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Frostburg State University Rugby

Football Club (FSURFC)

Constitution 2015
Article I: Name and Location
a) The name of this organization will be Frostburg State University
Rugby Football Club, with the shorthand being Frostburg State
Rugby. The initalism will be FSURFC.
b) The location of the Frostburg State Rugby club will located Frostburg
State University.
- Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532

Article II: Purpose of the Club

a) To recruit and field a team that competes in the Potomac Conference of
the Capital Rugby Union underneath the National Small College Rugby
Organization (NSCRO).
b) To promote and foster the growth of rugby union (rugby), rugby culture,
and the image of rugby amongst the student population at Frostburg State
University and the surrounding area.
c) To compete with the goal of winning games and championships.
d) To promote the following values as the locker room culture of the team
in order to create a positive culture that encourages players to perform at
their very best both on the field and off the field.
1) Respect: For the game of rugby, our teammates and coaches,
the opposition as well as the general population of Frostburg State
University and the Frostburg community.
2) Sportsmanship: No fighting, taunting or trash talking the
opposition or the referees. We speak with only our shoulders to the
opposition, not our mouths. Only the team captain will speak to the
referee during games.
3) Non-discrimination: Regardless of race, sex, religion or national
origin you have an open offer to play for Frostburg State Rugby. As
long as you want to play rugby and youre willing to put in the work
then you will be accepted on the team provided to follow the
membership requirements and follow the values outlined in this

4) Accountability: We are all accountable for each other and

responsible for one another. It is each members duty to hold each
other responsible for each others actions both on and off the field
and to strive to make sure those actions are positive and correct
actions that benefit both the individual and the club as a whole.
5) Uplifting: We do not tear down a teammate, regardless of the
reason. Members will build each other up, working to support and
help their teammates in all manners of life both on and off the field.
We are only as strong as our weakest link, so let us make our
weakest link strong.
6) Hustle: We show to practice, games and other rugby events on
time. When we arrive, we work hard in order to improve our skills
and bodies to be better rugby players. Outside of practice members
are expected to work out in the gym in order to build strength and
power and to learn/study/watch the game of rugby in order to
improve their on-field performance. The only reason you will not
achieve the goals you want to in rugby is because you failed to put
the necessary amount of work in.
7) Role Modeling: Older players on the team (Veterans) are
expected to model and exemplify the above values both on the field
and off the field for the new players on the team (Rookies) to
ensure continuity of these values even beyond graduation to build a
truly long-lasting successful rugby program at Frostburg State

Article III: Membership

a) The offer to join the Frostburg State Rugby club is extended to all full time
and part time students enrolled at Frostburg state University and maintaining
passing grades. Any and all faculty members who are willing to participate
are more than welcome to.
i. Until there is a rugby club established in the Alleghany College
of Maryland, any students of ACM who have an interest in
playing rugby are extended an invitation to join the club in an
effort to promote the sport to a wider audience.
b) There are no upper limits to the numbers of members to this club, and all
active members of the team have the opportunity to play.
c) There are three classes of membership, outlined below.
1. Active Persons who regularly attend practice and have
an active interest in participating in the playing activities
of the team. Entitled to regularly participate in practice,
match play and other club functions. Active members pay
club dues per semester. Active members are also entitled
to voting privileges for club decisions and club elections.

Active players fit the membership requirements as

outlined in point F.
2. Injured Reserve Players who have hurt themselves
playing rugby are delegated to Injured Reserve. Injured
Reserve players are still asked to attend practice in order
for them to continually improve their rugby knowledge as
well to ensure that they are kept up to date on the teams
tactics to avoid confusion later on when they return to the
pitch. Injured Reserve players are allowed to resume
Active membership in the club upon clearance from a
doctor or trainer.
3. Ghost Membership Persons who have missed three or
more days of practice a week for two or more weeks are
considered Ghost Members. Ghost Members have a little
or declined interest in the playing activities of the club
and as such are not participate in match play. They do not
have the voting privileges as Active members do, nor will
they be invited to other functions of the club. Ghost
Members of the club may return to Active status on the
resumption of regular attendance at practice, defined as
attending practice as least three or more times a week for
two or more weeks in a row.

d) Active members of the club have to complete a USA Rugby CIPP form in order
to be eligible to play. It is something that USA Rugby mandates for all
American rugby players, as it both helps them function as a national
organization as well providing you (the player) with finical help in case you
are injured during a rugby event.
e) Members of the club are expected to join the Facebook group Current
Frostburg rugby players as that will keep members of the club in
communication with each as well as keep everybody updated on team
announcements such as practice times, game instructions and others.
f) Requirements for being a member of the Frostburg State Rugby club are
outlined below; ie What you need to do to be considered a rugby player at
Frostburg State aside from the points made above.
- Practice Attendance
o In Season Practice Attendance Expectations
Practice during the in season phases of the year
(defined as such: The beginning of the Fall league
season until the end of Frostburgs run through the
league games [up to and including National
Championships] or two weeks prior to the start of the
first Spring semester game [typically beginning the

