Is God An Illusion

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when they attack him personally, they teach him to overcome the limits of his eg

God is neither the God of the monotheists nor the God of the polytheists, but ra
ther consciousness which identifies with spirituality. Spirituality is love, trust, f
aith, beauty, awe, wonder, compassion, truth, the arts, morality, and the mind i
tself even if these have their source in the flow of charged ions within nerve cel
Consciousness cannot be defined but has to be experienced. The universal conscio
usness is the source of all forms of consciousness, and takes on limited form in
the various gods etc. We dont need God ... All we need is a universe that conta
ins consciousness as in inseparable aspect of itself (Chopra).
The inverse begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine (43).
Opposes religion and spirituality, even God and spirituality (4). Spirituality i
s the transcendent domain of consciousness.
The source of religion isnt God. Its consciousness (6).
Consciousness is impersonal; the personal face you put on God is your own private c
A tendency to reduce all to one thing: consciousness.
Reality arises from the laws of physics (Mlodinow). Experience is not sufficient.
Any proposition must be proven. Science proceeds in a loop of observation, theory
and experiment (14). Mlodinow argues for a worldview grounded in observation and
evidence but universal consciousness is at the heart. He (Mlodinow) then goes on
to say: The idea of universal consciousness is ... barren, so it is best to aban
don that idea, too. The source of creation is uncreated ... The uncreated is an i
ntellectual nightmare for science.
Mind and
"In order to explain the oddity of the laws of our universe, that there are trill
ions upon trillion of other universes (the exact number being 1 followed by five
hundred zeroes) (Stephen Hawking).
Chopra is frank. Clearly Leonards basic allegiance lies with fixed mechanisms. (230

Why nature follows laws is a mystery. The specific laws weve observed exist is al
so a mystery. The powers of science are not without limit. Science does not addre
ss the meaning of life (Mlodinow).
Deepak doesn t see the need for any immortal hand or eye executing the design. He
rejects the idea of the creator God, but does not exclude God completely. Is ther
e also room for another hidden reality, a reality that includes God?. He admits s
cience does not and cannot conclude that God is an illusion. "God is the Ruler (pro
moting "authoritorian King/Queenship") who answers all our questions and supplie
s all our need to believe that events happen for a purpose; that the world is jus
t; that death is not the end, but a beginning (Mlodinow).

Today s science does not even have a good operational definition .

Mlodinow is opposed to the idea of consciousness as the source of everything, bu

t he is not opposed to spiritualty as he understands it.
Though I believe neither in the God of the Bible nor the immaterial world Deepak
To embrace the scientific view is not turning my back on spirituality.
The mind itself, has it s source in the flow of charged ions within nerve cells
google....... "understanding charged ions (within nerve cells)".....

For :
Science has destroyed faith, creating a spiritual vacuum (Chopra). "marvels of te
chnology serving empty hearts and abandoned souls (Chopra).
Who has won the debate?. The third person involved in this debate, is adjudicato
r and must decide.

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