The Science Involving The Study of Bee Pollen Is Known As Palynology

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Bee Pollen

The science involving the study of Bee Pollen is

known as Palynology.
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Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is one of the richest and purest

natural foods ever discovered, and the incredible
nutritional and medicinal value of pollen has been
known for centuries.
Pollen grains contain the male germ cells
(elements) that are produced by all plants, owers or
blossoms. This is essential in order to ensure that
plant life throughout the world continues by a
process involving fertilization and plant embryo
One teaspoonful of pollen contains approximately
1,200 pellets or 2.5 billion grains, each of which has
the capacity to supply those factors that are
necessary in order to fertilize and reproduce the
particular species that it represents (such as a fruit,
grain or tree). Pollen is composed of myriads of
microspores that are produced in the anthers of
owers and in the cones of conifers. Each grain
measures approximately .002 inches in diameter
(although the representative diameter is somewhere
near one-half millimeter), and each bee-collected
pellet contains approximately two million grains of
Pollination consists of the transfer of pollen from
the anther of a stamen to the stigma of a pistil. This,
in turn, produces a fertilization of the ovules in the
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ovary, which subsequently develops into the growth

of seeds. A single spike of Ragweed or a single
strobile of Pine may produce up to six million grains
of pollen, and as many as four million grains may be
found in a head of rye. Many plants are pollinated by
wind, rain or water-currents, while colorfully
attractive or scented owers containing nectar are
largely pollinated by insects (including ies, bees,
wasps, butteries, beetles and moths).
Pollen gathered by bees is superior to that
obtained directly from owering plants. The bees are
extremely discriminate about selecting the best
pollen from the millions of grains that are present. Of
these, only two types are found, namely, anemophile
pollen grains (which are not collected by bees, and
produce allergic reactions) and entomophile pollen
grains (which are collected by bees, and possess
greater nutrient content). In actuality, entomophile
pollen grains have been employed in the successful
treatment of airborn pollen allergies. It is apparent
that the bees only select those grains of pollen that
are rich in all the nutrients, especially nitrogenous
materials. The bees mix the pollen grains with a
sticky substance that is secreted from their
stomachs, which allows the pollen to adhere to their
rear legs in "pollen baskets" in order to safely
transport it to their hives.

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Bee Pollen

Many other owers are also pollinated by certain

birds, such as sunbirds, honeycreepers, lorikeets and
hummingbirds. Marsupials (such as honey "mice"
and bats) will also pollinate certain owering plants,
and even snails have been observed transporting
Pollens are usually designated by their ower
origin in order to establish certain preferences that
are dependable. The color and shape usually
indicates the species of plant from which it was
obtained, as well as the specic geographical region.
Although the color of pollen is normally unimportant,
it will range from golden yellow to black according to
its source. Pollen contains many varieties of
pigments, of which only a small number have been
isolated. Certain pigments are water-soluble, while
others are fat-soluble. This accounts for the many
varied colors of honey (including the ambers and
greens), and the yellow of beeswax is a fat-soluble

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Bee Pollen

Pollen contains the richest known source of

vitamins, minerals, proteins amino acids, hormones,
enzymes and fats, as well as signicant quantities of
natural antibiotics. Most of the known vitamins in
pollen exist in perfect proportion, which further
enhances their value.
There exists anywhere from 5,000 to 9,000
micrograms of active carotenoids, which are
converted into vitamin A in the body. The carotenoids
are available in the pollen of insect-pollinated
owers, but are missing from wind-pollinated
species. Carotenoids (Provitamin A) are present in
the Lipochrome fraction (which are xanthophyll
esters), and may range from 50 to 150 micrograms
per gram. The pollens richest in carotene may
contain 20 times as much as is present in an
equivalent weight of carrots, thereby making pollen a
good source of Provitamin A. The carotenoids are
usually combined with the outer layer of the pollen
grain (the sporonine), but some may also be bound to
the protein of the pollen cell. In addition to the class
of carotenoids, there is another group of pigments
found in pollen, namely, the avin pigments
(avones, avonols). Furthermore, cytochromes also
occur in pollen.
The following quantity of B-Complex vitamins are
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Bee Pollen

found in one gram (1,000 milligrams) of fresh raw


Vitamin B1

9.2 mg.

Vitamin B2

18.5 mg.

Vitamin B6

5.0 mg.

