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Nursing Practice I: Basic Foundation of
Nursing and Professional Practice
1. This test questionnaire contains 100 test questions
2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalid your answer.
4. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set.
5. Write the subject title NURSING PRACTICE I on the box provided.
Situation: Jessica recently passed the PNLE and is
newly employed in a private hospital. It is essential to
recognize abnormal laboratory values in order to
deliver quality nursing care. Jessica is the junior staf
nurse in the Medical-Surgical unit and is caring for the
following patients.
1. Mrs. Juan has just undergone a pituitary surgery.
Jessica should assess the client for which of the
A. Urine specific gravity less than 1.010.
B. Urine output between 1 and 2 L/day.
C. Blood glucose level higher than 300 mg/dL.
D. Urine negative for glucose and ketones.
2. Jessica is sending an arterial blood gas (ABG)
specimen to the laboratory for analysis. Jessica
should write the following pieces of information on
the laboratory requisition, except.
A. Ventilator settings
B. A list of the clients allergies
C. The clients temperature
D. The date and time the specimen was drawn
3. Coleen is diagnosed with unstable type 1 diabetes
mellitus and has the following laboratory results. It
is unnecessary for Jessica to report which of the
A. Systolic blood pressure, 145 mm Hg.
B. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), 10.2%.
C. Triglycerides, 425 mg/dL.
D. Urine ketones, negative.
4. Jessica is assessing Bruce, a client with Addisons
disease. The nurse should review laboratory
reports for which condition?
A. Hypokalemia.
B. Hypernatremia.
C. Hypoglycemia.
D. Decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level.
5. A 68-year-old male has been receiving monthly
doses of chemotherapy for treatment of stage III
colon cancer. He comes to the clinic for his fourth
monthly dose. Which laboratory result(s) should be
reported to the oncologist before the next dose of
chemotherapy is administered? Select all that
A. Hemoglobin of 14.5 g/dL.
B. Platelet count of 40,000/mm3.
C. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level of 12 mg/dL.
D. Urine specific gravity of 1.020.
Situation: Caring motivates people to become nurses
and it becomes the source of satisfaction when nurses
know thay have made a diference in their patients
lives. Patients tend to be more satisfied with nursing
care when they perceive that nurses care.

6. You enter a patients room, greet the patient and

explain that you need to check the IV medication
infusing on the patients arm. You increase the rate of
the IV and wait a few minutes after checking the vital
signs to observe any changes in patients behavior.
The combined action illustrates
a. Enabling
c. Being with
b. Comforting
d. Doing for
7. When a nurse is able to demonstrate culturally
specific behaviors that express caring, she is using
which of the following theories in nursing?
a. Leininger
c. Swanson
b. Benner
d. Abdellah
8. As the nurse preparing the supplies for
chemotherapy for a Mrs. Bendita who had breast
cancer, which of the following actions conveys a
caring touch?
a. She explains that the chemotherapeutic
drug will be given slowly
b. The nurse plumps the pillows and assist Mrs
Bendita to a comfortable position
c. She double checks the label of the nurse
against the doctors order
d. The nurse prepares all the materials she
needs and manipulates the IV port for infusion
9. A depressed patient verbalizes feelings of low self
esteem and self worth such as..Wala akong
kwenta...Lahat na lang ng ginagawa ko mali. The best
nursing intervention will be
a. Tell him that it is not true and every person
has a purpose in life
b. Remain with the patient and sit in silence
c. Reassure him that you know how he is
feeling and things will get better
d. Review recent behaviors that demonstrates
skill ability
10. One nurse is caring for a patient who had a near
death experience 3 months ago. He tells the nurse that
he remembers seeing paramedics and doctors giving
him CPR and he is sking you questions about the
event. The nurse priority intervention is to
a. Ask him to describe what he remembers in
greater details
b. Ask the doctor to answer the patients
c. Inform the patient that it was just a dream
d. Encourage him to share his experience with
his wife immediately
Situation: Sophie is a Unit Manager of the Medical Unit.
She receives the latest patient satisfaction survey
which is quite a dismal performance compared to the
previous month.

NURSING PRACTICE I: Basic Foundation of Nursing and Professional Practice

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11. Which of the following actions is a priority for

a. Maintain a status quo until her attention is
called by the Chief Nurse
b. Confer with fellow managers and seek help.
c. Develop a strategic action on how to deal
with these concerns
d. Call for a staf meeting and take this up in
the agenda.
12. She knows that there are external forces that
influence changes in her unit. Which of the following is
NOT an external force?
a. Memo from the CEO to increase the patient
satisfaction rate of the unit
b. Demands of the patients for prompt
c. Low morale of staf in her unit
d. Exacting regulatory and accreditation
13. After discussing the possible efects of the low
patient satisfaction rate, the staf started to list down
possible strategies to solve the problems head-on.
Should they decide to vote on the best change
strategy, which of the following strategies is referred
to this?
a. Collaboration
b. Majority rule
c. Dominance
d. Compromise
14. Sophie raised the issue on giving priority to patient
needs. Which of the following ofers the best way for
setting priority?
a. Assessing nursing needs and problems
b. Giving instructions on how nursing care
needs are to be met
c. Controlling and evaluating the delivery of
nursing care
d. Assigning safe nurse: patient ratio
15. Which of the following is the best guarantee that
the patient's priority needs are met?
a. Checking with the relative of the patient
collaboration with the patient
c. Consulting with the physician
d. Coordinating with other members of the

