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©Arianne Foks 2010 www.ariannefoks.


The stage
a 27 chapters adventure
The stage
a 27 chapters adventure

a story a folder a girl a cat

a novel a remark a glass of wine a pony
a poem a performance a grand-mother a body
a song a piece of sky a garden this is you
a theory an experiment a house this is me
a portrait a book a cooking receipe this is colorful
a dance a magazine an elixir this is feelings
a mambo a letter a treat drawings
a cha-cha a fairy tale a wardrobe thoughts
an article a play a forest doubts
a paper a chair a pudding this is love...
another chair

Arianne Foks
Chapter 1

The characters

A qui appartient le baiser sur ton cou?

En écoutant ce que le jaune dit, tu regardes ta peau noircir grâce au liquide à brûler de tes yeux,
ton coeur se vide de pétrole.
Il est minuit sur les draps, j’entends les pas du chat,il a faim,moi aussi.

Who’s kiss’ is on your neck?

Your heart is pouring gas, you’re looking at your darkening skin (...), while listening at what yellow has to say.
It’s midnight on the sheets, I can hear the cat’s steps, he’s hungry, so do I.
Le voyage de la queue de cheval (pony tail trip) work in process
Faire semblant d’être la femme de l’astronaute / Pretending to be the astronaut wife (Xavier Veilhan au Chateau de Versailles 2009)
d i l e .
f cr oco
ade o
a s m
e b a gw
She aske d the danc ers, but they coul dn’t stop danc ing.
Her grand-mother gave it to her a
few years before dying.
A sac de voyage from the fifties,
a tresor.
Who is the red haired girl?
Was she looking after it?
And this song playing in her mind
let me take you down cause i’m
going to strawberry fields, no-
thing is real...
Red Martini please
Chapter 2


I am not an ashtray sir !

What do you think performing art is ? Is it a shadow? You protect your eyes from the sun with sunglasses, I prefer not to.
Let them burn, so they can’t see life’s drama.
Suppose it’s a play, a real good one with all the characters, ending up fighting for their own desire.
But most of them are too shy to face the others, so they hide behind sunglasses, behind a fucking pair of €350 Dior sunglasses.
I felt like I needed to surrender, (in the play) like in these films, take a gun and shoot the one you don’t like.
Can you feel the performing material of these sumglasses?
And ,no sir, I am certainly not an ashtray !!!
And I’m going to carry my stuff in the same old crocodile bag, the one from the fifties, do you remember?
The one everybody thought it was useless.
I’m an ecologist to tell you the truth. All these old objets, can’t throw them away, not anymore. Can’t you see the artistic ma-
terial they represent? Can’t you see the power they’ve got?
Can’t you see the beauty in it? But you’ve still got your sunglasses on, so I am begening to understand that you are the boy next
door. Aren’t you?
Hidding, hidding, I made some tea, and apple pie, would you like some?I’ll show you a way of using your precious sunglasses. . .
Let’s sit on red chair and listen to the sound of music.
La symphonie des lunettes de soleil pour performeur et paire de chausson / Sunglasses symphony
Chapter 3

To be continued...

©Arianne Foks 2010

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