Nicotinic acid

200.0 mg.

Pantothenic acid

27.6 mg.

Folic acid

5.0 mg.

These amounts should be increased by 20 to 25

percent for all varieties of dry pollen. All forms of bee
pollen contain higher amounts of vitamins B1, B2 and
E than found in fruits, berries and green vegetables.
One gram of fresh raw pollen contains from 7 to
15 mg. of vitamin C, along with traces of vitamin E
Although vitamin K does not exist in mixed
pollens, it is usually found in fermented pollen (bee
bread). It is most likely created by bacteria that
either accompany or assist in the fermentation
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process whenever pollen is stored in the cells of the

combs. While ordinary pollen gradually deteriorates
while in storage, bee bread closely resembles fresh
pollen and retains its food value (even after more
than two years).
Pollens usually contain as much as 17 milligrams
of rutin, although beehive stored pollen may contain
up to 13 percent. The richest supply of rutin is found
in buckwheat pollen, due to the fact that rutin is
derived from buckwheat. Daily consumption of from
60 to 70 grams of pollen is considered safe insofar as
the intake of rutin is concerned.
Various other vitamins found in pollen include
B5, B12, D, biotin, inositol and PABA.
The mineral content of bee pollen is as follows:

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1 to 15% of ash
(10.5% average)


1% of ash


.05 to .08% of ash


.01 to .3% of ash

(.07% average)


1 to 12% of ash
(6.7% average)

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Bee Pollen


1.4% of ash


1 to 20% of ash
(13.6% average)


20 to 45% of ash
(20.7% average)


2 to 10% of ash


1% of ash

The total mineral ash in pollen may vary from 1

to 7 percent (with a mean average of 2.7 percent),
which is similar to that of grains and certain seeds.
Bee pollen contains up to 59 dierent trace
minerals, and all minerals found in pollen are present
in a highly digestible form.
The protein content of pollen (including certain
peptones and gloculins) ranges from 10 to 35 percent
(according to its plant origin), with a mean average
of 20 percent. Forty to fty percent of this may be in
the form of free amino acids. All pollens contain the
exact same number of 22 amino acids, yet dierent
species produce varying amounts. The amino acids
found in whole dry pollen uctuate between 10 and
13 percent (26.88% protein or albuminous
substances). This equals from 5 to 7 times the amino
acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or
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Bee Pollen

The following are protein content comparisons
between pollen and "complete protein foods" (100
grams edible portion):

Isoleusine Leusine























Phenylalamine Threonine Tryptophane Valine











Cheese 1.43









The quantitative analysis of amino acids (per 100

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parts of dry matter) is as follows:


5.3% Methionine



2.5% Phenylalamine 4.1%

Isoleucine 5.1% Threonine



7.1% Tryptophane



6.4% Valine


These are the amino acids that are most

indispensable in our daily diet, and which cannot be
manufactured or synthesized in our system. They are
also derived from natural sources in a usable form.
Approximately 35 grams of pollen each day will
supply all the body's protein requirements. However,
only 25 grams of pollen ingested daily will sustain a
person in terms of providing sucient amounts of
each of the essential amino acids.
The albuminous substances in bee pollen consist
of albumine, globuline, guanine, hypoxanthine,
lecithin, nusleine, peptone, vernine and xanthine.
The body will more eectively utilize the protein
in food if there is a larger selection of amino acids
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Bee Pollen

Bee pollen contains from 10 to 15 percent
natural sugars, including fructose, glucose, pentose,
ranose, stachyose and sucrose. These are
essentially the same simple natural sugars that are
found in honey, and which exist in easily-digested
chains and bonds. Many are converted to a
predigested form by the enzymatic action of the
bee's salivary glands.
The total content of natural sugars in pollen
range from 30 to 40 percent; glucose, from 25 to 48
percent; reducing sugars, from 7.5 to 40 percent;
and non-reducing sugars, from 0.1 to 19 percent. The
non-reducing sugars in the bee-collected pollen
average 2.7 percent while the reducing sugars range
from 18 to 41 percent, with a mean average of 25
percent. However, the values for both reducing and
non-reducing sugars in hand-collected pollen may be
approximately the reverse of this. In hand-collected
pollen, reducing sugars range from 0 to 7.5 percent
and non-reducing sugars may be as much as 22
Pollen may also contain up to 44 percent of
carbohydrates or glucides. The starches found in bee
pollen are sometimes combined with other
carbohydrates, and may average anywhere from 1 to
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Bee Pollen

