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Alan M.

9221 Beverly Dr
Overland Park, KS 66207
(c) 913-22266-1648 (h) 913-649-3749

Information Systems Professional

• Highly skilled in identifying and correcting performance obstructions in application software and teaching staff the art of high
performance programming.
• Operating Systems: MVS, VAX VMS, Linux/Unix, and Windows.
• Languages: JCL, COBOL, Natural, MVS Assembler, Fortran, Visual Basic, JAVA, JAVAScript, HTML, C, Perl, SQL and DL/I
PL/SQL, Stored procedures.
• Database Systems and file access metods: IMS/DB, DB2, Adabas, Oracle and Microsoft Access, VSAM, QSAM, OSAM,
• Teleprocessing Monitors: TSO, ISPF, CICS, IMS/DC.
• Other tools: Exceed, Toad, Extra Personal Client, Syncsort, MS Office Suite, Visio, Remedy, TestDirector, File-Aid, Abend-Aid,
Strobe , Mainview, Perfview, Loadrunner, Cntl-M, ESP, CA-7, CA-11, Changeman, MQ Series Xpeditor, QMF, SPUFI, NDM,
FTP, REXX, Easytrieve

Professional Experience:
Argus Health Systems Inc., Kansas City, MO -- 2008 to 2008
Senior Software Developer
Tactical Support Team.
• Performed processes to update claims, communicating with Internal Auditors and Account Management at each step so results
could be verified as updates were progressing.
• Executed claim history loads for new customers so members’ drug usage could be tracked.
• Transformed data to be loaded into claims history. Data, supplied by outside sources, arrived on a variety of media and in a
myriad of formats, requiring significant analysis and manipulation.
• Helped design a series of ISPF panels for use by the Internal Auditors and Client Management to automate scheduling of batch
claim adjustment jobs through the ESP job scheduler. This automated process when fully implemented would save Argus
between $500,000 and $750,000 per year.
• Other impromptu requests.
• MVS, TSO, ISPF, COBOL, JCL, CICS, DB2, SQL, Stored Priocedures, ADABASE, & NATURAL, ESP, Changeman, Xpeditor,
QSAM, VSAM, QMF, SPUFI, NDM, FTP, REXX, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio

Midwest Consulting Group, Overland Park, KS – 2007 to 2007

Senior Software Developer (Contracted to Argus)
Tactical Support Team.
• Performed processes to update claims, communicating with Internal Auditors and Account Management at each step so results
could be verified as updates were progressing.
• Executed claim history loads for new customers so members’ drug usage could be tracked.
• Transformed data to be loaded into claims history. Data, supplied by outside sources, arrived on a variety of media and in a
myriad of formats, requiring significant analysis and manipulation.
• Other impromptu requests.
• MVS, TSO, ISPF, COBOL, JCL, CICS, DB2, SQL, Stored Procedures, ADABASE, & NATURAL, ESP, Changeman, Xpeditor.
QSAM,VSAM, QMF, SPUFI, NDM, FTP, REXX, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio.

Embarq Management Company, Overland Park, KS -- 2006 to 2007

Customer Records and Billing / Local Message Processing Production Support team.

