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Multimedia Message Service

Center (MMSC) v 2.6

Operations Administration
and Maintenance (OAM)
Manual v 1.0
R efer enc e: MMSC- 2.6-OA M-1.0
Confidentiality Statement
Copyright © 2009-2010, Comviva Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. This product or document
may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
electronic medium or machine readable form, by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic,
optic recording or otherwise without prior consent, in writing, of the copyright owner. Statutory
declaration under section 52A of the Copyright Act 1957.

Restrictions and Copyright Declaration
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this
documentation. This document is intended for the use of prospective Comviva customers for the sole purpose of the agreement under which the
document is submitted. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Comviva. The
intended audience for this document is professional personnel, who assume full responsibility for using the document appropriately. Comviva
welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of its documentation. The information or
statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be
considered binding, but shall be defined in contextual specific eventual agreement made between Comviva and the customer.
However, Comviva has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate, sufficient and free of
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The only warranties for Comviva products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying its products and services.
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The Comviva logo is a registered trademark of Comviva Technologies Ltd. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks
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Copyright © 2009 Comviva Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.

1 Document Overview ....................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Audience......................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Conventions ................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 2

1.5 Feedback and Suggestions ......................................................................................................................... 2

2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................3

2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Features .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.3 Network Architecture and Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 5

3 Maintenance and Backup ........................................................................................................................ 11

3.1 MMSC Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 11

3.2 Checking Process Health .......................................................................................................................... 11

3.3 Checking Logs............................................................................................................................................. 12

3.3.1 RECEIVE SERVER LOG.............................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.2 RETRIEVE SERVER .................................................................................................................................... 31
3.3.3 PI DISPATCHER LOG .................................................................................................................................. 39
3.3.4 SMS DISPATCHER LOG ............................................................................................................................. 42
3.3.5 MAIL DISPATCHER...................................................................................................................................... 44
3.3.6 PROVISIONING SERVER ........................................................................................................................... 51

3.4 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................ 53

3.4.1 SYSTEM CHECK .......................................................................................................................................... 53
3.4.2 HARDWARE HEALTH .................................................................................................................................. 53
3.4.3 PLATFORM HEALTH ................................................................................................................................... 53
3.4.4 PROCESS HEALTH ..................................................................................................................................... 54
3.4.5 HEALTH ANALYSIS REPORT..................................................................................................................... 54

3.5 Backup and Recovery ................................................................................................................................ 54

3.5.1 System Components ..................................................................................................................................... 54
3.5.2 MMSC Backup .............................................................................................................................................. 55

3.5.3 MMSC Recovery ........................................................................................................................................... 58

Appendix A— Customer Support .............................................................................................................. 61

Document Change History ......................................................................................................................... 63

Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 2-1: Block Diagram ................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2-2: MM1 ................................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 2-3: MMS Call Flows ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-4: MM3 Call Flows ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-5: MM4 ................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2-6: MM4 Block Diagram......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2-7: MM4 Call Flow ................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2-8: MM7 Call Flow ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3-1: Checking Process Health ............................................................................................... 11
Figure 3-2: Checking Logs ............................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3-3: Disk Usage .................................................................................................................... 53

Table 1: Conventions......................................................................................................................... 1
Table 2: Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 2
Table 3: Header field of M-send Q PDU ........................................................................................... 14
Table 4: Notification Header Fields .................................................................................................. 24
Table 5: Header field of send-conf PDU ........................................................................................... 28
Table 6: Header field of Retrieve Response PDU ............................................................................. 33
Table 7: Health Analysis Report Format ........................................................................................... 54
Table 8: SLA Matrix ......................................................................................................................... 61
Table 10: Document Change History ............................................................................................... 63

1 Document Overview
This chapter gives a brief introduction to the scope and organization of this manual.

1.1 Scope
This manual provides comprehensive information about the maintenance and backups of MMSC.

1.2 Audience
The information contained in this manual is for system administrators, network engineers and
other users of the MMSC.

1.3 Conventions
Table 1: Conventions

Information Convention

Window/Screen/Button/Icon/Menu/Field All names as seen in the applications are written in

Names bold.

 Click OK to continue.

 The New User window appears.

 Enter your login name in User Name.

Names of File/Section/Document/Path names are written in Italics.
meters Example:
Refer to Information.doc for details.
Text to be Entered/Commands/Code Example:

Output Text Example:

User is successfully added.
Key Presses Example:
<Enter>, <Esc>
Source: Comviva

 Warning Message
 Notes

Document Overview 1
OAM: MMSC – 2.6

1 .4 Ac ro ny ms an d Ab b rev ia tio n s
Table 2: Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Full Form

AT Application Terminated
CIMD Computer Interface to Message Distribution
GIF Graphics Interface Format
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global Systems for Mobile Communication
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
HTTP Hypertext Markup Language
JPEG Joint Pictures Expert Group
LAN Local Area Network
MBPS Mega Bytes Per Second
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MMS Multimedia Message Service
MMSC Multimedia Messaging Service Center
SOAP Simple Access Object Protocol
SMS Short Message Service
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
VAS Value Added Service
VASP Value Added Service Providers
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WSP Wireless Session Protocol

1 .5 F e ed ba c k a n d Su gg es tio n s
Thank you for taking time-out to comment on Comviva documentation. It is our goal to provide
you with accurate, timely, and useful documentation. Please send your valuable comments,
suggestions and feedback to

2 Document Overview
2 Introduction
2.1 Overview
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a technology that allows the users of MMS enabled
mobile device to send and receive messages with formatted text, images, audio and video
clips. Multimedia contents like video sequences, audio clips and high-quality images can be
downloaded to the mobile phone / PDA from various WAP content providers. Alternatively,
using an attached accessory, such as a digital camera, image or video can be captured. An
MMS messages can be sent either to another MMS-enabled mobile phone or to an e-mail

MMS supports standard image formats such as GIF and JPEG, video formats such as MPEG
4 and audio formats such as MP3 and MIDI. Multimedia messaging takes advantage of the
high transmission speeds, something that the GPRS and the new high-speed 3G
technologies can provide, to deliver multimedia content and value added services to the end
user. The MMSC provides the means of delivering the Multimedia Messaging Service over
the various mobile technologies such as GSM, CDMA etc to the MMS subscriber.

MMS offers total freedom to convey ideas, exchange information or to express oneself. The
technology is all about presenting the content in the way you prefer.

3GPP and OMA MMS standards compliant, the Multimedia Message Service Center
(MMSC), is a highly scalable carrier grade system for rich multimedia messaging. A wide
range of functionality and availability in various platforms enables smooth service takes offs
and provides operators with new opportunities in service differentiation.

It provides long-term storage for multimedia messages and storage capacity in addition to the
terminal’s memory capacity. These services can be accessed via Web. Legacy phone support
enables mobile users to experience multimedia messaging via SMS. If the receiver does not
have a multimedia terminal, on receipt of a multimedia message he/she will be notified via
SMS, which can be accessed via Web.

MMS solution can be seamlessly integrated to the operator’s existing network infrastructure.
Smooth assimilation ensures that billing, network management, and other systems work
effectively and efficiently with new applications. The MMSC provides a cost effective and
highly scalable MMS solution for easy implementation on an existing WAP infrastructure.

2.2 Features
The MMSC includes the following features:
 Compliance with Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) MMS specifications
TS 23.140 Version 5.3.
 Compliance with OMA MMS specification Version 1.0.
 Support for standard interfaces.
 MM1 Interface services: phone-to-phone messaging.
 MM3 Interface Services: phone-to-legacy system messaging.
 MM7 Interface Services: SOAP enabled interface to value added services /
 Inter operability with other MMSC in accordance with 3GPP MM4-interface

Introduction 3
OAM: MMSC – 2.6

 Support for different message flows like:

 Mobile originated (phone to Web/phone).
 Mobile terminated (Web to phone).
 Application originated (Web to phone).
 Application terminated (phone to Web).
 Mail originated (Web to phone).
 Mail terminated (phone to Web).
 Legacy terminal support.
 Non-multimedia terminal users receive an SMS detailing how to retrieve their
 Multiple viewing of messages.
 Operator configurable SMS message.
 Album services.
 Store, browse, retrieve, forward multimedia messages.
 Compose new multimedia messages.
 Notification of new messages.
 Web-based administration.
 Provisioning on request.
 Self-provisioning features.
 GUI for every component.
 Class of Service based subscriber management.
 Support for CDR’s.
 SNMP support.
 Database support (MYSQL).
 Billing Support (MM8) as per 3GPP.

4 Introduction
OAM: MMSC – 2.6

2.3 Network Architecture and Interfaces

The working of the MMSC is described in the diagram shown below. The interfaces used are
explained in detail with their call flow diagrams in the following sections.

Figure 2-1: Block Diagram

This interface defines the means to send messages from MMS phone to another MMS
enabled phone. It also allows pushing of information from the MMSC to the MMS client as
part of MM notifications. The interface can be realized over WSP using a WAP gateway or by
using HTTP. MM notifications require a push proxy gateway as these notifications are sent to
client devices using WAP push.

Figure 2-2: MM1

Introduction 5
OAM: MMSC – 2.6

The following figure shows the call flow for MM1 interface and the components that come in to
picture when this interface is used.

