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Civil Air Patrol

25 July 2008
Volume 7, Issue 2

Nebraska Wing Bulletin

Joseph L. Williams

Natalie A. Pauwels

Dustin Miller

Northeast NEBR
Bode A. Behmer
Joseph P. Graae

Christopher M. Kolster
Michael P. Kolster
Pine Ridge
Zade A. Henry
Marshall R. Vandal
Douglas County
Cody A. Stevens
Andrew S. Tortorilla

Runway and Taxiways, 12/30, at

Millard will be painted and closed
from 11 Aug -15 Aug from 07001300 HRS. daily. Rain date is
scheduled for 18 Aug-22 Aug.

Jonathan R. Puhl
James R. Truemper Jr.
James R. Truemper Sr.
99th Pursuit
Dalmar S. McCreary
Desiree Smith
Aliyah B. Thomas

Tri-Cities Comp
Augustine R. Clark
Jacob R. Garcia
Richard L. Clark
Justin Allen Peters
Dalton J. Treadwell

155th Comp. Squadron

Contact in the absence of Major Martin Neal,
Lt. Col. Darrell Jensen at (402) 483-4359
1 Lt. Soni Cochran at (402) 540-1557


Electric-powered commercial jets may
still be a figment of the imagination,
but smaller electric aircraft are already making it to market. Taurus
Electro gliders are set to be produced
by years end, which could make
them the first two-seater, commercially produced electric aircraft available for purchase. Pipistrel of Slovenia sells this and other non-electric
Taurus gliders, which have won
prizes for efficiency. CEO Ivo Boscarol
said customers who have ordered the
companys other lightweight craft are
closely eyeing the new, greener electric model, which will cost around
$133,000, or 85,000 euros. Find out
more at:

Ignorance of the Law

Dont Speed in the State of
Nebraska! New law went
into effect last week.
Speeding now brings a
$300 fine and four points.
Could you afford to speed
in a construction zone? Be
Safe. Stay Safe. Obey the

Staff Changes

Amelia Earhart
C/Capt Shane Cox-Fremont
Paul E. Garber-Level IV
Major Randall McVay-Offutt
Gen. Benjamin O. Davis-Level II
1Lt. Christopher Cooke-Offutt

Please add to your Wing

Staff Roster:
Capt. Roger Carpenter as
Communication Mtn
Officer, home # 402-6439113 and cell # 402-641-4944

Gen. Carl A. Spaats
SM Joseph Williams-Offutt
Gen. Billy Mitchell
C/2dLt Rachel Morse-Offutt
C/2dLt Rachael Schnitker-Offutt

The 2008 NE-NCR Encampment
had 65 cadets in attendance this
past week at Camp Ashland from
Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska.
They received Blackhawk helicopter rides, visited the SAC Museum, toured Offutt AFB, received
ES training, Moral Leadership and
repelling training at Camp Ashland. Their parade and presentation will be 1000 Saturday. 26 July
2008 at Camp Ashland.

Billy Mitchell Award
C/2dLt. Richard McVay-Offutt

Wing AdministratorMadeline Kennedy

"we will be great in '08!"

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