• Fabricated and presented training materials to teach staff efficient coding techniques in COBOL and database access saving costly
rework of deficient applications.
• Reviewed software release plans to insure the release for completeness and could be installed without aversely impacting
production systems.
Experience - cont'd
• Reviewed projects to ensure adherence to coding standards and high performance.
• Mentored other staff with complex development issues as required.
• Provided level 2 support to the Local Message Processing and Local Billing production support on-call teams on complex failures
and performance issues.
• Generated and executed volume and production readiness test plans carried out on Mainframe.
• Performed Root Cause Analysis and Irrevocable Corrective Action (RCA/ICA) on production Issues.
• Performed on-call duties in mainframe environments.
• COBOL, MVS, TSO, ISPF, ASSEMBLER, CICS, VISUAL BASIC, C, Perl, SQL, stored procedures, DB2, DL/I, Oracle,
PL/SQL, & JCL, UNIX/Linux. Toad, Extra Personal Client, Syncsort, MS Office Suite, remedy, TestDirector, File-Aid, Abend-
Aid, Strobe, Mainview, Perfview, Loadrunner, CA-7, CA-11,Changeman, Xpeditor, VSAM, QSAM, OSAM, BDAM, QMF,
SPUFI, NDM, FTP, REXX, IMS/DB, DL/I, Easytrieve. , Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio
Sprint NEXTEL Corporation, Overland Park, KS -- 2005 to 2006
• Developed a Data Space System (a memory sharing facility) to save database I/O and reduce processing times and cost.
• Fabricated and presented training materials to teach staff efficient coding techniques in COBOL and database access saving costly
rework of deficient applications.
• Redesigned major potions of the National Reporting and Automated Repair Systems to incorporate newer software techniques
and technologies.
• Reviewed projects to ensure adherence to coding standards and high performance.
• Mentored other staff with complex development issues as required.
• Provided level 2 support to the production support on-call teams on complex failures and performance issues.
• Generated and executed volume and production readiness test plans carried out on Unix and Linux platforms.
• Performed Root Cause Analysis and Irrevocable Corrective Action (RCA/ICA) on production Issues.
• Performed on-call duties in mainframe and mid-range environments.
• COBOL, MVS, TSO, ISPF, ASSEMBLER, CICS, VISUAL BASIC, C, Perl, SQL, Stored procedures, Oracle, PL/SQL, DB2,
DL/I, & JCL, UNIX/Linux. Toad, Extra Personal Client, Syncsort, MS Office Suite, remedy, TestDirector, File-Aid, Abend-Aid,
Strobe, Mainview, Perfview, Loadrunner, JAVA, JAVAScript, CA-7, CA-11, Changeman, Cntl-M, MQ Series, Xpeditor, VSAM,
QSAM, OSAM, BDAM, QMF, SPUFI, NDM, FTP, REXX, IMS/DB, DL/I, Easytrieve, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio.

Sprint Management Company, Overland Park, KS -- 1999 to 2005

Applications Developer/Analyst II
Production Support Team, RODEO (PCS billing system) Team, Customer Records and Billing / Local Message Processing
Architecture team.
• Developed a Data Space System (a memory sharing facility) to save database I/O and reduce processing times and cost.
• Reduced processing time of the daily billing cycle of each of Sprint’s regional companies from an average of four hours to less
than 30 minutes, through the use of Data Space and a variety of other tuning techniques.
• Analyzed, created and presented training materials in the use of data space to staff, enabling use of data space in other
applications saving money and processing time.
• Fabricated and presented training materials to teach staff efficient coding techniques in COBOL and database access saving costly
rework of deficient applications.
• Designed a phased implementation for system changes to the Local Message Processing System that allowed it to handle
telephone numbers not being tied to a geographic location minimizing the disruption caused by this major software release.
• Helped define “Best Practices” and shop coding standards. As team, Architecture researches industry trends in both the
telecommunications and information technology industries to determine the most effective protocols to adopt on a go forward
• Helped create the Future-state model for local telephone billing system and create a road map to that future state. Research into
the telecommunications industry trends revealed a movement away from location specific services and general erasure of
geographic boundaries as will as initiative to make it easier to move among providers. A look at our own systems verses industry
trend revealed we had a high reliance on proprietary technology from outside the company and we only limited facilities for E-
commerce in our domain. The team set about defining the functionality needed and ho to replace the proprietary technologies
what new strategies we needed to adopt. The team created a plan move to achieve these goals, a set of new coding standards and
guidelines to insure movement would continue toward where we needed to be.
• Rewrote large portions of the Message Processing System Infrastructure to remove the use of a proprietary file access system,
replacing it with IMS’ GSAM protocols. These programs all were written with APS COBOL macros. The macros were rewritten
to call IMS’ GSAM I/O routines rather than Proprietary I/O subroutines supplied the vendor that originally sold the system to
Sprint. Sprint did not purchase vendor support for this system.
• Corrected logic errors that prevented Checkpoint working reliably in the event of an abend. In numerous programs the start and
end of the logical units of work not identified properly leading to records either being skipped or processed more than once or not
completely. Once the units of work were properly identified, the programs were tested through several abend scenarios and
moved back into production.
Experience - cont'd
• Assisted Business Analysts with developing Business requirements and associated functional requirements based on the problem
description of their project
• Created and executed volume and production readiness test plans carried out on the mainframes.
• Reviewed projects to ensure adherence to coding standards and high performance.
• Mentored other staff with complex development issues as required.
• Provided level 2 support to the Local Message Processing and Local Billing production support on-call teams on complex failures
and performance issues.
• Generated and executed volume and production readiness test plans carried out on Mainframe, Unix and Linux platforms.
• Performed Root Cause Analysis and Irrevocable Corrective Action (RCA/ICA) on production Issues.
• Performed on-call duties in mainframe and mid-range environments.
Personal Client, Syncsort, MS Office Suite, Remedy, TestDirector, File-Aid, Abend-Aid, Strobe, Mainview, Perfview,
Loadrunner, CA-7, CA-11, Cntl-M, MQ Series, Xpeditor, VSAM,QSAM, OSAM, BDAM, QMF, SPUFI, NDM, FTP, REXX,
IMS/DB, DL/I, Easytrieve, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio.

