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Volume 2

Issue No. 39


Friday, June 8, 2012

151 DAYS UNTIL ELECTION DAY 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Letter to the Editor
Hi everyone! Im back, and yesterday I went to Bostons great

Left: Massachusetts Old State

House. Inside it has a GREAT
Middle: Paul Reveres house
Right: John Hancocks headstone at
the Old Granary Burial Ground

As you may know, Bostons Freedom Trail is a culmination of sites along Boston that have
to do with Americas founding. On the trail, you can see where, some 200 years ago, our
founding fathers lived, met, planned, argued, fought, signed, and were buried.

2012 Central
Rand Paul picks Romney over Dad Conservative freshman Sen.
Rand Paul (R-KY) has endorsed Mitt Romney for President.
Yep, Rand Paul is the son of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who is STILL
in the Republican presidential primary against Romney. This is yet
another sign that Paul is only in the race by name. His campaign is
The endorsement came yesterday when Paul was on Foxs
Hannity. It is also a sign that both Pauls want speaking slots at
Augusts Republican National Convention, which is now what
many GOPers are vying to get.
The only question on Ron Paul now is what time and place will be
the time he drops out.
Romney beats Obama in May A day after we reported that the
Obama campaign had had their best fundrsasing month yet in May,
The Daily Rundown can now say that the Romney campaign
outfundrasised the Obama campaign last month.
While Obama took in over $60 million, Romney raised $76.8
million in the same May 2012, and now has $107 million on hand,
according to a press release.
The Massachusetts Romney Record As The Daily Rundown
comes from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Democrats and Republicans
are fighting over Romneys record as Governor here. The Obama
campaign has come out with multiple ads on the Romney
Record, one of which can be seen here. This Obama ad is on
YouTube, and it talks about the promises Romney had as a
candidate for Governor.

The Romney campaign is now on the defensive with their own ad

fighting in support of Romneys tenure as Governor. The Romney
ad, which says that he was a strong executive, can be seen here.
Romneys schedule Also, today Mitt will be in Council Bluffs,
Iowa at an event and also a roundtable where he will continue the
message of the week: the Obama administration has been bad for
job creators and a second term would be even worse.
Also today, Romney will attend a campaign event in Salt Lake
City, Utah with Sen. Orrin Hatch, who might lose his primary
coming up on June 26.

The Presidents Schedule

At 9:15 AM, President Obama delivered a statement on the
economy, here and in Europe.
At 11:30 AM, Obama will meet for lunch with Vice President
At 1 PM, the President will meet with Benigno Aquino, the
President of the Philippines.
At 1:50 PM, he will host the 2012 Super Bowl Champions, the
New York Giants.
Finally, at 4:10 PM, President Obama will attend a campaign

West Wing Week

Also, its FRIDAY!!! That means another West Wing Week, your
guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
You can see the video on YouTube here.

Question of the Day

A few days ago, I asked how many combined years Kennedys had
served in Congress. Right off the bat, the answer is 64 years.
Thats combing the years of service of John F. Kennedy, Bobby
Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Joeseph Patrick Kennedy II (one of
Bobbys sons), and Patrick Kennedy (one of Teds sons.)
But, theres a thing with Kennedys where they like to marry
OTHER POLITICIANS. So, somehow, one or more Kennedys are
related to Thomas Gore (who served in Congress for 20 years),
James C. Auchincloss (who served in Congress for 22 years),
Newton Steers (who served in Congress for 2 years), and John F.
Honey Fitz Fitzgerald (John, Bobby, and Teds maternal
grandfather who served in Congress for 6 years and as a loved
Mayor of Boston for 6 more years.)
THAT adds 50 more years, bringing are total to 114 years of
combined service for Kennedys and Kennedy relatives.
BUT, people with the Kennedy surname (who were related) served
for a combined 64, the EXACT amount which was guessed by
Marlee Millman of Tucson, Arizona! GREAT job Marlee!
Kennedy was the the first president I could vote for, Marlee
says, and it was probably one of the proudest days of my life...and
probably the last time I ever voted for someone...I felt, at the time,
that things were going to change big time with Kennedy in the
White House...alas, it wasn't to be and it's my feeling that his
assassination changed the world as we knew it and not so much for
the good...I still miss him...
Also, Lee Scissors of St. Louis, Missouri said, Thanks for all of
the Kennedy info and pictures. My mom looked a lot like Jackie

and was interviewed by one of the local tv stations. I still have one
of the "pillbox" hats my mom wore, much like Jackie's!! They
weren't perfect people, but they did bring something special to the
country AND Ted surely did a lot of good things for the country,
about the Kennedys.
Thank you for answering. Finally, todays questionhave you
been to any historic sites? If so, do you have any favorites?
Have a good weekend!

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