doing housework.

hanh ong hay s kien

nao o trong qua kh

He lived in Chicago in the 1990s.

Single action or event in

the past

When at the beach, we ran and jumped into a rock


Cac em khong dung used

to, s dung th Simple past

When I was ten, I met my grandmom for the first


I remember there was a cinema on the corner

where I turned left.

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