High School True Story

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High School True Story

By: Julius Lourence Ollave

This is the story of my 2nd year in high school. This will be told in English and all
conversations except slang terms will be translated.
Since this is told in first-person view, you should at least know some things about
the author.
My name is Lourence. I was assigned to Section 2 Tranquility. Around that time I was
still 13. Im a 56 and my weight should be around 121 pounds. Though I dont know
why I pointed this out, this should be a handy reference should someone is curious
why I am used to inspect the classrooms ceiling fans.
My story is divided into chapters, each containing an important event of the school
year. This begins at the first day of class towards the end of the school year. I would
suggest that you avoid skipping chapters you havent read yet because all of the
chapters events continue to the next chapter, in some way or the other.

Read and relive my experiences. Lets begin

I. First Day and First Impressions
I arrived at school.
The early suns rays beamed at my face as I took my first step into the campus after
an uneventful summer. I reached my new homeroom and, despite being early,
found that some of the students had already organized and on their desks. I
examined the desks for a long time before I found mine.
Hey, Julius. Long time no see.
I turned to the person smiling beside me and recognized him almost instantly.
One of my classmates during Grade 4, we werent exactly buddies then. Now that I
became more sociable, we shook each others hands.
So, were classmates again, huh?
Yeah, apparently.
So what did you do last year?

I was about to tell him about my classes last year, when the homeroom teach called
us to the flag ceremony.
Well talk later.
I followed the other students outside and went to the Faculty area. Being almost
always the tallest in my class, Im always at the very end of the line. I endured
through a very lengthy speech concerning another school year. My new classmates
also took it tough, since they began sitting on the benches and crouching on the
ground. After a depressing 30 minutes under the burning sun, I was just glad to be
back in the classroom.
My homeroom teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Gina Cabonce, and will also be our
social/history teacher. She organized the seating arrangement so that on every row
of five desks, there will be four girls and one boy in the middle. I assure you that I
am not comfortable with the idea of me sitting near, much less center, of four girls.
Makes me feel like a sandwich.
At the introductory, I introduced myself completely in English, which impressed a
good part of the class. A good impression, Julius. I returned back to my seat.
Hey, Julius, right? The girl to the right asked.
I am Rhea Mae. She introduced.
Got it. I smiled at her and nodded. The girl to my was familiar as I have seen her
every day in vacation, but took me a while before I recognized her. Her name was
Jasmine Tebb, we to the same summer tutorial center together. I took a quick glance
and then turned my attention to the next teacher who came in.
The next teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Angelica Donayre, our language
teacher. Since Im not particularly good in Filipino (Okay, Im worst in it) I keep
stammering in my lines. More funny than dispiriting, actually. XD
Next is recess. I noticed a guy discussing with a rather plump guy about a game Im
all too familiar about. He also had a notebook crammed with facts about it (I know
this, since he sits behind me).
I walked up to him and introduced myself.
Im Jose Anikin. Im an experienced player of the game Minecraft. This is Lorenz.
The chubby guy nodded. We spent all recess break talking, discussing, and arguing
about the game. Anikin told us his father was also into Minecraft.

My father doesnt used to play Minecraft. But then he saw the potential on
imagination of the game and set up a server of his own. How about you? Anikin
turned to me. How long have you been playing?
Long ago, but then I got bored. My head also hurts when Im playing.
I want you to know that Anikin Peroso and Lorenz Laurente are some of the best
friends I had. We had the same interests. We like music, games and sports, while
Lorenz is a Red Cross Youth member and lifeguard.
Well, I recommend you try playing it again. The new updates are- He trailed off.
Anikin, the math teachers here. Lorenz whispered.
Well continue later. I said.
Anikin nodded and returned to his seat. I followed suit. Lorenz took up the front
A very strict teacher, Mr. Johannes Paulus Yu was a driving force to the discipline of
the entire class. I still remember what he said on the first day of math class.
Class, he began with a firm tone, Do you know what section this is? We nodded.
This is Tranquility. The section after Serenity. They may be better, but I will see to it
that you will get as much as attention as they do. Probably more. He looked at
each of us with stern eyes. Because youre are the cream of the crop.
The cream of the crop.
This was an inspirational message that struck deep in our being and motivated us to
aspire better. We applauded at this as Mr. Yu gave us our first activity.

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