Figure 2-3: MMS Call Flows

Legacy systems like SMTP can send MM message using this Interface. Example: mail to
phone. The MM3 interface allows an MMSC to communicate with external (legacy)
messaging systems. One such example is the interface to available E-mail messaging
systems. Mails can be sent from mobile devices to a valid email address. Mails can be
received from email clients for destination mobile devices. The interface protocol used is the
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

Figure 2-4: MM3 Call Flows

6 Introduction
OAM: MMSC – 2.6

MMS system can send the request to other MMS system using MM4 interface. This interface
is necessary for exchanging multimedia messages between distinct MMS environment. The
originator MMSC (MMSC associated with the sender of a MM) has to send the message to
each of the recipients’ MMSC using SMTP. The MMSC has to resolve the recipient's MMSC
domain name to an IP address (Example using DNS, domain name server, based on the
recipient's address).

Figure 2-5: MM4

MM4 support with MMSC requires qmail installation. The MMSC machine could have the
qmail installation else qmail could be on the same LAN.

Figure 2-6: MM4 Block Diagram

MMSC implements ENUM based forwarding (DNSENUM) as part of MM4 delivery

implementation. This works by looking into a standard database and matching a range of
MSISDNs to a MMSC. On submit of MM message, if message is not in home network, then
the DNSENUM server is contacted to determine recipient MMSC. The recipient MMSC is then
contacted over the MM4 interface (SMTP). MMSC uses DNSENUM as it has the advantage
of being an industry standard database implementation. The following figure shows the call
flow for MM4 interface.

Figure 2-7: MM4 Call Flow

Introduction 7
OAM: MMSC – 2.6

This is an Interface between the MMS proxy relay and the MMS storage. These databases
maintain user specific information such as user profiles and subscription parameters. User
profile in the MMS shall be able to support the ability to create, update, store, transfer,
interrogate, manage and retrieve a user’s MM profiles. The MM profiles shall allow a user to
configure and personalize his multimedia-messaging environment with the multimedia
messaging profiles (Example which media types and notifications that shall be delivered to
the recipient, such as voice only or text only).

This interface allows VAS applications to request service from MMSC (message submission,
and so on.) and to obtain messages from remote MMS User Agents. VAS may be provided by
the network operator of the MMSC or by third-party VASP (providers). VAS can send request
to the MMS system using MM7 interface over HTTP. The following figure shows the Call flow
for MM7 interface.

Figure 2-8: MM7 Call Flow

Interface between the MMS proxy relay and the Billing Mediation Agent (BMA). The BMA and
the MMSC have a propriety interface. Only CDRs generated according those standards. The
MM8 interface provides billing records for billing clients based on their usage of MMS
services. Two basic forms of billing namely pre-paid and postpaid are supported. Pre-paid
billing is implemented by interfacing with the billing system of the MSP. Post-paid billing is
implemented by writing CDR files for MMS services used.
The other interfaces are:
 Short Messaging Peer To Peer
 Computer Interface to Message Distribution
 Short Messaging Service Center
 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

8 Introduction
OAM: MMSC – 2.6

 WSP: Wireless Session Protocol

 VAS: Value Added Services

Introduction 9
3 Maintenance and Backup
3 .1 M M S C Ma in te na nc e
The maintenance in MMSC is grouped into following category:
 Daily Activities
 Checking process health
 Checking logs
 General
 System check
 Hardware health
 Platform health
 Process health
 Health analysis report

The following steps are for the daily activities.

• Check for the machine IPs where the MMSC is installed.
• One of the above machines is active, so check the active machine by typing the
command ifconfig. Login as administrator into the active machine.

3 .2 Ch ec k ing P ro ce s s He a lth
The first step is to check whether all the processes are running or not. For this change the
folder to /scripts/health and run the command given below:
The output screen will display the running processes.

Figure 3-1: Checking Process Health

The critical processes that should be running are:

 Receive server: To receive requests from clients
 Retrieve server: To retrieve MMS request from database
 Push dispatcher: To push message to PPG for communicating with SMSC

Maintenance and Backup 11

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

 SMS dispatcher: To send SMS to client which does not support MM (Legacy
 Mail dispatcher: To send email via MM3
 DNS enumeration server: To direct the MM messages which are outside the
domain of MMSC
 Provisioning server: To enable the provisioning transaction for the client.
 Mediation server: To support various billing models such as prepaid or post paid.
 MMBox monitor : It checks the file system and deletes unwanted logs and CDRs

3.3 Checking Logs


The command to view the receive server log is: tail –f recv_server.log
The log during start-up.

Figure 3-2: Checking Logs

 The shaded region represents the log entry while the rest represents the explanation of the
logs. The logs have been spilt for better explanation.

12 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

The hex code represents the raw data received from the user agent.

08-03-2005 12:00:19 [000001026] sending keep-alive packet

08-03-2005 12:00:19 [000001026] keep-alive sent
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Connection Handler invoked
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Keep-Alives on socket enabled
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Client data receive length =
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 61 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f
6e 2f 76
6e 64 2e
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 77 61 70 2e 6d 6d 73 2d 6d 65
73 73 61
67 65 00
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 53 6f 6e 79 45 72 69 63 73 73
6f 6e 50 38 30 30
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 2f 52 31 30 31 20 50 72 6f 66
69 6c 65
2f 4d 49
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 0d 0a 3c 2f 62 6f 64 79 3e 0d
0a 3c 2f 73 6d 69
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 6c 3e 0d 0a 23 04 0b 83 85 54
65 78 74
2e 74 78
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 74 00 c0 22 3c 54 65 78 74 2e
74 78 74
3e 00 8e
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 54 65 78 74 2e 74 78 74 00 74
65 73 74

Here the user agent is identified and the sender number is converted to international format.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HTTP-ACCEPT =

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] User-Agent =
[SonyEricssonP800/R101 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-
Content Type = [application/vnd.wap.mms-message]
Content Length = [495]
MSISDN = [9448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Formatting MSISDN=[9448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Number before converting to
international format =[9448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Number in international format
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] msisdn hdr is [+919448090293]
imsi is [+919448090293] and billing number is [+919448090293]

Maintenance and Backup 13

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

The raw data is parsed and encoded into header fields. The table containing the description
of the header fields of M-Send.req PDU is given below.

Table 3: Header field of M-send Q PDU

Field Field Value Presence Description


X-Mms- Message-type-value = Mandatory Specifies the PDU type.

Message- m-send-req
X-Mms- Transaction-id-value Mandatory A unique identifier for the PDU. This
Transaction- transaction ID identifies the M-Send.req and
ID the corresponding reply only.

X-Mms- MMS-version-value Mandatory The MMS version number.

X-Mms- Transaction-id-value Mandatory A unique identifier for the PDU. This
Transaction- transaction ID identifies the M-Send.req and
ID the corresponding reply only.

X-Mms- MMS-version-value Mandatory The MMS version number.

Date Date-value Optional Date and time of submission of the M-
Send.req PDU. If the sending MMS client did
not provide the field, the MMS proxy-relay
shall insert the time of arrival of the M-
Send.req PDU at the MMS proxy-relay.
From From-value Mandatory Address of the originator MMS client. The
originators MMS client must send either its
address or an insert-address-token. In case of
token, the MMS proxy-relay must insert the
correct address of the originator MMS client.
To To-value Optional Address of the recipient. This header field
MAY appear multiple times.

Cc Cc-value Optional Address of the recipient. This header field

MAY appear multiple times

Bcc Bcc-value Optional Address of the recipient. This header field may
appear multiple times. At least one of the
address fields (To, Cc or Bcc) MUST be
Subject Subject-value Optional Subject of the MM.
X-Mms- Message-class-value Optional Class of the MM. Value auto indicates a MM
Message- that is automatically generated by the client. If
Class the field value is auto, then the originating
terminal shall not request delivery-report or
If field is not present, the receiver interprets
the message as personal.
X-Mms- Expiry-value Optional Default: maximum.
Length of time the MM will be stored in MMS
proxy-relay or time to delete the MM. The field
has two formats, either absolute or relative.

14 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Field Field Value Presence Description


X-Mms- Delivery-time-value Optional Default: immediate.

Time Time of desired delivery. Indicates the earliest
possible delivery of the MM to the recipient.
The field has two formats, either absolute or
X-Mms- Priority-value Optional Default: Normal.
Priority of the MM assigned by the originator
MMS client.
X-Mms- Expiry-value Optional Default: maximum.
Length of time the MM will be stored in MMS
proxy-relay or time to delete the MM. The field
has two formats, either absolute or relative.
X-Mms- Delivery-time-value Optional Default: immediate.
Time Time of desired delivery. Indicates the earliest
possible delivery of the MM to the recipient.
The field has two formats, either absolute or
X-Mms- Priority-value Optional Default: Normal.
Priority of the MM assigned by the originator
MMS client.
X-Mms- Sender-visibility-value Optional The originator of the MM may include her wish
Sender- to show or hide her address. If this header
field is not present, the network preferences
Visibility for the sender anonymity feature should be

X-Mms- Delivery-report-value Optional Default determined when service is ordered.

Delivery- Specifies whether the originator MMS client
requests delivery report from each recipient.
Report When X-Mms-message-class is auto, the field
shall always present and the value shall be
X-Mms- Read-report-value Optional Specifies whether the originator MMS client
Read- wants a read report from each recipient. When
Report X-Mms-message-class is auto, the field shall
always be present and the value shall be No.

