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Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor


Summer Adult Bible Study

Heaven and Earth

Wednesday, June 3 - August 19 at 6:30pm

in the Worship Center

While some say, What you see is what you get, it is certainly
true that what you see is not all that there is. Many are losing
battles they dont even know that are being fought. Many
Christians tend to live in the realm of the seen instead of
discovering what Moses knew as he looked beyond the
immediate and urgent and set his sights on eternity: By faith,
Moses endured as seeing Him who is invisible (Hebrews
11:27). In this Summer Adult Bible Study on Wednesday,
we will discuss the overall theme of Heaven and Earth. We
will seek to run well and finish the race into eternity, breaking
the tape with acceleration, conviction, and revelation.

The Realities of the Heavenly Realm

Unseen but Certain by Dr. Daniel Akin

The spiritual reality of angels, Satan, demons, hell, and
heaven. What the Bible teaches that we need to know and
why it matters today. Books are on sale now in the Lighthouse
Bookstore for $7.00 each.


Practical Insight into the Churchs Earthly Mission

The Study in the Worship Center will be divided into two semesters, studying
first, The Realities of the Heavenly Realm, then Practical Insight into the
Churchs Earthly Mission. This will begin at 6:30 pm and will once again be
our summer alternative to Womens and Mens ministries.
I will teach the first session as we deal with the Heaven section. In later
weeks we will be studying the spiritual reality of angels, Satan, demons, hell,
and Heaven. Dr. Daniel Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological
Seminary, has spoken a number of times in our church and is one of the leading
theological motivators, mentors, and theologians in our nation. The staff and I
will alternate in-person teaching times followed by a brief video by Dr. Akin as
he develops the theme, then we will have table times of discussion and prayer.
We will begin the session with a time of worship and will also hear outstanding
personal testimonies from people in our church. Dannys study book is available
in the Bookstore.
During the second half of the summer, we will discuss Earth, learning much
from high-quality video lessons by Ray Vander Laan. We did a similar video and
live presentation approach a few years ago with his studies, which combined
amazing archeological and practical tours of the Bible lands. Ray is uniquely
gifted to make the life and struggle of the the early church come alive. That brief
video, will introduce the themes, then pastoral staff will expand the teaching
and apply it.
Unquestionably, we are in a spiritual war, as the culture of earth seeks to divert
our eyes from Heaven and eternity. While people insist that it is far better to
light a candle than to curse the darkness, the light of truth will help us to live as
exiles, abstaining from the passions of the flesh which war against our souls (1
Peter 2:11). As C.S. Lewis wrote, You never know how much you really believe
anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.
Please continue to pray for our upcoming Vacation Bible School outreach as
we shine the truth - light to hundreds of children that they may see and hear
Jesus in and through us and know with certainty that they have eternal life
(1 John 5:13). You can still help in different ways as you lay up treasures in
Heaven and not on earth (Matthew 6:19, 20).
*There is a guest reception in the Commons following the Saturday night and
Sunday morning worship services. Pastor would love to meet you!

Welcome to First Baptist Church Naples

We are so glad you joined us for worship! Greeters at the doors can help with
any immediate needs you may have. Volunteers at the Information Desk in the
Commons can assist you in finding the perfect Bible & Life Group. For more
information about our church and ministries, please call Lou at 596-8600 x258.

Congratulations David George

Confirmed as our new
Pastor of Hispanic Ministry

We congratulate David and Linda George for their call

to our Hispanic Ministry after an overwhelmingly 99%
positive vote. David will officially begin his full-time
duties on Monday, June 1.

Early Church by Ray Vander Laan

For Christians today, faith in God can sometimes seem to be
a cerebral choice. For the early church, it was the difference
between life and death.


Quarterly Business Meeting

Wednesday, June 3 at 8:00pm in Room WC117

All church members are invited and encouraged to attend.

Foundations 101 New Believers Class

Begins Saturday, June 6 at 7:30pm in Room DC112

This class is for new believers and anyone interested in

learning the basic principles and truths of the Christian faith.
If you know someone who is a new believer, invite him/her to
attend. For details, call Linda at 596-8600 x280.

