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Reasons of the RISE of civilisations

Every body knows that the world has known more

than 26 civilisations. They all emerged, flourished and
finally disappeared. They have contributed to what is
called now the modern civilisation. So, what are the
causes of the rise of them?
To begin with, I can say that one the most important
reason of the rise of most civilisations is water. Many
civilizations would not have existed if water had not
been there. Without it everything dies. The Egyptians
had the Nile river, the Sumerian and the Babylonian had
the Tigris and the Euphrates.
In addition, A civilisation must have a strong
government. Kings and rulers had to edit laws and rules
to regulate the society. They had to be honest and fair
with their citizens to make them gather around the ruler
to make a strong country.
Moreover, a strong army was necessary at that time
because of the danger of attacks of neighbouring
countries. There were a lot of conflicts and wars
between civilisations. So an well-trained army and
ready to defend and protect the interest of their
population was more than necessary. For instance, the
Romans lived in fear of their neighbors the
Carthaginians and they had to make three wars to
destroy them.
Besides, there was another important reason for the
emergence of a civilisation. It was science and culture.
A civilisation had to give importance to science and
inventions. Their population had access to schools to
learn many matters as philosophy, mathematics,
medicine etc The Egyptians were good at geometry
and many countries like Greece sent their scientists to

attend lessons in Egypt. And the Pyramids are a sign of

high studies.
Furthermore, trade and agriculture were essential to
the survival of most civilisations. The government gave
the possibility to their citizens to do trade with the
neighbouring countries to barter goods and get richer.
On the other hand, agriculture played a very important
role in the rise of civilisations. For instance, the
Egyptians used to farm along the Nile River many
products as vegetables and fruits. They also breed
cattles for the need of their daily life.
All in all, in my point of view, and its my deepest
conviction that without these civilisations we would
have never reached a high level of progress today. Its
high time the governments of the world gave the most
importantance to culture and science to allow our
civilisation to live longer.

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