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Prepared by Rev.

Caleb Cho as a response to Astonishing Bible Truths by Yahwehs Restoration Ministry

This article has been circulating on facebook and I wanted to clear up some of its misguided teaching for my youth group
students. Im going to start from Immortality of Man because thats where the issues start to come up. This is a very
brief explanation on each of these topics. Because of the felt urgency for this write-up, some points are not fully
explained. I just covered the important ones. Im just assuming that my students will be able to read between the lines
for some of the following points. This writing is primarily for my students anyway.
For further studies, you should speak to me person to person or engage in some good Bible study. Some good
recommended sights are:

Immortality of Man?
To summarize this section:
1. Men do not live forever. That there is physical death for everyone. [agreed]
2. Eternal life (Spiritual) will be granted to those who are found worthy at the resurrection [agreed]
3. Bible never promises a heavenly paradise to unbelievers or even to the righteous. [DISAGREE]
a. It is true as the author says, as he quotes Heb.11:13, that the saints and the dead are awaiting the final
day of judgment. That have not yet received what they are promised through faith. But that does not
mean they have not received the promise. There is a huge difference.
i. Also, there is an agreed upon dispute between immediate heaven after death and waiting for
judgment day in the waiting room before heaven. There are supporting passages for both.
b. The author says that there is no promise of heaven to anyone. In fact, promise of heaven happen
i. John 14:1-3. Jesus promises a place in heaven for his disciples.
ii. Eph.2:8-9. Paul reminds us that we are indeed saved by faith; that salvation is a certainty with
the gift of faith.
iii. 1 John 5:13. John tells us that we can be assured that we have eternal life in this life; and we
dont have to wait until the judgment day. If you believe in the name of the Son of God, then the
promise of heaven is yours indeed.
c. The quotation of King David not going to heaven (Acts 2:34) is seriously out of context.
i. If you read from v.25, then you quickly gain the perspective that Peter is trying to tell the Jews
that David was actually saying as it is quoted from Ps.16:8-11.
ii. The apparent problem in Ps.16:8-11 is how can David, who obviously died, claim that he would
never see decay!?
iii. Peter is saying that David wasnt talking about HIMSELF, but was prophesying about Jesus.
iv. It is in this context that David says, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand.
1. The author takes the beginning of this verse, For David did not ascend into the
heavens to mean that David didnt go to heaven!
2. This description means one thing in context:
a. When David was saying this, David didnt rise to heaven yet; simply, he didnt
die yet. How can he be speaking about sitting next to God in heavenly realms.

b. He is NOT talking about himself but Christ. He makes a note of this in the next
verse in verse 36. Jesus also makes a note of this in Matthew 22:44.
c. In simple English, it would sound like this. How can David who hasnt gone into
heaven talk about sitting next to the Lord at that moment? And the Lord calls
David Lord? Certainly, David is not talking about himself but prophesying about
the Christ, who is Jesus!

Sacred Name Replaced with Generic Titles

To Summarize this section:
1. Christians must uphold and revere and love Gods revealed name which is YHWH. (Exo.3:14) [agreed]
2. Therefore, every Christian should call God, YHWH and only YHWH. [DISAGREE]
a. If God only wanted to be called YHWH, why doesnt God punish His people, especially His leaders such
as Moses and scores of prophets, when they address God as other generic terms that mean God such
as Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh (which is actually the real full name of God meaning, I am who I am (Exo.3:14),
Adonai (Exo.34:23), Ha-Shem (Lev.24:11) and etc. If we include other nick names of God that prophets
use to lift up and praise God, there are more than 15.
b. What about God specifically calling Israelites to call him Ishi which means husband? (Hosea 2:16)
Should we only call him Ishi from now on?
c. Because the original ancient Hebrew writing did not include vowels, we do not know today how YHWH
is actually pronounced. It could be Yahweh, or Jehovah, or Yehowah. Are we to take 66.6% risk of failing
to correctly call Gods name?
d. The many titles were there to glorify God for who He is.
e. While I agree that we should call on the name of YHWH more often than Christians today do, this has no
bearing on ones salvation.
i. In fact, Scripture tells us that though many will call on His Name, not all of them will be saved.
Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord [kurios. This is a Greek rendering of YHWH] will
enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 7:21
1. Its not the literal calling part that is important, but the heart that is devoted to Him.
From Sabbath to Sunday
To Summarize this section:
1. We must worship on Saturday, not on Sunday; this is a grievous mistake/sin. [DISAGREE]
a. Let me first give you some scripture evidences.
i. Rom.14:5-6 One man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each
man be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and
he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord
he does not eat, and gives thanks to God.
ii. Col. 2:16-17, "Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a
festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day 17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to
come; but the substance belongs to Christ."
1. The choice of when to worship God is left to us. And we are not to judge others on this.
If Saturday Sabbath was to be kept strictly, such liberty wouldnt be allowed.
2. Shouldnt EVERYDAY be our worship unto God? And not just on the Sabbath day? Not
the working/rest concept, but the worship portion.

