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Assalamualaikum and very good morning to the honorable judges,

teachers and my fellow friends. Hi! Do you know who I am? I am a
chef. Today I want to tell a story. Im sure all of you want to hear my
story. The title of my story is A Big Pancake.
Once upon a time, there was a mother who had seven hungry
children. She was cooking a delicious pancake for them. It lay bubbling
and sizzling in the pan and it smelled so good. Her hungry children could
hardly wait for the pancake to finish cooking. Their father sat
watching them from his armchair.
Oh Mother dear, said one child. Please give me a bite of that
pancake. I am so hungry!
Oh darling mother, said the second child. And each child said
something nicer than the other until all seven children had begged for
a bite of that pancake.
You must all wait a few minutes more, said their mother. It
must first cook on the other side. Then you shall all have some delicious
sweet pancake.
When the pancake heard this it got scared. All by itself, it did a
little flip and tries to jump out the pan. But the pancake fell back into
the pan with the other side facing up. Ouch! the pancake shouted
loudly. The woman and her children could not believe their eyes. When
it had fried a little longer it tried to jump out of the pan again. This
time it landed on the floor and it rolled like a wheel out the front door

and down the street. One of the children tried to catch the pancake.
He jumped and he missed the pancake. The pancake laughed and rolled
Stop, pancake! shouted the family. The mother ran after the
pancake, and her seven children after her. Her husband limped after
them all. They chased the pancake down the street, but it was too fast
for them. Soon it was out of sight. All the children cried loudly because
they had no breakfast yet. And the pancake just rolled fast.
After the pancake had rolled for a while, it met a man. Good day,
pancake! said the man. Wont you stop a while and let me eat you up?
Hello, old man! Goodbye, old man! shouted the pancake. It did
not stop to talk. Then, one after the other, the pancake met a hen, a
cockerel, a duck, and a goose. Each wanted to eat the pancake, but the
pancake just rolled right past them all.
Then the pancake met a horse. Good day, pancake, said the
horse. Hello, Horsey-Worsey! said the pancake.
Wait! Slow down! said the horse. Lets run along together. It is
not safe to travel alone. The pancake was a little afraid to go into the
forest, and so it agreed to go with the horse.
After running a while, the sly horse led the big pancake down a
bumpy rocky road. This is a short cut, said the horse. But the poor
pancake began to bounce and wobble as it hit the stones. Come sit on
my back and let me carry you, said the horse. The pancake agreed, and
the horse grabbed it with his teeth, and ate the pancake in one gulp!

And now my friend. The moral of the story is we should not trust
to the stranger. It will put us in harm and dangerous. And so, I would to
say thank you and remember friends! Stay away the strangers.

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