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Notable Programs


Program: PROIAT
Budget: The general direction would evaluate, and would approve a project acordding to the
following criteria:


Alineation with the general objectives (Contribute to high-tech industries to increase

their capacity to adpot new tehcnologies and promote business involvement in
higher value-added activities trough the specialization of human capital, the
certification of human productive capacities, the generation of specialized
information and the transfer and/or technological development).
The support will be provided to projects which follows the following provisions:
The maximum level of support per project is 50 percent of the total project cost,
except in the case of projects identified in the following fraction
In strategic projects, the Board may authorize support for up to 70 percent of the
total project cost, only if the requester asks for it,
The sum of the granted support to a beneficiary will be the following:
For specialized training.

Specific Concept
1. For human resources
of the professional
2. For human resources
of the technical level.
3. For the training of

Maximum Budget
$200, 000.00
$100, 000.00
$3,000, 000.00

For course per person.
For training program per
person .
For project

For specialized certifications

Specific Concept
1. Of Human Capital
2. Of process
3. Of products

Maximum Budget
$100, 000.00
$800, 000.00
$500, 000.00

Per certification
Per certification
Per certification

For the elaboration of studies

Specific Concept
1. Of Diagnostics
2. Of Marketing
3. Of Prospective

Maximum Budget
$1,500, 000.00
$1,500, 000.00
$1,500, 000.00

Per study
Per study
Per study

For the implementation high technology process.

Specific Concept
Manufacturing of prototypes designed in
Validation test on manufacturing of
prototypes designed in Mexico
Specialized consulting for the
Acquisition of Licenses

Maximum Budget
$5,000, 000.00

Per Project

Equipment intended for specialized training for the creation of specialized training
centers of production processes in high-tech industries

Specific Concept
Projects presented for the
business organizations and
civil associations

Maximum Budget
$20, 000,000.00

Per project, which should
consider the participation of
the academy and industry

Support to mitigate the effects of asymmetric information problems that negatively

affect the demand or supply of goods produced by high-tech industries
Specific Concept
The board through a proposal from the
DGIPAT and depending on budget
availability, may allocate federal
resources to support schemes, aimed at
mitigating the effects of the problems of
information asymmetries that negatively
affect the demand or supply of goods
produced by the industry of high
technology, push through funding

Maximum Budget
$75, 000,000.00

Per project

The amount of support granted to a beneficiary may not exceed $8 million, except in
the case of the last two concepts
Terms: In order to be eligible, the target poblation should:

Be legally constitited in the Mexican Law.

Belong to any of the groups for wich the cal lis made.
Proving at least 12 months of doing the activity.
Not have any pending payments, according to the article 3-D of the Fiscal Federal
Not getting support from other federal programs that involve replacing their
contribution or duplicating supports.
If they have benefits from previuos programs, they shouldnt any pending payments.
This will be regulated by the DGIPAT.
Atthached their application.

In Charge: SE (Secretary of Economy)

Level of investment: Project type: Most have impact in some of the high-tech industries, and be submitted by
applicants from the target population.
Location: It applies for all Mexico

Program: Fund for the energetic transition and the sustainable use of energy
Budget: $600,000.00 million pesos to start
Terms: The mexican government through the Secretary of Energy, with the finincing of the
Global Bank.
The Found for the Energy transition, and the local governments.
The technical committe is the organ which which will issue the rules for the management
and distribution of resources for the objectives of the national strategy. It also may decide
other support for projects that meet the objective of the strategy
The resources of the trust shall be exercised according to
Agreements issued by the Committee for the allocation of grants to projects that have as
their object fulfill the purposes of the trust, and
The invitations issued by the Committee.
In Charge: BANOBRAS Trust 2015, Fund for the Energetic Transition

Level of investment: Support will be those that are favorably judged as you eligible by the
Committee and whose operating guidelines and / or manual (s) operating (s) are validated by
this collegiate body, which will be marked in the respective agreement Project approval
Project type: Specfic for Renewable Energies
Location: It applies for all Mexico

Name: Support Program for Sustainable Energies

Budget: Design, structuring and implementation of financial schemes according to the
characteristics of each proyect in mexican pesos or in dollars.

Terms: In order to be eligible, the target poblation should:


Be legally constitited in the Mexican Law.

Have the required permits with the gubernamental entities, regulatory entities that
establish the terms and conditions. This are:

In Charge:Nacional Financiera (NAFIN)

Level of investment:
Project type: Applies for industries that promote the development of sustainable energy,
energetic efficiency and bring technologies that can actually can cope with the climate
Location: National

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