Radiology Final Questions

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Radiology Final Questions (2010-2012)

1) Not an indication for whole body scan:

1. Prostatic cancer
2. Colon cancer
3. +Transvertical fracture of femur requiring internal fixation
4. Painful wrist after fall and normal x-ray

2) Which is an indication for 3 phases whole body scan:

+3 year old with fever & right knee pain & normal x-ray

3) Most common site of metastasis in lumbar spine is:

1. Lamina
2. +Pedicle
3. Spinous process

4) Radioopaque shadow on KUB is suggestive of uretral stone:

1. +At tip of transverse processes of L4
2. At tip of spinous processes at L3
3. Lateral to sacroiliac joint
4. In front of symphysis pupis

5) On MCUG, bilateral VUR is suggestive of:

+Posterior urethral valve

6) A female with recurrent UTI & developed pyelonephritis, after 2 months

of successful treatment with antibiotics, DEMSA scan was done, appropriate
statement is:
1. +Used to detect focal cortical defect & follow
2. DTPA dynamic scan to detect scarring
3. DEMSA scan with lasix is necessary in following months

7) Which is not found in proximal raw of carpal bones:

1. +Capitate
2. Pisiform
3. Scaphoid
4. Lunate
5. Triquetrium

8) Most common fracture in carpal bones is:


9) Which is wrong about meningitis?

1. Complication is associated with hydrocephalus
2. Predisposing factors are sinusitis and mastoiditis
3. +Negative imaging rules out the diagnosis

10) Don't require contrast media on CT scan to:

1. +Detect renal stone
2. Do tc99 isotope scan
3. For pituitary microadenoma

11) About IVU, one is wrong:

1. Delayed nephrogram is indicative of renal obstruction
2. Nephrogram is presence of contrast in vascular spaces in
3. +Easily demonstrate VUR
4. Usual dose 300mg
5. Renal stones appear as filling defect in pyelogram

12) Not an indication of mammogram:

1. Nipple discharge
2. Breast lump
3. Family history
4. +Lactation
5. Axillary L.N.

13) Is a chromosomal effect of radiation:


14) About effects of radiation:

1. +Stochastic effect appear within short time
2. Protection is by time, distance, shielding
3. Cause bi-defect in DNA and uni-defect in RNA
4. Effects on fetus differ by time of exposure

15) About dynamic renal scan, one is wrong:

1. Follow up for patient with managed VUR
2. Differentiate obstructive from non obstructive
3. Follow up for patient with staghorn stone
4. +Follow up to patient with acute pyelonephritis

16) Herpetic encephalitis involves:

1. Frontal lobe
2. +Temporal lobe

17) One is a classical cause of cytotoxic edema:

1. Infarction
2. Astrocytoma
3. Metastasis
4. Brain abscess
5. +Trauma

18) Difference between nuclear and radiology include all, except:

1. +Gamma camera emit gamma rays
2. Depend on gamma rays and radiology depend on x-rays
3. For functional and radiology for anatomical

19) Contraindication for abdomen pelvis CT:

1. +Pregnancy
2. Diarrhea
3. Bleeding

20) Pregnant shouldnt work in:

1. Radiology department
2. +Fluoroscopy & specific procedures
3. CT
4. MRI
5. US

21) Contraindication for MRI:

1. + Claustrophobia
2. Elderly patient

22) Contraindication for barium enema:

1. +Toxic mega colon
2. Allergy to barium
3. Diverticulosis

23) About Tc99m scan, one is wrong:

1. Thyroid scan use free Tc99
2. Can be given IV
3. +Physiological distribution is to parotid, stomach, kidney,
24) About V-Q scan, one is true:
1. Multiple perfusion defects indicate PE
2. +Normal perfusion scan dont require ventilation scan
3. Intermediate probability have narrow range
4. High probability is >60% probable

25) Which one does not use contrast media?

1. CT scan to rule out liver metastasis
2. +MRI to rule out ligament injury
3. MRI to rule out pituitary microadenoma

26) You can see matched perfusion defects in all, except:

2. Asthma
3. Empyema
4. Pneumonia
5. +Leg DVT & dyspnea

27) About neuroradiology, all are true, except:

1. CT is very sensitive to detect intracranial hemorrhage
2. MRI can detect SAH
3. CT is a useful investigation for head trauma
4. MRI is used for spinal cord
*All these seem to be true.

28) Gd (gadolinium) is given with:

1. +T1 weighted
2. T2
3. Flair
4. Diffusion

29) About SDH (subdural hemorrhage), one is wrong:

1. Acute is hyper-dense
2. +Of arterial origin
3. Crescentic shape
4. More common than EDH (epidural hemorrhage)
5. Cross sutures

30) About achalasia, one is false:

1. Peak bird shape
2. +Fixed filling defect
3. Associated with air fluid level

31) About HIDA scan, one is false:

1. +Non-visualization of bowel is confirmative of biliary atresia
in infant with prolonged jaundice (suggest but not confirm)
2. EF of 70% exclude biliary dyskinesia
3. EF of 25% is abnormal
4. Chronic acalculus cholecystitis can be evaluated by HIDA
5. Used to detect postsurgical biliary leak

