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PO Box 618, Newman WA 6753 |

au | Ph/Fax (08) 9177 8290

ABN 16 009 425 564 |

The objective of the Newman Mainstreet

Project is to involve the community
in projects or events that promote
community cohesion, development and
identity. The Newman Mainstreet Project
also encourages a community based
coordinated approach to improve the
economic, social and physical environment.
To get involved call: 9177 8290


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Monthly Edition June 2015 Issue 155

Remembering Our

Winning Banner

This year marked the centenary of the

landing of Australian and New Zealand
Army Corps at Gallipoli. When Britain
declared war in August 1914, so soon after
the Federation of Australia, Australian
and New Zealand soldiers formed part of
the expedition that set out to capture the
Gallipoli peninsula in order to open the
Dardanelles to the allied navies.

A student from Newman Primary School

has designed a banner which has been
selected for the annual Banner on the
Terrace exhibition.

Unfortunately, this became known as a

big military failure with both sides having
suffered heavy casualties and endured
great hardships. More than 8,000 Australian
soldiers had been killed according to the
Australian War Memorial information.

This annual exhibition of banners along

St Georges and Adelaide Terraces in Perth
allows communities and regions throughout
Western Australia to represent themselves
to thousands of people travelling along
these routes each day. In 2015 the banners
will be displayed along the Terrace from
Sunday 26 July to Saturday 8 August.

By Sonya Matheson

The service to remember the sacrifice

of those who died in the war began in
Newman at an early hour with a march from
the BHP Billiton Iron Ores town office to
the Shires administration building for the
Commemorative dawn service attended by
approximately 1,000 people.
Today is not only ANZAC day, it is also the
day of the ANZAC centenary, when our
troops landed at Gallipoli 100 years ago,
said Shire President Lynne Craigie. ANZAC
Day is one of the most important days of
the Shires calendar year and we are here
to remember the incredible bravery and
ultimate sacrifice that our troops have paid
for us, she added.
Residents went on to enjoy a Gunfire
breakfast at the Newman Hotel followed by
a BBQ, wet mess open and two-up at the
A-Troop Pilbara Regiment Barracks.
Photograph by the Shire of East Pilbara

Shire of East Pilbara

Kunyanee McColl, aged 11 and in Year 6

designed the piece which includes the
brilliant Pilbara sky and the Hilditch Statues
which overlook Newman.

Shire President Lynne Craigie officially

opened the Newman Fitness Centre in May
after renovations.
Photographs by the Shire of East Pilbara

Shire of East Pilbara CEO, Allen Cooper pictured with Debbie Cooper
and a regular Fitness Centre patron.
Savannah spruiking the
NEYN Skoolbag App. With
her cheeky smile she won
everyone over.

The new facilities are ticking all the

right boxes.
The lovely team at the Newman Fitness Centre

(Right) Launch of Newman Early Years

Networks Skoolbag app
Photo by the Shire of East Pilbara
BHP Billiton Iron Ores Naomi and Megan
enjoying the celebrations.


Newman News, your independent

local community newspaper, would
be delighted to hear from you. Please
send us your stories, photos, events,
birth notices and the like. Published
monthly. You can submit your articles
via Newman Mainstreet Projects

Proudly Supported by

There are vacant houses in Newman.

Surprise! People living next to or nearby
can generally identify these vacant
premises and note their previous
neighbours departure. A number of
houses are being broken into, vandalised
and even having people squatting there.
This is not only destruction of property
but also creates societal problems. Please
report to suspicious behaviour to BHP
(if appropriate), the rental agent, or the
Newman Police on 9175 4000.


Teaching your children how to deal with

emergencies is a consideration for parents.
There is a special downloadable free app.
to assist. Triple Zero Kids Challenge walks
children through several scenarios with
each of the three emergency services. It is
endorsed by St John Ambulance WA. Ideal
for kids kindergarten through all of primary


Newman launched the Early Years Network

Skoolbag app. with a sausage sizzle at the
Newman Junior Footballs games on 15
May. Search for this free app. on your

Advertise with Newman News

Newmans independent community newspaper

Our advertising rates include G.S.T.
You can submit your advertisements to the editor in the following ways:
Phone / Fax: (08) 9177 8290
In Person: Mainstreet Office, Newman Community Hall (Mindarra Drive)
Email to:
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Half page B&W
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Quarter page





Inserts *






Please contact us for our full rates chart and sizes.



