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Interest Inventory and Your

School Counselor: Mr. Paulsen

Date: September 2015 December

Activity: Complete the Do What You Are personality type assessment
and Career Interest Profiler tool in Naviance; analyze results.
Grade(s): 10th Grade
ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):
Career Development:
Standard A: Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of
work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career

Develop Career Awareness

C:A1.1 Develop skills to locate, evaluate and interpret career

C:A1.2 Learn about the variety of traditional and
nontraditional occupations
C:A1.3 Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills,
interests and
Standard B: Students will employ strategies to achieve future career
goals with success and satisfaction.

Acquire Career Information

C:B1.1 Apply decision-making skills to career planning, course
selection and career transition
C:B1.2 Identify personal skills, interests and abilities and relate
them to current career choice

C:B1.7 Describe traditional and nontraditional career choices

and how they relate to career choice

Identify Career Goals

C:B2.1 Demonstrate awareness of the education and training
needed to achieve career goals
C:B2.2 Assess and modify their educational plan to support

C:B2.4 Select course work that is related to career interests
Learning Objective(s):
1. Obtain understanding of how to complete the Do What You Are
personality type assessment and Career Interest Profiler tool in
2. Learn to identify their natural tendencies and analyze Holland
interest codes.
3. Clearly identify personal strengths and skills to better determine
college and career paths.
Computers with Internet access
Projector and screen
Naviance software
Pencils or pens
Pre-Post Survey
Lesson Evaluation
1. The school counselor will explain the purpose of the curriculum
lesson, which is to learn how to complete the Do What You Are
personality type assessment and Career Interest Profiler tool in
Naviance, identify natural habits, analyze Holland interest codes and
discuss outcomes.

2. The school counselor will distribute a pre-test to determine students

knowledge level of the curriculum content.
3. The school counselor and students will log in to Naviance to access
the Do What You Are personality type assessment. The counselor will
walk students through completion of the evaluation.
4. Students will identify their top innate abilities and the classroom will
devote some time discussing what each students themes mean to
them. The school counselor will have students share their top three
strengths and ask them to think about a time in their lives when
theyve used their talents effectively, either in the classroom or daily
5. The school counselor and students will then access the Career
Interest Profiler tool. The counselor will provide information on how
students can complete this assessment.
6. Students will identify their Holland interest codes and the classroom
will devote some time analyzing what the codes mean. The school
counselor will have students share their top Holland codes and ask
them to think about a time in their lives when theyve exhibited their
talents efficiently, either in the classroom or daily life.
7. The school counselor and students will then discuss how the
selected careers correlate to the results of their Holland interest codes.
The counselor should suggest students continue to explore their
interests and take note of times when they exhibit their strengths and
career interests in the classroom and in their daily lives.
8. Lastly, the school counselor will distribute a post-test survey and
lesson evaluation to the students to measure their understanding and
the effectiveness of the lesson.
Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?
Process Data: The entire sophomore class, which is a projected number
of 220 students, will participate in the curriculum lesson.

Perception Data: 80% of sophomores can identify inherent strengths

and skills, and explore corresponding career interests.
Outcome Data: Sophomores who were uncertain about their future
careers improved knowledge of personal strengths and career interests
from 58% to 76% between the first and final marking periods.
Follow Up:
Counselors will use the responses provided in the Do What You Are
personality type assessment and Career Interest Profiler tool to enroll
students in future classes. Counselors will also perform a follow up
lesson, post-test and lesson evaluation to reach the 24% of students
whose knowledge around personal skills and career interests improved

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