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Autodesk BIM Curriculum 2011

Student Workbook
Unit 3: Green Building Design

Unit Overview .....................................................................................................................3!
Key Concepts.................................................................................................................3!
Lesson Roadmap ...........................................................................................................7!
Software Tools and Requirements.................................................................................7!
Suggested Resources....................................................................................................8!
Lesson 1: Passive Design...............................................................................................11!
Lesson Overview..........................................................................................................11!
Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................12!
Suggested Exercises ...................................................................................................13!
Key Terms....................................................................................................................17!
Lesson 2: Material Properties and Energy Impact........................................................18!
Lesson Overview..........................................................................................................18!
Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................20!
Suggested Exercises ...................................................................................................20!
Key Terms....................................................................................................................23!
Lesson 3: Water Use and Collection..............................................................................24!
Lesson Overview..........................................................................................................24!
Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................25!
Suggested Exercises ...................................................................................................25!
Key Terms....................................................................................................................29!
Lesson 4: Power Use and Generation ...........................................................................30!
Lesson Overview..........................................................................................................30!
Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................32!
Suggested Exercises ...................................................................................................32!

Key Terms....................................................................................................................35!
Lesson 5: Daylighting......................................................................................................36!
Learning Objectives .....................................................................................................38!
Suggested Exercises ...................................................................................................38!
Key Terms....................................................................................................................42!


Unit Overview
Key Concepts
Green building design is an approach to designing buildings that focuses on sustainability
and the long-term environmental impacts of our design decisions.
People use terms such as green and environmentally friendly in many ways. There is no
precise definition and a lot of confusion about what being green really means. The term
has evolved to encompass a broad range of strategies, all motivated by the common
thread of improving the sustainability of our built environment.
The World Commission on the Environment and Development offered this definition in
1987 to succinctly describe the guiding principle that motivates sustainable design:
Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
This definition still rings just as true today, more than 20 years later.
Buildings play a huge role in annual fuel and energy consumption, as well as greenhouse
gas emissions. In the United States, buildings consume 39 percent of the annual energy
and 68 percent of the annual electricity. Buildings are also responsible for emitting 38
percent of the carbon dioxide, 49 percent of the sulfur dioxide, and 25 percent of the
nitrogen oxides found in the air. Furthermore, buildings consume a substantial amount of
water, depleting yet another valuable natural resource.
As a long-term goal, green building design aims to create sustainable, self-sufficient
structures by using resources wisely and minimizing environmental impacts. By improving
the design of buildings with this goal in mind, we can make significant improvements in
our overall resource use and environmental friendliness. Throughout the entire lifecycle of
a structure, green design aims to reduce resource consumption and minimize emissions
and waste.
Green Design Strategies
Many strategies can be employed to improve the sustainability of our building designs.
There is no single best approach, but the steps typically include:

Consider the passive architectural design featuresincluding building

placement and orientation, massing and form, and the placement of windows
and openingsto promote daylighting and natural heating and cooling.

Design the building envelope using materials that minimize energy waste and
help to lower the carbon footprint.

Improve the efficiency of the active building systemsincluding lighting and

power, heating and cooling, and water supply and wasteto minimize the
demand for external resources.

Use innovative strategies to incorporate renewable and sustainable energy and

water resources wherever possible and to reduce reliance on external sources.

Some popular approaches include:


Selecting a sustainable site

Promoting alternate forms of transportation

Using water-efficient landscaping

Reusing wastewater

Harvesting rainwater

Using on-site renewable energy

Using local materials

Using rapidly renewable materials

Using system controls (for example, sensors)

Increasing ventilation


While efficiency and sustainability are the main goals of green design, it is important not to
forget the human aspects of a building. When designing a structure, there must be a
balance between being environmentally friendly and being usable and comfortable.
Establishing a Green Design Goal
As design teams choose alternative green strategies, it is important to explicitly establish
their goals and prioritize them. The goals selected can lead to very different design
One way to approach this challenge is to first decide what measures will be used to
evaluate the effectiveness of an alternative:

Economic impact and estimated monetary savings

Environmental impact and estimated resources savings

Reductions in the size of the carbon footprint


Then the team can establish the target levels of reduction for each of the measures
selected to:

Reduce consumption to a target percentage below a baseline level.

Minimize impacts or offsetting them to have a net-zero impact.

Eliminate all dependence on external resources and going off the grid.

Any of these levels would be an example of a sustainable design and a net improvement
compared to conventional designs. For this reason, we typically evaluate sustainability in
relative, rather than absolute terms.
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) created a green building rating

system to help promote sustainable building practices. This system is known as LEED ,
an acronym that stands for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.
The LEED rating system, which defines standards for measuring how green a building is,
encourages building designers, contractors, building owners, and product manufacturers
to use sustainable practices by providing recognition for exemplary performance. It has

also raised consumer and public awareness of good green design, which in turn
encourages all participants to consider sustainability issues as design decisions are
Using the LEED rating system, buildings are judged and awarded points for these major
categories. The evaluation system was changed in 2009, expanding the credits available
in several categories and recalibrating the points required for each level of certification.

Points Available

Points Available

Sustainable Sites



Water Efficiency


Energy and Atmosphere



Materials and Resources



Indoor Environmental Quality



Innovation and Design

Regional Priority





The following table lists the specific credits in each category and the points available per
the 2009 changes:


Based on the number of points or credits achieved, buildings are awarded a level of


Points Required

Points Required













To supplement the materials provided in this curriculum, consider inviting local design
professionals to your classroom to present case studies and share their experiences and
insights from working with the LEED criteria and evaluation system. For example,

How their project team used the LEED process and the design strategies in the
design of a local building.


How the target level of LEED certification was selected for the project.

Which LEED credits were selected as design criteria and how the measured
improvements were achieved.

Providing real-world case studies of local building projects will heighten student interest
and greatly improve the effectiveness and impact of the curriculum materials presented.

