IEEE Referencing For Word 2007 + 2010 - Mikemurko

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IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010

Posted on April 24, 2010
Not a lot of people know how to do proper IEEE referencing in Word 2007 or 2010. The
benefits of doing this are immense both for individuals and teams. It allows automatic
renumbering of references, automatic bibliography creation, as well as providing a collection of
your references in one file even when multiple people work on the same document. This also
works on OS X, you just need to find the corresponding folders. Sounds appealing? Right,
lets get started.

IEEE Reference Style

First things first, download the above file. Its hosted on my server, but the original is created
by Yves at Codeplex. You can check that out as well.
Next, youre going to want to copy the file to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 1 2\Bibliography\Style
Depending on your installation it may be in a different location (i.e. 64-bit installation) but Im
sure you can figure this out.
Start up Microsoft Word (or restart it if it was open). Now browse to the References tab on the
ribbon. Under the Citations & Bibliography section (highlighted below), click Style and a new
item should have appeared, choose IEEE.



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

IEEE Sty le in Word 2 007

With this selected we need to start by entering our first reference. So click Manage Sources.
You should be presented with this dialog box. I filled it in with some information from a journal
article but you could just as easily use a website, book, magazine, etc.

Creating a source for the first tim e

After youre done, this reference will show up in your list of sources. As you can see I have
many others (all related to this one word document). My methodology is to add to this list of
sources as I go, rather than all at once at the end of a report. It proves much simpler in the



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko


List of all sources av ailable in this docum ent

Now, when I want to use one of these sources all I have to do is click Insert Citation (from the
Citations & Bibliography section), and choose the citation I want. You should see a number
appear encased in square brackets, [1]. Thats your first IEEE reference. You can repeat this
as many times as you want with the same reference or new ones. When youre done youre
going to want to create a list of references. Scroll down to the bottom of your document and
click Bibliography and then choose either one, it doesnt matter. I usually remove the words
Bibliography and replace it with something less Artsy, like References (sorry Arts students
but you had tons of reference styles to choose from off the bat, so youre lucky!).



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

Create a bibliography from y our list of used sources

Voil you should be very happy with your new IEEE style referencing in Word.
Id lik e to mention, but wont go into detail, that with the software, Mendeley (my chosen
research tool), you can get a word plugin that will do all of this as well. Its not as tight, but at
least you dont have to enter in all your references details if it gets it from the citation. But
thats not for this post anyways I will write something up on Mendeley and Word integration
Updated for OS X
In order to get this working on your version of Microsoft Office 2011 on Mac OS X, the folder
location specified above needs to be:
/applications/Microsoft Office 2011
Here are some detailed steps from a random old forum I found online:
Unzip the file that you downloaded
Close Word if its open
Open Applications



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

Navigate into the Microsoft Office folder

Right click on the file or just Word if you have the file extensions hidden, click
Show Package Contents
There should now be a folder called Contents, open the folder.
Then open Resources
Then open Styles
Copy the .xml style you want into this folder
Launch the Word application and the styles you copied in should be available.
Happy referencing!
This entry was posted in General and tagged Engineering, IEEE, Office, research, Word
by MikeMurko. Bookmark the permalink [] .



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4 months ago

Thank you so much! This is a whole pack of

help and it worked! Great Job!
Reply Share


a year ago

Hi, it is very useful but it has some important

deficiencies. The following question is about
exactly what I mean. Is there anyone who help
about this.
"Is there a possibility that the programm will
make a reference like [1,
6, 16 - 24]? Here it is important to know, that the
references 16-24 are
referenced the first time in this thesis. Thus I
can not just put the
two references into the brace because it would
than look like this: [1,
6, 16 -17]
Secod one: Is there a possibility that it sorts the
references in the brace in numerical order



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

in the brace in numerical order
automaticaly too? Like [1,6,
16, 17,18,19,20,21,22,23] insteed of [1, 6, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
16, 23]"


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a year ago

Thanks Dear,
It was really useful for me, because i didn't have
IEEE format in My word 2007.
Reply Share


a year ago

I like this IEEE referencing. But I run into a

problem the other day. I lost about half the
entries I had put in when I opened the word file 4
weeks after I had finished it. Also, all the
associations ("current list" of sources in the
MSWORD source manager) were lost as well.
Any idea what I could have done, during my
usage of MSword without using the IEEE
referencing for 4 weeks, that could have caused
the problem above?
Reply Share


a year ago

Has anyone had a problem where in the

biography the numbers are disjointed? In my doc
double digit numbers are spread over two lines
and I can't work out how to alter it
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civil00251 a year ago

if you simply widen the width of the

"numbers" column in the table, the 2 and
3-digit numbers will show in one line.
Reply Share


Nick a month ago

Wow, thank you! I actually never

thought it was a borderless table,
I have been trying for a good two
hours to solve this problem and
finally found this blog and your



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

finally found this blog and your

simple answer. Great :)
Reply Share

Babar Hussain

a year ago

One advantage of using IEEE for referencing

point of view ,over End-note ,I find ,is its
simplicity in use and no objection of Internet for
referencing as it happens in case of End-note.
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a year ago

thank you
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a year ago

woow this is what i've been looking for! thanks

alot alot alottt! ::D
Reply Share


a year ago

The references appear as underlined, i.e. the 2

in [2] is underlines etc. I can remove the
underline but as soon as the field is updated it's
there again. Any way to change this?