X-Mms- Store-sent-value Optional Specifies whether the originator MMS client

Store wants the submitted MM to be saved in the
user’s MMBox, in addition to sending it. If the
MMBox is not supported by the MMS proxy-
relay then this field should be ignored.
X-Mms-MM- MM-state-value Optional Specifies the value to set in the MM state field
State of the stored MM, if X-Mms-store is present
and its value is Yes. If X-Mms-store is Yes and
X-Mms-MM-state is not present then the MM
state shall default to sent. If the MMBox is not
supported by the MMS proxy-relay then this
field should be ignored.
X-Mms-MM- MM-flags-value Optional Specifies a keyword to add or detract from the
Flags list of keywords associated with a stored MM,
if X-Mms-store is present and its value is Yes.
If the MMBox is not supported by the MMS
proxy-relay then this field should be ignored.

Maintenance and Backup 15

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Field Field Value Presence Description


X-Mms- Reply-charging-value Optional This header field shall only be present if the
Originator is willing to pay for the reply-MM of
Charging the recipient(s). Only the field values
“requested” and “requested text only” are
allowed. The MMS proxy-relay shall reject an
M-Send.req PDU that includes this field if it
doesn’t support reply charging. The MMS
proxy-relay shall reject an M-Send.req PDU if
the values ‘Accepted’ or ‘Accepted text only’
are used for this field.
X-Mms- Reply-chargingdeadline- Optional This header field shall not be present if the X-
Reply- Mms- reply-charging header field is not

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] The originating client

supports WSP
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[8c]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [X-Mms-
Message-Type : m-send-req]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[98]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [X-Mms-
Transaction-ID : 1056015]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[8d]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [X-Mms-MMS-
Version : 1.0]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[89]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[97]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [To:
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[96]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [Subject: hi]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[8a]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [X-Mms-
Message-Class: Personal]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[8f]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [X-Mms-
Priority: High]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] HeaderOpcode=[86]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header = [X-Mms-
Delivery-Report: Yes]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150]
HeaderOpcode=[90]08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded
Header = [X-Mms-Read-Reply: Yes]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150]
HeaderOpcode=[84]08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded
Header = [Content-Type :

16 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]08-03-2005 12:00:29

[000006150] Decoded MMS Header len = [336]

The header fields are reproduced again without the data and time field.

[X-Mms-Message-Type : m-send-req
X-Mms-Transaction-ID : 1056015
X-Mms-MMS-Version : 1.0
To : 9448090293/TYPE=PLMN
Subject : hi
X-Mms-Message-Class : Personal
X-Mms-Priority : High
X-Mms-Delivery-Report : Yes
X-Mms-Read-Reply : Yes
Content-Type : application/vnd.wap.multipart.related;
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>" ]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Content has been found
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Content type header found
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: Header=[Content-
Type] Value=[application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: Header=[Content-ID]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: Header=[Content-
Location] Value=[s.smil]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking charset conversion
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking header = [Content-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] header=[Content-Type]
value=[application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: Header=[Content-
Type] Value=[text/plain; name=Text.txt]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: Header=[Content-ID]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: Header=[Content-
Location] Value=[Text.txt]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking charset conversion
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking header = [Content-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] header=[Content-Type]
value=[text/plain; name=Text.txt]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking header = [Content-ID]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking header = [Content-

Maintenance and Backup 17

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

The message body in the SMIL format follows the MMS header.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Decoded Header Length = [350]

Decoded Data Length = [960]
Decoded Data =
[X-Mms-Message-Type: m-send-req
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1056015
X-Mms-MMS-Version : 1.0
To: 9448090293/TYPE=PLMN
Subject: hi
X-Mms-Message-Class: Personal
X-Mms-Priority: High
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: Yes
X-Mms-Read-Reply : Yes
boundary="1110263429jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";

Content-Type: application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8
Content-ID: <s.smil>
Content-Location: s.smil

<meta name="generator" content="SEMC-P800" />
<root-layout width="200px" height="200px" />
<region id="Image" top="0%" height="50%" />
<region id="Text" top="50%" height="50%" />
<par dur="5000ms">
<text src="Text.txt" region="Text" />
Content-Type: text/plain; name=Text.txt
Content-ID: <Text.txt>
Content-Location: Text.txt

18 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

If there are multi line header files it is converted to single line, if not the header and the
content are repeated as such.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Making multiple line headers

to single line
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] After multi-to-single, len =
[X-Mms-Message-Type : m-send-req
X-Mms-Transaction-ID : 1056015
X-Mms-MMS-Version : 1.0
To : 9448090293/TYPE=PLMN
Subject : hi
X-Mms-Message-Class : Personal
X-Mms-Priority : High
X-Mms-Delivery-Report : Yes
X-Mms-Read-Reply : Yes
boundary="1110263429jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
Content-Type: application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8
Content-ID: <s.smil>
Content-Location: s.smil
<meta name="generator" content="SEMC-P800" />
<root-layout width="200px" height="200px" />
<region id="Image" top="0%" height="50%" />
<region id="Text" top="50%" height="50%" />
<par dur="5000ms">
<text src="Text.txt" region="Text" />
Content-Type: text/plain; name=Text.txt
Content-ID: <Text.txt>
Content-Location: Text.txt

Maintenance and Backup 19

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Any special characters in the string are removed.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MessageType = [m-send-req]

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Making m-send-req node
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[X-Mms-Transaction-ID]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[X-Mms-MMS-Version]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[To]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Formatting address list
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Address Type Phone
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] removing special characters
from string [9448090293/TYPE=PLMN]

Here M-Send-request PDU (Protocol Data unit) is parsed.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Number before converting to

international format =[9448090293/TYPE=PLMN]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Number in international format
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Formatted address list
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[Subject] Value=[hi]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[X-Mms-Message-Class]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[X-Mms-Priority]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[X-Mms-Delivery-Report]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[X-Mms-Read-Reply]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[Content-Type]
Value=[multipart/related; boundary="1110263429jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Header=[] Value=[]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Parsed PDU
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] CLIENT MMS-TID=[1056015]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] To :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Cc :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Bcc :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Tid :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MMSVersion :

20 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ContentType :

[multipart/related; boundary="1110263429jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] SenderAddress : []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MessageClass : [1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DateTime : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Expiry : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DeliverAfterDate : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DeliverReport :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ReplyChargingRequest : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ReplyDeadLine : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ReplyChargingSize : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Priority : [3]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] SenderVisibility :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] StoreRequest : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MMState : [-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MMFlags : []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ReadReplyRequest :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Subject :
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ReplyChargingID : []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking whether the interface
is active or not
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MMS Data parsed

Maintenance and Backup 21

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

The authentication of the subscriber is checked. Also if any message rules are set by the
subscriber for filtering etc it is authenticated at this stage.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking subscriber

authenticity of [+919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Authentication setting = [1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] TMP:message rule []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] TMP:message rule []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] NULL message
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Submit Username =
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MM Component List = [(null)]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] auth=[1] bill_supp=[2]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Resolution check return:[-1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Converted list:
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] rcvs_utils.c:2966 NULL input
recieved in convert_dest_address
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] rcvs_utils.c:2966 NULL input
recieved in convert_dest_address
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] START OF THE SUBSCRIBER LIST
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] "Orignal
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] "Home
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] END OF THE SUBSCRIBER LIST

The MMS is submitted for validation and time of submission (in seconds calculated from 1-1-
1970) is noted.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MM1-SUBMIT

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MM1-Submit Validation
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Duplicate transaction
detection disabled
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] updating default expiry value
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Time of submission
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Initializing the submit node
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Username = [+919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Message-ID generated =
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Control information for file
read successfully
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Originator Address
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] removing special characters
from string [919448090293]

22 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] removed special characters

from string [919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Address [+919448090293] being
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Notification for client

All the external MMSC in the domain are checked in the case of MM4 Type.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking

[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] in MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for external MMSE
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Checking
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] for our MMSE

The particular subscriber is matched with the MMSE in that domain.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Matched client

[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] with value [*]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] TMP:message rule []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] TMP:message rule []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG:
check_user_subscribed returned greater than 0
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Got subscriber info for
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] the subscriber type is [1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] got empty recipient list or no
rules for client.

Maintenance and Backup 23

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] The client type for client

[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] is [1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] START OF THE SUBSCRIBER LIST
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] "Original
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] "Home
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] END OF THE SUBSCRIBER LIST

Then the user name, the available space, MMSC space, its length are verified. If the user has
enough space then the message is stored in the user inbox.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG : Checking for MM1

interface to be active
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Dest client
[+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN] is of MMS type
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ERROR: Stat of the black list
file [/mdb/9194/4809/0293/userblacklist.txt]- fs_api.c:7428
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: username
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] user space = [257], mmsc space
= [2097152] content len = [610] control len = [536]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] The message path is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Mapped message path
[/mdb/9194/4809/0293/ib_ZLWuqd] to reference
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: username
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: username
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Message reference after
storage=[4qec4_Z_9490/_4/ 1_~4kc3Yp7FEe]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] CLIENT MMS-TID=[1056015] ->
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] submit_req_node-
>mesg_reference = [4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe ]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Status code [200] added for
user [+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN]

Table 4: Notification Header Fields

Field Name Field Value Presence Description

X-Mms- Message-type- Mandatory. Specifies the PDU type.

Message-Type value = m-
X-Mms- Transaction-id- Mandatory. This transaction ID identifies the M-
Transaction-ID value Notification.ind and the corresponding

24 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Field Name Field Value Presence Description

X-Mms-MMS- MMS-version-value Mandatory. The MMS version number.