Lesson Roadmap
In this unit, you will learn how to design and evaluate green design measures by
Passive Design

Building orientation

Building massing and shape

Architectural featureswindow placement, roof overhangs, and shading


Building Envelope

Thermal properties of building materials

Thermal transfer

Thermal comfort

Water Use and Collection

Estimating the water demand baseline

Improving efficiency through plumbing fixtures

Offsetting water use through net-zero measures

Power Use and Generation

Estimating the electrical demand baseline

Improving electrical efficiency through fixtures and controls

Offsetting power use through net-zero measures

Payback period


Analyzing daylighting levels provided through architectural features in the

building model

Implementing daylighting design strategies

Software Tools and Requirements

To complete the exercises in this unit, you should download the following software
programs and install them on you computer and register for the following services:

Download Autodesk Ecotect Analysis software from the Autodesk Education

Community website.

Access Autodesk Green Building Studio web-based energy analysis service

from the Autodesk Education Community website and create an account.


Download the Autodesk Green Building Studio Client software from the
Green Building Studio web service page to upload building models and designs
for analysis.

gbXML: Green Building XML Schema

The gbXML Scema was designed to transfer essential information contained within a
building information model. This information includes items such as walls, windows, and
room areas, and excludes superfluous items such as furniture, stairs, and appliances.

This format allows for a consistent way to share information between Autodesk Revit
products and other software tools that adopt the schema. In the following unit, we will be
saving our models as gbXML (green building extensible markup language) files in order to
transfer data into Ecotect Analysis and Green Building Studio.
Autodesk Green Building Studio
Green Building Studio is a web-based service for use in evaluating the environmental
impact of your building design and design alternatives. While the program accounts for
location-specific weather data, and reports the amounts of resources used, it is also
strongly influenced by economic impact. Tools used by Green Building Studio enable you
to assess:

Energy and carbon results

Water usage data
Photovoltaic potential
Daylighting results
Design alternatives

The results in Green Building Studio are often reported in monetary terms that reflect the
local costs of utilities.
Autodesk Ecotect Analysis
Ecotect Analysis is a software tool that evaluates the performance of your model based on
climate and environmental factors. Ecotect Analysis can import gbXML files of your model
and runs them against location-specific weather data. Tools used by Ecotect Analysis
enable you to assess:

Whole building energy analyses

Thermal performance
Solar radiation
Shadows and reflections

Ecotect Analysis typically uses data visualization devices such as grids, shaded models,
and color schemes to convey the results of the analyses performed. The results are often
presented in a form that reflects scientific measures and quantities, rather than monetary

Suggested Resources
National Solar Radiation Database

Western Regional Climate Center
Photovoltaic Panels
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Solar Expert
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Thermal Properties of Building Materials
Colorado Energy
Energy and Power Consumption
US Department of Energy
Energy Star
Whole Building Design Guide
Water Use and Consumption
Environmental Protection Agency
Mother Earth News
LEED Rating System
United States Green Building Council
LEED Ratings

Power Score Card
Autodesk Revit Architecture
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 User Assistance
Autodesk Revit Architecture Services & Support Center
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 Tutorials
BIM Curriculum Materials and Support
Autodesk BIM for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Management 2011
BIM Curriculum Support and Discussion


Autodesk BIM Curriculum 2011

Student Workbook
Unit 3: Green Building Design
Lesson 1: Passive Design

Lesson 1: Passive Design

Lesson Overview
A good starting point for any green building design is to look at the passive features of the

The building placement and orientation on the site

The massing and shape of the building

The architectural features of the building, such as the placement of windows

and shading features

These passive design features are inherent to the architectural design, materials choices,
and configuration of the building. Decisions made when these features are designed
determine the requirements for the active systemsincluding heating and cooling, power,
and waterthat will be added to the building to meet the needs of its occupants.
A guiding principle is that passive features should be designed to maximize the positive
benefits of the local climate and sunlightfor example, capturing sunlight as a heating
and daylighting sourceand minimize the potentially negative effects, such as adding to
the loads on the cooling system.
Some of the factors that should be considered as part of the passive design include:

Placement of the building on the site. What parts of the site are most desirable
and why? What parts of the site should not be built upon?

Orientation of the building relative to the sun. The location of windows relative
to the suns path can have significant impacts on the heating and cooling loads
throughout the year.

The location of adjacent and surrounding buildings. Will other buildings cast
shadows over certain parts of the site, rendering certain areas more or less

Access to buildings on the site. Consider where roads and entrances will be
located and the impact on the users of the building.

Terrain and topography. Is the site evenly graded, or are some areas steeper
with an uneven ground surface? Are there trees, vegetation, or natural design
features on the site that should be preserved?

Views. Are there any particular views that occupants of the building will want to

Building Orientation
The orientation of a building and its design features relative to the suns path can have a
significant impact on the performance of the building and the comfort of its users.
As with many design decisions, choosing the best building orientation involves tradeoffs.
If we orient a building to maximize the use of sunlight, we can improve daylighting and

reduce the consumption of electricity for lighting. But the impact of increasing the solar
radiation captured through the windows must also be considered. In cold weather months,
this solar radiation can have positive benefits and help to heat the building. But in hot
weather months, this solar radiation adds to the cooling loads and increases the power
used by the cooling system.
Since the location of the sun in the sky changes throughout the year (and varies based on
latitude), there is no single best answer. Analyses can be performed to determine the
effects of a buildings orientation at various times through the year, and an overall
optimum can be found that considers the positive and negative effects throughout the
Building Massing and Shape
The overall massing and shape of a building can also have significant effects on resource
use. As we consider various options for enclosing the desired area or volume of built
space, the relationship between the overall length, width, and height of the building
determine the size and shape of the building envelope. For example:

Long, linear buildings provide lots of wall surfaces that can be used for
windows to improve daylighting and reduce the need for artificial lighting. But
these wall surfaces are also exposed to the temperature extremes of the
external environment and will increase the heating and cooling loads.

Tall, skinny buildings also provide lots of wall surfaces relative to the area
enclosed. Daylighting can be maximized, but these buildings often have the
greatest heating and cooling requirements.

Compact buildings (with relatively similar lengths, widths, and heights)

minimize the area of the building envelope relative to the volume enclosed.
They tend to be very efficient from a heating and cooling perspective, but
artificial lighting must be provided for interior spaces where daylighting is not

Windows, Overhangs, and Shading

Optimizing the placement of windows is essential for good passive design. Well-placed
windows provide daylighting (which helps reduce reliance of artificial lights that consume
electricity) and an opportunity to capture solar radiation (which can help heat the building
in cold weather months). But these benefits must be balanced with the effect of the
additional cooling load created by the captured solar radiation during hot weather months.
To maximize the benefits of windows and minimize the negative effects, it is essential to
design shading featuresfor example, roof overhangs, shutters or canopies, or brises
soleilsthat will admit sun light during when it is beneficial, but block sunlight when it is
not needed or desired.

Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand the importance of considering passive design features as a first

step in the green design process.

Explore the effect of climate and solar orientation on building energy use.

Evaluate and estimate the impact of alternative massing strategies and building
shapes on energy use.



Understand the principles for designing and testing the effectiveness of roof
overhangs and sun shading devices.

Suggested Exercises
Exercise 3.1.1: Finding the Optimum Building Orientation
In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Prepare BIM models for energy analysis.

Export model geometry using the gbXML file format.

Import gbXML model data into analysis tools, such as Autodesk Ecotect

Analysis software and Autodesk Green Building Studio web service.

Use the Ecotect Analysis weather tool to find the optimum building orientation
based on solar effects.

Use Green Building Studio design alternatives to determine the optimum

orientation based on energy use.

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.1.1. Weather tool showing the optimum

orientation of a structure
Student Exercise

Find the optimum building orientation for this BIM model of a typical classroom
unit using the Autodesk Ecotect Analysis weather tool. For this analysis,
assume the school will be located in Detroit, Michigan.

Use Green Building Studio to determine the optimum orientation for the same
classroom building and location to minimize the total annual energy cost.
Create several design alternatives to evaluate the impact of rotating the BIM
model by 15-degree increments.

Repeat these two analyses to find the optimum orientation recommended by

each tool if the classroom is located in Phoenix, Arizona.



Figure 3.1.2. Using design alternatives in Green Building Studio to evaluate the total
annual energy cost for different building orientations

Exercise 3.1.2: Comparing Massing and Shape Alternatives

In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Use simple BIM models to evaluate the energy use of different building
massing and shape alternatives.

Use Green Building Studio to estimate the total annual energy use for each

Explore the impacts of different massing strategies on fuel use versus

electricity use.

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.1.3. Comparison of two BIM models with

similar area but different shapes
Student Exercise

Use Green Building Studio to analyze a third massing and shape alternative
with the same floor area and number of classrooms configured as a two-story
building. Compare the total annual energy cost as well as the fuel use and
electricity use to the two alternatives explored in the tutorial. For this analysis,
assume the school will be located in Detroit, Michigan.

Repeat the analysis of all three alternatives to evaluate the fuel use and
electricity use tradeoffs if the school is located in Phoenix, Arizona.



Figure 3.1.4. Energy use comparison in Green Building Studio for two building shape

Exercise 3.1.3: Designing Architectural Shading Features

In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Use Autodesk Revit

a building design.

software to evaluate the impact of sun and shadows on

Design and evaluate architectural features to optimize the use of sunlight

throughout the year.

Estimate potential energy savings of proposed design features using Green

Building Studio.

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.1.5. Using shadows to evaluate shading

design options
Student Exercise

For the given BIM model of a typical classroom layout, explore roof overhang
and shading design options to optimize the use of sunlight throughout the
yearallowing sunlight to warm the room during the winter, but blocking the
sunlight during the warm summer months. For this analysis, assume the
classroom is located in Detroit, Michigan.

Export your proposed new design as a gbXML file for analysis in Green
Building Studio. Analyze the energy used by your new design and compare the
results to the estimate for the earlier version of building (analyzed in exercise



Figure 3.1.6. Typical classroom unit with sunpath and shadows displayed

Building Orientation

What measures does Ecotect Analysis evaluate to determine the optimum

building orientation?

Does Green Building Studio consider the same measures?

Why does the optimum building orientation change based on the project
location and local climate conditions?

Building Mass and Shape

How does changing the building shape and massing affect the estimate of total
energy used and the distribution between fuel and electricity consumed?

Does changing the project location affect the best building shape?

Window Placement, Roof Overhangs, and Shading Features

How would your strategy for placing windows and designing shading features
change based on local climate conditions?

What types of architectural shading features can be used to control sunlight?



Key Terms
The following key terms were used in this lesson:
Key Term


Passive Design

The technique of placing, orienting, and massing a building to

optimize the use of the sun and climate to provide natural
lighting, heating, and ventilation.

Optimum Building

The orientation (rotation relative to north) that maximizes the

desired effect:

In Ecotect Analysis, the orientation that best

balances the heat captured from solar radiation
during colder months of the year with the
additional cooling loads created during hotter

In Green Building Studio, the orientation that

provides the lowest total annual energy cost
(considering the cost of fuel for heating and
electricity for cooling).

Building Massing

The overall shape of a building, considering the length, width,

and height. These factors determine the amount of space
enclosed by the building and the surface area of the building

Shading Device

An architectural, passive, or natural design feature used to

block direct sunlight.


Autodesk BIM Curriculum 2011

Student Workbook
Unit 3: Green Building Design
Lesson 2: Material Properties and Energy Impact

Lesson 2: Material Properties and

Energy Impact
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you explore the impact of a buildings material properties on energy
consumption. Choosing materials that minimize the energy consumed is an essential step
in green building design.
You will learn about two key properties of building materialsthe R-value and the Uvalueand explore how the choices they specify for the walls, roofs, and windows that
comprise the building envelope affect the predicted annual energy costs for operating the
Thermal Properties of Building Materials
A building materials ability to resist the transfer of heat (or insulate) is often described
through a single numberthe R-value.
The R-value is a measure of thermal resistance. Materials or assemblies with higher Rvalues are better insulators and help to moderate the effect of changes in outside
R-values are computed as the ratio of the temperature difference across an insulator to
the heat that flows through that material, and the values for most typical building materials
are readily available in reference books and online tables.
R-values are often given per unit of material thickness. So if a material is described as
having an R-value of 1.0 per inch (25 mm), and a wall made solely from this material is 5inches thick (0.13 m), the R-value for that wall would be 5.0 (1.0 per inch x 5 inches).
More often, R-values are defined for entire wall assemblies.
U-value is the name of another property that is used to describe the thermal performance
of building materials that are more conductive (less resistive) to transferring heat, such as
windows and skylights.
While the R-value measures a materials resistance to transfer heat, the U-value does the
inverseit describes a materials ability to transfer heat (U-value = 1 / R-value).
Materials or assemblies with higher U-values are better conductors. When comparing Uvalues for different window or wall types, lower numbers indicate better insulators that
transfer less heat per unit of thickness.
Thermal Transfer
We can estimate the amount of heat that will be transferred between the interior and
exterior of a building by considering:


The thermal characteristics of each of the surfaces and assemblies that make
up the building envelope.

