Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering

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Computational and mathematical methods in science and engineering

1. Alonso, P., Hamilton, I. P. and Vigo-Aguiar, J. 2010. Mathematical and computational methods with
applications in chemistry and physics. J. Math. Chem., 48(1): 9597. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ]

2. Ashyralyev, A. and Hicdurmaz, B. 2012. On the numerical solution of fractional Schrdinger differential
equations with the Dirichlet condition. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 19271936.

3. Bianco, F., Cagliero, E., Gastelurrutia, M. and Venturino, E. 2012. Metaecoepidemic models: Infected
and migrating predators. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 17641780.

4. Cceres, J., Ceballos, M., Nez, J., Puertas, M. L. and Tenorio, . F. 2012. Combinatorial structures of
three vertices and Lie algebras. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 18791900.

5. Climent, J.-J., Navarro, P. R. and Tortos, L. 2012. Key exchange protocols over noncommutative rings.
The case of

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6. Combarro, E. F., Ra, I. F. and Ranilla, J. 2012. Finite semifields with 74 elements. Int. J. Comput.
Math., : 18651878.

7. Cordero, A., Torregrosa, J. R. and Vindel, P. 2012. Study of the dynamics of third-order iterative
methods on quadratic polynomials. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 18261836.

8. De Cos Juez, F. J., Lasheras, F. S., Snchez, A. S., Fernndez, P. R. and Garca Nieto, P. J. 2012.
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model. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 19011913.

9. Gavete, M. L., Vicente, F., Gavete, L., Urea, F. and Benito, J. J. 2012. Solving anisotropic elliptic and
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10. Morales, J. L., Moreno, J. A. and Alhama, F. 2012. Application of the network method to simulate
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11. Morales, J. L., Moreno, J. A. and Alhama, F. 2012. New additional conditions for the numerical
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12. Morcillo, P. J., Moreno, G., Penabad, J. and Vzquez, C. 2012. DedekindMacNeille completion and
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13. Ramadas, G. C.V. and Fernandes, E. M.G.P. 2012. Self-adaptive combination of global tabu search and
local search for nonlinear equations. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 18471864.

14. Romaguera, S., Tirado, P. and Valero, O. 2012. New results on the mathematical foundations of
asymptotic complexity analysis of algorithms via complexity spaces. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 17281741.

15. Simos, T. E. and Vigo-Aguiar, J. 2003. Special issue selected papers from the conference on
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16. Simos, T. E. and Vigo-Aguiar, J. 2005. Special issue for the international conference of computational
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17. Tamburino, L. and Venturino, E. 2012. Public parks management via mathematical tools. Int. J.
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18. Tanolu, G. and Korkut, S. 2012. The convergence of a new symmetric iterative splitting method for
non-autonomous systems. Int. J. Comput. Math., : 18371846.

19. Vigo-Aguiar, J. 2006. Special issue on computational and mathematical methods in science and
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20. Vigo-Aguiar, J. and Brandas, E. J. 2010. Special issue on CMMSE-2008. J. Math. Chem., 48(1): 12.

21. Vigo-Aguiar, J. and Vanden Berghe, G. 2011. Advances in computational and mathematical methods in
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22. Vigo-Aguiar, J. and Wade, B. A. 2006. Special issue on the international conference of computational
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