Reasons for admission and types of treatments are

data used in which of the following?
a. Risk management
c. Benchmarks
b. Utilization review
22. After noting an increase in the number of
medication errors on the night shift, Nurse Maureen
wishes to reduce them. Nurse Maureen decides to
review the processes use in the unit and in the hospital
from the time an order is written until the medication
arrives on the unit. The staf nurse who is assisting
Nurse Maureen understands that what process is being
a. Evidence based research
b. Quality improvement
23. Nurse Maureen who is conducting a staf
development program on improving patient care
explains that which of the following best represents
quality nursing care?
a. Patient with history of pressure ulcer will
receive an air mattress after admission
b. Patient with heart failure will have urinary
drainage catheter to measure output
c. Blood chemistry panel will be drawn daily on
patients with peripheral edema
d. All patients will be screened for methicillin
resistant Staph aureus (MRSA)_
24. To be eligible for renewal of a nursing license, the
nurse expects to complete a predetermined number of
hours of which of the following to ensure practice
a. Refresher course
b. Virtual instruction
d. Orientation
25. Which strategy should the nurse leader use to
facilitate the performance appraisal conference?
a. Interview with other staf about the
employees performance
b. Begin the evaluation interview with an openended question
c. Include personal feelings in the comment
sections of the tool for clarity
d. Refrain from adding comments to the
evaluation form

Situation: Nurse Wilma was paid half a million pesos by

congressman Alpha to kill a patient in the hospital. The
patient was an ambush survivor. Nurse Wilma
overdosed the client with depressant drugs that lead
to respiratory arrest. He conspires with her best
friend, Magda to hide evidences that will lead to
litigations. Ana, the pharmacist to provide her with 10
[5mg/ml 10ml] vials of diazepam but only records a
single vial. The ambush survivor died after respiratory
16. Who is/are the principal/s?
a. Magda
b. Congressman Alpha
c. Congressman Alpha and Wilma
d. Nurse Wilma
17. Who is the accomplice?
a. Magda
b. Ana
c. Alpha
d. Wilma
18. Who is the accesory?
a. Magda
b. Ana
c. Alpha
d. Wilma
19. The circumstance that afects the said situation is:
a. Justifying
b. Mitigating
c. Exempting
d. Aggravating
20. The gravity of this crime is considered as:
a. A misdemeanor
b. A less grave felony
c. A grave felony
d. Light felony

Situation: Promotion of comfort is one of the most

important functions of a nurse. Nurse Jomar is the staf
nurse on duty in the Medical ward of Hospital A. Nurse
Jomar should be aware of the principles behind
dependent and independent nursing interventions in
order to competently perform each task.
26. Topical heat is ordered for all of the following
clients. Jomar should question the order for which
A. A teenager who is active and rapidly growing.
B. A new mother who is breastfeeding.
C. A
D. An adult with arteriosclerosis obliterans.
27. Nurse Jomar is preparing to administer a sponge
bath to an infant with a high fever. What should be
included in the administration of the bath?
A. Large
evaporation of heat.
B. Adjustment of the water temperature to 608
C. Wet cloths applied to all areas where blood
circulates close to skin surfaces.
D. Small areas of the body sponged at a time to
avoid rapid heat loss.
28. Nurse Jomar is caring for a client following a
supratentorial craniotomy in which a large tumor
was removed from the left side. Select the position
in which nurse Jomar can safely place the client.
A. On the left side
B. With the neck flexed
C. Supine on the left side
D. With the head in a midline position
29. A client is about to undergo bone marrow
aspiration of the sternum. Which of the following
statements should nurse Jomar include to provide
information to the client about what the client will
feel during the procedure?
A. You may feel a warm solution being wiped
over your entire front from your neck down to
your navel and out to your shoulders.
B. You will not feel the local anesthetic being
applied because it will be sprayed on.
C. You will feel a pulling type of discomfort for a
few seconds.

Situation: Total quality improvement requires a vision

of ongoing improvement combined with a well
developed structure to ensure implementation. Rapid
changes within healthcare have created a new climate
focused on patient outcomes, prevention of patient
care problems and mitigation of adverse events.
21. Nurse Maureen, a head nurse in the medical ward
plans to discharge a patient and considers the reasons
for the patients admission and types of treatment.

