Humanidad Waze Frazier

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Once a mass-production-ready FE device is developed, with 100,000 people

maintaining their focus on the issue (and probably contributing financially; but with that
many, nobody will contribute at levels where they suffer financially and this stage
only happens far down the path, probably at least several years into the future, if not
more), the Fifth Epochal Event will be here, and that groups heroics will no longer be
needed and the fun can begin. Making a production-ready prototype and then giving it
away is like Tesla's original dream, but is more like Dennis's marketing plans with the
Internet culture of open-sourcing and crowdfunding grafted onto it. Then Dennis's and
Brian's Utopian ideas could begin coming
to fruition. As discerning readers can tell, developing the technology is near
the end of the process that I envision, no

For todays global civilization, 100,000 people amounts to about 0.001% of

humanity, or 1-in-70,000 people. For the 5,000-7,000 people that I hope can
form the choir, they only have to be one-in-a-million. Can one-in-a-million
muster the integrity and complex awareness to understand abundance and
sing the song? I think so. I think that those people I seek might be as high
as one-in-five-thousand, which means that there are 200 times as many
potential singers on Earth as might be needed. I will take those odds. I am
virtually certain that if I can find and train 5,000-7,000 singers that can
attract an audience with the right stuff of 100,000 or so (that 100,000 will
also develop enough of a comprehensive, abundance-based perspective,
that they will understand the issues importance and keep their focus and
will not be distracted, but nobody needs to be a hero). Meetings outside of
cyberspace will eventually happen, but far later than most will think or likely
want. The lets have a conference mentality can be fatal for the effort in
its early stages.855

Perhaps the majority of the GCs are quietly hoping that efforts like mine are
successful, while the dark heart of that organization has dismissed the potential of
what I am trying. I can only hope that potential suppressors underestimate the power
of love. I am planning to survive this attempt. So far, I have not seen or heard of
people in the West merely writing about these issues who suffered untimely deaths
and other dire fates. I have had my own Internet stalkers (1, 2), some of whom were
professionals; they may be only a first line of defense for a strategy that can turn
violent, but I am gambling that it will not. I am likely only risking my life, however, and
nobody elses, although I will probably have to rudely dissuade gung-ho newcomers
and others who rush toward the pitfalls with their bright ideas, like those 18-year-old
boys seeking glory on the battlefield. Gung-hoers and those who follow them will
probably present the greatest threat to my efforts, not organized suppression. Outlets
exist for that newcomer mentality, and they can go see Dennis and the others trying
do something approaches. Such newcomers will only put my efforts at risk, usually
by putting themselves and those around them in harms way, and probably quite

unwittingly. Those gung-hoers are almost exclusively men, and their dominance of
today's FE field is partly why it is in a state of arrested development. As I have already
written, women need to step up to help end the situation of violent male gangs
dominating humanity, and they are also needed to help FE manifest. The "Boys' Club"
approach to FE has not worked and is not likely to. Those in the choir will not have to
worry much about organized suppression, other than affable, silver-tongued
psychopaths trying to seduce them, and I will try to limit their opportunities and help
people recognize them.
The path to developing FE technology for public use outlined above I
believe can work, but there are also other ways that the Fifth Epochal Event
can manifest. If I had to bet on how it will manifest, I would put my money
on the struggle between the darkest faction of the GCs losing to the saner
members, and on their beginning to release some of their sequestered
technologies. The reason why their organized suppression efforts have been
so successful is that they know if any of it makes it to the public, it will only
be a matter of time before the dam breaks, which would probably include
ETs openly interacting with humanity. The GCs know that if any of that
happens, their days of ruling humanity will quickly end. That is partly why
this hump has been so hard to get over. But I am not going to wait for
something to happen at that level to save us all, and what I am attempting
will also help form a nucleus of awareness that can greatly help with an
enlightened and harmless implementation of FE. If FE makes its
appearance, its implementation will need to be led by as many enlightened
and informed people as possible. Some need to be ahead of the curve to
lead the way, if only by promoting an enlightened awareness. Once people
can see FE with their own eyes, preferably by having it delivered to their
home (anything less, and they will not awaken; they will not be talked into
an abundance-based mentality; they must experience it856), the awakening
process should be pretty rapid, especially if there is already a choir singing
the song of abundance.

I found that if people are candidates for the choir, they are so rare that
there will not be anybody in their daily lives who also is. The maximum
social circle that most people can manage is a few hundred people, but I am
looking for something like 1-in-5,000 (it might be as auspicious as 1-in1,000, but I have my doubts, and it might be a far smaller proportion) so
the odds are that those prospective choir members will not have anybody
among their families, friends, and colleagues who can also learn the song
and sing it. That is just the reality of the numbers, which took me years of
harsh learning to understand. The social-circle approach will not work for
what I have in mind, but I am using a new technology with a global reach to

find those needles in haystacks. Also, a primary purpose of this essay is to

improve those odds. Make no mistake, it is also about the numbers, but it is
as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, that he would rather march with one person
who understood why they were marching than a hundred who did not.
Essentially, Dennis always amassed armies that did not really understand
or were not aligned with the goal, and mutiny attempts came early and
I developed my current approach by trial and error that was extremely
hazardous and painful, and took most of a lifetime to achieve. I hope that
this essay can help shorten the learning curve for those whom I seek. Many
readers of this essay will get bogged down early on and skip to the end, and
they will get out of the experience what they put into it. Such people are
not in my target audience, unless they have already mastered this essays
material, but I have never met even one such person. I will continue
studying this subject matter for the remainder of my life, and have a ways
to go before I can consider my grasp of it firm. This essay is largely
intended to help readers develop a comprehensive awareness of lifes
journey on Earth and see when humanity enters the play. When readers can
do that and come to appreciate it, they will have an easier time avoiding
the egocentric levels of FE awareness (1-to-11), and reach something that
might be called soul-centric. It should help them shed not only those
scarcity-based ideologies and their insidious, scarcity-based assumptions,
but they should also begin to understand why approaches rooted in such
ideologies are doomed to failure for this task. We cannot drag our scarcitybased baggage with us for establishing a world of abundance. The GCs are
masters of using peoples allegiance to those ideologies to enslave their
minds and spirits. What I will be asking of my target audience will be
anything but easy, and can actually be quite dangerous if caution is not
exercised. But for those who use this material properly, it can improve their
understanding in important ways.
The people I seek are needles in haystacks, but this new technology called
the Internet can help me find and train them. The transition from a world
based on scarcity and fear, to one of abundance and love, which is the
greatest one that humanity will ever make, initially needs people who can
just imagine that world, keep their attention on it, and refuse to be
distracted, while innumerable distractions beckon. The Fifth Epochal Event
will probably not be humanitys final such event, and there have been many
hints of what that could look like (1, 2), which is an advantage that no
previous Epochal Event had going for it.

Those people trying out all the doomed approaches to manifesting FE are to be
commended, but they do not have a chance in todays world. A new approach is
needed that is aligned with the kind of world that it can help manifest. The effort needs
to aim high. Concepts such as open-sourcing and crowdfunding have come from the
Internet culture, and are steps in the right direction. Even high-tech potentates such as
Bill Gates live relatively humbly. The Internet is a precursor to the kind of
communication system that will be enjoyed in the Fifth Epochal Phase of the human
journey, and I plan to use it for this new approach of manifesting FE. When love and
abundance reign instead of fear and scarcity, a creators orientation toward life will
probably replace the victims orientation. Making that future at least partly imaginable
has become my lifes work, and time will tell if it makes a significant impact. As the
great Bucky Fuller said, we are facing Utopia or oblivion. Which one will we choose?

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