32) About Hirschsprung's disease, one is true:

1. +Full thickness biopsy needed for diagnosis
2. Transitional zone delineate proximal narrowed & distal dilated
3. Rectum is smaller than sigmoid

33) About densitometry, one is false:

1. Bone mass is amount of mineralized tissue in bone
2. Osteoporosis is a form of osteopenia with normal bone
3. +T score of -3 means that the patient is -3 SD from
expected of patient's matched peers
4. Loss of bone is not uniformly distributed

34) Expiratory film useful in:

1. +Pneumothorax
2. Pleural effusion

35) All are at risk to develop contrast nephropathy, except:

1. +Infant
2. DM
3. Isoosmolar contrast
4. Hyperosmolar contrast
5. RF

36) Cavitation in pulmonary metastasis is seen with:

1. +SCC
2. Adenocarcinoma
3. Melanoma

37) About intussusception, one is false:

1. +No contraindication for hydroreduction under fluoroscopy
2. Lymphoma can be leading point
3. Iliocolic is usual

38) All are true regarding malrotation, except:

1. Cecum in malrotation is usually on the left
2. + Duodenojejunal junction is usually on right side of spine
3. Midgut volvulus is a complication of malrotation
4. Corkscrew sign

39) One is wrong about hypertrophic pyloric stenosis:

1. +Child present with bilious vomiting
2. Length is 14mm
3. Diagnosed by ultrasound

40) Best investigation for ureteric uric acid is:

1. +CT
2. MRI
3. UV

41) Not related to Crohn's disease:

1. +Lead pipe
2. Cobblestone


42) On axial CT of abdomen pelvis, one is true:

1. Renal artery is anterior to renal vein
2. +Common bile duct is anterior to portal vein
3. Right renal vein is shorter than left renal vein
4. Inferior vena cava is anterior to portal vein
5. Superior mesenteric artery lies on right side of abdominal aorta

43) One is true about anatomy of the liver:

+Blood supply is by hepatic artery and portal vein

44) One is mismatch:

+CD backwash ileitis

45) Not found in anterior mediastinum:

1. Goiter
2. Thymoma
3. Lymphoma
4. Teratoma
5. +Neurogenic tumor

46) One is false about anatomy of the heart:

+Right ventricle forms the right border of the heart
47) MRI not used in:
+Eye foreign body

48) All are radiological findings in pleural effusion, except:

2. Costophrenic blunting
3. Homogenous opacification
4. +Upper border convex and reach medially
5. Upper border concave and reach axilla

49) Air bronchogram can be seen in all, except:

1. Pulmonary hemorrhage
2. +Pleural effusion
3. Hyaline membrane disease
4. Pneumonia
5. Alveolar edema

50) Radiological findings in emphysema include all, except:

1. +Larger heart size
2. Lungs hyper-inflated
3. Abnormal vasculature (not sure something like that)

51) One is mismatch:

1. Chondroma calcification
2. Exostosis cartilaginous cap
3. Osteosarcoma sunburst
4. +Ewing metaphysis
5. Bone island thick periosteal reaction


52) Not a radiological sign of malignancy in bone:

1. Onion skin
2. Wide transition zone
3. Codmans triangle
4. Destructed cortex
5. +Buttressing

53) We use MRI in all, except:

1. +Green stick fractures
2. Avascular necrosis of head of femur

54) One is false about green stick fractures:

1. +Common in elderly
2. Cortex intact

55) Knee MRI used as:

1. Quadriceps tendon on superior border of patella
2. +Anterior cruciate ligament injury (longitudinal) investigation

56) Beaded like lesion on angiogram of renal artery is:

+Fibromuscular dysplasia


57) Posterior indentation on esophagus is caused by:

1. +Cricopharyngeus
2. Aortic arch
3. Left bronchus
4. Cricoid cartilage
5. Posterior cricoid venous plexus

58) 18 years old male with right lower limb pain increasing at night, relieved
by aspirin, your diagnosis is:
1. +Osteiod osteoma
2. Osteosarcoma
3. Osteomyelitis

59) Not an indication for I131 scan and uptake:

1. Low TSH
2. Suspect single toxic nodule
3. Suspect multinodular goiter
4. +Euthyroid goiter
5. Postpartum thyrotoxicosis

60) 45 years old with normal TSH, his ultrasound showed 2x3 solid mass on
right lobe of thyroid, next step:
1. +Tc99 scan
2. Follow up
3. I131scan and uptake
4. I131 scan and ablation if cold nodule
5. Total thyroidectomy

61) Patient complains of chest pain, upper limb & lower limb pain, with
multiple areas of osteolytic lesions on ribs, upper limb & lower limb, and
increased creatinine and hypercalcemia, your diagnosis is:
1. +Multiple myeloma
2. Osteosarcoma
3. Osteomyelitis

62) Spina bifida on KUB suggests:

+Neurogenic bladder

63) One is false about ultrasound:

1. Ovarian follicle hyperechoic
2. Renal stone have acoustic shadow
3. Ovarian cyst have acoustic enhancement
4. Uterus serosa hyperechoic
5. +Renal cortex hypoechoic (isoechoic)

64) All are hyper-dense on CT, except:

1. Contrast
2. +Air
3. Bone
4. Blood

65) One is wrong:

+The elevation of thymus by gas is called etched heart
(its angel wing)

66) One is wrong about Hysterosalpingogram:

1. Tubal recanalization for proximal obstruction
2. Isthmus narrower than ampulla
3. Bilateral spillage normal
4. After menses and before mid cycle
5. +Hydrosalpinx is unilateral

67) Not a cause of filling defect in pyelogram:

1. +Renal cyst
2. Slouphed papillae
3. Transitional cell carcinoma
4. Blood clot
5. Stone

68) I131 ablation is used for all, except:

1. +Medullary cell carcinoma
2. Follicular ca
3. Single toxic nodule
4. Multinodular goiter

69) Hair-on-end appearance is found in:


70) One is wrong:

+Radiopharmaceuticals have got both pharmacodynamic and
pharmacological action

71) One isn't a sign of pneumoperitoneum:

1. Rigler
2. Football
3. Triangle
4. +Etched heart

72) One is wrong about catheters:

1. ETT (endotracheal tube) best between C7-T4
2. UAC (umbilical arterial catheter) best between T4-T10
3. +Spinal arteries arise from T12-L2

73) Cobra sign is found in:


74) Initial investigation for baker's cyst:


75) Not a nodular lesion:

1. +Emphysema
2. Sarcoidosis
3. Pneumoconiosis

76) Indication for bone scan:

+Staging of osteosarcoma

77) One is a mismatch:

+Pyloric stenosis single bubble with bilious vomiting

78) Not in VACTREL:

+Vascular (V is for vertebrae)

79) Cuboid doesn't articulate with:

1. 4th metatarsal
2. 5th metatarsal
3. +Navicular
4. Calcaneum
5. Lateral cuneiform

80) Largest tarsal bone:

1. +Calcaneus
2. Talus
3. Navicular
81) Brain infarction, best way to diagnose by MRI is:


82) One of the following pelvic structures is best seen with T2 with flair:
+Ovarian follicle

83) Ring-enhancing lesion can be seen in all the following, except:


Multiple sclerosis
+Vestibular schwannoma

84) VUR reach the PUJ, this is:


+Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

85) Regarding osteoporosis, one is false:

1. Affects trabecular not cortical bones
2. +Primary accounts for 75%
3. Osteopenia is decrease in bone mass
86) All are parts of humerus, except:

Deltoid groove
+Olecranon [part of ulna]
Spiral groove

87) One of the following is not a risk for contrast toxicity:


Large amount contrast
Multiple myeloma


88) False about thymoma:

1. Normally affects the vascularity of the pulmonary artery
2. Normally causes compression to surrounding tissue
3. +In the middle mediastinum

89) One is true about enchondroma:


Doesnt have calcification

+Typically seen in hands & feet
Cause osteolytic lesions
All of the above

90) All cause widening in fontanels, except:


Down syndrome

91) One is true about pelvic CT:

1. Contusion appear hyperdense
2. +Renal CA have hypervasculature
92) About bone scan:
+The answer was sensitive and specific

93) About meningioma all are true, except:

1. +It extends to the external auditory
2. Homogenous enhancement

94) IVU is diagnostic for:


Distal ureteric stone
Renal cell carcinoma
Transitional cell carcinoma

95) Which one is not a sign of Crohns disease?

1. Terminal ileitis
2. Rose thorn ulcers
3. +Loss of plica circularis
4. Skip lesions
5. Entero-enteric fistula

96) Which one is incorrect about esophageal atresia:

1. Associated with anal anomalies
2. Most common type is proximal atresia and distal fistula
3. +Least common is H-shape type
4. Associated with trachea-esophageal fistula

97) Which one is correct about Hirschsprungs disease?

1. +Reversed rectosigmoid ratio
2. Aganglionic fibers on proximal segments
3. Proximal constricted bowel, distal dilated bowel

98) Which one is wrong?

1. +Epidural hematoma crosses the suture line
2. Subdural hematoma is of venous origin

99) Which is wrong about osteoid osteoma?

1. +Vertebral is the commonest site
2. Cortical lesion in majority of cases
3. Pain at night
4. Relieved by aspirin
5. Male more than female

100) Hair-on-end appearance is found in:

1. Lumbar spine
2. +Skull radiographs
3. CT
4. Carotid ultrasound

101) Which one is NOT an indication of bone scan?

1. Diagnosis and staging of breast cancer
2. Staging and restaging of lung cancer
3. Staging and restaging of osteosarcoma
4. Diagnosis of osteomyelitis
5. +Diagnosis of skull fracture

102) Which one is mis-matched?

1. Echognicity ultrasound
2. Intensity MRI
3. Density CT scan
4. +Opacity PET scan


103) Which one is not a sign of breast malignancy?

2. Asymmetric
3. Skin thickening
4. +Well defined oval shaped calcifications
5. Dense mass

104) Widening of pubic symphysis in KUB is seen in:

1. Neurogenic bladder
2. +Ectopic vesica (bladder exstrophy)

105) Not an indication for TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic

1. Portal hypertension
2. Variceal bleeding
3. +Liver failure secondary to cirrhosis
4. Cirrhosis associated with pleural effusion
5. Refractory ascites

106) Which imaging is used to diagnose foreign body aspiration?