week we return from Spring Break due to Frostburg

weather conditions] run Monday through Friday. You
are required to attend all five days of practice during
the week unless you have one of the following reasons.
If you have one of the following reasons, you must let
the team know about your absence prior to practice in
a timely manner.
Family matters
Prior scheduling to work.
Other outstanding issues as they come up.
If you miss two practices during the week you do not
make the starting fifteen man lineup for that weekend.
If we do not have enough players for a starting
A-side due to the above condition, the game will
be canceled.
If you miss three or more practices that week,
regardless of if you have one of the above excuses you
do not play A-side. You will be more than welcome to
play in any B-side match we have that week.
If you are regularly missing three or more practices a
week for several weeks at a time, you will no longer be
considered an active member of the Frostburg State
Rugby club and you will be delegated to the Ghost
Membership class as it will be assumed you no longer
have an interest in being an active member of the
If you will be getting out of class in the middle of
practice or if your class starts in the middle of practice,
you are still expected to attend. We are studentathletes and as such we value our education as much
as we do rugby. You will not be penalized for having to
leave practice early or arrive to practice late due to
class. Replace class with work, meetings or similar
situations as needed.
If your class schedule doesnt allow you to make
practice at all, then players are expected to find time
in their day to come up to the field and condition/work
on their skills individually to the best of their abilities.
Individual practice isnt the same as practicing with
the team and in regards to selection for the week it
counts as half a practice.

For example, the player John Doe attends

practice Tuesdays and Thursdays but cannot
attend MWF due to his class schedule. He
practices individually on MWF when his schedule
is free, leaving him with the equivalent of 3.5
days of practice which still allows John Doe to
play A-side, with the possibility of John Doe still
being selected for the starting side due to him
technically missing less than 2 days of practice.
If you have to go to an individual practice rather
than a team practice, let the teams officers
know about it in order for it to be recorded.
Coming to practice late without a proper excuse (such
as class or work) is the same as an unexcused absence
in regards to selection for that weeks game.
Come to practice sober. If youre under the influence of
anything when you arrive at practice and you are
caught, youll not be allowed to play either A or B side
for the rest of the semester. Coming to practice under
the influence is detrimental to both the safety of you
and others, as well as promoting toxic locker room
When at practice; hustle and put in hard work to make
the most out of the training session. As tomorrows
victory makes for todays practice, the more we work in
practice the better the team shall perform.
Off Season Practice Expectations
Off season (defined as any period of time not in
season) is supposed to be a time to allow our rugby
players to heal their bodies as well as focus on their
As such, practice during the off season is much more
relaxed in both attitude and the amount of time per
week. It is encouraged that at least one sevens session
is organized a week for players to remain in shape and
to have fun but beyond that it is up to the club.
Misc. Practice Attendance
If a player chooses to pledge to a fraternity, the same
requirements for practice attendance still applies
regardless if they have fraternity functions.


Dues are the lifeblood of the rugby club; it is how we

can fundraise internally in order to achieve whatever
financial goals the club sets for the semester.

Dues are mandatory for all active players to pay.

Rookies, or persons who are playing for the
Frostburg State Rugby club for the first time do
not pay dues.
Due amounts will be determined by club officers each
semester by the following factors.
The number of games each season (in order to
pay for referees, tournament costs, and other
fees in order for the club to play rugby)
Team needs. For example the team could need
new jerseys, balls or a scrum sled and as such
dues could be raised in order to meet those
Other goals. For example if the team decides to
take as a trip somewhere as a group (such as an
amusement park) then dues can be raised in
order to pay for that as a group.
Failure to pay dues within two weeks of the club
officers announcing the amount dues will be is
punishable by not being able to participate in match
activities or other club functions until your dues are
If your current financial situation means you are
unable to pay your dues, talk to one of the club
officers and a payment plan will be worked out.
Community Service/Fundraising
o Community Service
Giving back to the community is fun, rewarding and is
a great experience as well as a resume builder. As
such Frostburg State Rugby performs multiple
community service events a year.
Participation and attendance to community service
events is dictated by the Fundraising and Community
Service Chair, as sometimes the entire team is not
needed for certain events (for ex: Elf Olympics where
only four people are needed) but it is encouraged as
many members of the club as possible to participate.
For Community Service events, show up on time and
ready to work. You are representing the Frostburg
State Rugby club as an organization to community and
you need to act as such.
o Fundraising
Aside from dues, Fundraising is how we manage to
raise money for the club. The more fundraising the

club performs then the less due costs will be for an

Participation and attendance to fundraising events is
dictated by the Fundraising and Community Service
Chair, as sometimes the entire team is not needed for
certain things (for ex: we may only need five guys to
unload a truck or something similar) but it is
encouraged as many members of the club as possible
to participate.
For fundraising events, show up on time and ready to
work. You are helping the Frostburg State Rugby club
raise money to achieve team goals.