22 percent.
The highly-resistant exterior wall membranes of
pollen are composed of sporonine and cellulose. This
complex carbohydrate is unextractable from pollen,
and ranges from 7 to 57 percent in various species.
The undetermined percentages of pollen that
remain after the removal of water (or moisture), ash,
sugars, starch, protein and ether extracts consist
primarily of the pollen shell (or sporonine). This
ranges from 21 to 35 percent in bee-collected pollen,
with a mean average of 28.55 percent. However, the
average is approximately 57 percent for
hand-collected pollen.
Although various other extractives may range
from 1 to 25 percent in pollen, fats and oils may
constitute only 5 percent. In some cases, the levels of
fatty acids in pollen are about 5.8 percent. However,
hexadecanol has been found in amounts totalling
about 0.14 percent of pollen weight. In addition,
alpha-amino-butyric acid has been identied in
pollen fat. Furthermore, the unsaponiable fraction
of pollen weight may total as much as 2.6 percent.
In addition bee pollen also contains lecithin,
amines, nuclein, guanine, xanthine, hypoxanthine,
vernine, waxes, gums, resins, hydrocarbons (0.57%),
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sterols (0.6%), polypeptides, DNA, ribose,

desoxyribose, hexuronic acid, vegetable oils (5%
average) and various growth factors.
Certain enzymes are also present in pollen, and
are the essential biological catalysts during the
digestive process (pollen also aids in the proper
digestion of other foods). The enzymes found in bee
pollen include amylase, catalase, cozymase,
cytochrome, dehydrogenase, diaphorase, diastase,
lactic acids, pectase and phosphatase. A mixture of
fresh pollen may contain anywhere from 500 to 1,000
micrograms of cozymase per gram, which compares
favorably with the amounts found in yeast. In
addition, the alcoholic fermentation of pollen is
identical with that of yeast.
The heating of pollen will destroy the valuable
enzymes and vitamin C content.
Fungus spores are sometimes found intermingled
with pollen.
The water content of fresh pollen ranges from 3
to 20 percent. This water content must be carefully
removed by proper dyhydration methods
(dessication) in order to retain its fragile elements,
as well as to preserve the total integrity of its
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Bee Pollen

Bee pollen also contains active antibiotic

substances that immediately destroy harmful
pathogenic bacteria upon contact.
Bee-collected pollen usually contains nectar and
saliva. When mixed with honey, this pollen may be
stored in comb cells where it undergoes a lactic acid
fermentation process in order to produce "bee bread"
(which contains high levels of vitamin E and K).
Pollen is superior to both honey and royal jelly,
and possesses a similar (but more stable)
composition to that of royal jelly. The overall stability
of bee pollen is more advantageous when used in
dietetics, as well as an eective form of skin care
during corrective dermatology. Since pollen contains
fatty acids, this may account for its favorable eect
upon the skin and dermal tissues. The anti-fungal
action in human perspiration is due to the presence
of certain fatty acids such as caprylic, propionic and
undecyclenic acids.
Many of the active ingredients in bee pollen
consist of substances (such as hormones) that
accelerate plant growth.

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Bee Pollen

Many universities and colleges throughout the

world are discovering the mounting evidence of high
performance levels associated with the use of bee
Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Pliny and Virgil all referred
to pollen's substantial rejuvenating power, as well as
its ability to retard aging.
Russia's known centenarians were usually
beekeepers whose diets included large amounts of
"scrap" honey, which is a pollen-saturated honey
residue salvaged from the bottom of beehives.
Bee pollen has a dramatic eect upon mental
perception during athletic performances.
The I.Q.'s of children have been doubled during
documented clinical tests, and resistance to stress
has been signicantly increased in both animals and

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Bee Pollen

Experiments by French doctors have revealed

that pollen contains both natural antibiotic
properties and signicant growth factors. Bee pollen
was used solely as a source of nutrients for
prolonged periods (6 months), and displayed
extremely successful results in terms of growth
promotion. This growth factor usually varies
according to the quantity of pollen ingested, and
often produces an acceleration of growth.
The ingestion of pollen on a regular basis for a
healthy person will usually accomplish the following:
1. Protect against any insuciencies in vitamins,
minerals and amino acids --- especially during
pregnancy, lactation, and intensive physical or
mental work.
2. Permit achievement of optimal physical and
intellectual output.
3. Provide greater reinforcement to the body during
its resistance towards any external aggression.
4. Forestall any internal metabolic disorders that
eventually generate various disease-conditions.
Pollen provides those chemical substances from
which are created glands, muscles, hair and vital
organs. In addition, it also furnishes those essential
materials that are necessary for the repair of any
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worn-out cells or tissues.