From From-value Mandatory. Address of the last MMS client that

handled the MM that is sent or
forwarded the MM. If hiding the
address of the sender from the
recipient is requested by the originating
MMS client and supported and
accepted by the MMS proxy-relay, the
MMS proxy-relay must not add this
field to the M-Notification.ind PDU.
Subject Subject-value Optional. Subject of the message.
X-Mms- Delivery-report- Optional. Specifies whether the user wants a
Delivery- value delivery report from each recipient. The
absence of the field does not indicate
Report any default value.
X-Mms-Stored MM-stored-value Optional. If this field is present and its value is
Yes it indicates that the MM was stored
to the user’s MMBox and that the
XMms-content-location field is a
reference to the MM in the MMBox.
X-Mms- Message-class- Optional. Class of the message
Message-Class value
The MMS proxy-relay must provide the
personal message class if the original
submission did not include the X-Mms-
message-class field.
X-Mms-Priority Priority-value Optional. Default: Normal.
Priority of the MM
X-Mms- Message-size- Mandatory. Full size of the associated M-
Message-Size value retrieve.conf PDU in octets. The value
of this header field could be based on
approximate calculation, therefore it
should not be used as a reason to
reject the MM.
X-Mms-Expiry Expiry-value Mandatory. Length of time the message will be
available. The field has only one
format, relative.
X-Mms-Reply- Reply-charging- Optional. If this field is present its value is set to
value “accepted” or “accepted text only” and
Charging the MMS-version-value of the M-
Notification.ind PDU is higher than 1.0,
this header field will indicate that a
reply to this particular MM is free of
charge for the recipient. If the reply-
charging service is offered and the
request for reply-charging has been
accepted by the MMS service provider
the value of this header field shall be
set to “accepted” or “accepted text
X-Mms-Reply- Reply-charging- Optional. This header field shall not be present if
deadline- the X-Mms- reply-charging header field
Charging- is not present. It shall only be

Maintenance and Backup 25

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Field Name Field Value Presence Description

Deadline interpreted if the value of X-Mms-reply-

charging header field is set to
“accepted” or “accepted text only”. It
specifies the latest time the recipient
has to submit the reply-MM. After this
time the originator of the original-MM
will not pay for the reply-MM any more.
X-Mms-Reply- Reply-charging- Optional. This header field shall not be present if
Charging-Size size-value the X-Mms-reply-charging header field
is not present. It specifies the
maximum size (number of octets) for
the reply-MM.
X-Mms-Reply- Reply-charging-Id- Optional. This header field shall only be present
Charging-ID value in PDUs that notify a recipient about a
The value of this header field shall be
the same as the message-ID of the
original-MM that is replied to.

X-Mms- Distribution- Optional. This field may be present for an MM

Distribution- indicator-value that originated from a value added
service provider and the original
Indicator included this indicator. A “No” value
indicates to the user that the originator
requested the content of the MM is not
supposed to be distributed further. This
field is only for informational purposes
and thus does not impose any
requirements on the MMS client.
X-Mms- Element-descriptor- Optional. This header field shall contain the
Element- value content-reference associated with the
Descriptor corresponding top level message
content of the MM waiting for retrieval
and may additionally contain the
type/format of the message content.

X-Mms- Content-location- Mandatory. This field defines the location of the

Content- value MM to be retrieved.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Notification Headers

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] TID
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Version [1.0]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Message-Class
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Message-Size [610]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Time-Of-Expiry [259200]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Message-Ref
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Subject [hi]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Priority [HIGH]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Sender-Address

26 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Stored-Status [-77]

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Delivery-Rep [YES]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Reply-Charging [-77]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Reply-Deadline [-77]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ReplyCharging-Size [-77]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] ReplyCharging-ID []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Element-Desc [(null)]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] End of Notification headers

The MMS header and the notification header is encoded and sent as hex code

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoding mms data

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MMS Header len = [324]
[X-Mms-Message-Type: m-notification-ind
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
X-Mms-Message-Class: PERSONAL
X-Mms-Message-Size: 610
X-Mms-Expiry: 259200
Subject: hi
From: +919448090293
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES

After encoding if the message is from MMS capable phone to MMS capable phone then it is
dispatched to PI_dispatcher. If it has to be sent as an email it is dispatched to mail_dispatcher
If the message is to a legacy device it will be sent as a SMS and hence sent to
sms_dispatcher. Then the notification is sent to the client to view the message.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoded MMS Header

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 8c 82 98 34 71 65 63 34 5f 5a
5f 39 34 39 30 2f
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 5f 34 2f 31 5f 7e 34 6b 63 33
59 70 37 46 45 65
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 00 8d 90 8a 80 8e 02 02 62 88
05 81 03 03 f4 80
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 96 68 69 00 89 0f 80 2b 39 31
39 34 34 38 30 39
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 30 32 39 33 00 86 80 83 68 74
74 70 3a 2f 2f 31
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 30 2e 33 31 2e 35 33 2e 31 38
2f 6d 31 3f 34 71
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 65 63 34 5f 5a 5f 39 34 39 30
2f 5f 34 2f 31 5f

Maintenance and Backup 27

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 7e 34 6b 63 33 59 70 37 46 45

65 00
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoded Content Length = [124]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoded Notification Headers
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 8c 82 98 34 71 65 63 34 5f 5a
5f 39 34 39 30 2f
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 5f 34 2f 31 5f 7e 34 6b 63 33
59 70 37 46 45 65
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 00 8d 90 8a 80 8e 02 02 62 88
05 81 03 03 f4 80
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 96 68 69 00 89 0f 80 2b 39 31
39 34 34 38 30 39
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 30 32 39 33 00 86 80 83 68 74
74 70 3a 2f 2f 31
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 30 2e 33 31 2e 35 33 2e 31 38
2f 6d 31 3f 34 71
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 65 63 34 5f 5a 5f 39 34 39 30
2f 5f 34 2f 31 5f
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 7e 34 6b 63 33 59 70 37 46 45
65 00
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] The message path mapped is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Writing to Push Dispatcher db
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] client_address =
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Converted data from binary to
ascii, len = [248]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Writing in PUSH Database
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG:: The length
allocated to message = [1272]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] The query string to write in
database is [insert into pi_dispatcher (messageid, expirydate,
destaddr, counter, sendafterdate, fspath, message, status,
originaddr, chargedparty) values
('4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe', '1110522629',
'+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN', '5', '1110263429',
0', '0', '+919448090293', '1')]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] successfully written
notification for client [+919448090293/TYPE=PLMN]

The confirmation is send to the MMS client indicating the status of the operation. Hence a
send-conf PDU is updated with the header fields in the log. The description of header fields in
send-conf PDU is tabulated below:

Table 5: Header field of send-conf PDU

28 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Field Name Field Value Presence Description

X-Mms-Message- Message-type-value = Mandatory. Specifies the PDU type.

Type m-send-conf
X-Mms- Transaction-id-value Mandatory. This transaction ID identifies the M-
Transaction-ID Send.conf and the corresponding M-
Send.req only.

X-Mms-MMS- MMS-version-value Mandatory. The MMS version number.

X-Mms- Response-status- Mandatory. MMS specific status.
Response-Status value
X-Mms- Response-text-value Optional. Description, which qualifies the
Response-Text Response-status-value.
Message-ID Message-ID-value Optional. This is a unique reference assigned to
the MM. This ID will always present
after the MMS Proxy-Relay accepted
the corresponding M-Send.req PDU.
The ID enables a MMS Client to match
delivery reports or read-report PDUs
with previously sent MM.
X-Mms-Content- Content-location- Optional. This field will appear only if the MMS
value Proxy-Relay supports the MMBox
Location feature - the X-Mms-Store field was
present in the M-Send.req and X-Mms-
Store-Status indicates Success. If it
appears then this specifies a reference
to the stored version of the MM that
can be retrieved or can be used to
obtain information about the MM using
the MRetrieve.
req or M-Mbox-View.req.
X-Mms-Store- Store-status-value Optional. This field will appear only if the X-Mms-
Status Store field was present in the M-
Send.req and the MMS Proxy-Relay
supports the MMBox feature. If the field
appears it indicates if the submitted
MM was successfully stored into the
X-Mms-Store- Store-status-text- Optional. Description that qualifies the X-Mms-
Status- value Store-Status field value.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Status code [200] added for

user [+919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Status code total count = [1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Duplicate transaction
detection disabled
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] The MM1 Submit Response PDU
info -
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] TID [1056015]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Version [1.0]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] RequestStatus [200]

Maintenance and Backup 29

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] RequestStatusText [Ok]

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MessageID
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] StoreStatus [-77]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] StoreStatusText []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] StoreMessageReference []
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] DEBUGMSG: Final response data
is [X-Mms-Message-Type: m-send-conf
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1056015
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
X-Mms-Response-Status: 200
X-Mms-Response-Text: Ok
Message-ID: 11102634290218736947

The confirmation PDU is encoded and sent to the respective MMS client.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoding of data required

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoding mms data
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] MMS Header len = [174]
[X-Mms-Message-Type: m-send-conf
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1056015
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
X-Mms-Response-Status: 200
X-Mms-Response-Text: Ok
Message-ID: 11102634290218736947
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoded MMS Header
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 8c 81 98 31 30 35 36 30 31 35
00 8d 90 92 80 93
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 4f 6b 00 8b 31 31 31 30 32 36
33 34 32 39 30 32
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] 31 38 37 33 36 39 34 37 00
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Encoded Content Length = [41]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Writing to MM1 Submit CDR

30 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

The CDR is updated for the whole transaction.