The temperature differences between the interior and exterior of the building for
the project location at different times of the day and throughout the year.

The range of temperatures that occupants of the building will consider to be

comfortable during the times that it is being used.

Using this estimate, we can compute the amount of energy that will need to be consumed
to heat and cool the building and the associated total energy cost.
Thermal Comfort
While energy efficiency is an important green design goal, it is important to balance this
with the comfort of the occupants and users of the building. If a buildings users perceive
the environment as too hot or too cold, they will be unhappy and unsatisfied with the
The issue of thermal comfort is complexdepending on a number of factors that all
impact the perception of the usersand subjective. No two humans are exactly alike in
their preferences. Some of the factors that affect the perception of comfort include:

Environmental factorsfor example, air temperature, radiant temperature, air

velocity, and humidity

Personal factorsfor example, clothing worn and personal metabolism

Analysis tools such as Autodesk Ecotect Analysis softwares weather tool provide
calculators that help assess the environmental factors for a given design and location and
explore the ways that changing one affects the other. These tools, however, do not take
personal factors into consideration.
Many different measures can be used to describe thermal comfort, calculating the thermal
stresses on users of a space and translating those stresses into a number. The measures
available in Ecotect Analysis include:

Predicted mean vote (PMV)a single digit number that estimates the average
rating that would be given if a large group of people were asked about the
comfort of a space. It ranges from +3 (for hot) to 0 (for neutral) to -3 (for cold).

Predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD)a predicted percentage of people

who would be dissatisfied with the comfort. As PMV increase or decreases
(indicating that most people are feeling too hot or too cold), PPD also
increases. Unlike PMV, which estimates the average rating given by a large
group of people, PPD indicates the range of the individual responses.

Using PMV and PPD, we can quickly evaluate the impact of design decisions and get
simple measures that consider the combined effect of many different thermal comfort
factors. Although these measure are useful for evaluating the overall comfort of a space,
other local factors that affect human comfort should also be considered, including:

Radiant temperature and vertical air temperature differences

Floor surface temperature

Cyclic variations in temperature


Factors such as the heat or cold radiated through a window or the glare created by direct
sunlight can make spaces uncomfortable or unacceptable.



Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand the importance of considering materials properties as part of a

green design process.

Describe how the thermal properties of the building materials and assemblies
are quantified and reported.

Specify building materials and their thermal properties for elements in a BIM

Evaluate the energy use impact of building material alternatives.

Understand how thermal comfort settings affect energy use.

Suggested Exercises
Exercise 3.2.1: Evaluating the Impact of Material Thermal Properties
In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Specify building materials for wall and roof surfaces in Autodesk

Building Studio software as a service (SaaS).


Create design alternatives to evaluate the energy use impact of different wall

Analyze and compare building materials choices that affect estimated energy

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.2.1. Creating design alternatives to compare

potential wall assemblies
Student Exercise

Using the classroom unit model analyzed in the tutorial, create design
alternatives to explore the energy use impacts of using windows with different

Create additional design alternatives to explore the impact of using roof

assemblies with different R-values.



Analyze the estimates for the different wall, window, and roof alternatives. Then
create design alternatives to evaluate the differences between systems
combining the worst-performing the best-performing alternatives.

Exercise 3.2.2: Designing for Thermal Comfort

In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Define thermal zones, and specify the number of occupants, time of use, and
heating and cooling system properties.

Use the Ecotect Analysis data grid to analyze the thermal comfort of regions
within a space.

Estimate the energy resources required to maintain a rooms temperature

within the comfort range.

Analyze and comparing the impacts of changing building material properties.

Assess the energy use impact of changing the limits of the comfort range.

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.2.2. Analyzing thermal comfort in Ecotect

Student Exercise

Explore the effect of specifying different window materials on the thermal

comfort and resource consumption analyses. Compare these results to the
baseline casethe initial materials choices in the Ecotect Analysis model.

Perform similar analyses to test the impact of specifying different roof

materials. Compare these results to the baseline case.

Investigate the effects of changing the limits of the comfort range specified for
the thermal zone. Raise the upper limit of the comfort range (allowing the zone
to become warmer before cooling begins). Then run the resource usage
analysis and compare the results.

Perform a similar analysis by decreasing the lower limit of the comfort range
(allowing the zone to become colder before heating begins) and compare the



Figure 3.2.3. Daily energy use (measured in pounds of CO2) due to heating and cooling to
maintain temperatures within the comfort range

Thermal Properties of Building Materials

How is the R-value computed for a wall composed of many layers?

If a layer of a wall assembly is made of two materials (for example, the core
layer of many wood-framed walls includes wooden studs at 16 inches (0.40 m)
on center and insulation between the studs), how is the R-value determined?

Does the location of the insulating materials affect the overall thermal
performance of a wall or roof assembly?

How does the ratio of window area to wall area in the building envelope affect
the energy consumed? As the percentage of window area increases, what
typically happens to the energy consumed?

What is the relationship between changes in R-values (or U-values) and the
energy consumption? Is it linear?

Can the results of analyzing a single classroom unit be extrapolated to estimate

values for an entire school campus? Why or why not?

Thermal Comfort

How does the number of occupants, their activity level, and the time of use
affect the heating and cooling required in a thermal zone?

Why does changing the upper or lower limit of the thermal comfort range have
such a big impact on energy consumption? What determines how much you
can raise or lower the limits?

How can the Ecotect Analysis thermal analysis be used to help specify the type
and size of a heating and cooling system?



Key Terms
The following key terms were used in this lesson:
Key Term



A measure of thermal resistance, or insulation. Larger Rvalues provide greater thermal resistance. In the United
States, this measure is often used to describe insulative
properties of solid assemblies, such as walls and roofs.