iii. Acts 20:7, And on the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread,
Paul began talking to them, intending to depart the next day, and he prolonged his message
until midnight.
iv. 1Cor.16:1-2, Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia,
so do you also. 2 On the first day of every week let each one of you put aside and save, as he may
prosper, that no collections be made when I come
1. The first day is Sunday. The first disciples and the first church gathered on the first day
of the week to share communion and preaching and to gather tithes.
v. Rev.1:10-11, I was in the Spirit on the Lords day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the
sound of a trumpet, 11saying, "Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches:
to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia
and to Laodicea.
1. This is the first incident in the Bible where Lords Day (ta kuriaka hamera) occur.
2. From the 2nd Century, Lords Day is taken to be Sunday (Ignatius, Epistle to the

Biblical Holidays Strangely Ignored

To Summary this Section:
1) The Old Testament yearly festivals must continue to be kept today. [DISAGREED]
a. There are 6 festivals shown in Lev.23. All were prophetic of future events, all of which have been fulfilled
except the Feast of Tabernacles which look forward to the second coming of Christ. (Passover,
Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Blowing of Trumpet, The day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles)
b. All of them require animial sacrifices, meat and drink offering, and etc.
c. They are told to be shadow of Christ and with Christ fulfilling these anti-types, they are no longer
necessary. Preview to a movie no longer show after the movie comes out.
i. Matthew 27:50-51. The curtain to the temple was torn in half. There is now no need for the High
priest to make sacrifices on our behalf. We can all go to God directly. No more sacrifices! As
Jesus calls it, It is Finished!
ii. Col.2:16, Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with
regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come,
but the substance belongs to Christ. (Col 2:16-17 ESV)
iii. Eph.2:15, by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might
create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace (Eph 2:15 ESV)
1. Ordinances (or statutes) are another term for festivals (Num.9:12)
d. God does not delight in sacrifices but delights in an obedient heart. It is not about keeping the festivals
anymore. The purpose for such festivals have been fulfilled in Christ on the cross. Festivals have no
power. Jesus does. Festivals without Jesus are a stench to God after all.
1. Ps.51:16, You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in
burnt offerings.
2. Isa.1:11, "The multitude of your sacrifices-- what are they to me?" says the LORD. "I
have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I
have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
3. 1 Sam.15:22, But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and
sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed
is better than the fat of rams.
4. Ps.40:6, Sacrifice and offering you did not desire-- but my ears you have opened -burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require.
5. Heb.10:3-4, 3 But in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. 4 For it is
impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

Unholy Holly-day
To Summarize this Section:
1) Easter and Christmas were originally pagan holidays. [Agreed]
a. Christians have re-defined them. Early Christians, including Paul, might have encouraged this to add the
true meaning of celebration to celebrations that celebrated wrong things.
b. Christians never think about Ishtar when we celebrate the Lords resurrection on Easter. Some churches
call it Resurrection Sunday rather than Easter Sunday.
c. About Easter,
d. About Christmas,
e. Also,
Three in One It Doesnt Add Up
To Summarize this Section:
1) Trinity is not Biblical. Therefore dont believe in it. [DISAGREE]
a. Im not even going to spend my time trying to defend the Trinitarian God.
b. The absence of the term does not mean the absence of the concept.
c. The Bible is replete on describing the Father as God, the Son as God, and the Holy Spirit as God. The
problem is that we cant wrap our logical minds around it; not the truthfulness of it.
d. Read,

The Missing Rapture Teaching

To Summarize this Section:
1) The Hollywood style rapture is not biblical. [Agreed]
a. There are three different views on how the end will come, the so-called, pre-millenium, the postmillenium, and the a-millenium (See:
b. Depending on the view, Rapture, bodies being taken up to heaven (1Thess.4:16-18; 1Cor.15:20-23)
and a thousand years of suffering might take place during our lifetime.
c. This is highly debated topic even amongst Christian scholars and preachers, and how the end comes is
not central to Christian theology; it is sufficient to know that the end will come and those without Christ
are bound to suffer.

The Borrowed Cross An Ancient Symbol of Life

To Summarize this Section:
1) Cross is a pagan symbol. So Throw it away. [DISAGREE]
a. It might have been. However, when Christians use the word cross we refer to the cross that Jesus was
crucified on.
b. The cross in Greek, as the author points out, could mean a stake, a wooden pole but also a cross. Jesus
was certainly not hung on a stake. We know from Thomas experience that Jesus had nail holes on both
his hands.

c. Did the shape of the cross look like a T or a cross? The shape really does not matter. When Christians
refer to the cross, we dont mean the exact wood that Jesus was crucified on. It is a powerful symbol of
Jesus sacrifice, the atoning work on behalf of humanity.
d. For more discussion, See:

Ubiquitous Steeples Trace to Egypt and Babylon

To Summarize this Section:
1) Obelisk shapes are from pagan worship. So churches should not have it. [DISAGREE]
a. Same argument as above.
b. Simply put, if the enemy chooses right, should we choose wrong? Dont just go the other way. Reject
what is evil. Accept what is good. Redefine what can be redirected.

Can We Make Our Own Truth? & Your Lifes Purpose

To Summarize This Section:
1) You cannot stray from sound teaching of the Bible and make up your own according to what you want to create.
Your lifes purpose is to now just waste your life waiting to go to heaven but to carry out Gods will on earth by
spreading the sound doctrines of God.
a. Fully agree.

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