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Message reference in cdr =

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Message reference came in =
[4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe ]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Query = [insert into
boundary="1110263429jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] inserted into the MM1-Submit-
Req data base
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] "Request status code:[200]"
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] CDR written to db
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] The response data is
[Œ�˜ 1056015] and r esponse dat a l en i s [ 41]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Making reply packet -
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Sending Resp to WEB Server
[Status: 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 41
Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message

Œ�˜ 1056015]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000006150] Connection Handler exiting
08-03-2005 12:00:37 [000001026] incrementing socket pool


The command to view the retrieve server log is: tail –f retr_server.log
Log of one transaction: Upon receiving MM1_retrieve.REQ by the recipient MMS relay/server,
it will initiate the retrieval process MM1_retrieve.RES, which contains MMS control
information and the MM content.

08-03-2005 12:00:55 [000287749] Connection Handler exiting

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Connection Handler invoked
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Keep-Alives on socket enabled
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Client data receive length =
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] 00 75 74 66 2d 38 2c 20 75 74
66 2d 31 36 2c 20
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] 69 73 6f 2d 38 38 35 39 2d 31
2c 20 2a 00 53 6f
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] 6e 79 45 72 69 63 73 73 6f 6e
50 38 30 30 2f 52

Maintenance and Backup 31

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] 34 39 30 2f 5f 34 2f 31 5f 7e

34 6b 63 33 59 70
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] 37 46 45 65 00 23
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Accept Header[]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Accept Charset [utf-8, utf-16,
iso-8859-1, *]
User Agent [SonyEricssonP800/R101 Profile/MIDP-1.0
MSISDN [9448090293]
Message Reference [4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] ERROR - "error getting
required http headers" - [retrieve_server.c] [197]

Subscriber authentication is made available to the MMS relay/server by the radius server and
the MMS user agent’s ID (example, MSISDN or IMSI) is authenticated.

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Formatting MSISDN=[9448090293]

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Number before converting to
international format =[9448090293]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Number in international format
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Checking subscriber
authenticity of [+919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] TMP:message rule []
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] TMP:message rule []
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Checking whether the client
supports encoding ...
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Processing the request ...
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] RETRIEVE-REQUEST
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] The message path mapped is

The message path is encoded.

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Obtained client headers

accept=[] user_agent=[SonyEricssonP800/R101 Profile/MIDP-1.0
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] DEBUGMSG: username
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] DEBUGMSG: get_actual_data
data_len = [610]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Got the actual data by message
reference [4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe] and length= [610]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] The message path mapped is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] DEBUGMSG: username
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Sender Visibility [ SHOW]-

32 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] successful in getting the

control information [+919448090293]

Content data adaptation is done to the data based on user profile and/or MMS user agent

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Content Adaptation to be done,

data len = [610]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] connecting to data adaptor
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Adaptation to be done
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] ERROR receiving data from
client as recv failed - network.c:1843
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] ERROR failed to receive client
data, remnants received length = [5] - network.c:1906
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Error : [mm1_utils.c:2499]
receiving the buffer from the adaptation broker... final
buffer len recv is [0]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Error : [mm1_utils.c:2440]
while sending/receiving the data to the adaptation broker
Returning the same buffer as it is ...
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Successful in getting the
adapted data
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] generated

The retrieve response PDU is parsed. The header fields of this PDU is explained below:

Table 6: Header field of Retrieve Response PDU

Field Name Field Value Presence Description

X-Mms- Message-type- Mandatory Specifies the PDU type.

Message- value = m-
Type retrieve-conf
X-Mms- Transaction-id- Optional. Identifies either the transaction that has been
Transaction- value started by M-Notification.ind PDU without M-
ID NotifyResp.ind PDU (immediate retrieval) or a
new transaction when deferred retrieval was
requested. The new transaction ID is optional.
X-Mms-MMS- MMS-version- Mandatory The MMS version number.
Version value
Message-ID Message-ID- Conditional This is an unique reference assigned to the
value MM. The ID enables an MMS client to match
read report PDUs or reply-MMs with previously
sent or forwarded MM. This header field shall
be present when the MRetrieve. conf PDU
includes the requested MM.
Date Date-value Mandatory Date & time of latest submission or forwarding
of the message by an MMC client or reception
of the MMS proxy-relay
From From-Value Optional Address of the last MMS client that handled

Maintenance and Backup 33

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Field Name Field Value Presence Description

the MM that is either sent or forwarded the

MM. If hiding the address of the sender from
the recipient is requested by the originating
MMS client and supported and accepted by
the MMS proxy-relay, the MMS proxy-relay
must not add this field to the M-retrieve.conf
X-Mms- Previously- Optional Address of the MMS client that forwarded or
Previously- sent-by-value originally sent the message and a sequence
number. A higher sequence number indicates
Sent-By a forwarding event at a later point in time. This
header field may appear multiple times.

X-Mms- Previously- Optional Date and time of a forwarding or original send

Previously- sent-date-value transaction of the message and a sequence
number. The sequence number indicates the
Sent-Date correspondence to the MMS client’s address in
the “X-Mms-previously-sent-by” header field
with the same sequence number. This header
field MAY appear multiple times

To To-Value Optional Address of the recipient

Cc Cc-Value Optional Address of the recipient. This header field may

appear multiple times

Subject Subject-Value Optional Subject of the MM.

X-Mms-MM- MM-state-value Optional This field shall only appear for an MM that is
State retrieved from the MMBox, if the MMBox is
supported by the MMS Proxy-Relay. The value
shall indicate the state of the MM as one of the
following: draft, sent, new, retrieved,
X-Mms-Expiry Expiry-value Optional Default: maximum.
Length of time the MM will be stored in MMS
proxy-relay or time to delete the MM. The field
has two formats, either absolute or relative.
X-Mms- Delivery-time- Optional. Default: immediate.
Delivery-Time value
Time of desired delivery. Indicates the earliest
possible delivery of the MM to the recipient.
The field has two formats, either absolute or
X-Mms- Priority-value Optional. Default: Normal.
priority of the MM assigned by the originator
MMS client.
X-Mms- Sender- Optional. Optional.
Sender- visibility-value
The originator of the MM may include her wish
Visibility to show or hide her address. If this header field
is not present, the network preferences for the
sender anonymity feature should be used
X-Mms- Delivery-report- Optional. Default determined when service is ordered.
Delivery- value Specifies whether the originator MMS client
requests delivery report from each recipient.

34 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Field Name Field Value Presence Description

When X-Mms-message-class is auto, the field

shall always present and the value shall be No.
X-Mms-Read- Read-report- Optional. Specifies whether the originator MMS client
Report value wants a read report from each recipient. When
X-Mms-message-class is auto, the field shall
always be present and the value shall be No.
X-Mms-Store Store-sent- Optional. Specifies whether the originator MMS client
value wants the submitted MM to be saved in the
user’s MMBox, in addition to sending it. If the
MMBox is not supported by the MMS proxy-
relay then this field should be ignored.
X-Mms-MM- MM-state-value Optional. Specifies the value to set in the MM State field
State of the stored MM, if X-Mms-store is present
and its value is Yes. If X-Mms-store is yes and
X-Mms-MM-state is not present then the MM
state shall default to sent. If the MMBox is not
supported by the MMS proxy-relay then this
field should be ignored.
X-Mms-MM- MM-flags-value Optional. Specifies a keyword to add or detract from the
Flags list of keywords associated with a stored MM, if
X-Mms-store is present and its value is Yes. If
the MMBox is not supported by the MMS
proxy-relay then this field should be ignored.
X-Mms- Reply- Optional. This header field shall only be present if the
Reply- charging-value
originator is willing to pay for the reply-MM of
Charging the recipient(s). Only the field values
“requested” and “requested text only” are
allowed. The MMS proxy-relay shall reject an
M-Send.req PDU that includes this field if it
doesn’t support reply-charging. The MMS
proxy-relay shall reject an M-Send.req PDU if
the values ‘Accepted’ or ‘Accepted text only’
are used for this field.
X-Mms- Reply- Optional. This header field should not be present if the
Reply- chargingdeadli X-Mms- reply-charging header field is not
ne- present.
Deadline value

The MMS relay/server gives an indication to the recipient MMS user agent that a delivery
report, read-reply report is required. It will also indicate the content type of the MM.

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Making retrieve response pdu

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] removing special characters
from string [+919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Address [+919448090293] being
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] DEBUGMSG: read-reply [10]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Made retrieve response pdu
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] MM Component List = [(null)]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] tid is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] mms_version is [1.0]

Maintenance and Backup 35

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] message_id is

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] sender_address is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] content_type is
[multipart/related; boundary="1110263429jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] to is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] message_class is [PERSONAL]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] time_of_submission is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] delivery_report_required is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] priority is [HIGH]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] read_reply_requested is [YES]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] subject is [hi]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] mmstate is [RETRIEVED]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] mmflags is []
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] request_status is [200]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] request_status_text is [Ok]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] reply_charging_request is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] reply_charging_id is []
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] reply_deadline is [-77]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] reply_charging_size is [-77]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] previously_sent_by is []
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] previously_sent_time is [-77]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] content is [--

The SMIL format of the MM message follows the PDU.