Professional Resources Inc., Overland Park, KS -- 1995 to 1999

Programmer/Analyst (Contracted to Sprint)
National Reporting System Team, Automated Repair System Team, Little Billers (ad hoc billing), Production Support Team, RODEO
(PCS billing system) Team, Customer Records and Billing / Local Message Processing Architecture team.
• Developed a Data Space System (a memory sharing facility) to save database I/O and reduce processing times and cost.
• Reduced processing time of the daily billing cycle of each of Sprint’s regional companies from an average of four hours to less
than 30 minutes, through the use of Data Space and a variety of other tuning techniques.
• Analyzed, created and presented training materials in the use of data space to staff, enabling use of data space in other
applications saving money and processing time.
• Fabricated and presented training materials to teach staff efficient coding techniques in COBOL and database access saving costly
rework of deficient applications.
• Designed a phased implementation for system changes to the Local Message Processing System that allowed it to handle
telephone numbers not being tied to a geographic location minimizing the disruption caused by this major software release.
• Reviewed projects to ensure adherence to coding standards and high performance.
• Mentored other staff with complex development issues as required.
• Provided level 2 support to the Local Message Processing and Local Billing production support on-call teams on complex failures
and performance issues.
• Generated and executed volume and production readiness test plans carried out on IBM Mainframe platforms.
• Performed on-call duties in mainframe and mid-range environments.
Personal Client, Syncsort, MS Office Suite, remedy, TestDirector, File-Aid, Abend-Aid, Strobe, Mainview, Perfview,
Loadrunner, CA-7, CA-11, Xpeditor, VSAM, QSAM, OSAM, BDAM, QMF, SPUFI, NDM, FTP, REXX, IMS/DB, DL/I,
Easytrieve, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio.

Software Synergy Inc., Kansas City, MO – 1994 to 1995

• Contracted to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City, Eligibility Team
• Built a new childhood immunization tracking and reporting system, that was promoted, as a tool for parents, in their
• Performed maintenance and development in eligibility applications.
• Performed maintenance and new development on claims processing applications.
• COBOL, MVS, TSO, ISPF, CICS, DB2 VISUAL BASIC, SQL, DL/I, & JCL, File-Aid, Abend-Aid, Syncsort, VSAM, QSAM,
QMF, SPUFI, NDM, FTP, REXX, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio

• Currently Enrolled MBA, Leadership, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ
• BBA, Information Science, Boise State University, Boise, ID
AS, Business Data Processing, Fresno City College, Fresno, CA

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