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71:7 McDowell Road

Sherfff Asheboro, NC 27203

Maynard Reid, Jr.

April 27, 2007

MSlstant ",_,,......t,,,", Julie Myers
US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
4251 St, N.W. Room 7100
Washington, 20536
Dear Assistant ~1'>('r""tlll"'U Myers:

I am writing to request participation the Delegation of Authority to

287 ofthe Immigration and Naturalization Act. program will allow the Randolph
""'....'Ul".y Sberiff's Office to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that will enable us
to participate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement in identifying criminal illegal
aliens who pose a risk to the citizens of Randolph County.

I am proposing the following:

Establishment of an Identification Review at our Randolph County Jail,
located in Asheboro. This is our only processing, pre-trial, and holding
detention facIlity

Train two (2) Detention Officers assigned to our jail who have a minimum of two
years who have a background check acceptable to They
will attempt to identify criminal illegal aliens processed into the jail.
Train two (2) Sherifr s Deputies field officers who have a minimum of three years
experience, and have passed a background check acceptable to ICE. They win
attempt to identify criminal illegal aliens encou.ntered during investigations,
If you have any questions or need additional information you may contact Captaid.
ijVhcl will be the POC for this and may be reached at
at We can provide an adequate training facility
accomlmQ(late any trairling

I look forward to your approval of our reql:lest we can begin this program as soon
as possible, I may be reached at JJ,_rJfI-"fT ...1",,,,,, have any questions of me,

Office ofDe ten tion and Removal Operations
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

Sheriff Maynard B. Reid, Jr.

Randolph County Sheriffs Office
727 McDowell Road
Asheboro, NC 27203

Dear Sheriff Reid,

Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) delegation of immigration authority program. The
287(g) Program Management Office and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U. S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are in receipt of your request for training for the
Randolph County Sheriffs Office.

On June 7, 2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delegation of Authority at ICE
Headquarters forwarded your request to the Special Agent in Charge SAC Atlanta, and the
Field Officer Director of Detention and Removal, FOD Atlanta. Local representatives from
these two divisions will be in contact with you soon to conduct a preliminary assessment and
determine whether the 287(g) program is the appropriate application to address your local law
enforcement challenges.

The local ICE point of contact regarding the 287(g) program is Assistant Field Office Director
(AFOD) (bX6), (b)(7)(C) who can be reached at 704-6~6~, (b)(7)(C)


(b)(6), (b)(7)(C)

Detention and Removal Operations

Office of the Assistant Secretary

u.s. Department of Homeland Security

425 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

Sheriff Maynard B. Reid, Jr.

Randolph County Sheriff s Office
727 McDowell Road
Asheboro, NC 27203

RE: 287(g) Delegation of Authority Implementation Plan

Dear Sheriff Reid,

Thank you for your continued interest in the U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) 287(g) program, which cross-designates state and local officers to enforce immigration
law as authorized through section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. In the past
two years, the 287(g) program has identified more than 27,000 illegal aliens for possible
deportation. More than 70 municipal, county, and state agencies nationwide have requested
287(g) agreements with ICE, and already, more than 500 local and state officers have been
trained under the program. I thank you for submitting your 287(g) request with ICE,
unfortunately, funding for FY 2007 has been exhausted.

In response to the continued widespread interest from local law enforcement agencies like
yours, ICE has launched the new comprehensive ICE ACCESS (Agreements of Cooperation in
Communities to Enhance Safety and Security) program. The 287(g) program is only one
component under the ICE ACCESS umbrella of services and programs offered for assistance to
local law enforcement officers. Other ICE ACCESS enforcement options include the creation
of local task forces targeting specific challenges like gangs or document fraud, the presence of
a Criminal Alien Program (CAP) team in local detention facilities to identify criminal aliens, or
training to utilize the ICE Law Enforcement Support Center (LESC), which provides officers
the ability to inquire about a person's immigration and criminal history.

We will continue to assess your pending 287(g) application as more resources are made
available in FY 2008, however through our new ACCESS program, I believe we may be able
to identify an enforcement program that would better serve your community's needs. At my
direction, senior field representatives from the Office of Investigations and the Office of
Detention and Removal will visit with you soon to discuss ICE ACCESS and to assess your
particular local needs beyond what we already plan to accomplish through the 287(g) program.
I believe these strategic discussions will facilitate a strong partnershi p between your agency
and ICE. Combining federal, state and local resources has proven successful in safeguarding

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public. We want to build on that success in responding to law enforcement communities

who seek


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