Content-Type: application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8

Content-ID: <s.smil>
Content-Location: s.smil

<meta name="generator" content="SEMC-P800" />
<layout<root-layout width="200px" height="200px" />
<region id="Image" top="0%" height="50%" />
<region id="Text" top="50%" height="50%" />
<par dur="5000ms">
<text src="Text.txt" region="Text" />

36 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6


Content-Type: text/plain; name=Text.txt
Content-ID: <Text.txt>
Content-Location: Text.txt
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] The message path mapped is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] DEBUGMSG: username
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] header=[X-Mms-Message-State]
already has value [RETRIEVED]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] header=[X-MessageStatus]
already has value [3]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] updation of file not required
as values already present
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] made cdr node
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] The content length is [610]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Tid is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] to is
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] sender_address=[+919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] subject is [hi]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] content_type is
[multipart/related; boundary="1110263429jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] RETR_RESPDATA = [X-Mms-
Message-Type: m-retrieve-conf
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
Date: 1110263429
Message-ID: 11102634290218736947
To: +919448090293/TYPE=PLMN
X-Mms-Message-Class: PERSONAL
From: +919448090293
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES
X-Mms-Priority: HIGH
X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES
Subject: hi
X-Mms-Message-State: 4
Content-Type: multipart/related;
boundary="1110263429jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
Content-Type: application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8
Content-ID: <s.smil>

Maintenance and Backup 37

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Content-Location: s.smil

The retrieve request CDR is written into the database.

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Billing type = [2]

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Writing to MM1 Retrieve Req
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] query buffer = [insert into
boundary="1110263429jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] inserted into MM1-Retr-Req
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] CDR written to db

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Making reply packet -

08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Sending Resp to WEB Server
[Status: 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Length: 1079
Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
X-Mms-Message-Type: m-retrieve-conf
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
Date: 1110263429
Message-ID: 11102634290218736947
To: +919448090293/TYPE=PLMN
X-Mms-Message-Class: PERSONAL
From: +919448090293
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES
X-Mms-Priority: HIGH
X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES
Subject: hi
X-Mms-Message-State: 4
Content-Type: multipart/related;
boundary="1110263429jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
Content-Type: application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8
Content-ID: <s.smil>
Content-Location: s.smil
08-03-2005 12:02:31 [000288773] Connection Handler exiting
08-03-2005 12:02:53 [000289797] Connection Handler invoked

38 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:02:53 [000289797] Keep-Alives on socket enabled


The command to view the pi_dispatcher log is: tail –f pi_dispatcher.log
Getting the message ID and destination address and creating push thread.

08-03-2005 12:00:14 [000001026] ACTIVE-THREADS[0] SERVED-

08-03-2005 12:00:14 [000001026] deleting expired data from
08-03-2005 12:00:14 [000001026] no expired entries in
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000001026] ACTIVE-THREADS[0] SERVED-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000001026] SERVED-REQS[0.536] FAILED-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] Number of records peeked [1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] New session for message-id
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] MMS-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] PROTOCOL-TYPE 0
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] fspath is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] status is [0]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] messageid is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] dest address
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] Orgin dest address
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] orgin address [+919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000002051] retry counter [5]08-03-2005
12:00:29 [000555014] created push thread for messageid
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] PI dispatcher details
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Ppg-Adr
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] App-Id [7777]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Priority [3]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Push-Type [2]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Dest-Addr
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Ser-Type [3]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Bear-Type [1]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] DATA SEND:[POST / HTTP/1.1^M
Connection: close^M

Maintenance and Backup 39

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

User-Agent: Jataayu MMS Dispatcher^M

Accept: text/html^M
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=jataayupi;
Content-Length: 714^M
Content-Type: application/xml^M
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<push-message push-
55014" source-reference="7777" >
<address address-
<quality-of-service priority="high" delivery-
method="unconfirmed" bearer="sms"/>
Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message^M
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] http response received [200]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] response data received [<pap>
<push-response push-
<response-result code="1001" desc="accepted for
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] DEBUG::Data RECVD = [<pap>
<push-response push-
<response-result code="1001" desc="accepted for

40 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Sending the notification

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] responce code from ppg is

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] description of code [1001] is
[accepted for processing]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] pushid is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] pushid is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] delivered push successfully to
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] writing delivery status
information to cdr
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014]

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Writing to MM1 Notification

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] The guest path is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] message_id is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] The message path mapped is
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] DEBUGMSG: username
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [To: +919448090293/TYPE=PLMN]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Transaction-ID:
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [Content-Type:
multipart/related; boundary="1110263429jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [From: +919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Message-Class:
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [Date: 1110263429]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Expiry: 1110522629]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Delivery-Time:
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Priority: HIGH]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Sender-Visibility:
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Message-State: NEW]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [Subject: hi]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-Mms-Message-Size: 610]
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-OrigClientMessageID:

Maintenance and Backup 41

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] [X-MessageStatus: 1]08-03-2005

12:00:29 [000555014] Successful in getting the control
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Successful in updating the cdr
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] Qury = [insert into
boundary="1110263429jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] inserted CDR for MM1-
08-03-2005 12:00:29 [000555014] CDR is written
08-03-2005 12:00:30 [000004101] QUERY ++ [delete from
pi_dispatcher where messageid =
'4qec4_Z_9490/_4/1_~4kc3Yp7FEe' and destaddr =
08-03-2005 12:00:44 [000001026] ACTIVE-THREADS[0] SERVED-
REQS[0.537] FAILED-REQS[0.76]
08-03-2005 12:00:44 [000001026] deleting expired data from
data base


The command to view the sms_dispatcher log is: tail –f sms_dispatcher.log

Sending message

08-03-2005 11:00:18 [000001026] The number of records deleted

by Monitor process = [1].
08-03-2005 11:00:18 [000001026] Send Success = [0.4232]
Send Failed = [0.91]
08-03-2005 11:00:23 [000001026] The number of records deleted
by Monitor process = [1].
08-03-2005 11:00:23 [000001026] Send Success = [0.4232]
Send Failed = [0.91]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Number of rows has been
picked up: = [1]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] The condition is [(cmtime is
not null AND (cmtime = 1110259825 OR cmtime <= 1110259825 -
600)) AND (expirydate >= 1110259825 and (status = 1 OR status
= 0 OR status = 2 ) and 1110259825 >= sendafterdate)]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] DEBUGMSG :: The status for
the record is [1]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Sending message to phone
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Only headers might be

42 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Message Sending is [You have

a new picture message from +919440000995.Please visit Your message
key is MSG.0.181]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] [MSG.0.181] [MSG.0.181]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Semaphore count before [8]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Waiting to get Semaphore
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Got Semaphore
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Semaphore count before [7]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] Adding To Work Queue
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000002051] .
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] Message successfully sent for
MessageID "MSG.0.181"


08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] Writing to MM1 Notification

08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] The guest path is
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] fs path is
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] message_id is [MSG.0.181]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] The message path mapped is
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] Obtained client headers while
getting CONTROL file as accept=[] user_agent=[]

Writing CDR

08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] Successful in getting the

control information
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] Successful in updating the
cdr structure
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] QUERY is [insert into
receiving_cdr values ('1.0' ,'' , '0' , now() , '' ,
'multipart/related; boundary="1110259816jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<mmmm>"' ,'0' , '0' ,
'1110259816' , '' , '' ,'' , '1' , '11102598160215949775' ,
'MSG.0.181' , '27704' ,'' , '+919440000995' , '' , '2' , '0'
,'2' , '919440000909' , '' , 'NOT_STAT=1'
, '3' ,'' , '0' , '0' , '1' , ' ' ,'08/MAR/2005:11:00:25' ,
'1110519016' , '' , '')]
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] inserted CDR
08-03-2005 11:00:25 [000230404] CDR is written
08-03-2005 11:00:26 [000002051] Number of rows has been
picked up: = [1]
08-03-2005 11:00:26 [000002051] The condition is [(cmtime is
not null AND (cmtime = 1110259826 OR cmtime <= 1110259826 -

Maintenance and Backup 43

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

600)) AND (expirydate >= 1110259826 and (status = 1 OR status

= 0 OR status = 2 ) and 1110259826 >= sendafterdate)]
08-03-2005 11:00:28 [000001026] The number of records deleted
by Monitor process = [1].
08-03-2005 11:00:26 [000002051] The condition is [(cmtime is
not null AND (cmtime = 1110259826 OR cmtime <= 1110259826 -
600)) AND (expirydate >= 1110259826 and (status = 1 OR status
= 0 OR status = 2 ) and 1110259826 >= sendafterdate)]
08-03-2005 11:00:28 [000001026] The number of records deleted
by Monitor process = [1].
08-03-2005 11:00:28 [000001026] Send Success = [0.4233]
Send Failed = [0.91]


The command to view the mail_dispatcher log is: tail –f mail_dispatcher.log

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Number of records peeked [1]

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] MMS-TID=[MSG.0.182]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] New session for message-id
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] control-file name
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] data-file name
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] parsing control file
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] field [From: +919448090293]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Reply-To: field is empty
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] field [To:]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Cc: field is empty
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Bcc: field is empty
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] field [Subject: HI]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] making valid mail data
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] field [Content-Type:
multipart/related; boundary="1110265472jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Content-Type obtained from
message is [multipart/related;
boundary="1110265472jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Boundary obtained from content
type [multipart/related; boundary="1110265472jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"] is
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Converted mail data to proper
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Content-Transfer: field is

44 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] field [Content-Type:

multipart/related; boundary="1110265472jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] converting binary data to
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Parsed MIME headers are
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Type]
Value=[application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-ID]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Location]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Parsed MIME headers are
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Type]
Value=[text/plain; name=Text.txt]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-ID]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Location]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051]

MIME message

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] LEVEL = [1]

