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Cumann Luct Capaillini Chonamara Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society ‘The Showgrounds, Clifden Co. Galway Tel #353 (0995 21863 Fax. +353 (0)95 21005 email: “enquiies@iepbs ie Mr Frank Quinn Ballymarchaun Ardrahan Co. Galway 26/5/15 Re: CPBS Council Meeting Dear Frank A meeting of the Council of the CPBS will take place on Monday 8" June 2015 in the Westwood House Hotel, Newcastle, Galway at Spm. Agenda Adoption of Minutes Matters arising from Minutes Sub-Committee Reports Membership Correspondence President's Address Date & Venue for EGM Office Committee Report & Finance Report Inspection Committee Report 10. Show Committee Report 11. Visitors Championship 12. A.0B. CPRNANaune ‘Yours sincerely Niamh Philbin Niamh Philbin Secretary Directors: Tom MacLochlain(President), Jim Mullaney (Vice-President, John Varley (Vice-President, Padeale Heanue Curran, Geardid Curran, 5 Andy O”Donoghue, (Treasurer) John Riordan (Hon. Secretary), Jane Andrews, Kevin Bolger Noe! Brett, Cia Mosse Joyee, Patrick Keaney, Michael Laffey, Jerry Mahon, Pierce O'Malley, Dermot Power, Frank Quins ‘A company Limited by Guarantee and not having » share capital, Registered Office Clifden, Co. G ‘Chy No: S864 Niamh _ Philbin Edenmist Stud [} 21 May 2015 08:23 Niamh Philbin Letter for the attention of the council To the Connemara Pony Breeders Society, It is a disgrace and an insult to the ardent breeder, who breeds to improve their stock and thereby improves the breed standard, to allow the Clifden show to be open to class 2 ponies. It is an insult to all and any inspectors that gave their time, expertise and opinion on the days of inspections. It is also an insult to all the people who strive and take great pride in having a pony worthy to show at Clifden - Now to feel let down by their society and council. I am saddened that our breed show, a world stage for our pony, has lowered its standards to this degree. Let the people who champion the class 2 pony raise their game and put their energies into improving their stock and knowledge of the breed standard and strive to have ponies worthy of the breed show at Clifden - instead of lowering the standard of the show to facilitate ‘themselves. It is the society's job to continue to strive for excellence and I feel this move is taking a massive step in the wrong direction and will have far reaching repercussions. I PROPOSE THAT THE COUNCIL RECONSIDER THIS DECISION. Yours Sincerely, Denise Norton Edenmist Stud, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare Sent from my iPadd Connemara Pony Breeders Society Council Meeting Minutes 10/5/15 Venue: The Connacht Hotel, Renmore, Galway @ 11am Attendance: Mr. Tom Maclochiainn (President), Mr. Jim Mullaney (Vice-President), Mr. Padraic Heanue (Treasurer), Mr. John Riordan (Hon. Secretary), Mr. Noel Brett, Mr. Ciarén Curran, Mr. Gear6id Curran, Mr. Ciarén Curran, Mr. Mossie Joyce, Mr. Patrick Keaney, Mr. Michael Laffey, Mr. Jerry Mahon, Mr. Keith Murray, Mr. Pierce O'Malley, Mr. Dermot Power, Mr. Frank Quinn Apologies: Ms. Jane Andrews, Mr. John Varley Order of Business The President opened the meeting and welcomed those present. He informed the Council that the ‘meeting is being recorded. He thanked the Council members for attending the meeting and sald he feels there is a great future for the Society. Mr. Quinn asked why Council members didn’t get a copy of the changes before the meeting, The President explained that a hard copy doesn’t exist as it is evolving all the time and if the changes are accepted there will be @ copy and this has been made clear since the beginning. Mr. Keaney agreed and said the Council will be talked through the changes today. Mr. Riordan said it will be the members who will ultimately make the decision. Mr. Quinn said there was no director from outside Connemara on the committee. Presentation of Proposed Changes Mr. Jerry Mahon, Chairman of the Memorandum and Articles committee outlined the running order for the day. He gave the background to the review, the process by which proposed changes were made and the key changes. Mr. Mahon then gave a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed Memorandum and Articles of Association, Each item was considered and discussed in detail. Some slight changes were suggested Mr. Mahon convened a meeting of the subcommittee and the changes were approved. Mr. Mahon proposed that the Council accept the proposed amendments to the CP8S Memorandum and Articles of Association. This was seconded by Mr. Joyce. A vote took place by show of hands with the majority voting to accept the proposed Memorandum and Articles of Association. Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society Council Meeting Minutes 18/5/15 Venue: Westwood House Hotel @ 8pm Attendance: Mr. Tom MacLochlainn (President), Mr. Jim Mullaney (Vice-President), Mr. John Varley (Vice-President), Mr. Kevin Bolger, Mr. Noel Brett, Mr. Ciardn Curran, Mr. Gearéid Curran, Mr. Padraic Hynes, Mr. Mossie Joyce, Mr. Patrick Keaney, Mr. Michael Laffey, Mr. Jerry Mahon, Mr Pierce O'Malley, Mr. Dermot Power, Mr. Frank Quinn Also in Attendance: Ms. Niamh Philbin (Secretary), Mr. John Kenny (Auditor) Apologies: Ms. Jane Andrews, Mr. Padraic Heanue, Mr. Keith Murray, Mr. Andy O'Donoghue, Mr. John Riordan Order of Business The President opened the meeting and informed the Council the meeting is being recorded. Adoption of Minutes ‘The Secretary read an email with corrections from Mr. Riordan. The corrections were made, The adoption of minutes was proposed by Mr. Mullaney and seconded by Mr. C. Curran, Matters Arising from Minutes Mr. Power said Mr. Brett said there was no character assassination in the letter he sent to the ter. He asked that the following extract from Mr. Brett's letter be recorded in the minute “In particular | must draw your attention that there is no accountability with regard to the ‘management of this body. Effective monagement and control is exercised by Mr. Dermot Power who has served continuously on this board since 1971 whilst also acting as a senior official within your Department of Agriculture throughout. Manipulation of our Memorandum and Articles of Association has seen the introduction of bye laws by Mr. Power intended to preserve his position.” Mr. Brett said he resigned from a committee to allow Mr. Power take a court case and if this is the route he is going then let him. Mr. MacLochiainn said he and Mr. Mullaney will meet with Mr. Power and Mr. Brett. ‘Sub Committee Reports Mr. Bolger gave the Education committee report (App. A). He added that they also discussed judges courses but he understood this would be covered in the proposed new Memo and Articles. The President said he planned to have an education conference as part of the Christmas show with various speakers, It was agreed to run a clinic for young handlers. taking place. Mr. Varley said if the Connemara pony beceme the pony of choice for Therapeutic Riding people wouldn't be able to breed enough ponies. Mr. Kenny answered a number of questions on the accounts. Mr. C. Curran proposed and Mr. Mullaney seconded the approval of the financial statements for year ended 31/12/14. Mr. Kenny left the meeting Correspondence Aletter from Mr. Richard O'Sullivan requesting a colt inspection centre in Cork was discussed. It was agreed to look at the number of entries from the South next year and if sufficient consider having a centre in Cork. ‘An email concerning changing the name of a pony from Ms. Eliza Harris was discussed. It was agreed that the name of a pony cannot be changed President’s Address The President reported to the Council that he met with Mr. Kevin Croke from Endurance ireland as he felt Connemara ponies would be suited to endurance riding and he felt sponsorship should be given to the highest placed Connemara pony competing with Endurance Ireland. Mr. MacLochiainn said he intends asking the Midlands group to host an information evening. This was agreed. Mr. MacLochiainn told the meeting that he met with Mr. Gerry Greally from the Department who informed him about the Knowledge transfer scheme and was keen to have a group in Connemara, Mayo and East Galway. ‘The President said he met with a Garda Sergeant from Clifden in relation to the Heather Wright letter, which he did and said the issue is really between them and the Department. Mr. Maclochlainn asked that