NURSING PRACTICE I: Basic Foundation of Nursing and Professional Practice

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After the needle is removed, you will feel a

bandage being applied around your chest.
30. A client is receiving a continuous intravenous
infusion of heparin sodium to treat deep vein
thromboplastin (aPTT) time is 65 seconds. The
nurse anticipates that which action is needed?
A. Discontinuing the heparin infusion
B. Increasing the rate of the heparin infusion
C. Decreasing the rate of the heparin infusion
D. Leaving the rate of the heparin infusion as is
Situation: Nurse Janice is an advanced beginner
knowledgeable of the basics of nursing care and is
aware of the principles behind every nursing
intervention, such includes that of the care for patients
with tubes.
31. Nurse
medication through a nasogastric tube that is
medication, she would:
A. Position the client supine to assist in
medication absorption.
B. Aspirate the nasogastric tube after medication
administration to maintain patency.
C. Clamp the nasogastric tube for 30 to 60
minutes following administration of the
D. Change the suction setting to low intermittent
suction for 30 minutes after medication
32. Jennica is preparing to remove a nasogastric tube
from a client. She should instruct the client to do
which of the following just before the nurse
removes the tube?
A. Exhale.
B. Inhale and exhale quickly.
C. Take and hold a deep breath.
D. Perform a Valsalva maneuver.
33. A student nurse under nurse Jennicas supervision
is assessing for correct placement of a nasogastric
tube. The student nurse aspirates the stomach
contents and checks the contents for pH. Jennica,
therefore, verifies correct tube placement if which
pH value obtained by the student nurse is noted?
A. 3.5
B. 7.0
C. 7.35
D. 7.5
34. Nurse Jennicas colleague is preparing to insert a
nasogastric tube in an adult client. To determine
the accurate measurement of the length of the
tube to be inserted, she should:
A. Mark the tube at 10 inches.
B. Mark the tube at 32 inches.
C. Place the tube at the tip of the nose and
measure by extending the tube to the earlobe
and then down to the xiphoid process.
D. Place the tube at the tip of the nose and
measure by extending the tube to the earlobe
and then down to the top of the sternum.
35. A nurse caring for a client with a chest tube turns
the client to the side and the chest tube
accidentally disconnects. The initial nursing action
is to:
A. Call the physician.
B. Place the tube in a bottle of sterile water.
C. Immediately replace the chest tube system.
D. Place a sterile dressing over the disconnection
Situation: Laboratory procedures are important in
determining appropriate nursing interventions for
preparation of the patient before the procedure,
certain functions during laboratory procedures and
special actions after a procedure.
36. The nurse is planning to obtain an arterial blood
gas (ABG) from the radial artery of a client with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To
prevent bleeding after the procedure, the nurse
should plan time for which activity after the
arterial blood is drawn?
A. Holding a warm compress over the puncture
site for 5 minutes
B. Encouraging the client to open and close the
hand rapidly for 2 minutes
C. Applying pressure to the puncture site by
applying a 2 X 2 gauze for 5 minutes






Having the client keep the radial pulse

puncture site in a dependent position for 5
After an intravenous pyelogram (IVP), the nurse
should anticipate incorporating which of the
following measures into the clients plan of care?
A. Maintaining bed rest.
B. Encouraging adequate fluid intake.
C. Assessing for hematuria.
D. Administering a laxative.
The client is scheduled to have a kidney, ureter,
and bladder (KUB) radiograph. To prepare the
client for this procedure, the nurse should explain
to the client that:
A. Fluid and food will be withheld the morning of
the examination.
B. A tranquilizer will be given before the
C. An
D. No special preparation is required for the
A client with a suspected diagnosis of Hodgkins
disease is to have a lymph node biopsy. Which
action is correct for handling the lymph node
biopsy specimen for histologic examination for this
A. Maintain sterile technique.
B. Use a mask, gloves, and a gown when assisting
with the procedure.
C. Place the specimen in a container and send it
to the laboratory when someone is available to
take it.
D. Call for a laboratory technician to assist the
A client at risk for lung cancer asks why he is
scheduled for a computed tomography (CT) scan as
part of his initial workup. The nurses best
response is which of the following?
A. CT is far superior to magnetic resonance
B. CT is noninvasive and readily available.
diferences in tissue density and detecting
nodal involvement.
D. CT can distinguish a malignant from a
nonmalignant adenopathy.

