5 - Question in English-Part 1

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Question in English
Preguntas en ingls usando los distintos tiempos verbales y sus correspondientes
auxiliares: do/does/did/have/has/had, etc. Aqu tambin encontrars ejemplos traducidos
al espaol.
Palabras para preguntar - Pgina 1
What? / Which? / Where? / When? / Who? / Why? / How? /
Palabras para preguntar - Pgina 2
How much? / How many? / What kind? / How often? /
Palabras para preguntar - Pgina 3
How old? / How big? / How early? / What else? /
Preguntas con "Am/Are/Is"
Am I right? / Are you sure? / Is she here?
Preguntas con "Was/Were"
Was I teaching? / Were you learning?
Preguntas con verbos modales
Can you drive? / Could you do me a favor? / Must you work today?
Preguntas con "Will/Would"
Will you play tennis tomorrow? / Would you work on Sundays?
Preguntas con "Do/Does/Did"
Do you live here? / Does he work in this company? / Did you see that?
Preguntas con "Have/Has/Had"
Have you seen the UFO? / Has he eaten his meal? / Had you lived there?
Preguntas con "Be going to"
Are you going to cook now? / Were you going to call me yesterday?
Preguntas de confirmacin
You don't speak French, do you?
Preguntas indirectas
Do you know where she lives?

1.1. Question words Page 1

Preguntas en ingls usando What? / Which? / Where? / When? / Who? / Why? /
How? / ...
What? - Qu? Cul? Cules?
Which? - Qu? Cul? Cules?
Where? - Dnde? Adnde?
When? - Cundo?
Why? - Por qu?
Who? - Quin? Quines?

Whom? - A quin? A quines?

Whose? - De quin? De quines?
How? - Cmo? Cun?

What? - Qu? Cul? Cules?

Which? - Qu? Cul? Cules?

What is the time?

Qu hora es?
What is your fathers last name?
Cul es el apellido de tu padre?
What are your favorite books on history?
Cules son tus libros preferidos de historia?
Which author do you prefer?
Qu autor prefieres?
Which is the last movie directed by Coppola?
Cul es la ltima pelcula dirigida por Coppola?
Which are the main characters of the movie?
Cules son los personajes principales de la pelcula?

Where? - Dnde? Adnde?

When? - Cundo?
Why? - Por qu?

Where is your new black coat?

Dnde est tu nuevo tapado negro?
Where are you going this summer?
Adnde vas este verano?
When are Peter and Sarah coming to Argentina to visit us?
Cundo vienen Peter y Sarah a Argentina a visitarnos?
When is your birthday?
Cundo es tu cumpleaos?
Why is this car so expensive if it is so small?
Por qu este auto es tan costoso si es tan pequeo?
Why do you use this device that is so difficult to manage?
Por qu utilizas este artefacto que es tan difcil de manejar?

Who? - Quin? Quines?

Whom? - A quin? A quines?

Who is the woman in black?

Quin es la mujer vestida de negro?
Who are the guys playing with George?
Quines son los muchachos que juegan con George?

Whom did Jonathan give the book I was reading last night?
A quin le dio Jonathan el libro que yo estaba leyendo anoche?
Whom did you invite to the birthday party?
A quines invitaste a la fiesta de cumpleaos?

Whose? - De quin? De quines?

How? - Cmo? Cun?

Whose is the blue car that is parked over there?

De quin es el auto azul que est estacionado all?
Whose are those keys that I found?
De quines son esas llaves que encontr?
How did you find the ring I was looking for?
Cmo encontraste el anillo que yo estaba buscando?
How long is Mary birthdays dress?
Cun largo es el vestido de cumpleaos de Mary?

1.2. Question words Page 2

Preguntas en ingls usando How much? / How many? / What kind? / How
often? / ...
How much?- Cunto/a?
How many? - Cuntos/as?
What time? - Qu hora? A qu hora?
What kind? - Qu clase ? Qu tipo?
How often? - Con qu frecuencia? Cada cunto?
How long? - Cunto tiempo?
How long ago? - Hace cunto tiempo?
Since when? - Desde cundo?
What...like? - Cmo?
What...for? - Para qu?
What...about? - Sobre qu?
Who...for? - Para quin?
Who...with? - Con quin?
Who...about? - Acerca de quin?
Where...from? - De dnde?