The inverse of the R-value, the U-value measures thermal

conductancehow much heat transfers through a material or
assembly. In the United States, U-values are typically used to
describe the thermal properties of windows and skylights.
Around the world, U-values are also used to describe the
thermal properties of solid assemblies (rather than R-values).

Thermal Zone

A building area or group of rooms that will be treated as a

single unit for heating and cooling analysis and design. Each
thermal zone can have its own use properties (such as
number of occupants, type of use, and time of use) and
heating and cooling system.

Thermal Comfort Range

The range of temperatures that is considered acceptable for

users of a space. When the temperature dips below the
bottom of the range, heating devices are used to warm the
space. When the temperature climbs above the top of the
range, cooling devices are used to bring the temperature

Predicted Mean Vote


A measure of thermal comfort that predicts what a large

group of people would say about the temperatures being
experienced within a space. It is typically measured on a
scale from +3 (people feel hot) to -3 (people feel cold).

Predicted Percent
Dissatisfied (PPD)

A measure of thermal comfort that predicts the percentage of

people in a space that would be dissatisfied with the
temperature they are feeling in that environment.


Autodesk BIM Curriculum 2011

Student Workbook
Unit 3: Green Building Design
Lesson 3: Water Use and Collection

Lesson 3: Water Use and Collection

Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you learn how to estimate the amount of water a buildings users and
fixtures will consume and the percentage of this water demand that can be met
sustainably by collecting rainwater.
Using a school campus composed of classroom units designed in the previous lessons as

an example, you use the tools in Autodesk Green Building Studio software to estimate
the water demand by considering the usage patterns and the fixture efficiency.
Next, they explore the potential for using an example of a net-zero measurerainwater
harvestingto collect water to offset the water consumed by the users and fixtures.

Finally, student evaluate the potential for earning LEED points for by reducing water
consumption through improved fixture efficiency as well as net-zero measures and
recommend a strategy that balances these various design options.
Estimating the Water Demand Baseline
We can use the tools in Green Building Studio to estimate the total water demand created
by the usage patterns and performance characteristics of the fixtures in our building
model. We can start by considering the water used by each of the plumbing fixtures, then
tabulate the data to estimate the total water demand.
The water used by each of the plumbing fixtures depends on several factors:

The flow characteristics of the fixturethe amount of water consumed by each


The usage patternthe estimated number of uses based on the number of

building occupants, the building area provided, and the building type (for
example, office versus school). Weekday usage is often quite different than
weekend usage, especially for buildings that are used primarily on weekdays
(such as schools).

Plumbing Fixture Efficiency

Most plumbing fixture manufacturers have introduced high-performance, low-flow versions
of their products that allow you to create more efficient, sustainable designs. So as you
place plumbing components in your model, you can consider and specify the types of
fixtures to be used:

Standard fixtures that meet the minimum requirements specified by the

applicable building codes

High-performance, low-flow fixtures that exceed the minimum requirements and

reduce water use.

While high-performance fixtures may be more expensive to purchase, the additional

investment is typically recovered quickly through their improved efficiency.


Offsetting Water Use Through Net-Zero Measures

After reducing the estimated water use of a building through improved efficiency (for
example, using high-performance fixtures), we can further reduce the water that will be
needed from local utilities by finding ways to collect or reuse water on-site.
An effective strategy for locations and climates with significant rainfall is to collect and use
rainwater to meet a part of the demand. Rainwater is often:

Collected on roof surfaces

Diverted to filtration systems and storage tanks

Pumped to supply the water used by some plumbing fixtures

Other net-zero strategies to consider include:

Use greywater systems to recycle water that can be used to flush sanitary
fixtures or irrigate the landscaping.

Plant native vegetation that does not require irrigation.

Install waterless fixtures.

Many design teams set a design goal of meeting a specific percentage of a buildings
estimated water demand through renewable sources, such as rainwater collection. Using
the results of iterative analyses, design teams can decide on the optimal amount of
rainwater collection area and compare the effects of various alternatives to meet their
design goals.

Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand the importance of considering water use and innovative water

reuse features as part of the green design process.

Estimate the water demand created by typical plumbing fixtures.

Explore the effect of using high-performance, low-flow fixtures on reducing

water use.

Investigate the impact of using innovating water reuse and net-zero strategies
for offsetting and reducing water demand on utilities.

Understand the LEED credits available for incorporating water efficiency

measures in designs.

Suggested Exercises
Exercise 3.3.1: Estimating a Demand Baseline and Improving
In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Use Green Building Studio to estimate the plumbing fixture requirements and
water use based on building size and type.



Adjust the fixture estimates to match the actual numbers placed in the BIM

Evaluate the water use impact of specifying high-efficiency plumbing fixtures.

Determine the LEED points available for different levels of water use reduction.

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.3.1. Specifying plumbing fixtures in restrooms

Student Exercise

Explore the impact of improving the efficiency of the plumbing fixtures specified
on reducing water use.

Determine which plumbing fixtures should be changed to reduce indoor water

use by 20 percent and earn 1 LEED point.

Investigate whether it is possible to reduce indoor water use by 30 percent (and

earn another LEED point) by the efficiency of additional fixtures.

Figure 3.3.2. Indoor plumbing fixture summary in Green Building Studio



Exercise 3.3.2: Offsetting Water Use Through Net-Zero Measures

In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Use Green Building Studio to explore the impact of net-zero measures that use
innovative strategies to reduce dependence on water from utilities.

Estimate the water use reductions available through greywater reclamation.

Explore the potential reduction available through rainwater harvesting.

Determine the LEED points available by using these net-zero measures.

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.3.3. Specifying net-zero measures in Green

Building Studio

Student Exercise

Evaluate the feasibility of using rainwater harvesting to further reduce water

consumption and maximize LEED water efficiency points.

Create an Autodesk Revit

on the school campus.

Use Green Building Studio to determine the rainwater harvesting area required
to collect enough water to reduce water consumption by 50 percent and earn
one LEED point for Innovative Wastewater Technologies.