1. Left decubitus only
2. Inspiratory and expiratory film for uncooperative child
3. +Left and right decubitus film for uncooperative child
4. Right decubitus only

107) True about meconium ileus:

+Most common site ileocecal

108) Not a risk factor for contrast nephrotoxicity:

1. +Well-hydrated
2. Infant

109) The best investigation for the anatomy of cervix and uterus:
1. MRI
2. +Hysterosalpingogram
3. US

110) Which is wrong about herpetic encephalitis?

1. Affects limbic system
2. Associated with hemorrhage
3. Affects bilateral
4. +Type of vasogenic edema

111) All are vasogenic edema except:

1. Metastasis
2. GBM
3. +Stroke
4. Abscess
5. Contusion

112) Contraindication for barium:

+Suspected perforation


113) About VACTERL, which one is wrong?

1. +T: teeth anomalies
2. C: cardiac anomalies
3. L: limb anomalies
4. A: anal anomalies

114) KUB is not useful for:

1. Ureter stricture
2. Stone
3. Bone metastasis
4. Vasica ectopia
5. +Neurogenic bladder

115) Difference between nuclear and radiology include all, except:

1. Gamma camera emit gamma rays
2. Nuclear depends on gamma rays
3. Radiology depends on x-rays
4. +Nuclear for functional and radiology for anatomical

116) What is wrong regarding pyloric stenosis?

1. The best investigation is by ultrasound
2. +Pyloric thinkness is more 6 mm
3. Presents at 3-6 weeks

117) What is wrong regarding PET scan?

+It has the same accuracy as MRI to detect brain metastasis

118) All of the following are true regarding fibromuscular dysplasia, except:
1. Young female
2. String of beads sign
3. +Renal isotope scan for screening

119) All are found in posterior mediastinum, except:

1. LN
2. +Retrosternal goiter
3. Neurogenic tumor

120) All these bones are in direct contact with capitates, except:
1. Lunate
2. +Trapezium
3. Trapezoid
4. Scaphoid

121) CXR was done and cardiomegaly was found, next step?
1. MRI
2. CT
3. PET scan
4. +Echocardiogram

122) Which is true about hysterosalpingogram?

+Hydrosalpinx is usually bilateral


123) One of the following not found in achalesia:

1. Tapering
2. Tertiary contractions
3. +Air fluid level
4. Vigorous contractions

124) Which one of the following is not in risk of contrast nephrotoxicity:

1. DM
2. +Isoosmolar contrast
3. Hyperosmolar contrast
4. Infant

125) Not treated by I131:

+Medullary thyroid CA

126) All are found in emphysema except:

+Reduced retrosternal space

127) Posterior indentation on esophagus is caused by:

1. Aortic arch
2. Left bronchus
3. Cricoid cartilage
4. +Posterior cricoid venous plexus


128) Not an indication for I131:

1. +High TSH
2. Low TSH
3. Postpartum thyrotoxicosis
4. Diffused goiter

129) Posterior urethra in males is composed of:

1. +Membranous & prostatic
2. Bulbous & penile
3. Prostatic & penile

130) Anterior urethra is composed of:

1. Membranous + penile
2. +Penile + bulbous
3. Bulbous + membranous

131) One is considered as interventional radiological procedure:

1. MRCP (Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography)
2. +TIPS (Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt)
3. MRV (Magnetic resonance venography)
4. MRA (Magnetic resonance angiography)

132) One of the following is interventional radiology:

1. +PCNL (percutaneous nephrolithotomy)

HAYAT (2013) Radiology Final Questions

Note: The exam was 80 questions, 90 minutes, 2 forms.

1. All of the followings articulate with the capitate, except:

A. Scaphoid
B. Lunate
C. +Pisiform
D. 3rd metacarpal bone
E. Trapezoid
2. All of the followings are bony landmarks in the humerus, except:
A. Trochlea
B. Capitulum
C. Spiral groove
D. Deltoid process
E. +Trochlear notch
3. All of the followings are signs can be seen on x-ray in a rickets patient,
A. +Narrowing of the joint space
B. Cupping
C. Rachitic rosary sign
D. Looser zones
4. All of the followings are in the proximal row of carpal bones, except:
A. Triquetrium
B. Scaphoid
C. +Trapezium
D. Lunate


5. Regarding enchondroma, which of the following is NOT a feature?

A. Hands and feet are atypical sites
B. Sclerotic lesions
C. Bone destruction
D. Lack of calcifications
E. +All of the above
6. Regarding osteoid osteoma, all of the followings are true, except:
A. Cortical lesions are the majority
B. +Vertebral lesions are most common
C. Pain at night
D. Releived by Aspirin
E. Slightly more common in males
7. The largest tarsal bone is the:
A. +Calcaneum
B. Navicular
C. Talus
8. Regarding osteoporosis, choose the correct statement.
A. It is due to problems in both bone mass and bone mineralization
B. +Most common sites of fractures are the spine, femur and distal radius
C. T score of -5 means that the patient will definitely have a fracture
D. T score of +2 means the patient would not sustain a fracture
9. Regarding congenital diaphragmatic hernia, choose the correct statement.
A. Most common is posteriolateral through the foramen of Morgagni
B. Unilateral lung is usually normal
C. Bubbles in the chest on x-ray that are not continuous with the abdomen
D. +Causes shifting of the mediastinum to the contra-lateral site