Friday 1 May saw many marching to Stop

Forced Closure of Remote Communities.
Organisers comment on FaceBook that
Across Australia this is the first of its kind
for Aboriginal issues. Its also the first
of its kind to have mobilised all states
and territories, activating small remote
communities, towns, cities and capital
cities. Collectively this is making significant
history. They report that such marches
have grown from twenty known cities
and towns in the previous month to over
seventy cities and towns across Australia as
well as six cities in New Zealand.


Ngala aims to enable parenting with

confidence through a variety of services.
BHP Billiton Iron Ore has partnered with
Ngala for the Pilbara running programmes
twice a year. There are also occasional
onsite workshops delivered to employees
during lunch hours, enabling working
parents to access these sessions. The March
sessions apparently reached approximately
50 participants. They have also offered
webinars for ongoing engagement with
families in Newman.


Quarter page


electronic devices to be kept abreast

with activities and information relating to
families with children aged pre-birth to 8
years old.

June 1969 saw the official opening of the

mine according to Whaleback Tales. A
grandstand had been set up in the 2400 ft
bench at vast expense, with an Aboriginal
motif of snakes painted on the sides, which
were in the shape of boomerangs.
Circa 1971, after grass had been planted
on the previously graded and gravel filled
oval, the grandstand was relocated to the
sporting grounds that became known as
Boomerang Oval.
There were three Australian Rules football
teams formed who were called Centrals,
Tigers and Saints. The Centrals represented
the town and administration, Tigers the
workers on the mine itself, and Saints the
workshop and crushers.
Eckhart, P. 1996, Whaleback Tales,
Hesperian Press.
Available at the Newman Visitor Centre for

Families Week
By Sonya Matheson

The Newman Neighbourhood Centre held

a series of workshops and seminars for
National Families Week 15-21 May, which
is to celebrate your extended family and
consider the meaning of family. The 2015
theme was 'Stronger Families, Stronger
Activities included advice and checking
of child car restraints by Constable Wade
Standen and Acting Sergeant Julie Coldicott.
Senior Constable Ross Jones and Constable
Peter Gregg engraved bikes and scooters
to aid recovery of missing items, this being
hardy enough to endure bumps and the
heavy use children put them through.
They advised that ultraviolet marking with
your drivers license number on the back
of electronic devices and other valuables
would assist with return of these items
too. Thanks to all parents and children who
came down.
Gemma and Hilda from the Department
for Child Protection and Family Support
offered advice to those interested in
learning about being foster carers.
Dr Lucy van der Weide from Newmans Pets
and Vets shared some of the good, the
bad and the ugly of Pilbara pets including
diseases, dog bites, gastro that can be
transferred between your pet and you and
vice versa along with the wonderful health
benefits including better wellbeing for

the owner, improved mental and physical

health, helping teenagers remain active
and maintain strong mental health, and
teaching young children responsibility and
The first aid session by St John Ambulance
was well attended and Community
Paramedic Michael Green gave a special
visit showing his ambulance and equipment
to some of the young children in crche.
Amanda McArtney addressed the serious
issue of teaching your child protective
behaviours and shared some important
insights for families.
Libby Bennells session on taking better
family photos should see some great
photos of family memories being created.
Shellies candle making session booked out
very quickly and left a call for more sessions
to be held at a later date.
We have been delighted with the
involvement of so many organisations and
individuals who have volunteered their
time to make NNCs Families Week activities
successful, said Jacqui Jones, Centre
Manager of the Newman Neighbourhood
Thanks go to all volunteers and attendees.
Community Paramedic Michael Green and a
rapt audience of little ones
Photograph by Sonya Matheson

Mothers Day Markets

By Renae Craigie

Newman Mainstreet Project partnered

with the Newman Club and hosted the
Mothers Day market on 9 May. It was
a huge success with over 23 stalls even
attracting some that travelled here or were
simply passing through.
The Beach concurrently held its grand
re-opening with the new indoor play
equipment and offered free entry. Wow it
was extremely busy with kids everywhere!
The markets and re-opening had a lovely
community atmosphere and many
comments were made on the venue and
how the club, the restaurant and the
indoor play centre were cohesively utilised.
It is all about trying to get the community
feel back into Newman and supporting
each other.
All kinds of stalls were on display including
school cake stalls, a variety of food stalls,
clothing, jewellery, candles, linen, photo
gifts, crafts and much more. Beyond Blue
was in Newman for the weekend and they
provided Mainstreet with bags to hand out
for free at the entry, which was lovely of
Obviously events like this do not just
happen and without help from volunteers
and committees it would not have
Thanks again to the community of Newman
for support Mainstreet Markets. If you
wish to join our committee or volunteer
any of your time, feel free to email