Continue working with Green Building Studio to determine the rainwater

harvesting area required to reduce water consumption by 100 percent and earn
a second LEED point for exemplary performance in Innovative Wastewater

Determine which roof surfaces in the BIM model are the best candidates for
rainwater collection to provide the needed rainwater harvesting area.

schedule to tabulate the total roof area available



Figure 3.3.4. Summary of LEED Water Efficiency Credits in Green Building Studio

Improving Plumbing Fixture Efficiency

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using high-efficiency plumbing

fixtures? Are they more costly to purchase? To install?

What high-performance fixture options are available for:





Lavatory Sinks?

How can automatic sensors (for example, on lavatory sink faucets) be used to
reduce water use?

Net-Zero Measures

What types of plumbing fixtures produce greywater?

What applications can greywater be used for?

What changes are required to plumbing systems to collect and use greywater?

What other net-zero sources of water (besides rainwater collection) can be

used in climates where rainwater is not plentiful?

If the roof surface available is not sufficient to meet the rainwater harvesting
area required, what other strategies can be used for collecting rainwater?



Key Terms
The following key terms were used in this lesson:
Key Term


Demand Baseline

The estimated water usage when using fixtures that meet the
standard building code minimal requirements.

Net-zero Measures

Innovative design strategies that reduce the amount of water

that must be supplied by local utilities. These measures can
include collecting water from on-site sources as well as
designing features and specifying systems that do not require
off-site water.


Recyclable water collected from sinks, showers, washing

machines, and fixtures that do not introduce any sanitary
waste. Greywater is typically used for irrigation as well as
flushing toilets and urinals.

Rainwater Harvesting

Collecting, storing, and using the rainwater that naturally falls

on a building or site. Rainwater harvesting is an example of a
net-zero measure, using water from an on-site source (that
would otherwise be wasted) to reduce the water consumed
from local utilities.


Autodesk BIM Curriculum 2011

Student Workbook
Unit 3: Green Building Design
Lesson 4: Power Use and Generation

Lesson 4: Power Use and Generation

Lesson Overview
In this lesson, you learn how to evaluate the amount of energy used in a building and the
amount of renewable power that can be generated on-site using photovoltaic (PV) panels
on its roof (or in other locations on-site).
Using the school campus from the previous lesson as an example, you use the tools in

Autodesk Green Building Studio software to estimate the energy needed to supply the
electrical demands of the lighting fixtures, appliances, and other building equipment.
Then they explore the impact of reducing electrical demand by improving the efficiency of
lighting fixtures and mechanical equipment as well as using controls to reduce waste.
Using this estimate of the energy demand as a target, they will then explore ways to
determine the total area of PV panels required to meet all or a portion of that demand,
focusing on payback analysis and the economic tradeoffs.
Estimating the Electrical Demand Baseline
We can use the tools in Green Building Studio to estimate the total electrical demand
created by the usage patterns and performance characteristics of the electrical lights,
appliances, and equipment in our building model. We can specify the:

Lighting power densitya measure of the amount of power used to provide

lighting per square foot of a building that provides a convenient way to describe
the overall efficiency of the lighting system (before the actual lighting fixtures
are specified).

Controlsautomated timers and sensors used to reduce unnecessary power

consumption by turning off lights when sufficient daylighting is available or
when a room is not occupied.

HVAC systemthe type of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system

that will be used and its efficiency.

While these three measures do not provide a completely accurate model of the power use
in the design, they do reflect the characteristics of the major power demands and are
sufficient for calculating a quick estimate of the power use for our building type and square
Improving Efficiency
You can explore the effects of changing the lighting power density, the control systems
installed, and the characteristics of the HVAC system to quickly assess the potential
energy use impacts of using:

High-efficiency lighting fixtures, such as compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)

and LED lights.

Automated timers, occupancy sensors, and daylighting sensors.


Alternate heating, ventilating, and cooling systems with varying efficiencies.

Using high-efficiency fixtures and controls typically has a positive effect of reducing
electrical consumption at a low cost. While the fixtures and controls may be more
expensive to purchase, the additional investment is typically recovered quickly through
their improved efficiency.
The effects of changing the HVAC system are subtler and must be considered carefully.
Changing to systems that use a different mix of electrical power and fuel can bring
economic savings (if, for example, fuel is less expensive than electricity) but actually have
negative environmental effects (by creating a bigger carbon footprint).
Offsetting Power Use Through Net-Zero Measures
Photovoltaic (PV) panels are an excellent source for generating renewable electrical
The roof surfaces of a building often provide the best unobstructed views of the sun, so
photovoltaic systems are typically placed there. Factors to consider when designing roofs
for solar use include:

Roof areagreater roof area generally provides more potential for placing
photovoltaic panels. But each roof surface must be evaluated independently,
because the actual power that can be generated will depend upon the direction
and slope of the panels.

Roof slope or panel tiltpanels are typically places to minimize the incident
angle with the sun and maximize the current generated. The optimum slope or
tilt depends on the project locations latitude.

Orientationpanels typically placed to face the direction that maximizes the

amount of current that can be generated.

The amount of power that can be generated by PV panels also depends on a number of
other factors:

Insolationa measure of the solar energy available at specific geographic

locations in the world.

Panel efficiencya rating that describes the percentage of the available solar
energy that can be converted into useful power by a specific type of PV panel.

The power-generating potential of PV panels can be calculated in several different ways.

The photovoltaic analysis tools in Green Building Studios perform these calculations and
assess the photovoltaic potential of every external surface of the building model and
report that potential, so you can choose which surfaces are the best candidates for panel
Payback Period
Often it is not feasible or advisabledue to space and budgetary limitationsto supply
100 percent of the estimated energy demand by generating power through renewal
means, such as PV panels.
If the cost of installing panels on a surface exceeds the expected values of the savings
that will be realized by reducing power consumption, then it does not make economic
sense to do so. To assist with evaluating which surfaces should be used, Green Building
Studios calculates a payback periodthe period of time required to recover the initial
investment through the annual savings that will be realized through the operating life of
the systemfor each potential surface. You can enter a desired payback period based on


your economic objectives (for example, 50 years), and the tool will highlight the surfaces
that can be used to meet this objective.
Other noneconomic factors can also enter into design decisions about which surfaces to
use. For example, the design team may want to achieve a specific level of power

reduction to earn LEED points. Or one of the buildings design requirements may be netzero energythat is, the building can provide all of its own power requirements and
essentially be off the grid. In these cases, design teams can override the
recommendations made based on the payback period and analyze the power-generating
potential of all surfaces, regardless of cost.

Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand the importance of considering power use and innovative powergeneration features as part of the green design process.

Estimate the electrical demand created by typical lighting fixtures and other
building loads.

Explore the effect of using high-efficiency lighting fixtures and controls on

reducing power use.

Investigate the impact of using photovoltaic panels to generate power and

reduce demand on utilities.

Understand the LEED credits available for incorporating power efficiency and
alternative power-generation measures in designs.

Suggested Exercises
Exercise 3.4.1: Estimating a Demand Baseline and Improving
In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Use Green Building Studio to estimate annual electrical use based on building
size and type.

Evaluate the electrical end use impact of specifying high-efficiency lighting

fixtures, controls, and HVAC systems.

Use design alternatives to compare strategies for reducing electrical use.

Determine the LEED points available for different levels of power use



Video Tutorial

Figure 3.4.1. Exploring annual electric and fuel use

estimates in Green Building Studio
Student Exercise

Create design alternatives in Green Building Studio to explore the effects of

different strategies for reducing electric use.

Compare the potential reduction available through specifying different lighting

power densities.

Explore the potential reduction available through different lighting controls.

Investigate the potential reduction achievable using different HVAC systems


Exercise 3.4.2: Offsetting Power Use Through Net-Zero Measures

In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Evaluate the photovoltaic potential of building surfaces by considering the solar

energy available at the project location as well as the orientation and tilt of each
of the surfaces.

Determine which surfaces of a building are worthwhile candidates for

photovoltaic panels by considering the payback period required to offset the
cost of installing the panels.

Calculate the LEED points available by using photovoltaic panels to generate

power on-site and reduce reliance on utilities.


Video Tutorial

Figure 3.4.2. Example of a photovoltaic potential

Student Exercise

Using the data presented in Figure 3.4.3 and electrical end-use computed in
Green Building Studio, determine the amount of baseline energy that must be
obtained from renewable sources (such as photovoltaic generation) to obtain 4
LEED points.

Use the photovoltaic analysis tools in Green Building Studio to explore the
effect of changing the desired payback period on the number of surfaces and
total area recommended for photovoltaic panels.

Determine the length of the payback period that will be required to recover the
cost of installing the area of photovoltaic panels required to provide enough onsite renewable energy to earn 4 LEED points.

Determine the length of the payback required to recover the cost of installing
enough photovoltaic panels to earn 7 LEED points.

Create a new run in Green Building Studio to explore how these answers
change if the project is located in Phoenix, Arizona (a very sunny climate),
rather than Detroit, Michigan.

Figure 3.4.3. LEED points for providing on-site renewable energy

Improving Power Efficiency

What strategies can be used to reduce the power density of a building?

How do lighting controls and sensors work to reduce energy demand?



How can you encourage a buildings users to become active participants in

reducing power demand?

Photovoltaic Generation

Why is payback used as a driving consideration in determining how much

photovoltaic panel area to provide? Why not cover the entire available area
with panels?

What are the primary factors that determine the payback period for installing
photovoltaic panels? How can changes in the values assumed affect the
results of our payback analysis?

Key Terms
The following key terms were used in this lesson:
Key Term


Lighting Power Density

A measure of the amount of power used to provide lighting

per square foot of a building. This provides a convenient way
to describe the overall efficiency of the lighting system (which
can be used before the actual lighting fixtures are specified).


Switches, timers, and sensors used to turn lights and

appliances on and off. Automated controls (as opposed to
manual switches) are used to reduce unnecessary power
consumption by turning off lights when sufficient daylighting is
available or when a room is not occupied.


A measure of the solar energy available at specific

geographic locations in the world.

Photovoltaic Potential

An assessment of the energy saving potential of photovoltaic

panels that considers the energy that can be produced by
panels versus the cost of installing them.
In Green Building Studio, it is expressed as the annual
energy savings predicted from installing photovoltaic panels
whose cost can be recovered within a maximum payback

Payback Period

The number of years required to recover the initial investment

in a photovoltaic system through the annual savings that will
be realized through the operating life of the system.


Autodesk BIM Curriculum 2011

Student Workbook
Unit 3: Green Building Design
Lesson 5: Daylighting

Lesson 5: Daylighting
Daylighting is a measure of the amount of natural light from the sky or reflected off
surfaces in the external environment that is experienced inside a space. It is typically
captured through windows, skylights, and other glazed openings; daylighting strategies
must be carefully designed to gain the maximum benefits of the illuminance available at
the project location.
Using daylighting effectively is an important feature of sustainable design because natural
lighting can help make the building less reliant on the electrical power typically consumed
by artificial lighting, which can reduce the total building energy costs by as much as onethird. Good daylighting design can also help to create a visually stimulating and productive
environment, which benefits all of the buildings occupants and users.
Benefits of Daylighting
Daylighting has the potential to significantly improve a buildings lifecycle cost, increase
the productivity of occupants and users, and reduce the buildings operating costs and

Improved lifecycle costinstalling dimmable ballasts, fixtures and controls to

adjust artificial lighting based on daylighting typically adds a small incremental
one-time installation cost (estimated at $0.50 to $0.75 per square foot [$5.38
to $8.06 per square meter] of occupied space), but can result in an estimated
annual savings of $0.05 to $0.20 per square foot [$0.56 to $2.15 per square
meter] (measured in 1997 dollars). This brings a very significant savings over
the lifecycle of the building.

Increased user productivityresearch results show that daylight enlivens a

space, increases user satisfaction and visual comfort, and leads to improved
performance and productivity.

Reduced emissionsusing daylight helps to reduce the use of electrical power

for lighting and cooling, thereby reducing greenhouse gas production and
slowing fossil fuel depletion.

