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Introduction to Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving is an easy way for employees to give to charity through their pay.

Monies are taken direct from your wages, pre-tax.

You can give to the charity of your choice.

You can give to more than one charity if you wish but we ask that the minimum
donation per month is 10 per charity.

Payroll giving is a tax efficient way to make donations.

Scenario 1
You are taxed at 20% and want to give 10 per month to charity
You pledge 10 to the charity of your choice
The actual cost to you as the employee is 8.00
The tax benefit adds 2.00 bringing the donation up to 10

Scenario 2
You are taxed at 40% and want to give 10 per month to charity
You pledge 10 to the charity of your choice
The actual cost to you as the employee is 6.00
The tax benefit adds 4.00 bringing the donation up to 10

Your HR department can advise you further on how to set up a scheme at your place of work or you
can contact a member of our team. Please note that in line with other providers, The Charity Service
deducts an administration fee of 4% from your donation to cover bank charges and staff costs. (This
equates to 40p on a 10 donation). Some employers opt to pay this administration fee on behalf of
the employee.

Sue Dilworth, Payroll Giving Lead & Grant Administrator
Email: or Tel: 0303 999 1212 Option 2
Ashlie Tottle, Comms & Marketing Manager
Email: or Mobile: 07730 217 954

The Charity Service can also provide a copy of our Payroll Giving powerpoint. Further details about
our Payroll Giving services are also available at
Grant administration St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North
Payroll giving Manchester M12 6FZ
Personalised charitable trusts Telephone 0303 999 1212
Will and estate planning
Corporate social responsibility planning
Twitter @TCSManchester
Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No: 2538910

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