BHP Trainees

By Sonya Matheson incorporating

information in the Community
Consultation Groups March 2015 Meeting
2015 is the first year in which Mining
Traineeships have been offered by BHP
Billiton Iron Ore on a residential basis. A
selection centre was held here in January
over two days, with 55 local candidates
participating. The traineeship programme
provides the opportunity to ensure their
workforce better reflects the community.
The two year programme allows employees
to work through a Certificate III in Surface
Extraction Operations. There are three
different streams for the Programme:
Surface Operations; Drill Specialisation;
and Blast Specialisation. It is expected
that after the two years, the trainees are
competent in performing their roles and
move to permanent employment.
Of the 25 traineeships offered, 22 are local
from the Newman area and 3 Trainees and
their families will relocate to town. Ten of
the selected trainees are Indigenous, and
16 are female.
In addition to comprehensive induction
training in Newman, trainees spend two
weeks in Perth and then complete an
additional two weeks of in-cab training on

Top 5 Dog Bite

Prevention Strategies
by Dr Lucy van der Weide BScBVMS

In Australia it is estimated that there are

over 100,000 dog bites every year, and on
average 12,000-14,000 hospital admissions
annually. In fact, in 2001 the cost of dog
bites to Australian Hospitals was $7 million
dollars. Unfortunately 60% of serious bites
are to children less than 10 years of age.
Dog bites in children are most commonly
inflicted to the face, head or neck.
According to renowned veterinary
behaviourist Dr Sophia Yin, children who
own friendly dogs are probably more
likely to be bitten by their friends dogs or
unfamiliar dogs than children who do not
own a dog. The reason for this is that these
children are likely to think that all dogs are
happy to see people. They will often treat
other dogs the way they treat their pet
dog at home, instead of greeting the dog
politely and respecting their space.

Top 5 Dog Bite Prevention Strategies

continued ...
Certain breeds are highlighted in the media,
but the truth is breed is not a reliable
predictor or indicator of aggression. The
simple truth is any dog can bite. Here is our
top 5 ways to reduce the risk of dog bites.
1. Provide
appropriate socialisation and positive
reinforcement training in order to
develop their self-control, trust and
self-confidence. Please note desexing
your puppy can also reduce the risk of
dog-bites, as non-desexed animals are
3 times more likely to bite.
2. Recognise signs of anxiety in your dog.
Anxious dogs are more likely to bite
because they might feel threatened
or scared. Signs of anxiety your dog
may exhibit include cowering, licking
lips, panting, furrowed brows, ears
positioned to the side or pointing
backwards, or moving in slow motion
and being hyper-vigilant. If you think
your dog may experience anxiety
you should discuss this with your
3. Teach your children to greet a dog
correctly. This means avoiding eye
contact, allowing the dog to approach
in their own time and keeping their
side or back towards the dog (a nonthreatening position). If approached by
an unfamiliar or unfriendly dog, it can
be best to stand still in a tree position,
with arms by the side. Running away
often encourages the dog to chase.
4. Teaching your children appropriate
interactions with dogs; that is being
polite and interacting gently. It is
important not to approach a dog who
is eating, and to leave alone a sleeping
or unwell dog.
5. Direct supervision at all times for
children and dogs is imperative. Passive
supervision is simply not enough.
Remember that ANY dog can bite, so
do not become complacent.
(Multiple references have been provided to the
editor and are available upon request.)

The Queens Birthday

By Sonya Matheson

Peter Eckhart and his family arrived in

Newman in 1968 as the company doctor
for two years and ended up staying for 19
years. According to his book Whaleback
Tales, Newman has been honoured with a
number of Royal visitors.
In August 1969, the Duke and Duchess of
Kent were driven around the dirt roads in
station wagons. Next visiting was H.R.H.
The Duke of Edinburgh who was allowed
to drive a 120-tonne Haulpak. H.R.H.
Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon also
Crown Prince Akihito, who went on to
become the Emperor of Japan, was also a
visitor given Mitsui-C. Itohs investment in
the Mt Newman Iron Ore Company.
Although she has not visited Newman, our
Queen has her birthday celebrated here
on a date to coincide with the Fortescue
Festival; 17 August 2015.
The Queens actual birthday is 21 April,
however her official birthday is on a
Saturday in June. Historically, many
Sovereigns changed their celebratory date
particularly if their birthday was not in
summer. Lucky them! In Western Australia,
her birthday is celebrated on 28 September
this year. Newman will be celebrating on 17
August 2015.
Eckhart, P. 1996, Whaleback Tales,
Hesperian Press.
Available at the Newman Visitor Centre for