10. Which of the following is not in the anterior mediastinum?

A. Thymoma
B. Retorsternal goiter
C. Lymphoma
D. Teratoma
E. +Hiatus hernia
11. Expiratory chest x-ray is useful in the diagnosis of:
A. +Pneumothorax
B. Pleural effusion
12. All of the following cause nodular (Miliary) lesions on x-ray, except:
A. Pneumoconiosis
B. Sarcoidosis
C. +Kerly lines
13. All of the following cause consolidation on the chest x-ray, except:
A. Bacterial pneumonia
C. +Viral pneumonia
D. Alveolar edema
E. Lung hemorrhage
14. Water lily sign can be seen in:
A. Lung abscess
B. Aspergilloma
C. +Ruptured hydatid cyst
D. Bronchogenic carcinoma
15. All of the following cause ring-enhancing lesion in the brain, except:
B. Metastasis
C. Abscess
D. Multiple sclerosis
E. +Arachnoid cyst

16. Regarding diffuse axonal injury, which is false?

A. +Associated with excellent prognosis
B. Usually with head trauma
17. Regarding subdural hematoma, which is false?
A. Venous origin
B. +Doesnt cross suture lines
C. Crescent shaped
18. Regarding pyloric stenosis, all are true except:
A. Pyloric muscle thickness >4 mm
B. String sign is due to elongation of the canal
C. +Shoulder sign is due to impression of the hypertrophic muscle on the duodenal
19. All of the following are matched correctly, except:
+A. Pyloric stenosis ---- non bilious vomiting with double bubble sign
20. All of the following are signs of Crohns disease, except:
A. Rose thorn ulcers
B. +Flask shaped collar bond ulcers
C. Entero-enteric fistulas
D. Skip lesions
21. Which of the following is NOT a contraindication to barium enema
A. +Melena
B. Recent barium meal
C. Recent rectal biopsy
D. Pseudomembranous colitis
22. Which of the following is a contraindication to barium enema?
A. +Recent rectal biopsy
B. Unprepared patient


23. Which of the following is an example of a high osmolarity contrast agent?

A. +Diatrizoate
24. Which of the following has the least risk of contrast-induced
A. Diabetic
B. Infant
C. +Well-hydrated
25. Regarding IVU, which is false?
A. Typical dose of contrast is 300 mg Iodine / kg
B. Delayed pyelogram phase indicates obstruction
C. VUR cant be assessed easily
D. +Nephrogram phase shows contrast in distal convoluted tubules
26. A patient has VUR reaching the PUJ with dilation, Whats the grade?
A. Normal
B. Grade 1
C. Grade 2
D. +Grade 3
27. All of the following are direct branches of the abdominal aorta, except:
A. Ovarian arteries
B. Inferior mesenteric
C. +Superior phrenic
B. Inferior phrenic
28. Regarding the use of tubes and catheters in children, which is false?
A. Endotracheal tube best placed between C7-T4
B. Umbilical arterial catheter best placed between T4-T10
C. Umbilical venous catheter best placed at the IVC-right atrium junction
D. Normal umbilicus has 2 arteries and 1 vein
E. +Renal arteries are at L3


29. Which of the following doesnt need contrast?

A. +CT scan to identify a radio-opaque stone seen on KUB
B. Isotope Bone scan
C. Detection of pituitary microadenoma
30. Which of the following is an interventional radiology procedure for the
biliary tree?
B. HIDA scan
C. CT cholangiogram
D. +PTC (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography)
31. A female patient has recurrent abdominal pain in the RUQ, radiating to
shoulders, aggravated by fatty meals. All of the following are routine
investigations for her case except:
B. Abdominal ultrasound
C. +HIDA scan
D. Upper GI endoscopy
32. Regarding knee MRI, which is correct?
A. Medial meniscus is larger than the lateral
B. Patellar ligament is attached to the inferior surface of patella
C. Posterior cruciate ligament is signal-void
D. +All of the above
33. Herpes virus affects which brain lobe?
A. +Temporal
34. Regarding meningitis, all are true except
A. +Negative imaging rules out the diagnosis
B. Hydrocephalus is a complication


35. Regarding bone scan, choose the correct answer?

A. +It is a must to do whole body scan
B. Important diagnostic tool for osteosarcoma
36. FDG PET scan is useful in all of the following, except:
A. Breast CA
B. Lung CA
C. Esophageal CA
D. +Prostate CA
E. Colon CA
37. PET scan is indicated in all of the following, except:
A. Post-chemotherapy in a lymphoma patient
B. Sudden rise of CEA after colorectal cancer resection to detect liver mets
+C. Staging of lung cancer after bone scan has shown bone metastasis
38. All of the following are seen in achalasia, except:
A. +Vigorous contractions
B. Bird beak sign
C. Rosary beads sign
D. Air fluid level
39. All of the following can cause widening of the fontanels, except:
A. Hypothyroidism
B. +Hypercalcemia
C. Rickets
D. Downs syndrome
40. A 60 year old male with multiple lytic bone lesions, hypercalcemia and
renal failure. Whats the most probable diagnosis?
A. +Multiple myeloma
B. Prostate CA