Bee pollen also produces regulatory (amphoteric)
activity upon the gastro-intestinal functions, both in
relation to chronic constipation and certain cases of
diarrhea that are highly resistant to synthetic
antibiotic therapy. Furthermore, pollen regulates the
intestines by destroying or weakening any harmful
bacteria while simultaneously promoting the growth
of health-giving species (intestinal ora).
Bee Pollen is extremely valuable as an adaptogen
by assisting in both weight gain or loss, as well as in
the reduction of hypertension or increasing the
overall metabolic functions. Bee Pollen both
regulates and stimulates the metabolism in the
human organism by supplying the missing factors (or
catalysts) that other foods do not provide while
neutralizing the catabolic eects of various toxins,
environmental pollutants, synthetic drugs or food
additives, thereby producing healthier cells,
improved health and well-being and a longer
Pollen enhances the metabolism by creating
endless chain reactions throughout the entire
system. The essential minerals and other natural
elements in bee pollen act as catalysts, and are
responsible for the assimilation of that portion of
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foods which would normally have been eliminated

without yielding the energy, essential nutrients and
other benets (which usually occurs on a regular
basis with most adulterated foods).
Bee Pollen accelerates the normal cellular
processes throughout the entire organism, and acts
as a catalyst in order to stimulate intercellular
metabolic activities without profoundly modifying
normal physiological activity.
The overall eects of pollen are multiple, i.e., it
does not appear to possess only one specic
physiological function but, rather, activates the
systemic biological functions.
Elements that exist in microgram quantities
(such as those found in Bee Pollen) can interact with
co-enzymes as catalysts, or can act synergistically
(i.e., the elements' action combined is greater than
the sum of their actions taken separately).
During many years of testing, pollen has been
notable for its lack of harmful side-eects. Few
medications rank with bee pollen in terms of its lack
of toxicity. It is a completely natural product that is
well tolerated by the body and compatible with all
other forms of therapy. In addition, it is easy to
digest and suitable for all ages. Furthermore, it
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provides increased protection and greater resistance

against any invasive or harmful pathogenic bacteria,
and provides increased and sustainable energy-levels
throughout the entire organism.
There are approximately 35,000 miles of
capillaries in the human body, and pollen assists in
the elimination of sludge and other waste materials
that constantly accumulates in these ducts (due to
stress from modern living habits, processed foods,
synthetic drugs and environmental pollutants). If
only a fraction of an inch of these 35,000 miles of
ducts should burst in the brain, it could be fatal or
else produce partial or total paralysis for the
remainder of the lifespan.
Rutin is a glucoside that provides increased
resistance to the walls of the capillaries, and its
primary duty is to reinforce the general resistance
throughout the entire capillary system. Rutin
protects the entire organism against capillary
permeability resulting from excessive radiation of
x-rays or consecutive histamine injections. The
richest supply of rutin is found in buckwheat pollen.
Rutin is especially benecial to the intellectual
functions, as well as in conditions involving cerebral
hemorrhage or heart disorders. The actions of rutin
are also vascular and slightly hypotensive, and it also
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acts as a diuretic. Rutin also diminishes the time of

bleeding within proportions of from 30 to 40 percent,
as well as shortens coagulation time. Furthermore, it
corrects the capillary fragility during parturition
while preventing meningeal hemorrhages in infants.
Capillary resistance in pregnant women is improved
by 60 percent within 10 days of the initial
adminstration of rutin.
In convalescents, bee pollen creates a rapid
increase in both weight and energy-levels, and from
1 to 3 tablespoonsful should be taken daily by
invalids or those in a poor state of health who
require total rejuvenation (such as the elderly).
Pollen is also successful in treating hypertonic
illness, as well as disorders of the nervous or
endocrine glandular systems. It produces the desired
stabilizing eects of either increasing low blood
pressure or reducing high blood pressure. In
addition, it provides a calming and tranquilizing
(sedative) eect without any contraindications or
harmful side-eects.
Bee pollen is highly recommended for both
mentally-retarded and anemic children, as well as for
those suering from rickets. Test results indicate a
signicant increase in red blood corpuscles (up to 30
percent) and an increase in the hemoglobin count
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(averaging about 15 percent). When these children