Situation: A special skill of a competent nurse is

anticipation. The competent nurse, based on her
clinical eye and basic laboratory findings, makes
nursing decisions and prepares the needed care for the
41. Jericho is a staf nurse of the medical surgical unit.
Which laboratory value would Jericho expect to find
in a client as a result of liver failure?
A. Decreased serum creatinine.
B. Decreased sodium.
C. Increased ammonia.
D. Increased calcium.
42. A client has just had arterial blood gases drawn.
What will Jericho do with the specimen collected?
A. Gently shake the syringe.
B. Place the sample in a syringe of warm water.
C. Aspirate 0.5 mL of heparin into the syringe.
D. Have the specimen analyzed immediately.
43. A female client is to have a urine culture collected.
What are the correct instructions will nurse Jericho
give the client for collecting a clean catch urine
A. Separate the labia, clean from front to back
with the three wipes impregnated with the
cleaning solution, and then start to void in the
toilet. Stop, and finally continue to void into
the sterile container.
B. Retract the foreskin, cleanse with the three
cleansing sponges, and start to void. Stop, and
finally continue to void into the sterile
C. Separate the labia, clean from back to front
with the three wipes impregnated with the
cleaning solution, and then start to void in the
toilet. Stop, and finally continue to void into
the sterile container.
D. Retract the foreskin, clean with soap and
water, and then start to void. Stop, and finally
continue to void into the sterile container.
44. The nurse is to collect a urine culture specimen
from a catheterized client. Which one of the
following statements describes the nurses actions
for this procedure?

NURSING PRACTICE I: Basic Foundation of Nursing and Professional Practice

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With a sterile syringe the nurse aspirates 50

mL of urine from the silicone catheter tubing.
B. With a sterile syringe, the nurse aspirates 13
mL from the sampling port of the catheter
after first cleaning with alcohol.
C. With a sterile syringe, the nurse aspirates 13
mL from the distal end of the catheter after
first cleaning the sampling port with soap and
D. The nurse disconnects the catheter from the
tubing and allows a small volume of urine to
drain into a sterile container.
45. The nurse is reviewing the clients record and
notes that the physician has documented that the
client has a renal disorder. On review of the
laboratory results, the nurse most likely would
expect to note which of the following?
A. Decreased hemoglobin level
B. Elevated creatinine level
C. Decreased red blood cell count
D. Decreased white blood cell count
Situation: Diagnostic procedures have been a vital
process in determining clients status and therefore
coming up with appropriate care.
46. A client has been scheduled for a Schilling test.
What instruction will the nurse give the client?
A. Take nothing by mouth for 12 hours prior to
the test.
B. Collect his urine for 12 hours.
C. Administer a fleets enema the evening before
the test.
D. Empty his bladder immediately before the test.
47. A nurse analyzes the laboratory results of a child
with hemophilia. The nurse understands that which
of the following would most likely be abnormal in
this child?
A. Platelet count
B. Hematocrit level
C. Hemoglobin level
D. Partial thromboplastin time
48. The
syndrome has begun therapy with zidovudine
(Retrovir, azidothymidine, AZT, ZDV). The nurse
laboratory results during treatment with this
a. Blood culture
b. Blood glucose level
c. Complete blood count
d. Blood urea nitrogen level
49. The nurse is caring for a client with heart failure
who has a magnesium level of 1.4 mg/dL. The
nurse should:
A. Monitor the client for irregular heart rhythms.
B. Encourage the intake of antacids with
C. Teach the client to avoid foods high in
D. Provide a diet of ground beef, eggs, and
chicken breast.
50. Which of the following arterial blood gases (ABGs)
should the nurse anticipate in the client with a
nasogastric tube attached to continuous suction?
A. pH 7.25 PCO2 55, HCO3 24
B. pH 7.30 PCO2 38, HCO3 20
C. pH 7.48 PCO2 30, HCO3 23
D. pH 7.49 PCO2 38, HCO3 30
Situation: Proper positioning is important in client
care. Nurse Jianne is caring for various clients
requiring intricate nursing interventions.
51. An adult has been placed in Sims position by the
CNA. Which of the following should nurse Jianne
A. The right arm is flat under the hip.
B. The left leg is flexed at the hip and knee.
C. The right leg is flexed at the hip and knee.
D. A pillow under lower legs to reduce plantar
52. Jianne is evaluating whether the CNAs are correctly
log rolling an adult in bed. Which action by the CNA
should be observed by the nurse?
A. Use a draw sheet to aid the turning.
B. Do not place a pillow behind the head.
C. Do not put a pillow between the clients legs.
D. Place the bed in the lowest position.
53. An adult is supine. Which of the following can the
nurse do to prevent external rotation of the legs?
A. Put a pillow under the clients lower legs.
B. Place a pillow directly under the clients knees.