all sub committees would meet before the next Council meeting. In the original proposal made in relation to the picking of Clifden judges, the President said it was agreed that the judges would be allocated to rings and he felt the Council should stick with the original proposal. Mr. Bolger said the original proposal was all Irish Judges. Mr. MacLochlainn said the inclusion of ane overseas judge was agreed at the last meeting. He told the Council that Prof. Wall allocated the judges as follows: Ring One (AM) John Joe Bolton & Noel Sweeney Ring One (PM): Madeleine Beckman and Séan Stagg Ring Two (AM): Finola Nican lomaire and Fr. Christy McCormack Reserve: Bridget Lee Mr. MacLochlainn said sometimes issues arise and it is not known which committee is responsible for them and he spoke of the need to document each committees responsibilities and their need to report. Mr. Laffey said it is the same circle of judges every year and some people are never picked and one Council member told lies about a judge phoning him from the Ring. Mr. Hynes said he didn’t say that but that a judge did phone him before the show thinking he was someone else. Mr. Bolger Education Sub-Committee of the C.P.B.S Meeting Westwood Hotel at 9 pm on 31st April 2015 Attendance Mr Kevin Bolger (Chairman), Mr Andy O'Donoghue, Mr Dermot Power. Mission Statement ‘The following Mission Statement was agreed. To provide an Education Programme for Connemara Pony Breeders, Exhibitors, Supporters and ‘Young equine enthusiasts. Programme to the end of the year Work Shops : Organise a day for young handlers in June at the Showgrounds, Possible demonstrators : Mr Joe Burke, Mrs Nicola Musgrave, Mr Patrick Curran and Ms Anne O ‘Brien, Seminars Organise Seminars in the Autumn . First suggestion was a talk on Performance Blood Lines. It will be up to the Council to make suggestions for possible Speakers as it is intended to have three Seminars. History of the Breed and Record Preservatio1 ‘There is an urgent need to record the memories of our breeders. Dermot Power is to contact the Department of Sociology in NUIG to see if they had a researcher who would be interested in doing this work. Database It was agreed that the Society must urgently correct and up-date the Database. New Memorandum and Articles of Association The Sub-Committee suggested if the the new Memo & Articles are agreed by Council, then the Council should meet the different support groups to explain the proposed changes PBS Marketing Committee 13/5/15 Ploughing Championships ‘The stand at the ploughing Championships was discussed and it was agreed to ask the Midlands group, the South East group and the Southern group to help out with it. The committee felt it would be beneficial to have a short promotional video at it and to use people such as Sharon Shannon, John Hayes and Emma Massingale on it. Four Year Old Mare Loose Jumping It was agreed to have two qualifiers — one in Ballinasloe and one in the East. The entry fee was set at £€25 for qualifier and €30 for final. it was felt it would be beneficial to have a training day in advance of the qualifiers. Ponies will be measured at qualifiers and must measure 148cms or under. Art Competition ‘An art exhibition will be held during show week featuring a Pony’. The paintings will be on display during show week and twelve will be selected to feature in 5 “Interpretation of a Connemara calendar. Show dates will also be in calendar. Merchandise Quotes will be got to supply merchandise. The CPBS will keep ownership of logo and sell products. Danish and Swedish Celebration Tourism Ireland were in touch and are very excited about this celebration and will help publicise it. It was agreed the celebration would take place in the Abbeyglen on Tuesday of show week at 8pm. ‘Two trophies will be presented to the Societies. Each Society will be asked to send in some photos to display. It was agreed to have two driven ponies there and invite the ambassadors to each country. Conference The committee spoke about organising a conference as part of the Christmas show and inviting people to take a topic and research it and present the findings at the conference.

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