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CAP US History

Feminism Essay

Makers: Women Who Made America- Broad overview of feminism in the 20th century
The Equal Rights Amendment,8599,1889757,00.html Overview of Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum on ERA
'Equal rights' for women: wrong then, wrong now,0,915647.story
Protecting Minority Rights/ Affirmative Action
How does the law treat minorities differently in the US? - Overview of strict scrutiny laws
Pornography and the First Amendment
Spousal Rape Laws:

Read the chapter by Susan Brownmiller in Against Our Will, the article about minority rights as
well as the articles largely about or by Phyllis Schlafly, look at the following websites for
additional evidence and answer the following question in an essay that is no longer than 2 pages
double spaced:

*Should women be afforded the legal protection of a minority

*Explain why Phyllis Schlafly opposed the Equal Rights Amendment and infer how
Brownmiller viewed the attempt to ensure the ERAs ratification.
*Explain whether or not pornography should be considered a form of hate speech that
is used to keep women in their place.
*Based on your opinion, experience and evidence (No 1st person) to what extent have
women achieved equality in contemporary America.
*Use examples and quotes from the readings and websites
*Be sure to include a works cited page and parenthetical citations.
You do not need to use any other outside sources other than those given and may use no more than two.

/20 Essay describes the intent of the Equal Rights Amendment and explains why it was never amended to
the Constitution. Essay explains why Schlafly opposed the Equal Rights Amendment and infers how
Brownmiller might view the efforts to pass such an amendment using examples and at least two
quotations from the text to support inferences.

/20 Essay analyzes each authors position on the appropriate status of women and determines whether or
not pornography should be considered hate speech used to degrade women as a group by using examples
and quotations to support ideas. Essay establishes a well-supported position on the status of women
today in comparison to 30 years ago.
/20 Essay includes a position oriented thesis statement, a conclusion that restates and extends the thesis,
paragraphs centered around a single idea conceptually linked to the thesis, appropriate mechanics, varied
syntax, parenthetical citations and a works cited page. It should be no longer than 2 pages double spaced
and must be submitted to

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