Use a trochanter roll alongside the clients

upper thighs.
D. Lower the clients legs so that they are below
the hips.
54. An adult has a chest tube placed and is in a semiFowlers position. Why would the nurse place the
client in this position?
A. It is necessary to prevent pulmonary emboli.
B. It allows the nurse to have access to the chest
C. It promotes comfort and drainage.
D. It is the only position a chest tube will work in.
55. An adult is to have a rectal examination. In which
of the following positions should the nurse position
the client?
A. Supine.
B. Prone.
C. Sims.
D. Right lateral.
Situation: As a profession, nursing is involved in
identifying its own unique body of knowledge essential
to nursing practice nursing science. To identify this
knowledge base, nurses must develop and recognize
concepts and theories that are specific to nursing.
56. Imogene Kings theory of Goal Attainment was
derived from her conceptual framework. Kings
framework shows the relationship of:
a. Operational System (groups), Social system
(nurse patient) and Interpersonal system
(educational system)
Interpersonal systems (nurse patient) and
social system (healthcare delivery system)
c. Self, role, perception, communication,
interaction, growth and time
d. Self, role, perception, communication,
57. Dorothea Orems theory first published in 1971,
includes three related concepts: self care, self care
deficit, and nursing system. Which of the following
best describes the three related concepts?
a. Self care refers to those activities an
individual performs independently throughout
life to promote and maintain personal well
b. Self care agency are measures or actions
taken to provide self care.
c. Self care needs is the ability of the
individual to perform self care activities.
d. All of these
58. The goal of Callista Roys model is to enhance life
processes through adaptation in 4 adaptive modes.
Individuals responds to needs through:
a. Physiologic mode, Self concept mode, Role
function mode and Interdependence mode
b. Physiologic mode, Psychologic mode and
Interdependence mode
c. Physiologic mode, Rest mode and Role
function mode
d. Physiologic mode, Psychologic mode, Role
function mode and Interdependence mode
59. Leiningers Cultural Care Diversity and Universality
theory states that:
1. Leininger states that care is the essence of
2. She emphasizes that human caring,
although a universal phenomenon, it is the
same among cultures.
3. This model emphasizes that health and care
are influenced by elements of social structure.
4. Human caring is a universal phenomenon.
a. 1, 2, 3 and 4
b. 1, 3 and 4 only
c. 1, 2 and 3 only
d. 2, 3 and 4
60. The four concepts to be central to nursing:
a. Person, environment, health and nursing
b. Client, environment, health and nurse
c. Person, environment, disease and nurse
d. Client, environment, illness and nursing
Situation: While working in the clinic, a new client,
Geline, 35 years old, arrives for her doctors
appointment. As the clinic nurse, you are to assist the
client fill up forms, gather data and make an
61. The purpose of your initial nursing interview is to:
a. Record pertinent information in the clients
chart for health team to read

NURSING PRACTICE I: Basic Foundation of Nursing and Professional Practice

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b. Assist the client find solutions to he her

health concerns
c. Understand her lifestyle, health needs and
possible problems to develop a plan of care
d. Make nursing diagnoses for identified health
62. While interviewing Geline, she starts to moan and
doubles up in pain. She tells you that this pain occurs
about an hour after taking black cofee without
breakfast for three weeks now. You will record this as
a. Claims to have abdominal pains after intake
of cofee unrelieved by analgesics
b. After drinking cofee, the client experienced
severe abdominal pain
c. Client complained of intermittent abdominal
pain an hour after drinking cofee
d. Client reported abdominal pain an hour after
drinking black cofee for three weeks now.
63. Geline tells you that she drinks black cofee
frequently within the day to have energy and be wide
awake and she eats nothing for breakfast and eats
strictly vegetable salads for lunch and dinner to lose
weight. She has lost weight during the past two weeks.
In planning a healthy balanced diet with Geline, you
a. Start her of with a cleansing diet to free her
body of toxins then change to a vegetarian diet
and drink plenty of fluids
b. Plan a high protein diet, low carbohydrate
diet for her considering her favourite food.
c. Instruct her to attend classes in nutrition to
find food rich in complex carbohydrates to
maintain daily high energy level.
d. Discuss with her the importance of eating a
variety of food from major food groups with
plenty of fluids.
64. Geline tells you that she drinks 4-5 cups of black
cofee and diet cola drinks. She also smokes up to a
pack of cigarettes daily. She confesses that she is in
her 2nd month of pregnancy but does not want to
become fat that is why she limits her food intake. You
warn or caution her about which of the following?
a. Cafeine products afect the central nervous
system and may cause the mother to have a
nervous breakdown
b. Malnutrition and its possible efects on
growth and development problems in the
unborn fetus
c. Cafeine causes a stimulant efect on both
mother and the baby
d. Studies show conclusively that cafeine
causes mental retardation
65. Your health education plan for Geline stresses
proper diet for a pregnant woman and the prevention
of non-communicable diseases that are influenced by
her lifestyle. These include the following EXCEPT:
a. Cardiovascular diseases
b. Cancer
c. Diabetes Mellitus
d. Osteoporosis
Situation: Nursing interventions
are sometimes
complex and require knowledge and skills. Other
nursing interventions are relatively simple and can be
delegated to assistive personnel. One of the key skills
of an efective nurse leader is delegating tasks
66. The nurse and the nursing student are caring for a
patient with right sided paralysis. Which action by the
nursing student requires the nurse to interfere?
a. The student nurse places the gait belt
around the patients waist prior to ambulation
b. The student nurse places the patient on the
abdomen with head on the side
c. The student nurse places her hand under the
patients right axilla to help move up in bed
d. The student nurse praises the patient for
attempting to perform ADL independently
67. A volunteer nurse on the ward tells the nurse that
one of the patients on the ward is a neighbor and asks
about the patients condition. Which information
should the nurse discuss with the volunteer?
a. Determine how well she knows the patient
before talking with the volunteer
b. Tell the volunteer the patients condition in
laymans term
c. Ask the patient if it is all right to talk with
the volunteer
d. Explain that patient information is on the
need to know basis only

