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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries

COTE D'IVOIRE/WEST AFRICA: An alumnus in Cte d'Ivoire has been involved in seminars for pastors and
church leaders around the country, raising awareness about Islam and its influence, and persecution. He asks that we
pray for the Church in his country and other nations of West Africa, specifically for
church leaders, that they would be receptive to these seminars. At the very time when many churches are
struggling with a lack of unity and collaboration, we see the rapid growth of Islam and of radical groups and
terrorist activities.
local churches as well as Christians who are suffering various forms of persecution. According to the 2015 World
Watch List, sub-Saharan Africa is seeing more Christians than ever facing persecutionand facing the
indifference of church leaders to this reality.
missionaries working with persecuted Christian, that they would have the courage, wisdom, and necessary
resources to comfort, strengthen, and aid these believers spiritually, materially, and financially.
Bible schools and theological institutions, that they would address the current issue of persecution in their
curriculum, so that the Church would be equipped to face persecution in a biblical way.

In the News
To date, some 4 million Syrians have fled their homeland. Some are seeking to resettle in Europe. A missionary
serving at an Assemblies of God international church in Austria writes: Yesterday one of our Pastors visited the
government home set up where all refugees must be taken when they enter. The home is built for a maximum of 800
people but currently there are 2100 trying to live there.... We have taken in 2 families under the care of [the church], to
help provide their basic needs.... What they have witnessed should NOT be happening in this world: beheadings,
neighbors shot in front of their house and one of their children being kidnapped. Please pray for healing for these
families and for this church as it ministers to them physically and spiritually.

From Global Initiative*

Intercede for the 110,000 + Kangeans in the Kangean islands of Indonesia. They are almost 100% Muslim. Their
Islamic practices are infused with a deep fear of spirits, whom they must satisfy through various rituals. They have
had little or no access to the Gospel. Education on the islands goes only through middle school, so some move to
other parts of Indonesia or elsewhere for further study. Pray that those who leave may find Jesus and bring His Word
to their people, that His Church might be established here.

For Muslim Women**

According to reports from UNICEF, More women and children have been used as suicide bombers in Northeast
Nigeria in the first five months of this year than during the whole of last year.... In 2014, 26 suicide attacks were
recorded, compared to 27 attacks as of May 2015. In at least three-quarters of these incidents, women and children
were reportedly used to carry out the attacks. The Islamist group Boko Haram has kidnapped hundreds of women and
children, most from Christian homes. Please pray for their release and protection. Pray that they will sense Jesus with
them, grow in their faith, and share their faith with those who do not know Him.

Prayer Resources
*Global Initiative is a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, USA. Visit for information
about praying for Muslims and weekly requests.
**Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at
For suggestions on starting a prayer group, see
For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit,, and
For prayer requests, visit and
To help you answer Muslims' questions about Jesus and the Bible, explore

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