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Parsed MIME headers are
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Type]
Value=[application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-ID]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Location]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DATA LENGTH = [324]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DATA = [<smil>
<meta name="generator" content="SEMC-P800" />
<root-layout width="200px" height="200px" />
<region id="Image" top="0%" height="50%" />
<region id="Text" top="50%" height="50%" />
<par dur="5000ms">
<text src="Text.txt" region="Text" />
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] LEVEL = [1]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Parsed MIME headers are

Maintenance and Backup 45

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Type]

Value=[text/plain; name=Text.txt]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-ID]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Header=[Content-Location]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DATA LENGTH = [7]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DATA = [hello]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Boundary =
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DEBUG. [Content-
Type]:[application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DEBUG. [Content-ID]:[<s.smil>]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DEBUG. [Content-
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DEBUG. [Content-
Type]:[text/plain; name=Text.txt]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DEBUG. [Content-
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DEBUG. [Content-
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Base-64 MESSAGE[

Content-Type: application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8
Content-ID: <s.smil>
Content-Location: s.smil
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] ]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] dest_addr
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] orgin_addr
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] old header [To:
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1056035
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related;
boundary="1110265472jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
From: +919448090293
X-Mms-Message-Class: PERSONAL

46 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Date: 1110265472
X-Mms-Expiry: 1110524672
X-Mms-Delivery-Time: 1110265472
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES
X-Mms-Priority: HIGH
X-Mms-Sender-Visibility: SHOW
X-Mms-Message-State: NEW
X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES
Subject: HI
X-Mms-Message-Size: 611
X-OrigClientMessageID: 11102654720222033488
X-MessageStatus: 1]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CURRENT TIME [Tue, 08 MAR 2005
12:34:33 +0530] [2]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] EXPIRY TIME [Fri, 11 MAR 2005
12:34:32] [5]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] new header [To:
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1056035
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary="1110265472jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
X-Mms-Message-Class: PERSONAL
Date: Tue, 08 MAR 2005 12:34:33 +0530
X-Mms-Expiry: Fri, 11 MAR 2005 12:34:32
X-Mms-Delivery-Time: 1110265472
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES
X-Mms-Priority: HIGH
X-Mms-Sender-Visibility: SHOW
X-Mms-Message-State: NEW
X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES
Subject: HI
X-Mms-Message-Size: 611
X-OrigClientMessageID: 11102654720222033488
X-MessageStatus: 1]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] ORGIN ADDR:-
[]08-03-2005 12:34:33
[000002051] setting mail information to mail_info dispatcher
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] MAIL dispatcher details
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Smtp-Server[]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Smtp-Port[25]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] User-Name[mmsc]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Password[mmsc123]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] From-
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] From-

Maintenance and Backup 47

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] To-

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Reply-
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Subject[HI]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Envelope-Id[Jataayu Envelope
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Message-Length[812]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Message[

Encoding the message

Content-Type: application/smil; name=s.smil; charset=utf-8
Content-ID: <s.smil>
Content-Location: s.smil
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


Content-Type: text/plain; name=Text.txt
Content-ID: <Text.txt>
Content-Location: Text.txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

48 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

Sending the header of the mail

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] ]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] sending mail using smtp
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] smtp server [] port
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] HELO command HELO

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>>SMTP INTERMEDIATE

REPLY [250]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>> DONE SUCCESS !!!
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] connection established with
[] server
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Mail header to smtp server[
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1056035
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary="1110265472jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
X-Mms-Message-Class: PERSONAL
Date: Tue, 08 MAR 2005 12:34:33 +0530
X-Mms-Expiry: Fri, 11 MAR 2005 12:34:32
X-Mms-Delivery-Time: 1110265472
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES
X-Mms-Priority: HIGH
X-Mms-Sender-Visibility: SHOW
X-Mms-Message-State: NEW
X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES
Subject: HI
X-Mms-Message-Size: 611
X-OrigClientMessageID: 11102654720222033488
X-MessageStatus: 108-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] ]

Sending the data of the mail

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] sending mail

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>>SMTP INTERMEDIATE
REPLY [250ok]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>> DONE SUCCESS !!!
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>>SMTP INTERMEDIATE
REPLY [250ok]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>> DONE SUCCESS !!!
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] sending mail

Maintenance and Backup 49

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] sending data to smtp server

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Mail data to smtp server[
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1056035
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary="1110265472jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";
X-Mms-Message-Class: PERSONAL
Date: Tue, 08 MAR 2005 12:34:33 +0530
X-Mms-Expiry: Fri, 11 MAR 2005 12:34:32
X-Mms-Delivery-Time: 1110265472
X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES
X-Mms-Priority: HIGH
X-Mms-Sender-Visibility: SHOW
X-Mms-Message-State: NEW
X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES
Subject: HI
X-Mms-Message-Size: 611
X-OrigClientMessageID: 11102654720222033488
X-MessageStatus: 1

Updating the MM1 notification to the CDR

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>>SMTP INTERMEDIATE

REPLY [250 ok 1110265473 qp 21531]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CHECKING >>>> DONE SUCCESS !!!
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] mail delivery success
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] connection closed with smtp
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Writing to MM1 Nofication RES
to CDR
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] The guest path is
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] fs path is
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] message_id is [MSG.0.182]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] The message path mapped is
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] DEBUGMSG: username []
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [To:]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Transaction-ID:
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [Content-Type:
multipart/related; boundary="1110265472jataayu6150";
type="application/smil"; start="<s.smil>"]

50 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [From: +919448090293]

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Message-Class:
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [Date: 1110265472]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Expiry: 1110524672]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Delivery-Time:
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Delivery-Report: YES]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Priority: HIGH]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Sender-Visibility:
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Message-State: NEW]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Read-Reply: YES]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [Subject: HI]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-Mms-Message-Size: 611]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-OrigClientMessageID:
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] [X-MessageStatus: 1]
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Successful in getting the
control information
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Successful in updating the cdr
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Query = [insert into
boundary="1110265472jataayu6150"; type="application/smil";

Writing the CDR

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] inserted CDR for MM1-

08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] CDR is written
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] QUERY ++ [delete from
mail_dispatcher where messageid = 'MSG.0.182' and destaddr =
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] Deleting file
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051] writing delivery status
information to cdr
08-03-2005 12:34:33 [000002051]


tail –f prov_server.log
The logs when deleting any provisioning request of subscriber.

Maintenance and Backup 51

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Connection Handler invoked

08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Keep-Alives on socket enabled
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Client is []
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Client data receive length =
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] 36 00 39 31 39 34 34 33 33 36
38 39 31 33 00 00
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Client request opcode = [54]
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] O=[54] SUB=[919443368913]
PAS=[] STYP=[0] PTYP=[0] MAIL=[] CLID=[0] VID=[] VURL=[]
RULE=[] VOL=[0] REP=[0] ADAP=[0] BTYP=[0] BDES=[] PDES=[]
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] DELETE request
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] DELETE query = [delete from
subscriber_information_table where USERNAME='919443368913']
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Deleting home folders for
subscriber [919443368913]
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Command [rm -rf
/mdb/9194/4336/8913] returned [0]
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Sending back response to
client of length = [4]
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] 31 00 0d 0a
08-03-2005 10:00:05 [000206852] Sent response length = [4]

The logs when adding any provisioning request of subscriber.

08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] Connection Handler invoked

08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] Keep-Alives on socket enabled
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] Client is []
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] Client data receive length =
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] 34 00 39 31 39 34 34 34 30 38
36 36 36 33 00 39
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] 34 34 34 30 38 36 36 36 33 00
31 00 31 00 73 61
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] 6d 70 6c 65 40 79 61 68 6f 6f
2e 63 6f 2e 69 6e
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] 00 31 00 31 00 68 74 74 70 3a
2f 2f 77 77 77 2e
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] 62 73 6e 6c 2e 63 6f 6d 00 6d
73 67 2d 72 75 6c
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] Client request opcode = [52]
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] O=[52] SUB=[919444086663]
PAS=[9444086663] STYP=[1] PTYP=[1] MAIL=[]
CLID=[1] VID=[1] VURL=[] RULE=[îôè®rule]
VOL=[0] REP=[0] ADAP=[0] BTYP=[0] BDES=[] PDES=[] NSUB=[]
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] ADD request

52 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] INSERT query = [insert into

ôè®rule') ]
08-03-2005 11:54:51 [000207876] Creating home folders for
subscriber [919444086663]
08-03-2005 11:54:52 [000207876] Sending back response to
client of length = [4]
08-03-2005 11:54:52 [000207876] 31 00 0d 0a
08-03-2005 11:54:52 [000207876] Sent response length = [4]


In general maintenance, a series of wide-ranging checks based on the following parameters
are done periodically. These are -


In system check available disk space, its usage, Internet Bandwidth etc are checked
corresponding to the optimum level required for MMSC to function properly.
 Checking disk space
To find the disk space available on the machine use the command $df –h in
Linux and $df in Solaris which gives the disk usage statistics in human
readable format.

Figure 3-3: Disk Usage

 Checking Internet bandwidth

Coming to the Internet bandwidth usage there will be tools available with the
Operator to check these details. For a quick look at the Internet connectivity a ping
to any site like should result in To and Fro packet data transfer.


The general idea is physical well being of the hardware components used. Basically here the
hardware components are checked for their compatibility with the required client and product


In platform health the OS component on which the MMSC is installed is periodically checked.
MMSC can be installed on any of the following OS – SUN Solaris, Linux advance server, Red
hat Linux, Windows NT etc, hence the healthy check-up of these platforms is maintained

Maintenance and Backup 53

OAM: MMSC – 2.6


In process maintenance, the various products of MMSC and third party dependencies are
periodically checked for the healthy status. That is whether all the processes are in good
health or not. Also the third party products like Apache Web Server, Jakarta Tomcat (Servlet
Container), database (MySQL or Oracle) etc are checked whether they are properly
functioning or not.