68. The staf nurse is concerned about the

documentation form for blood administration. The
nurse thinks it is unclear and time consuming. The
nurse has discussed this with the charge nurse and
other staf nurses who agree the documentation is
cumbersome and needs to be revised. Which action
would be appropriate for the staf nurse to implement
a. Discuss the blood administration flow sheet
with chief nursing officer
b. Contact an individual to help design a new
blood transfusion flow shet
c. Learn to adapt to the present form and do
not take any further action
d. Volunteer to be on an ad hoc committee to
research alternate flow sheets
69. The charge nurse is transcribing doctors order for
a patient scheduled for a barium enema. In addition to
the radiology department, which department of the
hospital should be notified of the procedure?
a. Dietary department
catheterization department
b. Nuclear medicine department
Hospital laboratory department
70. The medical ward is governed by a system of
shared governance. Which statement best describes an
advantage of this system?
a. It guarantees that union will not be able to
come into the hospital
b. It makes the manager responsible for
sharing information with the staf
c. It involves staf nurses in the decision
making process of the unit
d. It is a system used to represent the nurses
in labor disputes
Situation: Nursing has its own body of knowledge that
knowledge in the field of nursing improves practice,
guide research and curricula, and identify the domain
and goals of nursing practice.
71. Nursing has its own body of knowledge that is both
science and art: theoretical and practical. The
theoretical knowledge of nursing relies on:
a. Physician-generated knowledge
b. Practice and reflection on past experiences
c. Qualitative experimentation
d. Scientifically-tested knowledge
72. Theories have diferent purposes and may be
classified according to its goal or abstraction. In
classifying them according to the latter, under
what type of theory does the Systems Model fall?
a. Grand theories
b. Middle-range theories
c. Low-range theories
d. Prescriptive theories
73. Nursing theories help a person understand
nursing. Diferent theories have goals that they
address and describe. Which theory describes the
goal of nursing as a provision of care that is
knowledge, with caring as its central focus?
a. Self-Care Deficit Theory
b. Systems Model
c. Science of Unitary Human Being
d. Culture Care Diversity and Universality
74. As part of their immersion, the community health
nurse performs screening on the residents to
identify the hypertensive patients as a secondarylevel intervention. The nurse knows that the levels
of prevention are based according to the
framework of whose theory?
a. Florence Nightingale
b. Martha Rogers
c. Imogene King
d. Betty Neuman
75. Knowledge of which of the following assist nurse in
understanding and predicting the clients health
behavior, including use of health care services and
adherence to recommended therapies?
a. Developmental theories
b. Systems theories
c. Interdisciplinary theories
d. Health-and-wellness models
Situation: Nurses exercise decision-making skills in
providing the best health care for patients. However,
most of the time, they come across diferent values
among the members of the health care team that
cause disagreement about the right thing to do. Ethical

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professionals in determining what is good or valuable