How much? - Cunto/a?

How many? - Cuntos/as?

How much is this bunch of white roses?

Cunto cuesta este ramo de rosas blancas?
How much water do you need to fill a bucket?
Cunta agua necesitas para llenar un balde?
How many eggs do you need for the cake?
Cuntos huevos necesitas para la torta?
How many candles do you need for the cake?
Cuntas velitas necesitas para la torta?

What time? - Qu hora? A qu hora?

What kind? - Qu clase? Qu tipo?
How often? - Con qu frecuencia? Cada cunto?

What time is it?

Qu hora es?
What time does the train from London arrive?
A qu hora llega el tren que viene de Londres?
What kind of answer is that?
Qu clase de pregunta es esa?
What kind of music does your mother like?
Qu tipo de msica le gusta a tu mam?
How often do you visit your sister?
Con qu frecuencia visitas a tu hermana?
How often does the team play tennis?
Cada cunto juega el equipo al tenis?

How long? - Cunto tiempo?

How long ago? - Hace cunto tiempo?
Since when? - Desde cundo?

How long is it since you last saw Helen?

Cunto tiempo hace que no ves a Helen?
How long ago did my mother arrive?
Hace cunto tiempo que lleg mi mam?
Since when are your students studying English?
Desde cundo tus alumnos estn estudiando ingls?

What...like? - Cmo?
What...for? - Para qu?
What...about? - Sobre qu?

What is the house you will buy like?

Cmo es la casa que vas a comprar?
What is this wooden box for?
Para qu es esta caja de madera?
What is this new book about?
Sobre qu trata este nuevo libro?

Who...for? - Para quin?

Who...with? - Con quin?
Who...about? - Acerca de quin?
Where...from? - De dnde?

Who is this huge present for?

Para quin es este regalo enorme?
Who are you coming to the party with?
Con quin vienes a la fiesta?
Who are Joey and Nick talking about?
Acerca de quin estn hablando Joey y Nick?
Where is your girlfriend from?
De dnde es tu novia?

1.3. Question words Page 3

Preguntas en ingls usando How old? / How big? / How early? / What else? / ...

old? - Qu edad? Cun viejo?

soon? - Cun pronto?
early? - Cun temprano?
late? - Cun tarde?
fast? - Cun rpido? Con qu velocidad?
big? - Qu tamao? Cun grande?
far? - A qu distancia? Cun lejos?
tall? - Qu estatura? Cun alto?
deep? - Qu profundidad? Cun profundo?
heavy? - Qu peso? Cun pesado?

What else? - Qu ms?

Where else? - Dnde ms?
When else? - En qu otra ocasin?
How else? - De qu otra manera?
Who else? - Quin ms?
Why else? - Porqu otra razn?


old? - Qu edad? Cun viejo?

soon? - Cun pronto?
early? - Cun temprano?
late? - Cun tarde?
How old is your brother?
Qu edad tiene tu hermano?
How old is this beautiful vase?
Cun viejo es este hermoso jarrn?
How soon will your friend get the money?
Cun pronto conseguir el dinero tu amigo ?
How early do you get up in the weekends?
Cun temprano te levantas los fines de semana?
How late does your sister go to sleep during the week?
Cun tarde va a dormir tu hermana durante la semana?

How fast? - Cun rpido? Con qu velocidad?

How big? - Qu tamao? Cun grande?
How far? - A qu distancia? Cun lejos?

How fast can you ride on bike?

Cun rpido puedes ir en bicicleta?
How fast does Carol drive in the highway?
A qu velocidad maneja Carol en la autopista?
How big is the wedding cake that Margaret is preparing?
Qu tamao tiene la torta de boda que est preparando Margaret?
How big is the country house where you spend your holidays?
Cun grande es la casa de campo donde pasas tus vacaciones?
How far is the school from your house?
A qu distancia est la escuela de tu casa?
How far is the bakers?
Cun lejos est la panadera?

