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2. c.

Behavioral Theory- Studying what has worked for them in regards to behaviors for
Trait Theory- people had the same traits, then they could also be great leaders.
Transformational Leadership - This theory is one of the best ones out there
for employee motivation.It is amazing how much can get done by injecting a little
excitement and energy.
3. Contributions of F.W Taylor

Taylor worked towards the experiments at his work place to increase the workers
efficiency so that maximum output could be achieved by utilizing effort at maximum
1. Scientific task setting:- Taylor observed that the management does not know
exactly the works pieces of work- volume of works- which are to be performed by
the workers during a fixed period of time- which is called working day.
2. Differential payment system:- under this system, a worker received the piece
rate benefit which will attract the workers to work more for more amount of wages
and more incentives would be created to raise the standardization of output to
promote the workers to produce more and perform more task than before and utilize
waste time to earn more wages.
7. Departmentalization involves dividing an organization into different departments,
which perform tasks according to the departments' specializations in the organization.
Departmentalization as a means of structuring an organization can be found in both public
and private organizations. An organization can structure itself into departments in the
following ways.
Functional departmentalization, an organization is organized into departments based
upon the respective functions each performs for the organization. For example, a
manufacturing company may create a production department, sales and marketing
department, an accounting department, and a human resources department. Helps in
8. Authority most often comes from the duties and responsibilities delegated to a position
holder in a bureaucratic structure. A company president can order a product design change,

for instance, or a police officer has the authority to arrest an offender of the law.
Power is the possession of authority, control, or influence by which a person influences the
actions of others, either by direct authority or by some other, more intangible means. A prime
source of power is the possession of knowledge. A person with knowledge is oftentimes able
to use that knowledge to directly or indirectly influence the actions of others. The authority of
knowledge is often independent of levels or positions. Power can reinforce authority, and
authority is one of the primary sources of power.


Participation is a method clearly favored and spoken of by businesses and governing bodies
as the optimum tactic to be used in bringing about resolution and dealing with issues of
conflict in the workplace for example. Relationships are strengthened when two groups can
discuss and work through a problem in order to come to an agreement about an issue which
is even better than a compromise

Companies thrive when there is a clear exchange of ideas, directives are followed and questions
are answered. There are times, however, when communications break down in small
businesses. Determine the reasons for this problem to help you rectify the situation. Consider
factors such as expansion, personality issues and disturbances that affect communication in your

Leadership Issues
Rapid Growth
When communication gaps arise between employees, the results are often confusion, unclear
motives, misaligned priorities and indecisive actions. Such communication gaps could be
technological in nature, requiring an upgrade of the office computer equipment. Other times, gaps
emerge because of personal problems originating from personality differences. Mary Ellen Guffey,
author of "Essentials of Business Communication," also cites generational differences as a cause for
gaps: While Generation Y'ers are more inclined to rely on technological devices for communication,
baby boomers often shy away from this type of communication at work.

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