41. The dilated part of the urethra is:

A. +Bulbous
B. Membranous and bulbous
C. Prostatic and membranous
D. Bulbous and penile
E. Penile and membranous
42. All of the following signs are seen in pneumoperitoneum, except:
A. Riglers
B. Football
C. Triangle
D. Falciform ligament sign
E. +Angel wing
43. Regarding pneumomediastinum, all are true, except:
A. +Elevation of thymoma by air gives the sail sign
44. A 3-year old girl with right-sided hydronephrosis. Which of the following
is false?
A. DMSA scan is indicated if VUR is present
B. DTPA scan is indicated if VUR is absent
C. +Ultrasount and follow-up in 6 months
45. A 1 year old with recurrent UTIs and acute pyelonephritis, choose the
correct answer:
A. +DMSA scan is indicated if VUR is present or absent
46. Regarding PET scan, choose the correct statement:
A. +Solitary lung nodule with negative PET scan completely excludes lung cancer
B. CT is superior to evaluate primary head and neck tumors while PET is superior
for recurrence


47. Regarding Technicium-99, all are true, except:

A. Thyroid scan can be done with free Tm 99
B. +Half life is 9 hours
C. Emits gamma rays
D. Given IV
48. Which of the following is an indication for I-131 thyroid scan and uptake?
A. +Postpartum thyroiditis with suppressed TSH
B. Goiter and normal TSH
C. High TSH
D. Diffuse goiter by ultrasound
49. Which of the following will donate the highest signal in a T1 abdominal
A. Endometrial tissue in menses
B. +Ovarian follicle
C. Gas in rectum
50. Regarding hysterosalpingogram, choose the correct statement.
A. Peritoneal spillage is abnormal
B. +Hydrosalpinx is usually bilateral
C. Isthmus is wider than the ampulla
51. Regarding intussusception, all are true except:
A. Hydroreduction is contraindicated in case of peritonitis
B. Most commonly ileocolic in children
C. Lymphoma can be the leading point
D. +Most commonly ileocolic in adults
52. Regarding malrotation, all are true, except:
A. Can be complicated with midgut volvulus
B. +In classical malrotation, cecum is typically on the right side


53. In spondylolisthesis, fracture is commonly in

A. Pedicle
B. Lamina
C. +Pars interarticularis
D. Upper end plate
E. Lower end plate
54. An IVU showed a filling defect in the ureter, which of the following sites
suggests a stone?
A. Lateral to the scoroliac joint
B. +Lateral to transverse process of L2
C. Near the spine of L3
D. Below the symphysis pubis
55. Which of the following is correct regarding abdominal CT?
A. A renal stone is hypodense
B. Renal infarct is hyperdense
C. +Renal contusion is hypodense
56. The best image to visualize a radiolucent stone is
+A. CT stone protocol
57. All of the following cause vasogenic edema, except
A. Trauma
B. Tumor
C. +Infarction
58. Regarding V/Q scan use for the diagnosis of PE, choose the correct
A. +Intermediate probability results give us a little information
B. Shows the exact sites of embolus/emboli
59. All of the following are suggestive of PE in V/Q scan, except:
A. +Multiple matched perfusion defects


60. All of the following are true, except

A. Gamma rays and x-rays are electromagnetic waves
B. +Gamma camera receives gamma rays and converts them to x-rays
C. Two types of radiation : particulate and photon
D. The positron produces two photons in a process called annihilation
E. Gamma rays come from the nucleus while x-rays come from the electrons
61. All of the following are matched correctly, except:
A. +Crohns disease ---- corkscrew sign
B. Ulcerative colitis --- lead pipe
62. All of the following findings on mammography are suggestive of malignancy
A. Asymmetry
B. Architercural distortion
C. +Well defined round oval calcifications
63. Which of the following types of calcification is considered malignant?
A. Dystrophic
B. Vascular
C. +Branching and linear microcalcifications
64. Regarding Chest x-ray, which is wrong?
A. The left hilum is higher than the right in 97% of cases
B. +The left lung has two main fissures
C. The trachea is central then deviates to the right
65. All of the following can be seen in lung fibrosis, except:
A. Honeycombing
B. Small lungs
C. +Hyperinflated lungs
D. Indistinct heart borders
66. In the diagnosis of pneumothorax, which is true
A. +Should have a lateral decubitus with the site of interest upright

67. All of the following are indications for bone scan, except:
A. Diagnosis of stress fracture
B. Staging of breast cancer
C. +Diagnosis of osteosarcoma
68. Regarding Hirschsprung disease, which is true?
A. +Due to aganglionic colon segments
B. It is a type of mechanical obstruction
C. Normally, the rectum is smaller than the sigmoid
69. All of the following are signs of malignancy in bone x-rays, except:
A. Codmans triangle
B. +Hair on end
C. Sunburst appearance
D. Wavy perostiitis
E. Onion skin
70. Which of the following is used to visualize the nidus in osteoid osteoma?
+A. Bone scan
B. CT scan
C. Plain x-ray
71. Regarding meningiomas, all of the following are true, except:
A. Has a dural tail
B. Common in middle-aged females
C. Rarely extends to the internal auditory meatus
D. Shows calcification in 90% of cases
72. What structure causes a smooth anterior impression on the esophagus?
A. Cricopharyngeus muscle
B. Cricoid cartilage
C. Aortic arch
D. Left main bronchus
E. Left atrium