How tall? - Qu estatura? Cun alto?

How deep? - Qu profundidad? Cun profundo?
How heavy? - Qu peso? Cun pesado?

How tall is your husband?

Qu estatura tiene tu marido?
How tall is the tree that is planted on Anne's garden?
Cun alto es el rbol que est plantado en el jardn de Anne?
How deep is this pool?
Qu profundidad tiene esta piscina?
How deep is the Nile river?
Cun profundo es el ro Nilo?
How heavy is that big gold bar?
Qu peso tiene esa gran barra de oro?
How heavy is the grand piano you bought?
Cun pesado es el piano de cola que compraste?

What else? - Qu ms?

Where else? - Dnde ms?
When else? - En qu otra ocasin?

What else would you like to take to the picnic?

Qu ms quieres llevar al picnic?
Where else could we go to have lunch?
Dnde ms podramos ir a almorzar?
When else could we meet to talk about the plan?
En qu otra ocasin podramos encontrarnos para hablar del plan?

How else? - De qu otra manera?

Who else? - Quin ms?
Why else? - Porqu otra razn?

How else could Angela get better but taking the medication?
De qu otra manera podra mejorarse Angela si no es tomando la
Who else will come to the stag party?
Quin ms vendr a la despedida de soltero?
Why else would Jane quit his job?
Porqu otra razn renunciara Jane a su trabajo?

1.4. Question with Am/are/is

Preguntas en ingls usando "am/are/is". Am I right? / Are you sure? / Is she here? .

Am I / Am I not ... ?

Where am I?
Dnde estoy?
Am I not fired?
No estoy despedido?
Am I dancing wrong?
Estoy bailando mal?
Am I not going the right way?
No estoy yendo por el camino correcto?
What am I doing?
Qu estoy haciendo?
What am I going to do?
Qu voy a hacer?

Are / Aren't (you, they, we) ... ?

Are you a doctor?

Eres un mdico?
Are you practicing a lot?
Ests practicando mucho?
Arent we going to the university now?
No estamos yendo a la universidad ahora?
Are John and Paul the famous rock singers?
John y Paul son los famosos cantantes de rock?
When are you leaving New York?
Cundo te vas de Nueva York?
How are they going to buy that expensive car?
Cmo van a hacer para comprar ese auto costoso?

Is / Isn't (she, he, it) ... ?

Is Alice trying to take a picture of that bird?

Alice est intentando fotografiar a ese pjaro?
Isnt it a John Lennon song?
No es una cancin de John Lennon?
Is Robert the famous millionaire?
Roberto es el famoso millonario?
Where is Alison working now?
Dnde est trabajando Alison ahora?
What is she doing to improve her work?
Qu est haciendo ella para mejorar su trabajo?
Where is she going to live now?
Adnde va a vivir ahora?

1.5. Question with Was/Were

Preguntas en ingls usando "was/were". Was I teaching? / Were you learning?

Was / Wasn't ( I, he, she, it...) ... ?

Was Diana sad about the break up?

Diana estaba triste por la separacin?
Wasnt Nick in New York when her nephew was born?
Nick no estaba en New York cuando naci su sobrino?
Was Sarah dancing when you got to the party?
Sarah estaba bailando cuando llegaste a la fiesta?
Was it as difficult as Pedro said?
Era tan difcil como deca Pedro?
What was she doing when you first saw her?
Qu estaba haciendo ella cuando la viste por primera vez?
Was she going to accept the offer?
Ella iba a aceptar la oferta?
What was Mike going to say when you interrupted him?
Qu estaba por decir Mike cuando lo interrumpiste?

Were / Weren't (we, you, they...) ... ?

Were you a student at Cambridge University?

