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International Journal of Computer

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Computational and mathematical

methods in science and engineering

Jess Vigo-Aguiar & Pedro Alonso


University of Salamanca , Spain

University of Oviedo , Spain E-mail:

Published online: 10 Aug 2012.

To cite this article: Jess Vigo-Aguiar & Pedro Alonso (2012) Computational and mathematical
methods in science and engineering, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 89:13-14,
1725-1727, DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2012.707924
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International Journal of Computer Mathematics

Vol. 89, Nos. 1314, September 2012, 17251727


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Computational and mathematical methods in science

and engineering

It is with pleasure that we offer the readers of the International Journal of Computer Mathematics
this special issue consisting of some of the most significant contributions to computational and
mathematical methods with applications in science and engineering presented at the 11th International Conference of Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering,
CMMSE-2011, held at Alicante, Spain, 2630 June 2011. This particular special issue is the last
one to date in a series of special issues dating back to CMMSE-2002 [1,15,16,1924].
Since its inception in 2000, the International Conference of Computational and Mathematical
Methods in Science and Engineering has been a multi-disciplinary conference, covering all numerical areas of science and engineering. The aim of the CMMSE is to encourage cross-fertilization
between different disciplines and to gain new insights into the emerging developments in mathematical and computational methods. New developments will be required in order to examine the
ever more complicated science and engineering problems arising in our society.
The first paper of this special issue, by Romaguera et al. [14], extends Schellekens method in
order to yield asymptotic upper bounds for a certain class of recursive algorithms and improves
the original Schellekens method by introducing a new fixed-point technique.
The article DedekindMacNeille completion and Cartesian product of multi-adjoint lattices,
by Morcillo et al. [12], adapts the classical notion of DedekindMacNeille completion in order
to relax some usual hypothesis on such ordered sets, and they study the advantages of generating
multi-adjoint lattices as the Cartesian product of previous ones.
The third article, Key exchange protocols over noncommutative rings. The case of
End(Zp Zp2 ) [5], introduces some key exchange protocols over non-commutative rings, also
gives a security analysis of the proposed protocols and concludes that the only possible attack is
by brute force.
The research by Bianco et al. [3] considers a simple predatorprey system with two possible
habitats and where an epidemic spreads by contact among the predators, in the patch in which
prey are absent.
In their work, Application of the network method to simulate elastostatic problems defined by
potential functions. Applications to axisymmetrical hollow bodies, Morales et al. [10] use the
network method to make most of the potent computational algorithms implemented in electrical simulation codes and to allow an easy implementation of the complex boundary conditions
inherent to this potential formulation in comparison with other classical numerical methods.

ISSN 0020-7160 print/ISSN 1029-0265 online

2012 Taylor & Francis

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In New additional conditions for the numerical uniqueness of the Boussinesq and Timpe solutions of elasticity problems [11], the authors propose new additional simple conditions of Dirichlet
type for the numerical uniqueness of the solution of elastostatic axisymmetric problems formulated in terms of the Boussinesq and Timpe potential functions, as particular cases of the
PapkovichNeuber representation.
The work Public parks management via mathematical tools [17] considers a mathematical
model for the interaction of wild and domestic herbivores with a natural or man-maintained
Cordero et al. [7] analyse the dynamical behaviour of the operators associated with multi-point
interpolation iterative methods and frozen derivative methods for solving nonlinear equations
applied to second-degree complex polynomials.
In the article The convergence of a new symmetric iterative splitting method for non-autonomous
systems, Tanoglu and Korkut [18] construct a new symmetric iterative splitting scheme based on
the Magnus expansion for solving non-autonomous problems.
Solving systems of nonlinear equations is a very important task since the problems emerge
mostly through the mathematical modelling of real problems. Self-adaptive combination of global
tabu search and local search for nonlinear equations [13] shows that a self-adaptive combination
of a metaheuristic with a classical local search method can converge for some difficult problems
that are not solved by Newton-type methods.
In Finite semifields with 74 elements, by Combarro et al. [6], the authors present efficient
computational techniques to classify four-dimensional finite semifields.
Combinatorial structures of three vertices and Lie algebras [4] shows a characterization of
digraphs of three vertices associated with Lie algebras and determines the list of isomorphism
classes for Lie algebras associated with these digraphs.
De Cos et al. [8] analyse the factors that have influence on the lead time of batches of metallic components of aerospace engines. In their article Solving anisotropic elliptic and parabolic
equations by a meshless method: Simulation of the electrical conductivity of a tissue, Gavete et
al. [9] give the extension of the generalized finite difference method to the solution of anisotropic
elliptical and parabolic partial differential equations in the case of two space dimensions.
The research underlying the article by Ashyralyev and Hicdurmaz [2] considers schemes of the
first and second orders of accuracy difference for the mixed problem for the multidimensional
fractional Schrdinger differential equation with dependent coefficients.
Finally, we thank all the authors and referees for their excellent contributions to this special
volume. We also express our gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Education for grant MTM201113393-E.
Jess Vigo-Aguiar
University of Salamanca, Spain
Pedro Alonso
University of Oviedo, Spain
[1] P.Alonso, I.P. Hamilton, and J.Vigo-Aguiar, Mathematical and computational methods with applications in chemistry
and physics, J. Math. Chem. 48(1) (2010), pp. 9597.
[2] A. Ashyralyev and B. Hicdurmaz, On the numerical solution of fractional Schrdinger differential equations with
the Dirichlet condition, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 19271936.
[3] F. Bianco, E. Cagliero, M. Gastelurrutia, and E. Venturino, Metaecoepidemic models: Infected and migrating
predators, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 17641780.

