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At a Glance Sariska National Park lies in the Aravalli hills and is the former hunting preserve

of the Maharaja of Alwar. Sariska itself is a wide valley with two large plateaus and is dotted
with places of historical and religious interest, including the ruins of the Kankwari Fort, the
10th century Neelkanth temples, the Budha Hanumab Temple near Pandupol, the Bharthari
Temple near the park office, and the hot and cold springs of Taalvriksh. The large Siliserh
Lake is at the north-eastern corner. The forests are dry deciduous, with trees of Dhak, Acacia,
Ber and Salar. The Tigers of Sariska are largely nocturnal and are not as easily seen as those
of Ranthambhor. The park also has good populations of Nilgai, Sambar and Chital. In the
evenings, Indian Porcupine, Striped Hyaena, Indian Palm Civet and even Leopard are
sometimes seen. The forests are lush during and immediately following the monsoon, but
during the dry months of February May there is a shortage of water and in consequence
mammals are attracted to water holes. At this time of year visibility is good because of the
sparse foliage. Sariska is excellent for birdwatching and has an unusually large population of
Indian Peafowl.
Climate The Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary experiences extreme weather conditions. Summers
months are from April to June when the temperature rises to a high around 38. 4C. Winters
are from October to March when the temperature drops to around 15C. The monsoon season
does not receive very heavy rainfall. The tourists should carry light cotton clothes during
summers and light woolens during the winter.
Flora The forest type in the Sariska tiger reserve is Dry deciduous, represented
predominantly by dhok (Anogeissus pendula), tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon) khair (Acacia
catechu) and ber (Zizyphus maudrentiana). The vegetation at Sariska remains lush green
during the monsoon and dry in summer.
Fauna The Sariska park is home to numerous carnivores including Leopard, Wild Dog,
Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackal, and Tiger. These feed on an abundance of prey species such as
Sambar, Chitel, Nilgai, Chausingha, Wild Boar and Langur. Sariska is also well known for its
large population of Rhesus Monkeys, which are found in large numbers around Talvriksh.
The avian world is also well represented with a rich and varied birdlife. These include
Peafowl, Grey Partridge, Bush Quail, Sand Grouse, Tree Pie, Golden backed Wood Pecker,
Crested Serpent Eagle and the Great Indian Horned Owl.
Travel Tips The best way to visit the Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary is by jeep and these can be
arranged at the Forest Reception Office on Jaipur Road. Booking a `hide', overlooking one of
the water holes, can provide an excellent opportunity for wildlife viewing and wildlife
photography within the Sariska Sanctuary.
Best Time to Visit Sariska wildlife sanctuary can be visited throughout the year, still the
beast period is during the months of October to June.

Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary

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