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I am 29 years old, I graduated from the Faculty of letters and the master in financial management of

public administration
Valoris is a young and dynamic company, whose mission is to ensure excellence in the area of
'customer relationship' and to become a reliable partner for your company's business
What is a call center?
A center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls. These calls could be the calls coming in
from customers for service or support or these could be the calls that call center executives make to the
customers for marketing.
call center is a place where all incomings and outgoings are handled.
What are the different types of call centers?
There are mainly two types of call centers
a.) Inbound call centers Inbound call centers are those which receive support or service calls from
customers usually on a toll free number. For e.g. when you call up a bank to check the status of your
request for credit card, it is an inbound call.
b.) Outbound call centers Outbound call centers are those in which the call center executives make
calls to the customers. These calls are usually made to generate the leads or sales. For e.g. when you
receive a call from a bank offering you a personal loan, it is an outbound call.
What according to you is a job like at a call center?
The purpose of this question to see if you are aware about the type of job you have applied to and if
you are aware of what call centers do. So, based on the answers to question number 2 and 3 here, tell
the interviewer what you think people employed at call centers do.
Why do you think companies outsource their call centers?
There are mainly four reasons for a company to outsource its call center:
a.) Cost saving
b.) Focus on core activities
c.) Access to special enterprise which has expertise in the domain.
d.) Other resource related reasons like relieving resource constraints, reducing staff.
Why do you want to work in a call center?
Relate the qualities you have to the requirements of a call center job like, good command over the
language(English), team working capabilities, patience, good listening skills etc. and say that you
think, these skills will make you successful in the industry. Also, talk about the prospects for the
industry and how you think you can grow with it.
Where do you see yourself 3 years from now?
In three years from now, I see myself at a more responsible position where my company treats me as
an asset and hope to grow with this company.
Tell me a little about yourself.
"Im an easy going person that works well with everyone. I enjoy being around different types of
people and I like to always challenge myself to improve at everything I do."

"Im a hard worker and I like to take on a variety of challenges. I like pets, and in my spare time, I
like to relax and read the newspaper."
"Ive always liked being balanced. When I work, I want to work hard. And outside of work, I like to
engage in my personal activities such as golfing and fishing."
"What are your strengths?"
"I believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail. This trait has helped me tremendously in this
field of work."
"A couple strengths I have are planning and execution, and working with people. I've always been
very good at planning and detailing all the steps. Even in college, I would spend time organizing my
week and planning a strategy to tackle each class or assignment. Executing a plan has always come
easy for me as well. I believe it's due to proper planning. I also work with people very well in a way
where I use the strengths of each individual in a team to produce the best results. Because of my easy
going personality, I've been told by my directs that it's easy to approach me."
"What are your weaknesses?"
"This might be bad, but in college I found that I procrastinated a lot. I realized this problem, and I'm
working on it by finishing my work ahead of schedule."
"Do you work well under pressure?"
"I work well under pressure because I use the pressure to help me work more efficiently."
"I enjoy working under pressure because I believe it helps me grow. In my previous experience, I
always worked well during deadlines, and I always learned how to work more efficiently afterwards."
6. Why would you like to work for us?
- I would like to put into practice what I learned at university.
I would like to make use of the experience I have gained in the past ten years.
I believe that your company will allow me to grow both professionally and as a person.
Ive always been interested in E-Commerce/ Marketing/ Computer Programming and your
company excels (is one of the best) in this field.
8. When can you commence employment with us? (When can you start work?)
- I will be available for work in January, next year.
I can start immediately.
I have to give three weeks notice to my current employer, so the earliest I can start is the first of
9. Do you have any questions?
- What would be the first project Id be working on if I was offered the job?
Who would I report to? Who would I be working closely with?
Are there any benefits your company offers its employees?
When will I get an answer? How soon can I start?

How would you describe yourself? (Also: What are your strengths/ positive traits? Why should
we hire you?)
- I consider myself hardworking/ reliable/ dependable/ helpful/ outgoing/ organised/ honest/
Im a team-player/ an experienced team-leader/ a seasoned (experienced)professional/ a dedicated
Im good at dealing with people/ handling stress.
I pay attention to details.
I understand my customers needs.
I learn quickly and take pride in my work.
I love challenges and getting the job done.
How would you describe your last employer?

I liked my employer. He/she treated me fairly and respected my work
I appreciated my previous employer having given me the opportunity to acquire a lot of skills
and experiences in (name area of work skill).

What did you like about your last job?

I liked my last job because I got along well with my co-workers and the work was
challenging, fast paced and I was given a lot of responsibility to do a good job.

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