o Study Sessions
Once a week in season a team study session will be
organized in order for members of the team to improve
their academic performance. Active and IR members
are encouraged to go in order to develop team
chemistry and maintain superior grades.
o Team Meetings
Team meetings are to be held in a convenient location
weekly, suggested to be the Sunday after a game or a
similarly convenient time for the team. Team meetings
are to discuss the issues of the day as well as a chance
for the club officers to explain whats going on with the
team and for members to air out grievances as
o Gym/Weightroom Time
All players in the club are encouraged to attend the
gym at a time most convenient for them. Although not
required, it is highly recommended due to the physical
nature of rugby.
It is encouraged that players set up lifting times with
teammates that have similar schedules. Players
inexperienced in working out are encouraged to ask an
older member of the team for help.

Article IV: Officers

a) Officers shall be elected following the first week of every semester and
shall hold the position for a term of one semester and no more than three
academic years or until they have been replaced. Active members of the
club as shall elect all officers. Candidates for office must be Club members
in good standing.

b) The election ballot shall be created by a Candidate announcing his interest

in a position and floor nominations. If more than one eligible nomination
for an officer position is made, each office will be elected by a majority
vote of the present members that are eligible to vote. If a Candidate runs
unopposed in an officer position then the candidate wins the position
c) The elected offices are: President, Treasurer, Match Secretary, the
Community Service and Fundraising Chair, and the Equipment/Field
d) The club officers are as follows:
1) President
The President is responsible for the overall
management/leadership/administration of the club and setting the
goals and directions of the club with the other officers. The
president will also help coordinate and plan fundraising events,
games and help the other club officers when needed. The president
is the main person of contact for the club with the university, the
Frostburg State Rugby club alumni network and other organizations
outside of the university, maintaining regular contact with the
faculty advisor and other necessary staff in order to ensure good
relations with the university. The president is also in charge of
ensuring all necessary information the club needs to know is
distributed to the club in a clear, timely manner. The president is to
maintain contact with the Director of Intramurals and Club Sports
and the clubs Faculty Advisor; informing them of the clubs game
schedule, practice schedule, roster and club goals each semester. It
is recommended that the President schedule a meeting every two
weeks with both the Director of Intramurals and Club Sports and the
clubs Faculty Advisor in order to keep them up to date with what is
going on with the team.
2) Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible to collect all money owed to the club,
primarily dues. The treasurer is also to prepare a budget with all
predicted club expenses, taking into account referee and travel
costs among other things, maintaining accurate records of income
and spending amongst the club. The treasurer is responsible for
making sure all money is deposited in the on campus bank account
managed by the Foundation as well as all invoices for the various
bills the team needs to pay are paid in a timely manner. The
treasurer is also responsible for advising the Community Service
and Fundraising Chair in regards to fundraising strategy.
The treasurer is to work closely with the Foundation, which maintain
the on-campus bank accounts of the team. In addition to the

records that the Foundation keeps, the treasurer is to keep their

own records for easy access in case of questions arising the budget.
3) Match Secretary
The Match Secretary is responsible for maintaining the fall and
spring schedule. For the fall, the match secretary must get in
contact with whoever is coordinating the College Men of the Capital
Rugby Union in order to receive the schedule. For the Spring, the
match secretary must get in contact with other colleges and mens
teams and set up a match with them (either home or away) as well
as enrolling the team in tournaments to ensure we have a
challenging schedule that will set us up for the upcoming Fall. The
match secretary will get in contact with the referee (only for home
matches) and the opposition team to ensure a smooth travel for
both, providing directions to the home field or requesting directions
as needed. The match secretary is also responsible for organizing
the teams use of school vans for away games.
For scheduling referees, the Potomac Rugby Conference uses
arbitersports. The match secretary is to a set up an account on
arbitersports to represent Frostburg State Rugby and become
familiar with its operations.
4) Community Service and Fundraising Chair
The Community Service and Fundraising Chair is responsible for
organizing community service events and fundraising drives for the
club and is responsible for making sure everyone attends. A minimum
of one community service event during the Fall and two during the
Spring semesters needs to be completed in order to ensure good
community relations with the surrounding Frostburg community. The
Community Service and Fundraising Chair are responsible for setting
and achieving fundraising goals and lead fundraising and sponsorship
initiatives. A minimum of one Fundraising drive a semester is
recommended in order to reach team goals and to ensure that there is
a large amount of money in the club bank.
5) Equipment/Field Manager
The Equipment/Field Manager is to make sure the game field is
prepared before game time: up to and including that the flags are on
the field, goal post pads are installed and the field is lined with paint. In
addition the Equipment/Field Manager is responsible for ensuring that
the balls are pumped and all training equipment is ready to use when
needed. The Equipment and Field Manager is also responsible for the
care and cleaning of game jerseys,

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