Statement, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement Are Interfaces Which Providw The Way To Interact With The Databases (Mysql

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1) Difference between Statement, Prepared Statement And Callable

Statement .
2) Reading a CSV , Text File and Uploading Data to the Database ..
3) Inserting the Image file in to the database .
4) Batch update ..?
Statement, Prepared Statement And Callable Statement are
interfaces which providw the way to interact with the databases (MySQL ,
Oracle , PostGre , MSSQL Server .) And Its having the predefined set of
methods to use .

Statement :- Used to trigger the Static queries (Select * from Employee) ,

Statement does not access any parameters .
Prepared Statement:- Prepared Stament extends Statement Interface and
it provides extra Usefull mechanism when triggering the SAME SQL
statements , Prepared Statement Interface accepts inputs parameters , at
Runtime . Prepared Statement are precompiled hence there execution are
faster .
More Powerfull/funcality and fatser .And Takes parameters at Run time ,
Callable Statement :- Its extending the PreparedStatement used to
execute Stored Procedures which are already compiled in the database .

Type of Tables
Master Table :- Where you manage only one entry for a record
Transaction Table :- Multiple transaction
Mapping Table :- Mapping EMp_Manager / EMP _DEPT
Where its not 1-1 relationship ..
1- N


dymanic query Example , Prepared Stament as a Dynamic (RUN TIME) , STATIC(COMPILE TIME)


Difference between Clob And Blob

3) can we insert a binary file as a clob?

4) what is the lengtn limit for the blob?

How to Read/Display ..While discussing the Jsp /Servelt


Batch update ..? what if we have 2 sql statement in proc

7) Driver type jdbc..


Sumedha pendig java qn..

9) User privilege
10) Java Security
11) Transaction

Servlet _

Day -4 7th Oct

Batch Update ..
addBatch(); - Adding the querty to single statmentnt Object
executeBatch(); - Executing the group query
clearBatch(); Clearing the groub query .


BLOB -Stores Binary Large Object - Large Stream of data ,
or Image
CLOB Character Large Objects , Massive String .

JDBC Driver Types:

Type 1: JDBC- ODBC Bridge Driver (Bridge)

Type 2: Native API / Not Fully Java Driver (Native)

Type 3: AllJava/Net Protocol Driver (Middleware)

Type4 : All Java / Native Protocol Driver (Pure)

1 Completely written in java .

Platform independence , Portable ,
Prefference of Driveres :While accessing the MySQL , Oracle IBM DB2 the prefferd
driver is TYPE-4
If your application accessing multiple database same time ,
TYPE -3 is preffered
TYPE: 2 Driveres are usefull when ever a type 3 or type -4
driver is not available for the databased used .
TYPE -1 :- Testing and development purpose use only .
Not Protable ,
Performance Issue
Servlet , JSP , Java Script , AJAX , CSS 1- weeks
Project 1:- Project 1 Using Java JDBC and My SQL Server /Oracle 10G , Servlet

Project s

Project 2:- Project 1 Using Java JDBC and My SQL Server /Oracle 10G , Servlet , JSP

Spring 3.X
Hibernate .3

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