Reduced operating costsartificial lighting typically accounts for 35 to 50

percent of the total electrical energy consumption in commercial buildings. It
also generates waste heat, which adds to the loads on the buildings HVAC
system. Reducing electric lighting through the use of daylighting strategies can
directly reduce the energy needed to cool a building by an estimated 10 to 20

Daylighting Design Goals

Proper daylighting design requires careful balancing many considerations, including heat
gain and loss, glare control, and variations in daylight availability. Successful daylighting
designs typically consider:

Window sizing, placement, and spacing


Glazing material selection

Shading devices to reduce glare and excessive contrast

Light reflecting devices and features to enhance light capture and bounce light
to locations where needed

Color and reflectance of interior finishes

Location and design of interior partitions and potential light blockers

To qualify for LEED certification, a buildings design must also provide a minimum glazing
factor of 2 percent in a minimum of 75 percent of all regularly occupied areas.
Recommended Daylighting Levels
The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America publishes an industry-standard
method for determining recommended illuminance levels (expressed in units of
footcandles, or fc) for various tasks. The amount of daylighting required in a room
depends on the tasks being performed there. The following are some generally accepted
lighting-level recommendations:


High contrast (ink, soft lead)

Low contrast (hard lead)


Materials Handling



100 - 150 - 200


20 - 30 - 50


50 - 75 - 100

Machine Work

50 - 75 - 100

100 - 150 - 200

Medium, grinding, and so on

50 - 75 - 100

Picking, packing, wrapping, labeling

20 - 30 - 50

Lobby, corridor, waiting area

10 - 15 - 20

Toilets, restrooms

10 - 15 - 20

Teller stations, ticket counters

50 - 75 - 100


20 - 30 - 50

Soft pencil (#2), pen, good copies, keyboards, >

8-point type

20 - 30 - 50

Hard pencil (#3), phone books, poor copies, <

8-point type

50 - 75 - 100

Science laboratories

50 - 75 - 100


5 - 7.5 - 10

Active, large items

10 - 15 - 20

Active, small items

20 - 30 - 50


Daylighting Design Strategies
Design strategies that can be explored to improve daylighting include:

Increase the perimeter daylight zonesextend the perimeter footprint and wall
area to maximize the potential for usable daylighting area.

Provide daylight penetrations high in a spacelocating windows high on a wall

(for example, clerestory windows) or in the roof (for example, skylights) brings
in light that can penetrate deeper into a space and reduces the likelihood of
excessive brightness and glare.

Reflect daylight within a space to increase room brightnessusing properly

designed light shelves, designers can improve the overall room brightness
while decreasing excessive brightness at the window.

Slope ceilings to direct more light into a spacesloping ceilings away from the
windows and glazing area helps increase the brightness of the ceiling and
brings daylight further into the space.

Avoid direct sunlight and excessive brightness on critical visual tasksdirect

sunlight and excessive brightness in the vicinity of critical visual tasks can
create user discomfort and poor visibility.

Filter and soften daylightusing curtains, shades, louvers, natural vegetation

or other light filtering devices reduces the harshness of direct light and helps to
distribute it more evenly.

Effective daylighting design also depends on the orientation of the building surfaces being
designed and the position of the sun. The appropriate combination of daylighting
strategies typically varies based on the sunlighting experienced on each building face. For
example, light shelves that are typically very effective on south elevations are often
ineffective on the east or west elevations of buildings.

Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand measures of daylighting, such as daylight factors, daylighting

levels, and overall light levels.

Analyze and estimate the daylighting levels provided in a design.

Add or remove design features in order to improve daylighting and assess their

Understand the minimum requirements for daylighting levels that must be

provided for LEED certification of a building.

Suggested Exercises
Exercise 3.5.1: Analyzing the Daylighting Provided in a Design
In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Use the Autodesk Ecotect Analysis grid to calculate the daylighting levels at
various locations within a design.

Set daylighting analysis assumptions to create an accurate estimate.


Compare different types of lighting level analyses and the information they

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.5.1. Autodesk Ecotect Analysis surface model

of school library building
Student Exercise

Use the Ecotect Analysis grid tool to perform an analysis to estimate the
daylighting factors (as a percentage) provided at various locations on the
balcony level of the library.

Repeat the analysis to estimate the daylighting level (in footcandles) provided
at the balcony level.

Identify especially dark and bright locations to be improved through design

measures in the next exercise.

Figure 3.5.2. Autodesk Ecotect Analysis grid showing daylighting values at loft level in
school library



Exercise 3.5.2: Adding Design Features to Improve Daylighting

In this exercise, you will learn how to:

Model architectural features to improve the daylighting conditions within a


Increase daylighting through window and skylight placement.

Decrease daylighting through shading.

Analyze the effectiveness of proposed design changes.

Video Tutorial

Figure 3.5.3. View of the results of a daylighting

analysis in Ecotect Analysis
Student Exercise

Use Autodesk Revit Architecture software to add design features (for

example, windows, skylights, and shading) to improve the daylighting on the
second floor level of the library building.

Try to increase the daylighting in the southeast corner of the balcony to provide
natural light sufficient for a reading or study area.

Try to reduce the daylighting levels in the southwest corner to minimize the
glare on computer screens in a planned cluster area.

Export the revised model as a gbXML file and open it in Ecotect Analysis. Then
repeat the daylighting analysis performed in the last exercise and compare the
results to assess the effectiveness of your design changes.



Figure 3.5.4. Analysis grid showing effect of new daylighting design improvements

Analyzing the Daylighting Provided in a Design

Is it beneficial to have even daylighting across an entire room? When might

darker or lighter areas be more advantages?

What is the essential difference between daylight factor and daylighting levels?
How are they related?

What characteristics of a space, besides the total glazing area and window
placement, have the biggest impact on daylighting levels?

Adding Design Features to Improve Daylighting

Are there times when daylighting should be reduced? What kind of design
features can be used for these applications?

What types of interior design features can be used to disperse and reflect light?



Key Terms
The following key terms were used in this lesson:
Key Term


Sky Illuminance

A measure of the skys brightness. Illuminance is the total

amount of light coming from the sky based on a projects
location and sky conditions. The sky illuminance is not
affected by project orientation.

Design Sky Illuminance

The sky illuminance level that is exceeded 85 percent of the

time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. throughout the
working year. This is a conservative design value for
daylighting analysis.

Daylight Factor

The amount of daylight at a location measured as a

percentage of the design sky illuminance.

Daylighting Level

The intensity of daylight at a location measured in

footcandles. Appropriate levels are defined by the intended
uses of each space.


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