Eras estudiante en la Universidad de Cambridge?
Werent you at home when the fire started?
No estabas en tu casa cuando comenz el incendio?
Werent we there when the bar opened for the last time?
No estbamos all cuando el bar abri por ltima vez?
Were Scott and his cousin the ones who robbed the bank?
Eran Scott y su primo los que robaron el banco?
Werent they going to go by bus?
No iban a ir en micro?
Were your friends going to invite Jenny to the prom?
Tus amigos iban a invitar a Jenny a la fiesta de graduacin?
When were you going to tell George the truth?
Cundo le iban a decir la verdad a George?

1.6. Questions with Modal Verbs

Ejemplos de preguntas en ingls usando los verbos modales: Can you drive? /
Could you do me a favor? / Must you work today?

Can / Can't ( ) ... ?

Can Robert remember where he was on Monday?

Robert puede recordar dnde estuvo el lunes?
Can anyone play in our team?
Alguien puede jugar en nuestro equipo?
Can't they wait until tomorrow to tell Claire that she was fired?
No pueden esperar a maana para decirle a Claire que fue despedida?
Where can my sister go to celebrate her birthday?
Adnde puede ir mi hermana a celebrar su cumpleaos?

Could / Couldn't ( ) ... ?

Could I take a break?

Podra tomarme un descanso?
Couldn't you speak louder so everybody hears you?
No podra hablar ms fuerte as todo el mundo te puede or?
Could Tony take me to the station?
Podra llevarme Tony a la estacin?
Why could Angela be so scared?
Por qu podra estar tan asustada Angela?

May / May ( ) not ... ? Might / Might ( ) not ... ?

May anybody use the lab?

Cualquiera podra utilizar el laboratorio?
May Jonathan not be witness of the accident?
No podra Jonathan ser testigo del accidente?
Might your friends win the football match this time?
Podran tus amigos ganar el partido de ftbol esta vez?
What might Eddie and his father do to find their pet?
Qu podran hacer Eddie y su padre para encontrar a su mascota?

Should / Shouldn't ( ) ... ?

Should I write an e-mail to apply for the job?

Debera escribir un mail para solicitar el empleo?
Shouldn't a traffic light be here so as to avoid so many accidents?
No debera haber un semforo aqu para evitar tantos accidentes?
Shouldn't Jerry invite his friend Pam to the wedding?
No debera Jerry invitar a su amiga Pam a la boda?
What time should my mother come to your house to take the
A qu hora debera ir mi madre a tu casa a tomar las fotos?

Must / Mustn't ( ) ... ?

Mustn't Margaret ask for his father's permission?

No debe Margaret pedirle permiso a su padre?
Must everybody wear the same uniform?
Todos deben usar el mismo uniforme?
Mustn't the vase be placed somewhere else so everybody can see
No debe el jarrn estar ubicado en otro lado as todos pueden verlo?
What must the students study for the test?
Qu deben estudiar los alumnos para el examen?

1.7. Questions with Will/Would

Preguntas en ingls usando "will/would". Will you play tennis tomorrow? / Would
you work on Sundays?

Will / Won't ( ) ... ?

Will I be famous some time?

Ser famoso alguna vez?
Will you come with me to the party?
Vendrs conmigo a la fiesta?
Won't Sally go to visit her parents for Christmas?
No ir Sally a visitar a sus padres para Navidad?
Won't this book be the perfect gift for you girlfriend?
No ser este libro el regalo perfecto para tu novia?
How will we manage the situation?
Cmo manejaremos la situacin?
Where will your parents go to celebrate their anniversary?
Adnde irn tus padres a celebrar su aniversario?

Would / Wouldn't ( ) ... ?

Would you do me a favor?

Me haras un favor?
Wouldn't we be in danger?
No estaramos en peligro?
Would anybody be kind enough to shut the door?
Sera alguien tan amable de cerrar la puerta?
Wouldn't it be better if the kids stay until the rain stops?
No sera mejor que los nios se queden hasta que pare la lluvia?
Would Jenny buy a fountain for her garden?
Comprara Jenny una fuente para su jardn?
What would you do if you were on holidays?
Qu haran si estuvieran de vacaciones?

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