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Chara's Full Name Story they Belong in

---Reference Picture--------------------------
[Bust Shot] [Front view] [Side view]

---Basic Stats------------------------------------
Trope ex: Tall Dark and Snarky
Temperament ex: Choleric
Psychological Profile ex: INTJ
Birth (age goes here) ex: 10/10/1010 in a bowling alley in Yorkshire
Blood-Type ex: B-

< Stuff about their Personality, quirks, likes/dislikes, goals >

---Personal History----------------------------
< Things like their birth, family issues, turning points in life, milestones:
Can overreach past the narrative. >

---Narrative Map-------------------------------
< Map out patterns and developments in the character's representation
over the course of the story's narration >

---Interaction with Other Characters------

< List of each character and his/her relation to them over time. >

< Post info from real sources concerning their psychological makeup >

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