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a year ago

<3 U
Reply Share


a year ago

What happens if I try to join 2 documents

together by copy and paste or something
similar? Can I keep the references of both?
Reply Share


a year ago

Hi, I use this reference style too and it is really

great. Thanks!
My problem is now, that i am not able to put
more than 10 references into 1 "Reference
brace". Than this looks like [1, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20,



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

21, 22, 16, 23] and [24].

Now I have two questions:
Is there a possibility that the programm will
make a reference like [1, 6, 16 - 24]? Here it is
important to know, that the references 16-24 are
referenced the first time in this thesis. Thus I
can not just put the two references into the
brace because it would than look like this: [1, 6,
16 -17]
Secod one: Is there a possibility that it sorts the
references in the brace in numerical order
automaticaly too? Like [1,6, 16,
17,18,19,20,21,22,23] insteed of [1, 6, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 16, 23]

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Kirill Salita

a year ago

This is very helpful, thank you so much! I only

have one problem with it: when i cite a
document from web page it doesn't display the
date the document was accessed in the
bibliography. And for my work it is required. Can
this be changed?
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Kirill Salita

a year ago

I think it does allow a date of publication

... but probably not date of access. I don't
think date of access is part of the IEEE
reference spec. Don't quote me on that.
If you need to do some custom citation to
appease a prof, then I would use this
method until the end - then copy and
paste the text into a new bibliography and
fill in your date of access for each web
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a year ago

If I have a more papers talking about the same,

how to cite multiple like [1]-[4]? If I update the
bibliography it automatically changes to [1]-[2]



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

and changes the position of the [4] reference in

the Bibliography to [2].
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Lat a year ago

I think IEEE referencing style requires

you do something like this at the end of a
sentence before ending punctuation [1]
[2][3][4]. Double check, but basically you
just insert citations sequentially where
you need them.
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a year ago

Wow, very helpful thanks!!

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a year ago

Thanks, it did help a lot! :)

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2 years ago

Thanks, i was looking for this feature and got it :)

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2 years ago

just wat I was looking for! thanks a lot!

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2 years ago

thanks a lot. it was useful and complete

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2 years ago

this is awesome thanks alot really helped and

instructions were easy to follow! cheers

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2 years ago

My word already has IEEE 2006 installed by


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2 years ago



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko


2 years ago

hey it was informative and made things quiet

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2 years ago

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #iv been getting bad

marks for assigments due to bad referencing !!
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2 years ago

thanks a lot. this made my thesis writing very


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2 years ago

Thank you bro! It was very helpful!

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2 years ago

very helpful and easy to manage. Will report any

bug in case I found one but hope I don't
encounter one
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Jordan Lui

2 years ago

Admin: Please delete this post. Thx

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2 years ago

very helpful thanks

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2 years ago

is there an easy way to re-order the citations

after I add them? (i.e. I want to add all my
sources then put them into my paper and reorder so they are [1] then [2] then [3], not [3] then
[1] then [2])

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Jordan Lui

2 years ago


The sorting of entries in the bibliography



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

will be dictated by either alphabetical

order or order of appearance. When you
generate the bibliography at the bottom
of the document, the references will be
properly numerated in 1, 2, 3 order.
See for
the alphabetical IEEE Reference
You should not manually re-order your
citations because they are meant to be
ordered in one of two ways. That is the
idea of the IEEE Reference Standard. If
you really want to, you could modify the
bibliography table that is auto-created but
your manual changes are overwritten
each time the document is refreshed
because the bibliography table
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Irina Ivanova

2 years ago

Consulting with official guide from IEEE this

referencing sheet unfortunatelly makes
numerous mistakes, for example, technical
reports are not displayed properly neither are
thesis. I am not sure if is Word problem or the
referencing sheet problem, but it's there
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Irina Ivanova

2 years ago

Yes you might be right. Probably a

referencing sheet problem, but I don't
feel like digging through the .xsl file to fix
things. Can you give a specific example
of the IEEE spec, and then what this
plugin outputs? Maybe it's an easy fix.

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2 years ago

It does not work for MS word 2010, when I try to

put a references it comes up:



IEEE Referencing for Word 2007 + 2010 | mikemurko

put a references it comes up:

[ HYPERLINK "" \l "JRo11" 1 ]

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Jordan Lui

Juvenal 2 years ago

Works fine for me. Want to specify more

information if you're still having this
problem? What steps are you taking to
add sources and generate the
bibliography table?
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Juvenal 2 years ago

do you have a .doc or a .docx? It did

work after converting my doc to a docx.
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2 years ago

Thank you very much, it works excellent in office

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Kaitlyn Waldie

2 years ago


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