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[4] J. Cceres, M. Ceballos, J. Nez, M.L. Puertas, and .F. Tenorio, Combinatorial structures of three vertices and
Lie algebras, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 18791900.
[5] J.-J. Climent, P.R. Navarro, and L. Tortos, Key exchange protocols over noncommutative rings. The case of End(Zp
Zp2 ), Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 17531763.
[6] E.F. Combarro, I.F. Ra, and J. Ranilla, Finite semifields with 74 elements, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 18651878.
[7] A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, and P. Vindel, Study of the dynamics of third-order iterative methods on quadratic
polynomials, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 18261836.
[8] F.J. De Cos Juez, F.S. Lasheras, A.S. Snchez, P.R. Fernndez, and P.J. Garca Nieto, Determination and study of
lead times of metallic components in the aerospace industry through a Cox-type hazard model, Int. J. Comput. Math.
(2012), pp. 19011913.
[9] M.L. Gavete, F. Vicente, L. Gavete, F. Urea, and J.J. Benito, Solving anisotropic elliptic and parabolic equations by
a meshless method: Simulation of the electrical conductivity of a tissue, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 19141926.
[10] J.L. Morales, J.A. Moreno, and F. Alhama, Application of the network method to simulate elastostatic problems defined by potential functions. Applications to axisymmetrical hollow bodies, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012),
pp. 17811793.
[11] J.L. Morales, J.A. Moreno, and F. Alhama, New additional conditions for the numerical uniqueness of the Boussinesq
and Timpe solutions of elasticity problems, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 17941807.
[12] P.J. Morcillo, G. Moreno, J. Penabad, and C. Vzquez, DedekindMacNeille completion and Cartesian product of
multi-adjoint lattices, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 17421752.
[13] G.C.V. Ramadas and E.M.G.P. Fernandes, Self-adaptive combination of global tabu search and local search for
nonlinear equations, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 18471864.
[14] S. Romaguera, P. Tirado, and O. Valero, New results on the mathematical foundations of asymptotic complexity
analysis of algorithms via complexity spaces, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 17281741.
[15] T.E. Simos and J. Vigo-Aguiar, Special issue selected papers from the conference on computational and
mathematical methods for science and engineering (CMMSE-2002), J. Comput. Appl. Math. 158(1) (2003), p. ix.
[16] T.E. Simos and J. Vigo-Aguiar, Special issue for the international conference of computational methods in sciences
and engineering 2003 (ICCMSE 2003), Math. Comput. Modelling 42(78) (2005), p. xiii.
[17] L. Tamburino and E. Venturino, Public parks management via mathematical tools, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012),
pp. 18081825.
[18] G. Tanoglu and S. Korkut, The convergence of a new symmetric iterative splitting method for non-autonomous
systems, Int. J. Comput. Math. (2012), pp. 18371846.
[19] J. Vigo-Aguiar, Special issue on computational and mathematical methods in science and engineering (CMMSE2004), J. Comput. Appl. Math. 192(1) (2006), p. 1.
[20] J. Vigo-Aguiar and E.J. Brandas, Special issue on CMMSE-2008, J. Math. Chem. 48(1) (2010), pp. 12.
[21] J. Vigo-Aguiar and G. Vanden Berghe, Advances in computational and mathematical methods in science and
engineering, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235(7) (2011), p. 1745.
[22] J. Vigo-Aguiar and B.A. Wade, Special issue on the international conference of computational methods in sciences
and engineering (ICCMSE 2005) dedicated to Prof. Erkki J. Brandas, J. Math. Chem. 40(1) (2006), pp. 12.
[23] J. Vigo-Aguiar and B.A. Wade, Recent advances in computational and applied mathematics in science and
engineering, Int. J. Comput. Math. 85(34) (2008), p. 307.
[24] J. Vigo-Aguiar, J.C. Reboredo, and H.R. Calle, Topics of contemporary computational mathematics, Int. J. Comput.
Math. 89(3) (2012), pp. 265267.

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