are given supplementary doses of pollen and
glutamic acid, their overall improvement is
drmatically accelerated. The action of glutamic acid
reacts directly upon the brown cells of the brain.
Improvement is generally observed within the rst 6
months, and reaches its peak towards the end of one
year. The prescribed dosage is approximately 4
grams, 3 times a day.
Pollen contains large quantities of acetylcholine,
which plays a varied and important role in the
functional capabilities of the entire organism by
provoking increased adrenaline secretions. It also
acts as a chemical mediator for the transmission of
nerve impulses, which may indicate why pollen
stimulates increased glandular secretions while
acting as a tonic to the entire nervous system.
By stimulating the secretion of hormones from
the adrenal cortex, bee pollen assists in regulating
(1) salt and water metabolism, (2) neuromuscular
function, (3) carbohydrate, fat and protein
metabolism, (4) resistance to many physical and
chemical agents or infections, and (5) increased
activity upon hair growth, skin and sexual functions
(including the improvement of secondary sexual

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Pollen also stimulates both adrenal and liver

secretions in order to allow the liver to secrete
additional quantities of glycoge, thereby elevating
the blood sugar levels (which greatly benets those
with symptoms of hypoglycemia).
Allergy attacks brought on by pollen are normally
produced by wind-carried pollens, and not by
bee-collected pollens. Wind-generated pollens usually
stimulate a cleansing process throughout the entire
respiratory tract, especially among those who
consume excessive quantities of mucus-producing
foods during the winter months.
Bee pollen may be safely administered by everyone,
even those persons who are prone to allergies such
as hayfever, as they will usually suer no ill-eects.
Allergenic properties are always neutralized by the
nectar and enzymes secreted by the bees. Raw honey
has been specically recommended by many
professional allergists as having an immunizing
eect upon the majority of pollen-stimulated
allergies. This is usually a direct result of the pollen
and related substances that are found in both
unltered and uncooked honey which, when
ingested, form a natural oral immunization against
In Sweden, pollen extracts or concentrates are
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obtained from two dierent types of extracts, namely

(1) hydrosoluble cernitin (T60), and (2) lipoidsoluble
cernitin (GBX1). There are 60 mg. of cernitin T60
and 3 mg. of cernitin GBX1 in "cernilton", which is
unsurpassed in preventing and reducing common
virus infections and related infectious conditions
(due to its interferon activity). These pollen extracts
are capable of penetrating cell walls, thereby being
directly absorbed into the cells. This allows them to
directly stimulate interferon production, thereby
increasing the normal resistance against virus
attacks (such as inuenza and other viral infections).
Vaccines are ususally only eective against viral
attack from one specic virus, however, protection is
normally aorded against most types of viruses when
the cells are stimulated to produce interferon. Bee
pollen also produces signicant increases in both
leukocytes and epitrocytes. The natural antibiotics
found in pollen (of which penicillin is merely a
prototype) will prevent the growth of certain
Additional medical properties found in pollen
include: (1) bacteriostatic (arrests the growth of
harmful pathogenic bacteria), (2) cytophylactic and
cytotoxic (cellular defense against infection and
toxins), and (3) anti-anorexic (stimulates increased
appetite, but only for those who lack it).

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Pollen is highly successful in removing the

symptoms of vegetative dystonia accompanied by a
predominance of thyrogenous symptoms.
Bee pollen also displays an eect similar to that
of the drug amphetamine in that it acts as a "psychotonic". However, it does not manifest any depressive
Pollen allows signicantly increased amounts of
oxygen to reach the brain and the cells in general,
thereby resulting in improved overall health and
mental capabilities.
Pollen will also accelerate increased tissue repair
throughout the entire organism, thereby making it
extremely eective in the removal of scar tissue
following surgical operations.
Bee pollen displays amphoteric (regulatory)
properties in order to restore equilibrium and
harmony to all the bodily functions.
Pollen will reduce any excess body weight during
conditions involving obesity or overweight, while
increasing body weight during any underweight
Bee pollen is extremely eective in small doses,
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and its overall eects are usually quite prolonged.