73. What type of contrast media is the best to evaluate a patient with TE
A. Non-ionic high osmolarity
B. Non-ionic low osmolarity
C. Non-ionic iso-osmolar
D. Barium sulfate
E. Barium gluconate
74. Regarding barium studies of the GI, which is correct?
A. Air insufflation can be used to show a double-contrast view of the terminal
B. Gastrograffin mixed with barium will increase small bowel transit time
C. Over couch films are used while the patient is in supine position
75. The best imaging for brain infarction is
B. Diffusion-weighted MRI only
C. Diffusion-weighted MRI with APC map
76. A 42-year old female with thyrotoxic symptoms. Her TSH is suppressed.
What is your next step?
A. Give carbimazole
B. +I-123 thyroid uptake and scan
C. I-131 thyroid uptake followed by I-131 ablation
D. Reassurance and follow-up after 6 months by ultrasound
77. A patient with a thyroid mass, FNA showed papillary CA. Whats your
A. +Total thyroidectomy
B. I-131 ablation
78. A KUB showed spina bifida occulta, this is associated with:
A. Metastasis
B. No other neurological abnormalities
C. Horse-shoe kidney
D. Crossed ectopic ureter

SAMA (2014) Radiology Final Questions

1) Most common site of metastasis is:
1. Lamina
2. + pedicle
3. spinous process
2) Part of the distal carpal bones:
1. + hamate
2. Scaphoid
3. Triquitrum
4. pisiform
3) The best imaging technique to see the pancost tumor:
1. + MRI
2. CT
3. X-Ray
4) hilar shadow is seen in:
1. Pulmonary artery
2. Pulmonary vein
3. + Aortic arch
5) Not contraindicated in MRI:
1. Bullet in the skull
2. + Hip prosthesis
3. Cochlear implant
4. Aneurysmal clip
Orthopedic implants are usually not affected by an MRI even if they are ferromagnetic (iron) because
they are imbedded in the bone. (Many orthopedic implants are now made of titanium, which is

6) False about AVM:

1. Usually present as SAH
2. Associated with seizure
3. Can be treated by angiogram
4. May calcify
5. Diagnosed by MRA
7) Contraindicated to do barium enema in:
1. + Toxic megacolon
2. after doing endoscopy
3. Allergy
4. diverticular disease
5. unprepared patient
8) Doesnt require contrast media:
1. PET/CT for liver METs
2. ACL of the knee
I think both of them !
9) wrong about BIRAD coding:
1. +BIRAD 5 is benign breast mass
10) Sign of malignancy on mammogram:
1. +fine linear microcalcifications


11) wrong about herpetic encephalitis

1. + vasogenic edema
2. Treated easily
3. Bilateral
12) The classical site of the tip of the ETT:
1. + T1 spinal vertebra
2. at l\the level of carina
3. 3-5 cm above carina
13) Mass causes hoarseness of the voice:
1. Aortic pulmonary window mass
2. subcarinal mass
3. + Anterior mediastinal mass
4. Hilar mass
5. Gastric mass
Note: Anterior mediastinal mass has 4 main differentials 4 Ts:
Thyroid, Thymoma, Terrible lymphoma, and teratoma

14) About achalasia, one is false:

1. Peak beard shape
2. + fixed filling defect
3. Associated with air fluid level
4. Vigorous contractions
15) all at risk to develop contrast nephropathy, except:
1. Infant
2. DM
3. + isoosmolar contrast
4. Hperosmolar contrast
5. RF

16) One is true:

1. Activity>>> Doppler scan
2. Echogenicity>>> X-ray
3. Density >> >MRI
4. + Housefield >>> CT scan
17) False about crohn:
1. + backwash ileitis
18) Not found in anterior mediastanium:
1. Goiter
2. Thymoma
3. Lymphoma
4. Teratoma
5. + neurogenic tumor
19) About greenstick fracture, one is false:
1. + Cortical breech on both sides of bone
2. Rarely in adults
3. In mid diaphyseal
4. Long bones
20) true about sickle cell:
1. Aggressive reaction of the periosteum
2. + Microinfarcts in Bone
3. Bowing of the bone
4. Long bone cortical thickening


21) A patient diagnosed to have papillary thyroid tumor, whats next

1. Bone scan and total thyroidectomy
2. + Total thyroidectomy
3. I131 ablation
22) spina bifida on KUB suggestive of:
1. + neurogenic bladder
23) One is right:
1. + etched heart border sign can be seen in pneumothorax
24) wrong about ewings sarcoma:
1. + more common in elderly
25) Which one is incorrect about esophageal atresia:
1. Associated with anal anomalies
2. Most common type is proximal atresia and distal fistula
3. + least common is H-shape type
4. Associated with trachea-esophageal fistula
26) One of the following is not interventional radiological procedure:
1. + percutanous transhepatic cholangiogram
27) typical view of x-ray in chronic constipation:
1. + supine
2. Supine/ upright
3. Decubitus
4. Lateral
5. PA