In general maintenance a health analysis report is maintained which contains the health
status of the entire MMSC and also the third party products used. The format of this
monitoring system is as follows:

Table 7: Health Analysis Report Format

Disk Disk Memory Memory Link Firewall Modem/LED
Date LED Status Router /LED status
Type usage Type Usage Status /LED status Status

3.5 Backup and Recovery

3.5.1 System Components

The MMSC shall be installed on a Linux/Solaris machine. The MMSC consists of different
components and a small overview and the install path of these components have been
explained below.
 MMSC: The MMSC is installed in the following path, by default. Note that the
install path may be changed during the installation process.
/usr/local/mmsc/ In subsequent sections, this path shall be referred to as
 MMSC Binaries: The MMSC binaries are installed in the following path.
 MMSC MM1 Agents: The MM1 agents require a Web server and this document
assumes that the apache Web server is used. The agents are installed in the
following path. MMSC_HOME/fcgi/
 MMSC OMC Manager: The OMC manager in installed in the following path.
 MMSC Configuration: The MMSC configuration is installed in the following path.
 SNMP Subagent: The SNMP agent is installed in the following path.
 Mail Agent: The mail agent is installed in the following path.
 Webtop: The Webtop requires the use of a JAVA application server. The
document assumes that the jakarta tomcat application server is used and the
install path of the Webtop is as follows. /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-
 Webtop Agent: The Webtop agent is installed in the following path.
 MM7 Interface: The MM7 interface requires the use of a JAVA application server.
The document assumes that the jakarta tomcat application server is used and the

54 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

install path of the MM7 interface is as follows. /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-


3.5.2 MMSC Backup

The following components of the MMSC shall be backed up. The necessary components
along with their configuration files shall be bundled into a single package. The package shall
then be zipped to compress it to minimize disk space usage. This package may then be
transferred to an external backup machine for storage.

It is advised that all system components shall first be copied into a single temporary location
before bundling them into a package. The administrator may choose the location and care
should be taken to ensure sufficient disk space for all components to be copied into this
location. The ‘cp’ command shall be used for copying the MMSC components to this location.
It is advised that the following folder be used for the temporary location.
This folder shall be created with superuser privileges and using the following commands.
#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup
#$ chmod 775 /tmp/mmscbackup

The name of the bundled package shall follow the convention as described below.
It is advised that the backup be taken using superuser privileges. This is because some
components of the MMSC may require superuser privileges to be installed properly.

When the MMSC components have been copied to the selected location for backup, they
may be bundled into a package using the following commands.
#$ tar cvf mmsc-backup- *
#$ gzip mmsc-backup-

The package may now be transferred to an alternate location for storage. It is advised that all
MMSC components that have been copied to this location be now deleted from this location.

MMSC Binaries
The MMSC binaries are installed in the following path.

The following command may be used to copy the MMSC binaries.

#$ cp –R MMSC_HOME/exes/ /tmp/mmscbackup/.

The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of this folder have been properly
copied to the location specified.

MMSC MM1 Agents

The MM1 Agents require a Web server for their proper functioning. Besides the MM1 agents,
it is also advised to take a backup of the Web server configuration file.

Maintenance and Backup 55

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

This document assumes that the apache Web server is used. The configuration files of the
apache Web server are at the following location, by default. The administrator is advised to
use the correct path if the configuration files are not in the default path.

In case another Web server is used, the administrator is advised to backup the necessary
configuration files of the Web server using this same technique.

#$ cp –R MMSC_HOME/fcgi/ /tmp/mmscbackup/.
#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup/httpd/
#$ cp –R /etc/httpd/conf/*.conf /tmp/mmscbackup/httpd/.

The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of the folders have been properly
copied to the location specified.

MMSC OMC Manager

The MMSC OMC manager is installed in the following path.

The following command may be used to copy the MMSC OMC manager.
#$ cp –R MMSC_HOME/gui/ /tmp/mmscbackup/.

The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of this folder have been properly
copied to the location specified.

MMSC Configuration
The MMSC configuration is installed in the following path.

The following command may be used to copy the MMSC configuration.

#$ cp –R MMSC_HOME/conf/ /tmp/mmscbackup/.

The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of this folder have been properly
copied to the location specified.

SNMP Subagent
The MMSC SNMP subagent is installed in the following path.

The following command may be used to copy the MMSC configuration.

#$ cp –R MMSC_HOME/snmpsagent/ /tmp/mmscbackup/.
The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of this folder have been properly
copied to the location specified.

Mail Agent

56 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

The mail agent requires QMAIL for proper functioning. Besides the mail agent, it is advised
that configuration files of QMAIL be also copied and backed up.

By default, the mail agent is installed in the following folder. The administrator is advised to
use the correct path if the mail agent is not installed in the default folder.

The configuration files of QMAIL are at the following location, by default. The administrator is
advised to use the correct path if the configuration files are not in the default path.

The following commands can be used to backup the mail agent and the configuration files of
#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup/mm3/.
#$ cp –R /usr/local/jataayu/mmsc/mm3/* /tmp/mmscbackup/mm3/.
#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup/QMAIL/
#$ cp –R /var/qmail/alias/ /tmp/mmscbackup/QMAIL/.
#$ cp –R /var/qmail/control/ /tmp/mmscbackup/QMAIL/.
The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of the folders have been properly
copied to the location specified.

Webtop Agent
The Webtop agent is installed in the following path. Note that this folder may already be
present in the backup location because the OMC manager also resides in the same folder.

The following command may be used to copy the MMSC configuration.

#$ cp –R MMSC_HOME/gui/ /tmp/mmscbackup/.

The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of this folder have been properly
copied to the location specified.
The Webtop requires a JAVA application server for its proper functioning. Besides the
Webtop, it is also advised to take a backup of certain components of the application server
that includes its configuration files.

This document assumes that the Jakarta tomcat application server is used. The Jakarta
tomcat application server is at the following location, by default. The administrator is advised
to use the correct path if the configuration files are not in the default path.

For example, if Jakarta tomcat application server version 4.1.30 is installed, the installation
path is as follows.


In case another application server is used, the administrator is advised to backup the
necessary configuration files of the application server using this same technique.

Maintenance and Backup 57

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup/jakarta-tomcat/
#$ cp –R /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/bin/
#$ cp –R /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/conf/
#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup/webtop/
#$ cp –R /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/webapps/mmswebtop/
The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of the folders have been properly
copied to the location specified.

MM7 Interface
The MM7 interface requires a JAVA application server for its proper functioning. Besides the
MM7 interface, it is also advised to take a backup of certain components of the application
server that includes its configuration files.

This document assumes that the Jakarta tomcat application server is used. The Jakarta
tomcat application server is at the following location, by default. The administrator is advised
to use the correct path if the configuration files are not in the default path.

For example, if Jakarta tomcat application server version 4.1.30 is installed, the installation
path is as follows.

In case another application server is used, the administrator is advised to backup the
necessary configuration files of the application server using this same technique.
#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup/jakarta-tomcat/
#$ cp –R /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/bin/
#$ cp –R /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/conf/
#$ mkdir /tmp/mmscbackup/mm7interface/
#$ cp –R /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30/webapps/soap/
#$ cp -R /usr/local/jataayu/mmsc/mm7/ /tmp/mmscbackup/mm7interface/.
The administrator is advised to verify that all the contents of the folders have been properly
copied to the location specified.

3.5.3 MMSC Recovery

In the event of loss of MMSC components, a recovery operation shall be done to get back the
last known good instances of the lost components.

The recovery operation involves identification of the last backup that was taken of the MMSC.
Using the date on the packages that have been backed up can easily do this.

When the last known good package has been identified, the necessary components shall be
extracted and replaced into the same location from which they were copied. The document
advises that only those components that require a recovery shall be replaced.

58 Maintenance and Backup

OAM: MMSC – 2.6

All recovery operations may be done using simple UNIX commands. Since the process for
backup explains the component locations and the necessary commands for backup, an
administrator may use the same process in a reverse manner to replace components from the
backup location to the actual location of the components.

Maintenance and Backup 59

Appendix A— Customer Support
SLA Matrix
The following table represents the Service Level Agreement (SLA) matrix of Comviva. This
matrix describes the different problems that impact the Comviva’s client business, the
corrective action that would be taken by Comviva to solve such problems, and the minimum
time that would be required to take such corrective actions.

Table 8: SLA Matrix

Problem Response Work-around SLA

Severity Time

Emergency/ 30 minutes 4 hours The correction work starts immediately and

continues until a work-around solution is
Critical available. After a work-around solution is
available, the case is downgraded to the
Major category.
Major/High 2 hours 72 hours Comviva’s personnel shall start working
immediately on the problem, and continue
till a work-around solution is found.
Minor/Low 24 hours 3 weeks Software correction shall be available within
3 weeks.

Enhancements 72 hours N/A Comviva will start development if the client

has asked for
Requires a Go-ahead from authorized
Customer personnel, and an approval of
Purchase Order.
Source: Comviva

Appendix A— Customer Support 61

Document Change History
Table 9: Document Change History

Version Description of Comments Date of Creation Author

Number Changes

1.0 Initial Release 25 Feb 2008 Prema

Source: Comviva

Document Change History 63

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Contact Us 65

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