When employed either alone or combined with
other therapies, pollen has been extremely
successful for the following ailments or diseaseconditions:






Infection, Intestinal



Angina Pectoris



Intestinal Disorders

Anxietyleukemia Intestines, Inamed

Appetite, loss of Jaundice

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Liver Disorders

Brain Infection




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Memory, Loss of

Burns and



Mental Retardation


Migraine Headaches


Mucus, Bloody


Multiple Sclerosis


Nervous Disorders




Parkinson's Disease




Protatitis, Chronic





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Pyurea (Pus in Urine)


Rheumatism, Articular


Rheumatoid Arthritis




Sexual Disorders



Fatigue (Ocular) Stress, Eects of

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Teeth, Impaired Growth





Ulcers (Digestive/Peptic)


Urinary Disorders

Hair Loss

Weakness, Bodily


Weight Gain


Weight Loss
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Withdrawal Symptoms

Bee pollen also greatly assists the following

physiological functions:
accelerates the growth of healthy new cells
promotes increased tissue repair
enhances greater toxic elimination
reduces excessive cholesterol levels
increases low blood pressure
reduces high blood pressure
promotes increased resistance to infection
activates the glands of internal secretion
stimulates increased gastric secretory ows
stabilizes the entire nervous system
improves fertility in women
retards the growth of benign or malignant tumors
eliminates excessive calcium deposits
expels excessive uric acid accumulations
shortens the convalescence time-period
restores normal and healthy appetites
promotes increased growth of skin tissue
counteracts skin wrinkling
regulates all the systemic biological functions
increases calmness and relaxation
retards normal aging eects
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promotes increased concentration/memory

retards premature senility
prolongs youthfulness
enhances sexual activity
promotes increased strength, vigor and vitality
provides increased stamina, endurance and energylevels
promotes a more optimistic outlook on life
provides an overall feeling of well-being

Bees usually secrete a substance from their

stomachs in order to allow the individual pollen
granules to stick together and eventually form pellets
that will adhere to their rear legs ("pollen baskets").
This secretion will transform the various pollens into
an active product containing dierent forms of
Pollen grains are intricately designed so that they
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become virtually immune from decay under certain

anaerobic conditions. Pollen must be completely
dehydrated in order to prevent spoilage. Air-dried
pollen will eventually wrinkle, and its nutritive value
will decline with age. However, "bee bread" pollen
closely resembles fresh pollen in both appearance
and food value even after 1 or 2 years.
Pollen/honey cakes can be created by kneading
six or seven layers of pollen and honey together, and
then spreading it out to dry thoroughly. It is then
sliced into strips (roughly 5 inches long) and allowed
to dry for from 3 to 4 days, and then stored for future
use as survival food during famines, crop failures or
By combining the pollen with the honey, the
pollen becomes incapable of deterioration or decay
while it is immersed within the honey. Bacteria
cannot thrive in a honey medium, due to its
hygroscopic (anti-moisture) properties. By storing
this combination of pollen and honey beneath a
pyramid structure, both the pollen and honey will
remain pure and intact for many years through a
process known as mummication.
It is possible to imitate the bee's method of
storing pollen by creating an articial form of "bee
bread". This is accomplished by dissolving 15 pounds
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of honey into 25 pounds of water, which is brought to

a boil and then immediately cooled. Add 100 pounds
of air-dried pollen to this solution. The resultant
blend is mixed and kneaded by hand or with a
suitable blender, and is then placed into a crock jar
where it is lightly tamped. The contents are covered
with a wooden disk supporting a stone weight. After
standing at a temperature of from 96 to 97 degrees
Fahrenheit for from 4 to 6 days, the wooden disk and
weight are removed. The crock is then sealed with a
melted mixture of one part beeswax and three parts
paran. This jar is then stored in a cool, dry place.
The maximum amount of pollen that can be
collected from a single beehive is approximately 200
grams (one gram comprises 125 pellets). By placing
a ve-pound jar of honey inside the hive, the amount
of pollen that can be harvested will nearly double.
This ve-pound container allows the bees to have a
constant supply of honey readily available to supply
the needs of their colony, thereby allowing them to
devote more time and energy in the search for
Bees will not only avoid toxic plants (including
those sprayed with harmful pesticides), but they also
seek those plants that contain the highest nutritional