The Beach
Indoor Play



8.30 am to 12.30 pm


8.30 am to 12.30 pm

2.30 pm to 5:00 pm


8.30 am to 12.30 pm


8.30 am to 12.30 pm


Available for parties


1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

For all party bookings please

call 9177 8290


3 June
Mabo Day: commemorates Eddie Koiki Mabo (c. 29 June 193621 January 1992)
Judgments of the High Court in 1992 in the Mabo case inserted the legal doctrine of
native title into Australian law.
6 June 19:30
Centrals Hollywood Party, go dressed as your favourite Hollywood actor/character,
$10 entry for non-members must be signed in by a member, drink specials available,
18+ event, Centrals Football and Sporting Club
6 June 12:30
Newman Enduro Club Fun Day, Sylvania Station. All age groups welcome. There will be a track for all ages with bikes under
65cc. BBQ and camp out after the ride. Directions - Head south on the highway for 42 km, then turn left onto the station
track at the Newman Enduro sign. Follow the track to the campground.
7 June 08:00
Newman Enduro Club Fun Day, Sylvania Station. Junior ride for 65cc and above
11 June 18:00-19:30
Pilbara Exposed: Bindi Irwin Wildlife Lecture Series, free educational forum, Newman Visitor Centre
13 June
Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting course (HLTAID004), St John Ambulance,
19 June 18:00
AFL Annual Celebrity Vets Game, Capricorn Oval, tickets for the event $50 each, limited tickets available, contact Brendan
0427 721 708
20 June 18:00-21:00
Winter 2015 Sale and Fashion Show featuring Dolly met Frank, canaps and a glass of bubbles available for a gold coin
donation, Newman Visitor Centre, RSVP by 15 June,


5-12 July

NAIDOC Week Celebrations

19 July

Newman Mainstreet Projects markets

4 August

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day

and Little People Big Futures

6, 13, 20, 27 August

SK8 Series, mini-competition for skateboards or scooters, Newman Youth Centre 9175 1963

16 August

Fortescue Festival

22 August

Newman Turf Clubs Annual Race Meeting

27-28 August

Newman Campdraft

5 September

Newman Mainstreet Projects markets

18 September

Newman Tee Ball Association host the 2015 Northwest Tee Ball Championships.

19-20 September

Swim Instruction Training Course, Newman Aquatic Centre, or

9175 2145
Please contact Newman Mainstreet

23-24 October

Bloody Slow Cup

28 November

Newman Mainstreet Projects markets

Project to have your community event

added to this calendar.
Phone/Fax 9177 8290 or via





Time Out session with crche until 11:30am, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
Newman Girl Guides 5-7 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541
Anglican Church bible study, location to be advised, 0499 778 116



The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Time Out session with crche until 11:30am, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
Newman Girl Guides 7-18 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541
Newman Lions Club, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, Lions Park on Corwa Drive,
Jessica Mclean-Middleton on 0415 699 991



The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Time Out session with crche until 11:30am, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Mainstreet Music for babies, $5 per family, The Beach Indoor Play Centre, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
Mainstreet Music for all ages, $5 per family, The Beach Indoor Play Centre, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive
The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 5:00pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Newman Scouts 10-14 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Corporate bowls new players welcome, Newman Club, Nick 0419 192 691, Adelle 0418 860 364
Womens Darts, Newman Club



Anglican Church Young mums bible study, location to be advised, 0499 778 116
The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Time Out session with crche until 11:30am, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516
Gumnuts story and nursery rhyme time 0-2 y.o., parent facilitated, free, Newman Library
Mens Darts, Newman Club
Music practice, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Avenue, 9175 1350






The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Family fun craft until 10:30am, cost $5 for the family, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
Story time and craft for 3-5 y.o. during school terms, parents to supervise, free, Newman Library
Sensory Play session for 0-2 y.o. until 1pm, parent facilitiated, cost $5 for the family, Newman Neighbourhood
Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541






Mass / Eucharist Celebration 1st and 2nd weekend, St Josephs Catholic Church, Warman Avenue,
9175 2344, every 5th weekend of the month by rotation
Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion 3rd and 4th weekend, St Josephs Catholic Church
Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,


