A Fools Demise, Brook of Kid, Tamar

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The Recipe of a Fools Demise

1 cup of Malice in a challis

2 cups of dead flowers
3 cups of broken dreams, to put aside
A sprinkle of laughter, where theres salt
A dash where theres a gash
A tablespoon where poverty is of gluttony
1/3 of the population pop corning with racism
of the babies in the community aborted
A hand full of talk to the hand where injustice is
2 teats that are bruised with no milk for the babies
Oh, and one more necessary nutrient,
Ignorance that is bliss
First, enter the gates, with Thanksgiving and courts with praises unto God,
alone. Then, shift the wheat to muzzle not the ox that treads out the corn,
not the pie. Open a can of worms and pour them down the drain, where
Unforgiving lives. Then, turnover your plate for some time of
Thanksgiving beyond food. Pray, in ways we cant pay for. Finally, give the
children something to live for, by dying to flesh daily. Mix all ingredients
and enjoy with a bottle filled with New Wine, chewing on The Word of
God and not flesh!

The Soul Knows a True Poet

The soul has a gift, that all can see
Under Incandence, and revealing The Glory
Steadfast no more in ways of death
But steadfast in closing that door
To a place where the poet reveals
Their hearts cry, here and evermore
Suffering is seen in the midst
Of their poetry
Yet, it the souls plea
It is full of vitamine See
The soul is full of poetry
National Anthems came flowing out, and another poet feels
The heartbeat that knows a true Poet
As their psalmany reveals
Revelations spew forth
Poetry was fed, abundantly
In the Word and knowledge,
Even where They did not know Me
The soul knows a poet
And in this season, I use poetry
I AM is glorified for all to acknowledge
It is My athourity
The endowments are abundantly
Heard in songs and Ministry
Even through the star-struck on T.V.
My Glory has searged, clearly
Revealing a greater poet in their midst
Shaking the earth and the audience belonged to Me
Give it up for Calvary!

The Brook of Kid Run

(What Happened To Tamar Brown?)

Saywhat happened to that pretty girl

With golden locks and waves of curls,
Sporting a Jetta and riding another go-getter?
What happened to the guy she was with?
You know, the one that had the key to her heart
Since theyve been together,
Her and her family have been far apart.
Well, last time I saw her she
Looked like she was pregnant, too.
Well, the last time I saw her
She didnt have her curls and she was sporting a new do
She had a Queen of Spades card she would play in a jam
She knew how to get some quick bread
And was not gonna have to have a man
For her pay
Cause shed stay
Out of touch with

What shed be
No one to feel sorry for
Thats for sure
Thats how shed be.
She had some stuff with her,
But she did also have some beauty.
Well, I heard Tamar went down
To The Brook of Kid Run
And she came out
With a shout
Without a pout
And without a doubt
She had no more time to stay
Where the wages of sin had pay
Yea, I heard she made it to the Cross
And now an old nail scared hand is Boss
I heard mercy abundantly
Was healing her,
Delivering her
And that shes not he only one
To be healed, delivered and set free.
Yea, I heard it was happening to her family too
And that what was happening to Tamar Brown,
Saved her because she was going through.
Truth is, I heard Jesus still heals,
Is real
And just not another Free-be
And if He could do it for Tamar Brown,
He can do it for you or me.

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