for individuals, for groups of individuals, and for
societies at large.
76. In caring for a pediatric patient, he requests his
pill medicine to be crushed and mixed with his
favorite food. Upon assessment, you see that the
child is able to swallow the pills whole and that the
drug does not interact with the food requested.
Complying with the childs request despite having
a toxic shift is acting with which principle of
a. Nonmaleficence
c. Beneficence
b. Advocacy
d. Fidelity
77. A nurse assessed Timothy who has complaints of
severe chest pain. She collaborates with the client
to come up with a pain management plan. The
nurse was given other patient assignments, but
still monitored for and evaluated the response of
Timothy to the plan. This is adherence to the
principle of:
a. Fidelity
c. Nonmaleficence
b. Beneficence
d. Respect for
78. You are caring for a patient with CKD. She needs to
undergo kidney transplant. This patient has been
out of work for several months. She does not have
a health insurance or enough cash for the hospital
services and procedures. What principles would be
a priority in a discussion about ethics?
a. Accountability because you as the nurse
are accountable for the well-being of this
b. Respect
patients autonomy will be violated if he
does not receive the kidney transplant
c. Ethics of care because the caring thing that
a nurse could provide this patient is
resources for a kidney transplant
d. Justice because the first and greatest
question in this situation is how to
79. As a staf nurse in Central ICU, you were assigned
with a patient with a terminal condition. The
patient had discussed with you his desire to
explore DNR orders; however, her admitting
physician claimed that the patient told him
opposite sentiments. You become confused with
how to proceed with your care with patient,
putting you in an ethical dilemma. The critical step
that you should take first is to:
a. Consult a professional ethicist to ensure
that the steps of the process occur in full.
b. Ensure that the attending physician or
health care provider has written an order
for an ethics consultation to support the
ethics process.
c. Gather all relevant information regarding
the clinical, social, and spiritual aspects of
the dilemma.
d. List the ethical principles that inform the
dilemma so negotiations agree on the
language of the discussion.
80. What is the role of a nurse in resolution of ethical
dilemmas among the health care team members?
a. To communicate his or her unique point of
view, including knowledge based on clinical
and psychosocial observations
b. To await and carry out new clinical orders
from the physician
c. To limit discussions about ethical principles
d. To facilitate the patient and the physician
in their resolution
of the dilemma
regardless of personally-held values or
opinions regarding the ethical issues
Situation: The body needs its own food to expend
energy for its vital processes. Therefore, proper
interventions that are focused on nourishing the body
are important in keeping the systems well-functioning.
As a nurse, it is our responsibility to make sure that
the patient is able to meet his or her nutritional
requirements whatever his or her health condition may
81. You are checking for the nitrogen balance of
patients to help you assess their nutritional status.
Which of the following would you normally expect
to have a negative nitrogen balance?
a. A mother in her 3rd month of pregnancy
b. A school-aged lad entering puberty
c. A patient with 45% TBSA burn
d. A patient with hypothyroidism

82. You are collaborating with a dietician to come up

with a nutritional plan for a patient. You include in
your plan the emphasis of daily intake of certain
vitamins that our bodies are unable to store. An
example of these vitamins is:
a. Thiamine
c. Cholecalciferol
b. Retinol
d. B & C
83. A geriatric client is admitted in the Pay Ward.
Which of these points in a nutritional care plan
would require the supervisor to intervene?
a. Suggest substitution of pastries with fruits
or low-fat pudding.
b. Include high-fiber foods such as cereals
and bananas to help in
c. Increase the caloric intake for their energy
d. Ensure adequate calcium intake coming
from sources like milk, yogurt, and cheese.
84. A nasointestinal tube is inserted in your client for
intermittent feeding. In checking for tube
placement for the first time through pH
measurement of aspirate just before his next
feeding, what do you expect the pH of the aspirate
from the intestines to be?
a. pH 1.0 4.0
c. pH > 6.0
b. pH < 5.0
d. pH 4.0 5.0
85. After testing the aspirate findings from the
nasointestinal tube, you assessed the aspirate to
have a pH of 7.0. With this finding, you conclude
a. The nasointestinal aspirate is higher than
the normal pH range, which indicates
tracheobronchial tree.
b. The nasointestinal tube is in place and
feeding may be resumed
c. The tube lies in the stomach and has not
yet reached the intestines.
d. The aspirates are within the normal pH
range but proper placement needs further
Situation: A patient transferred from the ER had a chief
complaint of retroperitoneal pain and dysuria. While
waiting for further laboratory results, she is admitted
to the ward under your care.
86. The doctor ordered the patient to undergo
abdominal roentgenogram. If the client asks you
what preparations should she take before the
procedure, what is your best response?
a. You have to drink at least 1L of water to
distend your bladder to make it more
b. Perineal hygiene is a must after the
c. Any shellfish allergies should be reported
to us as the procedure requires injection of
an iodine-based dye.
d. There
involved for the procedure.
87. A patient for urinalysis asks a student how long is
a urine sample considered valid after collection.
The student correctly responds by saying:
a. Refrigerated samples can last up to 12
b. Unless refrigerated immediately, a urine
sample should be transported to the
laboratory within 1-2 hrs.
c. Bacteria grow quickly in urine so the
laboratory should receive unrefrigerated
urine sample within 30 minutes.
d. Refrigeration of urine can exceed 5
88. While cleaning the perineal area of a female client
for insertion of a urinary catheter, the nurse
accidentally loses grip of the labia, causing them
to close. What is the next step the nurse should
a. Spread the labia with the non-dominant
hand then insert the urinary catheter into
the meatus.
b. Lubricate the catheter for 1-2 inches and
insert through the closed labia into the
c. Clean the labia and urethral meatus wiping
from front to back from clitoris toward the
d. Call another nurse to hold the labia as you
insert the urinary catheter.
89. The nurse notes that the patients Foley catheter
bag has been empty for 4 hours. The priority action
would be to:

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a. Notify the health care provider.

b. Assess the patients intake.
c. Check for kinks in the tubing.
d. Irrigate the Foley catheter.
90. To prevent infection in the urinary tract of a
patient with indwelling catheter, which among
these drinks should you tell the client to limit?
a. Cranberry juice
c. Apple juice
b. Grapefruit juice
d. Prune juice
Situation: Unresolved compromises to the respiratory
function will lead to significant deterioration of the
organs of the body due to cellular hypoxia.
Interventions that promote oxygenation are important
in people both having health problems and not. Most
of these interventions are carried out and looked on by
the nurse. Integration of a nurses knowledge on all
the other concepts in relation to oxygenation is
important in keeping this vital function optimal.
91. During postural drainage, how should the nurse
position a patient who has secretions in the
anterior segment of both lower lobes of the lungs?
a. Prone on Trendelenburg position
b. Supine with head elevated to 45%
c. Left side-lying in Trendelenburg position
d. Supine on Trendelenburg position
92. Chest physiotherapy was ordered for a client with
pneumonia. Arrange the following steps in
performing CPT, from first step to the last step,
Instruct the patient to forcefully cough to expel
Take/Inhale prescribed bronchodilators.
Turn and position the patient to drain
secretions with the influence of gravity.
Lightly strike the chest wall with cupped
Apply gentle, shaking pressure on to the chest
well with flattened hands, one on top of the
a. iii, ii, iv, v, I
c. ii, iii, iv, v, i
b. ii, i, iv, v, iii
d. ii, i, iii, iv, v
93. A patient in the NeuroICU was intubated and is
assigned under your care. Your nurse supervisor
instructs you to implement the bundle of care in
preventing VAP. Which of these points are not
included in the bundle? Select all that apply.
Maintaining HOB flat
Daily sedation vacations
Prophylaxis for pneumonia
Alveolar recruitment
DVT prophylaxis
Daily oral care with chlorhexidine
a. i, ii
c. i, iv, v
b. i, iii, iv
d. None of the above
94. A post-abdominal surgery is wheeled back into
your ward. Instructions on controlled coughing
were given to her pre-operatively. Which of these
actions, if done by the patient, should alert you to
a. The patient inhales and exhales through
the nose before coughing.
b. The patient assumes a high-fowlers
position for the procedure.
c. The patient uses a pillow to splint her
abdominal incision while performing the
d. The patient performs controlled coughing
2-3 times every two hours during waking

95. Upon assessment, the patient had pooled

secretions in his mouth and crackles. You went on
to gather supplies for suctioning. Which among
these should you omit to do when you perform
suctioning via the endotracheal tube?
a. Positioning the patient to semi-Fowlers
b. Instilling saline solution into the artificial
airway prior to hyperoxygenation
c. Hyperoxygenating the patient with FiO2
100% before each suction
d. Withdrawing for about 0.5 inch when
resistance is met during insertion of the
Situation: Elimination is a physiologic need that nurses
should monitor and assess in patients. Diferent
procedures and interventions that address bowel
elimination are part of the responsibilities of a nurse.
96. Before collecting a sample for occult blood, the
student nurse is expected to:
a. Wash the perineal area.
b. Collect the first specimen of the day.
c. Ask the patient to void.
d. Secure a sterile specimen container.
97. A patient for stool examination asks the nurse
about the amount of sample she has to collect and
give to the laboratory. You correctly respond by
a. 15-30mL
c. 7-10 inches
b. 5-10 dL
d. 10-15cm
98. A pregnant patient comes into your clinic because
of chronic constipation. Aside from an increase in
her fluid intake, which of these agents do you
expect the doctor for long-term use?
a. Milk of Magnesia
c. Senokot
b. Castor Oil
d. Metamucil
99. Which of the following statements pertain to highcleansing enemas and their administration? Select
all that apply.
It cleanses up to the sigmoid colon
Solution container should not be higher than
Client changes position from left lateral
position to the dorsal recumbent position then
Client maintains a left lateral position
Adverse efects may include sodium retention
and water intoxication.
a. i, ii, iv, v
c. ii, iv, v
b. iv, v
d. iii, v
A student nurse is handling a patient who is
strictly on bed rest. She called the student nurse
to assist her with her defecation on a bedpan.
Which of the following actions indicate that the
student nurse needs further teaching on use of
a. Before placing the bedpan, the student
nurse lowers the bed flat.
b. She instructs the patient to roll onto her
side with her back facing the nurse.
c. She places the bedpan firmly against the
buttocks, rather than placing the patient
onto the bedpan.
d. She maintains the bed flat as she waits for
the patient to pass bowel.

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