Mass / Eucharist Celebration 1st and 2nd weekend, St Josephs Catholic Church, Warman Avenue,
9175 2344, every 5th weekend of the month by rotation
Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion 3rd and 4th weekend, St Josephs Catholic Church
Worship, Vibrant evangelical, holding to biblical teaching, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Ave, 9175 1350
Including bubs and tots ministry and Sunday school
The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 4pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Freestyle craft, art, sewing, quilting etc. session until 16:30, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Sunday Scroungers bowls new players welcome, $5 per player, bowls provided, Newman Club,
Nick 0419 192 691, Adelle 0418 860 364






Disclaimer of Liability: Newman Mainstreet Project undertakes to ensure that accurate information is disseminated to its clients through its community
newspaper, Newman News. Every care is taken to ensure accuracy and we will publish any corrections that are brought to our notice. However,
Newman Mainstreet Project makes no warranty, guarantee or promise expressed or implied concerning the content or accuracy of the information
provided by this service. Newman Mainstreet Project accepts no liability for any loss or damage a person may suffer because that person has directly
or indirectly relied on any information presented in this publication. The views expressed in the Newman News are not necessarily those of the editor
or the Newman Mainstreet Project Coordinator or Committee.

By Andrew Price

The triathlon was a fantastic event. Every

year it seems to get better and better
despite numbers being down this year,
which was expected. Seeing the juniors
competing is a highlight. It attracted
brilliant, fun and active competitors,
spectators and volunteers. The atmosphere
was great. Lifelong memories were made.
Thank you to all the Mums who missed out
on the breakfast in bed on a cool Sunday
morning Mothers Day. And much thanks
goes to the many volunteers.
The pool water temperature raised no
complaints as it was around 24 degrees,
the sun was out and a little headwind on
the ride made it a challenge. The run in the
cooler weather was more enjoyable.
Big thank you to our sponsors the Shire
of East Pilbara and Act Belong Commit.
Thank you to BHP for supplying water
and the volunteer shirts. Thanks also to
Woolworths for supplying bananas and
water; to Newman Primary School for the
BBQ; S.A.F.E. for the lovely cakes; Lions
Club for the bouncy castle; Beyond Blue for
promoting their great cause and the Thai
community for promoting their fundraising
night for the High School on 23 May. Many
thanks also to Blue Chip Timing for coming
up from Perth with the timing equipment.

Supportive cheer squad

All Photographs by Reanna Jacobs, Newman Aquatic Centre

Round of applause to all for the SoEP

All Photographs by Reanna Jacobs, Newman Aquatic Centre

The boys getting ready for the swim

All Photographs by Reanna Jacobs, Newman Aquatic Centre

Lifeguard Kirsten Parker

Nano Price happy to cross the finish line

Beyond Blue
Tackling Anxiety and Depression

Happy volunteers
Girls junior winners

Short course male winners

The 3 Guns male full course winners

Thats what it is all about!

All Photographs by Reanna Jacobs,

Newman Aquatic Centre

Short course winning teams

Celebrity Vets Football

By Brendan Langlands

Since 2008 Newman Vets Football Club

in partnership with BHP Billiton Iron Ore
and VSwans has held a Celebrity Legends
Football Game of Aussie Rules annually at
the Capricorn Oval. This year it will be on
the evening of 19 June.
In the morning, the celebrities will attend
the local schools through the kicking
goals programme run by Chelsea Randall.
They will then visit all the junior footballs
afternoon activities.
Game commences at 6 pm at Capricorn
Tickets for the event are $50 each
Limited tickets available contact Brendan
0427 721 708
The after game event is being held at the
Pioneers Football Club doors open at 7:30
pm, all people attending the function will
have an opportunity to talk with and have
photos taken or bring along memorabilia of
their own to have signed by the Celebrities.
Local band 95 North will be playing.
There will be an auction to raise funds for
the two organisations being supported this
year; EJ Witten Foundation (research into
prostate cancer for men) and the Newman
Senior High School.
In 2013 $10,000 was raised for the
Newman Day Care Centre and the club
won the AFL Masters Country Club of the
year award. $28,000 was raised in 2014 for
the EJ Witten Foundation and won the AFL
Masters Country Club of the Year award
again. Brendan Langlands, President of the
Newman Vets Football Club also won the
AFL Masters Country person of the year.
attracts recently retired AFL players with
representation from BHPBIO. This year
sees another amazing line-up including:
Brad Hogg international cricketer, 7th
year attending this event
EJ Witten Jnr. son of legendary EJ
Witten, CEO EJ Witten Foundation
Richard Champion ex-Brisbane Lions
Paul Haselby ex-Fremantle Dockers
Adrian Barich newsreader and exWest Coast Eagle player
Antoni Grover ex-Fremantle Dockers
Returning again from last year are Chelsea
Randall and Kirby Bentley who are two of
AFL Womens top ten players.