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Bee Pollen

It is impossible to remove too much pollen from

the ecological system. The more pollen that is
harvested allows even more to be produced, so this is
one of the most productive cycles in existence.
A dosage of from 15 to 20 grams (one-half ounce)
will usually meet the Recommended Daily Allowance
(RDA) for adults. Approximately 30 to 32 grams are
necessary in order to anabolically strengthen and
tone a person, whereas anywhere from 15 to 20
grams are essential for the proper maintenance of
good health in active adults.
Children from 3 to 5 years of age require 12
grams of pollen, while those from 6 to 12 years need
16 grams daily.
The daily dose can be increased up to 35 grams
(1 ounce equals 28 grams), considering the
dierences in age, weight and overall state of health.
This dosage will also provide greater preventative
maintenance against a lack of essential amino acids.
Do not begin using bee pollen with a dose larger
than 1 tablespoonful, twice a day. After one week,
gradually increase the dosage from 1 tablespoonful
up to 4 tablespoonfuls (1 tablespoonful equals
approximately one-fourth ounce). One ounce of bee
pollen (4 tablespoonfuls) is equivalent to three
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Bee Pollen

cooked meals in terms of nutrient content.

While this small dosage acts as a mild hypotensive, it
also possesses stimulant properties and may upset
your gastro-intestinal system if taken in large
quantities during the initial stages (due to its
powerful cleansing eects).
Pollen should be ingested preferably on an empty
stomach, and there is no danger of toxicity from
ingesting it (as it is an unadulterated product).
Pollen gathered for human consumption requires
careful processing techniques, including drying,
cleaning and sorting. Bee pollen should be selected
for its quality and avor, especially since the amount
of avor in any given food usually determines the
levels of nutrient content. Proper processing requires
meticulous handling, and poor quality pollens (that
are inexpensively priced) should always be avoided.
The overall taste of bee pollen ranges from bitter to
sweet, depending upon the particular variety or
species of ower from which it was obtained.
Pollen should be kept refrigerated or stored in a
cool, dry place at all times in order to protect its vital
qualities. Cooking is not advisable, due to the
destruction of essential enzymes caused by excessive

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Bee Pollen

Bee pollen should be consumed in its pure form

at least 30 minutes before meals, especially if it is
being used for the purpose of losing excess weight. It
can also be mixed with honey, thereby producing a
candy substitute if made into cakes and dried under
direct sunlight. Pollen also becomes a healthy
substitute for mother's milk when combined with nut
milks, such as almond milk. It can also be blended
into fruit or vegetable dressing, or you can dissolve
pollen in your favorite herb tea, fruit or vegetable
juice (e.g., pineapple and tomato juice blend well
together). Pollen may also be sprinkled onto ice
cream, granola, sandwiches or salads, or take a
banana and dip it directly into the pollen. You may
also wish to dissolve 1 teaspoonful of pollen and 1
teaspoonful of honey in a cup of hot water and drink
before breakfast.
Pollen may be consumed in its natural pellet
form, or it may be pulverized by the use of a blender
or coee grinder in order to incorporate it into
butter, jam, or a mixture of butter and honey.
Bee Pollen should never be purchased in powder,
tablet or capsule form, as any commercial
pulverizing process of pollen is usually accompanied
by a certain amount of adulteration.
Pollen will usually ferment within 24 hours if it is
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Bee Pollen

moist and not refrigerated.

Heat will normally decrease the health value of bee
pollen, as is the case with nearly all foods.

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Mg Per Oz.

Vitamin A

Alpha .31/Beta

Vitamin B1


Vitamin B2


Vitamin B3


Vitamin B6


Vitamin B12


Vitamin C



Mg Per Oz.

Vitamin A

Alpha .31/Beta

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Bee Pollen

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Vitamin B1


Vitamin B2


Vitamin B3


Vitamin B6


Vitamin B12


Vitamin C













6.237 mcg

















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Bee Pollen


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5.15 grams


1.02 grams


8.25 grams


.65 grams


Units Per Gram







Amino Acids

Mgs Per Oz.



















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Bee Pollen




















7.1 Grams Per



.90 Per Oz.




0 Percent

Yours in good health,

Quantum Research Institute

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Bee Pollen

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