Vacation Bible School Needs Snacks

Everest is Coming June 8-12

VBS is in desperate need of snacks (potato chips, sandwich

style cookies but nothing with peanuts, and Cheez-It baked
snack crackers). There are collection bins in the Fellowship
Hallway, the Commons, and the Education Building. You
may also call Nancy at 596-8600 x350.

VBS Needs Volunteers

We need volunteers right now to help with making

decorations for hallways. Please call Nancy at 596-8600
x350. Preschool and Kindergarten also need volunteers
during the week of VBS. There is a display in the Commons
near the stairs to sign-up to be part of this fun week. Make
sure you pick-up a postcard at the display with the training
meeting information and dates. Please call Beverly 596-8600
x351 for more details.

Missions Ministry

Nicaragua Mission Team

Being Commissioned this Weekend

Pastor John David Edie will be working with Alongside

Education Ministries in Nicaragua June 13-19 training
pastors. They will conduct two separate schools, one in
Rosita and the other in San Juan del Sur. There are a
total of 160 pastors attending.

Florida Baptist Childrens Homes

Informational Meetings June 9th and 18th

6:30-8:00pm in Room DC109

Collier County has over 300 children in foster care and

only 40 foster homes. Please help by considering to foster
a child. Come and learn more about how you can deeply
impact the life of a child through adoption or foster care.
Email Terry.Hartz@fbchomes.org for more details.

College/20s Ministry

College/20s Summer Sessions

Thursdays at 7pm
in the Student Center

Join college age and young adults in their 20s every

week at our College/20s Ministry Summer Sessions.
Passionate worship, dynamic and relevant teaching, and
tons of opportunities to connect with old friends and meet
some new friends. Interested in more info? Contact Troy
Maragos, Pastor of College/20s Ministry at tmaragos@

Student Ministry

High School & Middle School Camp

Clearwater Christian College
Sign-up Now

All current 8th-11th graders can sign-up now with $270 for
High School Camp July 25-29. Register at hsmfbcn.com/
All current 5th-7th graders can sign-up now with $270
for Middle School Camp July 29-August 2. Register at

Preschool Ministry

Our Preschoolers Need You


Our Preschool Ministry desperately needs teachers,

assistants, and substitutes on Saturdays at 6:00pm or
7:30pm, and on Sundays at 9:30am or 11:00am to work
with our preschoolers. Please call the Preschool Ministry
office at 596-8600 x360 for more information.

Widows Ministry

Joy Comes in the Morning

Saturday, June 13 at 10:00am in DC121

Widows (of all ages) are invited to join us for food, fun,
and fellowship. This is a once a month meeting where we
have a devotion, snacks, prayer time, testimony, and time
to get to know one another better and build relationships.
For more details, please call Nancy at 596-8600 x350.

Legacy Builders Senior Adults

Legacy Singers

Begins Thursday, June 18 at 10:00am

in the Choir Room

This group of senior adults ministers to the residents

of assisted living facilities. No need to memorize music
or drive at night. Just enjoy Gospel music, hymns, and
fellowship. Contact Tina at 596-8600 x229 for more details.

FBCN Staff June Anniversaries

Holly Williamson Operations Ministry Assistant

Kevin Van Duser Pastor of SportsOutreach
Vada Ehling Pastoral Care/Evangelism Assistant
Kevin Taylor Pastor of Student Ministry
Greg Clydesdale Pastor of Middle School Ministry

New Arrival

15 years
14 years
12 years
4 years
1 year

Nessah Leann Francois was born on May 15 at 7 lbs, 11 oz, and 20.5. Proud
parents are Eddie & Ania, and big sisters are Brielle & Zahira.