Newman Boxing and

Martial Arts Expo
By James Curry

The Newman Club was alight with activity

on Sunday 10 May for Newmans first
ever Boxing and Martial Arts Expo. The
evening was a successful collaboration
between the towns Boxing Club, Brazilian
Jujitsu and Taekwondo and Hapkido clubs.
Demonstrations ranged from juniors
through to seniors and highlighted the
amazing array of talent and activities
Newman has on offer.
Over 300 people attended the event,
hosted at the Newman Club. $4,300 in
funds were raised and donated directly to
St John Ambulance Newman. This included
a charity auction of a hand signed Floyd
Mayweather Jr and Manny Pacquiao boxing
glove. Local football clubs were also in
attendance promoting Newmans National
Football League.
The overall theme of the expo was to
promote involvement in the towns local
sporting clubs and volunteer organisations.
All three of the martial arts clubs are open
to new members, and are a great way to
keep active, healthy and meet new people.
Additionally, both St John Ambulance
Newman, and the Newman Club are
volunteer run organisations and are always
welcoming to new volunteers and support.
To keep in the loop be sure to support the
Newman Club by becoming a member and
looking out for their upcoming events.

Concussion and Sports

Injury Management

With the return of the winter sporting

season in Newman, local Chiropractor
James Curry and Physiotherapist Jenn
Kirchner hosted an information evening
outlining the importance of concussion
and basic sports injury management. The
information night was hosted at the Tigers
Football Club on Tuesday 14 April. For
further information for your sporting club
they can be contacted at their clinics.
Dr James Curry, BSc.(Chiro), B.Chiro(Hons)
Country Chiropractic
9175 2006
Jenn Kirchner
Sonic HealthPlus
9175 1231

Winter at the Pool

By Sonya Matheson

While the cooler winter months keep some

away from the pool, other patrons are keen
swimmers. It is getting fresh but according
to some pool users it is still beautiful. The
pool also attracts a few grey nomads
passing through town.
After a summer season of 36,000 visitors,
the Newman Aquatic Centre is already
preparing for the warmer months. This is
a time when the centre completes most of
its maintenance preparing for another busy
According to the unconfirmed copy of the
Shires April Council minutes, consideration
and feasibility studies are still being
undertaken with regards to redevelopment
of the water playground.
Newman is experiencing a shortage of swim
teachers without whom Newman youth
would miss out on learning vital skills.
This trend is State wide and more people
are needed. Swim instructor training is
being held on 19-20 September with an
additional day for instructors wishing to
teach infants.
There is also a need for qualified lifeguards.
A lifeguard course is also being organised.
For further information please contact
Andrew on 9175 2145

Open throughout winter
May to August
Monday-Tuesday Closed
Wednesday-Friday 1 pm - 7 pm
Saturday-Sunday 10 am - 4:30 pm
Hot showers available this winter to
warm you up afterwards.
9175 2145









Reducing emergency
response times
BHP Billiton continues to support the State Emergency Service Volunteers
Association in Newman by providing a new volunteer transport bus.
During disasters such as cyclones and bush fires, the additional bus will
reach more people, more rapidly.
BHP Billiton continues to put health and safety as a top priority. The bus is able to transport a driver, nine
volunteers and equipment to a disaster location.
BHP Billiton Iron Ore Senior Manager of Community and Indigenous Affairs Richard OConnell said the
Company was proud to support a service that provided critical support to people living in the Pilbara.
We are always looking at ways to support the communities in which we operate, Mr OConnell said.

BHP Billiton has contributed over A$580,000 in total to purchase eight new buses that will service the
communities of Newman, Karratha, Armadale, Jarradale, Kwinana, Northshore, Mundaring, Rockingham,
Serpentine and Kalumunda.

Newman Boxing and

Martial Arts Expo
Photographs by James Curry

Lisa Mitchell and

Wendy Hagan
St John Ambulance

Keelo McGinniss and Se Lees

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