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2010, Chaikin, Pleats in Crystals on Curved Surfaces

Things to look up:

Net topological charge of a soccer ball (or a geodesic dome of
Buckminster Fuller)?
o Net charge on a sphere must be 4*Pi
What is the basis on which charge is assigned to topological
What are all the different types of defects? Specifically, this
article mentions isolated dislocations, pleats, scars, and isolated
heptagons. Also, disclinations (disrupt rotational [aka
orientational] order) and dislocations (disrupt translational
order..appear as disclination dipoles (+/- pairs) ) as two different
classes of defects possible in a hexagonal lattice.
o Scars are pentagons dressed by strings of dislocations?
Se refs. 2-4.
What are all the possible types of defects in a hexagonal lattice?
Read references 5-11 for general theories of defects in curved
Read references 14,15 for understanding of order, rigidity and
melting of crystals and other phases of matter in twodimensional flat space.
Read SI for more info on the paper cut-outs of Fig 2
Really need to understand Equation 1
o Also need to understand the equations used in the
paragraphs after Eq 1 is introduced.
o Airy stress function
o Grad operator to the 4th power
o This info is probably in reference 15
What is a geodesic triangle drawn on a curved surface?
Surfaces of constant mean curvature: unduloids, nodoids,
catenoids, spheres (see SI 2 and Wikipedia constant-meancurvature surfaces)

Pentagons have charge +2*pi/6, Heptagons have charge -2*pi/6
Curvature-induced stresses may be relaxed by pleats, which are
uncharged lines of dislocations
Topological defects are particle-like excitations which interact
with each other and with the curvature of the substrate
In a hexagonal lattice, five-fold disclinations are sources of
positive Gaussian curvature; seven-fold disclinations are sources
of negative Gaussian curvature.

Types of defects
o Scars are pentagons dressed by strings of dislocations
See refs. 2-4
o Pleats are topologically uncharged grain boundaries with
variable spacing that vanish on the surface.
This paper addresses the question of when pleats are
energetically favoured over undefected crystals or topologically
charged disclinations.
Topological charge requirement of different geometries
o Sphere: 4*pi
o Dome (half-sphere): 2*pi
o Cylinder: 0
o Plane: 0
Topology constrains the total charge, but it is energetics that
determines the number and the arrangement of each charge
Gaussian Curvature == (1/R1)*(1/R2), where R1 and R2 are the
principal radii of curvature)
to hint that not.

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