28) most commonly fractured carpal bone:

1.+ scaphoid
29) what structure causes posterior impression on the esophagus?
1. posterior cricoids venous plexus
2. Cricopharyngeus muscle
3. + Aortic arch
4. + Left main bronchus
5. Cricoids
30) not a cause of filling defect in pyelogram:
1. renal cyst
2. Slouphed papillae
3. Transitional cell carcinoma
4. Blood clot
5. + Stone
31) wrong about PET scan & X-ray:
1.+ Gamma camera receives emotions and produce X-ray
32) wrong about knee anatomy:
1. + PCL is anterior to ACL
2. Medial meniscus is smaller than lateral meniscus
3. Ligaments are white on MRI
4. Hoffas fat is at the knee cap (or something like this)


33) false about hydropneumothorax:

1. findings are a result of fluid properties, potential spaces and gravity
2. Its pleural effusion with pneumothorax
3. Straight edge due to air fluid level
4. Can be caused by trauma
5. + Meniscus is present.
34) deep sulcus sign indicates:
1.+ pneumothorax
35) KUB is not helpful in:
1.+ Neurogenic bladder
2. Retrocaval ureter
3. Vesica ectopia
36) One is false about the anatomy of the heart:
1. + right ventricle forms the right border of the heart
37) Beaded like lesion on angiogram of renal artery is:
1.+ Fibromuscular dysplasia
38) which of the following is wrong about osteoid osteoma:
1. long bones are mostly affected
2. Cortical lesions in majority of cases
3. Pain at night
4. Relieved by aspirin
5. + Male and female are equal in incidence


39) which test is used for uric acid stone:

1. + CT
2. US
3. KUB
40) regarding PET scan, choose the correct statement:
1. solitary lung nodule with negative PET scan completely excludes lung
2. + CT is superior to evaluate primary head and neck tumors while PET
is superior for recurrence
41) Regarding Technicium-99, all are true, except:
1. Thyroid scan can be done with free Tm-99
2. + Half life is 9 hours
3. Emits gamma rays
4. Given IV
42) In spondylolesthesis, fracture:
1. Lamina
2. Pedicle
3. + Pars interarticularis
4. Plate
43) all can happen in pleura, except:
1. + consolidation
2. Pneumothorax
3. Pleural effusion
4. Mass


44) about UVC, all true except:

1. go straight toward the liver
2. Through ligament venosus to IVC
3. Tip in the junction between IVC and RA
4. + It may kink at level T8 and go through the left portal vein
45) fanning of the ribs in chest x-ray indicates one:
1. + expiratory film
46) normal thymus gland in children:
1. + it has sail shape in the right chest
2. It hides pulmonary vessels and dont cause shifting
3. It enlarges normally in acute illness
47) about multiple myeloma, one is wrong:
1. affect people in their fifties
2.+ Cause osteoblastic lesions on skull
48) true about intussuption :1. not a recognized cause for pediatric intestinal obstruction
2. plain films are always normal abnormal
3. leading point is found in 50%
4. + pneumoperitoneum is a potential complication of air reduction
5. most common 4-8 years
49) one does not typically cause vasogenic edema :
1. + early herpetic encephalitis
2. brain abscess
3. GBM
4. brain mets

50) MRI without contrast in :

+ anterior cruciate ligament rupture
51) Wrong about MRI :1. Diffusion weighted image useful in stroke
2. CSF appears white in T1 ++
3. CSF is white in flair MRI
52) one is false :1. + palatine tonsils can be seen on lateral x-ray for the airways (not
2. neck flexion affects the degree of prevertebral thickening
3. increased prevertebral thickening can be caused by hematoma from
cervical spine injury
53) about bone scan one is true :1. must do whole body scan
2. important diagnostic tool in osteosarcoma
54) about solitary lung nodule , one is true :Consider benign if stable for 1 year
55) about stroke imaging, one is false :
1. + CT is usually negative in detecting acute hemorrhage
2. mass effect peaks after 3-5 days
3. infarcted area decreases in density on CT with time
4. DWI is positive immediately after ischemic stroke
5. DWI is negative after 14 days of ischemic stroke


56) about rickets, one is false :

1. + doesn't affect ribs
2. in childhood
3. growth plate widening
4. metaphysis flares out and appears frayed
5. seen clearly in knees and wrists
Note: Rickets affects ribs with a condition known as rachitic rosary
57) false:
1. 25% of TOF have right aortic arch
2. + thickness of prevertebral soft tissue at C2 =22m
59) in foreign body of airways :
1. send him immediately to bronchoscopy
2. + mostly go to the right side
3. if it's trapped in upper lobe bronchus it's will cause obstructive
60) Wrong about MRI:
1. Diffusion weighted image useful in stroke
2. + CSF appears white in T1
3. CSF is black in flair MRI
61) About bone scan, one is true:
1. must do whole body scan
2. Important diagnostic tool in


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