Last Weekend

Bible & Life Groups of the Week

Worship Attendance

Decisions for Christ

May 23 & 24

Profession of Faith
Mary Jo Brandt
Statement of Faith
Melanie Braun
Victoria Cooper
Stephanie McDaniel

Financial Stewardship

2014-2015 Operating Revenues

July 1, 2014 - May 24, 2015
Actual Variance


$7,381,751 $201,751

Kingdom Missions Offering

YTD through May 24

Saturday Night
Sunday 9:30 a.m.


Tuesday Morning/
Wednesday Evening


Bible & Life Attendance

May 23 & 24

Saturday Night
Sunday 8:15 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Home Groups


This Upcoming Week

Deacon of the Week
June 1 - 7
Gene Hoff
Tyson Heyn

If you need assistance, please call

the church deacon hotline
at 800-732-9573.

Wednesday Family Meal

June 3 (4:45-6:00 p.m. in the
Fellowship/Recreation Gym)

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes,

Veggie, Salad, and Dessert
Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse
Cafe or at the door for $6 each or $25 for a
family. Alternate choices available.

Weekly Schedule
Saturday, May 30

6:00 p.m. Worship Service: Worship Center

7:30 p.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus

Sunday, May 31
8:15 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.

Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus

Haitian Bible Study & Worship: ED206
Vietnamese Worship & Bible Study: DC221
Worship Service: Worship Center
Spanish Worship Service: Family Life Center
Romanian Bible Study & Worship: Modular 4
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Romanian Worship Service: Modular 4
Haitian Worship Service: Modular 2

Wednesday, June 3
4:45 p.m.
6:20 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.

Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym

Wacky Wednesdays: DC120
Summer Adult Bible Study: Worship Center
High School Ministry: Student Center Cafe
Middle School Ministry: Student Center
Worship Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room

Other events this week include: Summer Adult Bible Study, Quarterly Business
Meeting, College/20s Ministry Summer Sessions, Celebrate Recovery

Saturday Evening at 7:30pm

Troy Maragos Teaches College/20s in The Chapel

Troy is currently teaching on Stop Asking Jesus Into your Heart:

How to Know For Sure You Are Saved. Feel free to visit Troys
class, or stop by the information desk in the Commons for more

Saturday Evening at 7:30pm

Mike & Teri Dolan Teach Couples in their 20s

in Room DC216

Mike & Teri are currently teaching on The Truth Project. Feel
free to visit their class, or stop by the information desk in the
Commons for more details.

Pastoral Staff
Dr. Hayes Wicker
Beverly Burgoyne
Greg Clydesdale
John David Edie
Betsy Evans
David George
Steve Hayes
Dr. David Heath
Troy Maragos
Shannon Moore
John Patterson
Douglas Pigg
Tom Rider
Larry Rigley
Dr. Todd Stearns
Kevin Taylor
Kevin VanDuser
Eric Yeldell

Senior Pastor
Director of Preschool Ministry
Pastor of Middle School Ministry
Pastor of Discipleship Ministry
Director of Childrens Ministry
Pastor of Hispanic Ministry
Pastor of Family Ministry
Pastor of Missions
Pastor of College/20s Ministry
Director of Womens Ministry
Pastor of Media Ministry
Executive Pastor
Pastor of Academy Education
Pastor of Pastoral Care & Senior Adults
Pastor of Worship & Music
Pastor of Student Ministry
Pastor of SportsOutreach
Pastor of Contemporary Worship & Ministry

Find out more by going to our website: www.fbcn.org/staff.

Ways to Connect Online with FBCN

You can be part of FBCNs worship services no matter where
you are. Simply go to fbcn.org every Saturday at 6:00pm or
Sunday at 9:30am for our live streaming.

Follow us on Instagram:

Visit our website:


Like us on Facebook:

Follow us on Twitter:

Contact Us

First Baptist Church Naples

3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Church Receptionist...................................................................597-6057
Enter ext. # for direct connection 596-8600
Lighthouse Bookstore.................................................................449-4488
First Baptist Academy Naples 597-2233
24-Hour Prayer Line......................................................597-PRAY (7729)
Church Email...................................................................fbcn@fbcn.org

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